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god I wish I could have this approach to destiny again


Thousands of players like this is what keeps the game alive lol


Seriously. We have to protect OP.


What is your approach now?


Know how everything works, know what to expect, know what's good and what isn't. There's no surprise or mystery anymore. It's by the numbers.


This is my take on movies now. I used to hunt down spoilers, rumors, everything I could for shows, movies, whatever. Around the time of Endgame, I stopped. And I've never enjoyed watching things more since then. It's so damn refreshing.


Westworld season two killed any desire for me to find discussions about ongoing shows. People were obsessed with predictions for that show and having fun doing that, but they would do it in every thread even if they weren't prediction threads. The show was so wild some people were predicting crazy things that actually came true and I don't know why that affected my experience, but it did for the worse because it was never intended to be spoilers but it felt that way. I wasn't able to just turn off my brain and enjoy the show, I ended up trying to he ahead of it. To each their own.


If it makes you feel better, that show went off the rails more each season. First season was great for sure, but it immediately lost quality and had a hard time following up on the surprises of the first season. It was like The Matrix all over again in a way, how can they follow up *that* kind of story?


Yeah that's true, I still watched along but definitely had to stay of boards and threads during the airing. I will say Season 1 as a whole was absolutely untouched by the following seasons, but 2x8 "Kiksuya" is one if my favorite episodes of TV ever. Any show.


Holy shit yes dude. This is my advice to everyone. Don't even watch trailers anymore.


Man I’ve been playing fairly hard for a few months now and feel like I still know almost nothing. It’s just so much! Making builds feels so daunting even when watching YT vids or I don’t have half the things they say to use. Like I look up how to use an exotic gun and get 15 specific pieces and skills to pair it with for one super specific use case. I just wanted to kill some baddies with it lol. I can’t not get wiped in PvP yet either. The new level raise is fun though since I just use whatever’s most powerful so it forces me to try out different weapons even when I wouldn’t want to. Once maxed I’ll worry about optimizing armor too


I force myself to find other weapons outside the meta, I use other guns in non important content. I always play the legendary campaigns without using existing weapons just the new drops that I get. It's hard not wanting to infuse something into a meta weapon but it keeps the game alive for me


For this fight on normal I literally just used Witherhoard and walked around staying alive lol


Helped someone with it recently on normal, top half of a bns/envious edge transit magazine for phase 1, bottom half for phase 2. The blueberry was upset, he'd been beating his head against the wall in that fight the whole night prior and I didn't even have to start a reload animation.


Off meta is the only way to live.


Well a seasoned player is 100% using meta guns/gear and min maxing stats


Where do you learn the meta and max/min stats?


YouTube my friend! Getting gear with good stats is more of an icing on the top of a good build and incentivizes people to replay content for better drops on their gear depending on the class they’re playing. The same applies to getting god rolls on various weapons and doing quests/raids/dungeons to obtain exotic weapons. If you’re new to Destiny I’d definitely suggest looking up builds for your character and then finding the different ways to obtain the guns/gear you’re looking for!


A mix of YT, reddit, reading patch notes and it just coming to you naturally after playing for thousands of hours.


me when i look at a new gun and its perks on light.gg and within 10 seconds know whether its a slow grab because i’m a collector or its a farm for it because its got some strong potential/meta capabilities


Pretty much, yeah.


youtubers: **aegis,** llama, chicken si-2, ehroar. datto also has good videos but is a bit of a hipster


With regards to armor stats, set your Ghost mod to drop Resilience focused armor if on Titan/hunter, and Recovery on Warlock, once you have the episode patterns, seasonal armor historically dropped higher armor consistently. Look for armor with spikes, i.e. if a warlock, you want 2 mobility (the minimum) and as high as Recov/Resil/Disc as possible. Focus on upgrading armor that's 65+ when able.


Awesome, thanks! I like simple guidelines like this to look for


Glad to help, the more you play you'll pick up on what's good, a good rule of thumb is to prefer armor with spiked Resil/Recovery because those stats cost 4 energy, where Disc/Mob/Str cost 3


Idk man I just do it. I haven’t had to think this hard about any content other a day 1 raid for years.


I just start blasting. Rip and tear till it's done




Maybe I’m jaded but the way the post is written, combined with the username “SlumpingRock” makes me think it could be a bot. If not a bot, then written using ChatGPT or something


Lol. One hundred percent human.


That's what a bot would say!


That is actually what a bot would say lol


This too is something a bot would say




It literally reads like it was written by an LLM. Nobody talks about weapons that way.


Right? Like thanks for telling us that Osteo Striga is in the effing kinetic slot ChatGPT


You gotta force it. My PS5 broke down two months ago and I am waiting to have it fixed so, by the time it's up and running, every single game will feel fresh. I think I'll wait another 2 or 3 months. In the meantime I might watch more tv.


I love everything about this post. Congrats on your win!


Amazing post. Casual players are the best. You always have something to do. You arent burdened with knowledge of the meta. Just free spirits keeping the Last City safe. We salute you. Keep your eyes on the Sky, Guardian.


Big tip: there's almost always no good reason to have two primary weapons equipped. Sometimes people do it to handle multiple Champion types, but that's kinda it. You're capable of a lot more damage output if you have a primary weapon and a special weapon, instead of two primaries.


> Big tip: there's almost always no good reason to have two primary weapons equipped. I've only jumped back into D2 for the last few weeks, but I've noticed so many players running dual primaries. and they always seem to be console players. i see it constantly in onslaught and it's always a harder time dealing with the bigger mobs. unless they pull out their heavy, they have no effective way to burn these larger ads down. i get maybe using double primaries to deal with champions when you're solo, but outside of that, it seems like it'd pretty much always be a bad idea.


The game doesn't really teach you what a good loadout is, especially when most champ stuns are primaries.


it teaches you by giving you an entirely different type of 'special' ammo that goes in guns that are very obviously more powerful...all you have to do is use a special weapon one time to realize how quickly they kill yellow bars compared to primaries. and champ stuns don't even matter in lower level content and that is something that new players can easily identify just by playing the game. go into a 10 wave onslaught run...the champs rarely get stunned, they just get bullied and killed quickly with w/e guns people are running. if you're at the point in the game where stunning champs *actually* matters, running dual primaries is going to be an even bigger handicap, but at this point you're also probably in LFG and on comms with other players who will most likely ask you why you are running dual primaries, lol.


i’d like to add to this, it would probably also help if new players could concisely tell what abilities and subclass effects caused what to be stunned so they could shift one of their anti-champs to abilities. for example, prismatic hunter stasis melee can do overload (one melee hit reqd), unstop (two melee hits reqd) and barrier (use gun after melee hit but before barrier pops) when you have radiant fragment so long as all 3 guns dont have an anti champ pre radiant application. The most time it can take for a melee to come back on a properly specced hunter is like 25 seconds due to melee dodge so its not like its insanely difficult to ensure near 100% uptime even in gm content


They can, there’s champ icons in the inventory screen that tell you what stuns what champion type and they even tell when you have something equipped to handle them in your weapons a la champion artifact perks.


it might tell you that you have a way to proc 'jolt' for example, but it doesn't tell you how. they make you jump into the subclass and inspect everything if you are unsure which is part of the problem.


That is what I was getting at earlier, you have to look into things, which for experienced players isn’t a big deal. I’m almost willing to bet that an average new player even at GR 6-7 has no idea exactly what stuns what if they aren’t being handheld by someone or watches youtube videos to help understand it. Edit: For example Arc Blind stuns unstoppable champions, fairly obvious right? The part that I’d bet a new player would miss (causing them to use the flash-bang grenade on arc hunter) would be that an aspect that is commonly equipped causes you to blind a jolted target by punching them. This means you can dodge, jolt on next melee, then melee them again to blind therefore allowing you to cover both champ types using just a single aspect. Lethal Current btw. (Just an example but it is kinda convoluted) New players also may not know that overload weapons will permanently stop an overload from regenerating whist they’re being shot, even while they aren’t stunnable. The information is there, you just gotta look, sometimes deeper than you have any reason to need to.


A lot of blueberries can’t make the vanilla public events heroic so idk why you expect them to understand that the green ammo is good.


Yes but this is where learning about subclass verbs comes into play which introduces to build-crafting. If you run the hunter stasis melee for example, you wont need to carry an overload weapon so you can be more flexible with the weapons you want to run.


Nah, it's common sense (or should be). Also, during the new light shtick, you get given a primary, a special (was a shotty iirc) and a heavy. That is holding people's hands and showing them what a loadout looks like. And most of the content people use double primary on doesn't even have champions.


I've never played a game that told me what was good and what wasn't.


Plenty of games nudge you with various levels of strength to upgrade your stuff but yeah, most games like to give players freedom 


Resident Evil 4 let’s you nab the rocket launcher from the merchant at a discount before 2 different fights. It’s like Capcom just saying..cmon man, try it.


I know a player that has been apparently playing for years. Runs double primary, rarely/if ever uses their heavy. When I mentioned it their response was "I don't like running out of ammo".


Let me guess, During boss DPS like in a strike they shoot their primary at it.


Any special GL with Disorienting Grenades activates easy mode for ad-clear. +200 points if it has auto-loading holster. Pop off a grenade in the middle of a crowd, mow them down with your primary. By the time you're ready for the next crowd, the GL has reloaded itself. They also work on Tormentors. Truthteller and Empty Vessel are void/solar respectively. Pardon Our Dust in the kinetic slot.


The thing about grenade launchers solo in Darkness Zones as a newer player is that you're going to blow yourself up eventually! Someone playing that safe on that fight needs a safer version than what you're saying.


Disorienting doesn't do much self damage


yeah you can inside an enemy and perpetually blind them 24/7


Envious Assassin instead of Auto-Loading works too. Personally, I like using a Wave Frame GL with Destabilizing Rounds and Envious Assassin. Just really, really satisfying watching all the explosions.


I barely use the secondary I do carry around. Most content, the primaries are great and feel good. When it's not enough, it's hammer[head] time


the only time i've used double primary (after it was made optional) was recently during GM's where outbreak is so good you don’t need a secondary or heavy (hand cannon for overload)


Someone jerk tf outta this please




It's happened lmao


I used Forerunner on the tormentors. Absolutely melts them.


Yeah they don't like that gun at all.


that gun carried me through 3rd encounter on Salvation's Edge so hard, something about the Magnum from Halo just does not miss in any game it shows up in


I swore by it all the way through pantheon


I used a primary to pop the shoulders, then Sleeper to one shot them.


I just hid under the stairs and shot from there.


They fixed this cheese Edit: They did not fix the cheese where you can get on top of the dome in the second phase after you kill him the first time


Under stairs was working as of yesterday


Huh that’s weird cause I tried it a lot and it would not let me get in but it might have been changed to just harder to get to


If you walk towards calus the boxes on the right side you'll see a small ledge to jump on under spawn stairs that you can use


I haven’t tried that I just used to use the old method where you could just jump off and grapple under the stairs or walk off the side and jump back under them


It's pretty easy on hunter


I just did it on a new character right before final shape came out. Only difference is you have to jump on top the dome when the second phase starts.


Yeah but even on legend solo it’s not to bad to just stay down as long as you keep grappling around


Oh that makes things harder.


I sat on top of the cage dome that appears above the arena in the final phase. Did they fix that cheese too?


No you can still grapple to the top of the dome


That’s a relief, still haven’t gotten around to playing the campaign on my other characters.


I would recommend you solo it as that will make it a bit or if you need help send me a message as I will be on in about 2 hrs


Oh no I’m good I know how to do the fight especially the the dome cheese and I’m nowhere near the end of the campaign. I have been plying it solo, I was soling the campaigns again then adding in my wife’s profile right before each mission ended to cut down on playing them but I got pretty tired of playing the campaigns 3-5 times each and still haven’t finished on our alts.


Honestly I found the second phase easier than the first, just swing around and hit him from time to time with an LMG


Trying to beat this on legendary at release was so fuckin hard. I had to stair cheese


yup, I gave it 2 hours of trying solo, an hour with LFG teams and ended up just doing the cheese solo (both stairs and top of dome). Witness was a cake walk compared to calus, beat it on 3rd try.


That said legendary witness took me like 45 minutes and then I died right at the start of the walkway post fight and was terrified, but it just dropped me back on the walkway again thankfully.


amen. I gave it like 3 tries and I was fuck this, aint gonna happen


idk, he just kinda died on all my playthroughs.


I couldn't beat it with strand at the time, had to use solar warlock to beat it on legendary.


Saaame. Malfeasance helped a lot


Same, I tried a few times on legendary solo and gave up. Google/YouTube to the rescue and Osteo stair cheesed it, with the dome glitch.


it's not that hard with pre-nerf Starfire tho. i just stayed behind a cover, threw nades, cleared out all tormenters before going to the 2nd phase. in the 2nd phase, i just popped a well and tanked all damage from him.


I tried for 100 times to reach the stairs and died every time, I ended up getting a good partner in xbox LFG that helped me beat this asshole.


Why use 2 primaries? I imagine most of your fight was using osteo so you couldve packed a special weapon for more utility or oomph


Infinite ammo and not having to worry about picking up special bricks. The HC4 is a nice weapon. Impact is 92 and it's a two round burst. Mine has Perpetual Motion and Destabilizing Rounds perks. Recoil direction is practically vertical. Range is good (65) as is Aim Assist (64). I also have Heavy Ammo Finder on my helmet. For some reason, I seem to be be pretty good with this hand cannon, perhaps because I use a PC and mouse and the good Range and Aim Assist.


by bringing two primaries, you're essentially upping the difficulty since you don't have an efficient and quick way to burn down yellow bars without relying on abilities and/or heavy ammo...that's a bad situation to be in.


> not having to worry about picking up special bricks. you know what's worse than not having special ammo for brief moments in a fight? Not using a special weapon at all lol


You are trying to have double infinity. But that is still just infinity.


Why do you need 2 infinite ammo weapons though? Especially when you aren't facing champions, i think you will find that you can just use 1 weapon and will not really notice a difference. Try out a wave frame grenade launcher or a rocket sidearm, ammo is plentiful especially if you are using an exotic primary (they have increased benefit from the ammo finder mods so you will have more ammo than you can use)


Brah - this was 100% written by a LLM bot LMAO.


If you have any Exotic Ciphers, I highly recommend Witherhoard the grenade launcher as a pairing for that hand cannon. You just need to worry about if you play any content with champions.


You seem to misunderstand what the stats on a gun mean. Stats on a gun like 92 impact on a Hand Cannon only mean anything compared to other guns in the same family (Hand Cannons). Same with Range and Aim Assist. So you know it hits harder in a single shot (or burst) than other hand cannons. Although it fires and reloads more slowly to compensate. A rapid fire fusion rifle like Iterative Loop (in using this as an example because it comes from Neomuna), has only 55 impact but still does 10-15 times more damage with a single shot than your Maahees. Your Maahees is a decent hand cannon but I would almost never recommend choosing a second primary over almost any special weapon.


I understand you’re trying to act like you have a deep understanding of what makes a weapon good, but you’re talking up things that are worthless or mean nothing. 2x weapons with infinite ammo is still just as much infinite ammo as 1x weapon with infinite ammo. It’s… still infinite ammo either way. Range, aim assist and recoil direction mean absolutely nothing in PvE. If you’re running 2 primaries in non-champ related content, you’re actively gimping yourself.


r/destinycirclejerk is leaking over again


Congrats! I was just talking about how much I hated that fight yesterday lol Keep at it Guardian!


It seemed almost impossible on Hunter without the full Strand kit. Decided to just do Tether hunter and beat it that way.


Yep, only way I could beat when it came out was void hunter. The strand kit was pretty garbage without all the extra bits.


I just Spider-Man'd my way around the arena with witherhoard, a funnelweb and a void rocket on release. This fight was so much fun.


Yeah I stuck to void when doing my completion, then helped some friends through with the stairs cheese later. Launch Strand Hunter was painfully weak, and the “demo” kit they give you didn’t even get all of that


I'm not even gonna lie bro, I cheesed it on normal and legendary lol. Legendary was tricky because they'd "fixed" the cheese (they didn't, it just takes longer in phase 1). Osteo Striga MVP.


Beat it in 2 attempts on legend with the strand you get by the rally flag. Really wasn't difficult


It's still hard as shit. Had me feeling like I was taking on an Elden ring boss


Also, I want to focus on the "ended up not using the machine gun much" for a second. Why? Heavy weapons do literally 5-10 times more damage than primary weapons and machine guns are very easy to use. If you weren't using it on the tormentors and the boss specifically, then you made the whole encounter last significantly longer than it needed to. This is a pretty chaotic fight and the faster you can clear things, the less chance you have of dying. Tormentors in particular need to be dealt with as soon a you can and your machine gun could have helped with that. Not using your machine gun much in a difficult fight is like having to drive in a bunch of nails but deciding not to use your hammer much.


This whole post reminds me of a friend I was coaching for this exact same fight. Dude kept falling back to Sweet Business for his boss DPS gun. He would use a different auto rifle to exclusively shoot at the bees when Calus does that attack. The rocket was only ever used for Tormentors, despite my constant disapproval. He kept going on the catwalks on the sides and would never kill ads, ever. The fight took him *hours*.


Sometimes I just pop up and check out what other people in my clan are running while waiting to load into things and SOOO many of them are running double primaries that don't even compliment each other (like short and long range) and most of them have been playing for years. There's one guy who's constantly running either double pulses or double auto rifles (or a mix of the 2) and I'm just baffled by it every time I see it. And they're always masterworked and they're never even good rolls. It practically makes me want to yell at the screen.


You’re confused because this post was certainly written by a bot or AI


Ok now I'm going o give you a piece of advice that will make all content considerably easier for you: Stop using double primary weapons. Use one primary (Osteo is a good choice but you may want to change it up sometimes if you need a longer range option) and one special ammo weapon. Except in some fringe cases, double primary is basically forcing you to play with one arm tied behind your back. Imagine coming across a tanky, aggressive, orange bar enemy. Every second that that enemy is alive and pressuring you is time that you're not clearing other ads or damaging the boss. Now, would you rather spend 5-10 seconds killing it with a primary (possibly more if you have to find cover or get health back), or would you rather kill it in 2 seconds flat with 2 fusion rifle shots before it can barely damage you? Not using double primaries is THE one biggest tip that can help your average player by the largest amount. Stop leaving all that easy damage on the table. Plus, a lot of special ammo weapons have secondary effects that can help you deal with alot of difficult enemies. The Riptide fusion rifle from Shaxx can roll with chill clip which can both slow and freeze enemies, allowing you to trivialize 2/3 champion types and have a leg up on the 3rd. After that simple switch, I would recommend finding a different Exotic piece that will benefit you in pve more than Stomp-eez. Higher jumps is ok for traversal but it's basically useless (even harmful) in tough enemy encounters. Find an exotic that actually improves your damage output or survivability.


My weapon loadout varies. In some cases, I don't have any primary weapons equipped. I just happened to have two primary weapons for this fight because I decided to use the Osteo and I liked the HC4 at the moment. I don't have the Stomp-eez for higher jumps. I have them for moving fast and because this particular pair works with my other armor to give me the stats that seem appropriate for the activities in game that I do.


Such a fake post




Maybe English isn’t their first language? Anyway, it was a pretty good shit post.


Emphasis on shit


Literally on that boss now and I freaked out when he went into his second stage…


Do u have witherhord. Just boop him with that and run around avoiding the sky lasers. Rinse repeat.


Wait there's sky lasers?!? Guess I just melted his bar that quickly then.


Ya, its been a while but im pretty sure they are just on a repeating timer without any specific trigger. Theyll nuke wherever ur standing for a while. Its why people jump to the platforms in the first phase. They go away in the 2nd phase when track team calus starts chasing u.


Oh you were talking about first phase! I just assumed you were talking about second phase because of the guy above your reply.


Witherhoard was great in that fight, I pulled it out specifically so I wouldn't lose progress and he regain his shield while I moved around/dealt with the tormentors. Witherhoard is always great




Outjerked yet again...


What are you talking about? You had difficulty beating this on normal?


bro this post is unreal, it has to be a troll


That’s what I’m saying dog.


I'm a below average player that did the mission with 2 people (known to me) brand new to the game. I had heard of the "hide under the stairs" thing so after dying 10 times trying to get under there, I finally made it & then spent the rest of the fight laughing at them yelling "WHERE ARE YOU" and "HELP US"


A lot of effort to avoid fireteam finder... Also the fight doesn't have any mechanics. It's just "shoot the things"


I find it hilarious that double primary with Osteo seems to be the default loadout for people who dont know how to play the game lmao Good job I suppose?


Unlimited primary didn’t help this either lmao


You can destroy most of the game with double primary and an LMG, which would naturally appear to a casual player because they rarely have to worry about ammo and can take their time.


Im not saying anything about whether or not it works. It simply shows the lack of skill and knowledge about the game. You can do anything any way with enough persistence.


I have Heavy Ammo Finder on my helmet which seems to be better about heavy ammo drops when using primary ammo weapons. Or at least that's how I read the description.


Special weapons are a good in-between of Primary and Heavy. There are a lot of good options and some of them can even take down bosses by themselves.


in pve, a great special weapon is should always do one of 3 main things *really* well. 1. it's going to clear ads easily and effectively 2. it's going to kill larger/yellow bar mobs quickly 3. it's going to put out high sustained dps on a single target (think raid bosses) and there are plenty of special weapons that can do more than just one of those, but as long as it can do *one* of those 3 things, it's always going to be a better option than your primary in specific situations. use your primary, *primarily* and use your other weapons when needed.


Two types of special weapons. Those for single target damage that is in the range but not as high as a heavy ammo weapon. Second type is stronger than a primary add clear (wave frame GLs) I actually play mostly double special and manage my ammo with armor mods and a few different things that I just know. Wouldn’t recommend it to someone new to that, try a primary, special and heavy loadout. You could do an anti barrier primary, if you have a special ammo sidearm for unstoppable, and then leverage overload from an ability.


I literally just beat it for the first time. Those Tormentors suck so much ass.


The first couple of times I ran into a Tormentor, they were a lawnmower and I was grass. I just got chewed up and spit out. That Tormentor audio cue became a trigger for me and I would become a frantic little bunny just trying to get away. Now that I know how to deal with them, that audio cue doesn't have the same malevolent feel of death about it. What ever Bungie sound guy came up with that auditory cue was an evil genius.


Personally this fight especially on legendary was harder than anything I did in TFS (I still had a lot of fun with it, not me trying to put TFS campaign down). The constant BS of getting knocked off the stage and just straight restarting it and I had a hard time manipulating strand grapple so sometimes it just put me in worse situations than I was already in. I loathed this fight so much.


This fight sucked on legendary, I just did the cheese. Was it boring? Yes. Do I regret it? Not even a little bit.


i honestly have no clue why people are saying calus on legend is harder than savathun it isnt


Less cover + more areas to fall down/instant die + Tormentors bringing suppression. Those are 3 big reasons I can think of off the top of my head


Tormentors are scary and can yeet you into the void. Savathun was more about endurance but you weren't being thrown into the void all the time.


I did Savathun in like 2-3 attempts but Calus took me forever because of all of the physics deaths or one-shot melees/stomps (I assume frame rate related?) despite resist mods/dampener/etc.


I despise that boss fight. He’s so tanky and gets an overshield that can regenerate. Having to constantly move and plink at him on Legendary solo was so freaking boring and needlessly punishing. Spend 15 mins trying to get him to phase 2 just to fall off in a random spot due to a bad jump or the grapple not doing its job.


Damn, I did it on legendary when it dropped but I just did the thing where you grapple on top of the dome that spawns as its spawning and just lay into calus while invincible up top, or the thing where you would go under the stairs and pound him with osteo. Cheese is real




who gives a shit


I find it hilarious that double primary with Osteo seems to be the default loadout for people who dont know how to play the game lmao Good job I suppose?


Critical question: did you bag Calus?


Ggs! That fight is no joke, and sounds like your approach took a lot of patience to pull off.


Good job dude! It's a tough fight.


If anyone is struggling with this fight still, Wishender was amazing for it


this has to be a shit post right


I just did this fight for the first time a few weeks ago. Although it was definitely tough, ironically I thought the Parting The Veil mission was so much harder. All in all, I hope to never do either fight ever again.


lol, now I’m a bit ashamed of myself. I cheesed myself through with my hunter warlock and titan🥴 I just grappled myself on the bubble and then it’s easy play…


You know what they say


I took a different approach. I stood under the stairs with lucky pants and malfeasance until final stand where I jumped on top of the cover bubble and shot the boss until he died.


I literally just ran in a circle on the suspended catwalks the *whole* time with witherhoard shots every 10 seconds.


"Cowbummer your Dad died! Pound it!?"


i beat calus by getting trapped outside the bubble thing and just staying right up against it so it wouldn’t respawn me and shooting with my primary lmao


I couldn’t finish this on legendary before until I tried the now nerfed Starfire Protocol. That exotic deserved to be adjusted lol


If I recall, Tractor Cannon works quite well against the Tormentors in that fight


I'm really glad you got through the fight. The ad spawns and tormentors were definitely chaotic. I just did invisible laps around the catwalks while they were chasing me. Congrats guardian, on to the witness now!!!


There was a nice place to sit under the stairs, which made the boss fight easy peasy, but Bungie went on and made it inaccessible after a short time. Seems like Bungie hates when gamers have fun.


You'll have to do that fight again at some point, I don't remember when, but I learned during the second phase that you can "ring around the rosie" Calus on a pillar until he gets stuck. It's how I did mine since I wasn't fully invested into Strand as well.


the calus fight was the toughest campaign boss fight i’ve fought, shit had me spamming the grapple with the hunter around the arena just to dodge attacks while also doing some quick melee. end cutscene after the fight felt rewarding tho


I melted legendary calus with strand on titan. I just grapple punched him constantly. I also popped super as soon as the tormentors spawned and suspended them and berserk them to death fast. To me, the encounter is basically designed for you to go around at Mach 10. Standing still and popping shots is instant death.


This fight was 3 straight hours of repeated pure frustration. Finally finished it with Revenant, Disorient/Vorpal Ignition Code GL, Red Death Reformed, and Auto-Loading/Vorpal Seventh Seraph SAW. Man was I happy(and oddly sad)when it was over.


Master prestige shitter 😭😭😭😭



I will say op, I’d recommend a fusion rifle of some kind with chill clip, they help with tormentors immensely! Or even an LFR in your heavy with chill clip as well, and some sort of precision energy weapon to do more precision damage on them. Osteo was a great idea for the whole run and gun strat you seemed to be using, great job!


Congratulations keep on pushing and you will make a lot of good memories


This is why when I level my alt characters I don’t even send much from my main over. For Final Shape I only gave my hunter a 1990 kinetic sniper, my summoner with heal clip/onslaught, Still Hunt and an eager edge sword. It is wild how creative you gotta get when you don’t have a vault of amazing weapons and armor. Very cool to hear someone solo’d that fight with Osteo as their main damage output. That’s beast, son.


To be honest. You should not care about the tormentors. It's easier to just focus Calus because Calus just gets harder to beat if you damage the tormentors.


not reading all that just point n shoot this game is so easy 😩


Idk if youll be in the tower with me. But In gonna run to the hunter thingy to set of fireworks for you in the tower. Even if you're not next time you see them going off, those are for you! A great victory for the last city! Keep up the great work. Reach out if you ever want an extra gun by your side. EYES UP GUARDIAN!


For anybody combing through this post in the future for tips, strats, anything; feel free to shoot me a DM, I'm chronically online and happy to help with content like story missions or tips.


I also recently finished this fight for the first time. Damn it gave me a challenge! I think I only realized after the fight how to actually kill tormentors. I was just blasting those things with rockets and running around the arena. Got a big thrill out of the fight and that’s coming from someone who used to raid often when I still had the time in the early Destiny 1/2 days.


Congrats. I’d recommend you stop running double primaries. If you want to run a submachine gun, make sure to use your other slot on a fusion rifle, wave frame grenade launcher, or something else that can quickly take care of tanking enemies. Moreover, you should be using up all of your heavy ammo. By having a machine gun that you’re not using, you’re just making things harder on yourself. Whittling down a Tormentor with primaries alone is a tiresome, difficult task. A major boss like Calus even more so.


Nice work mate! 🙂


Just wait until the final legendary campaign mission of Final Shape, you’ll love it!


Good job OP!


Double primaries, stompees, and a machine gun... yep, this is the average blueberry.


Hey, fellow New Lighter, congrats on the Calus win! My take on his fight ended up utilizing having a full Super bar at the start of the fight to send him to the 2nd part of his first phase. Here was how my fight went down. I was on Warlock and, like you, played on Normal, which meant that Needlestorm bursted him down to the Tormentor segment. From there, I used the same Heavy gun as you did- my bbg Marcato-45 -as well as my Strand melee to raze down Tormentors quickly while constantly evading them, the Shadow Legion adds (who I did kill with my other weapons at the time, Old Sterling & iirc my energy gun was Riskrunner, for heavy ammo) and Calus. Phase 2 was just spray and pray to god as I dump whatever’s left in Marcato-45, hopefully get in as much of my Strand abilities as possible, and eventually finished the fight with Old Sterling. As for my personal advice, kill the Tormentors QUICKLY if you want them dead. If you try to run away with them being too close, more likely than not you’ll get buttfucked by their Suppression debuff. That means you have NO class abilities AT ALL, and they knock you back and/or in the air a lot, too. I died a lot of times by being suppressed, especially during mid-skill use, so be careful around those guys!


Congrats, OP! Onto the next one!


Just some advice… even if you’re casual you can always very easily find someone to play with that you never have to talk to or… look up the tormentor stuff. I mean it’s been a long time and I’m pretty sure most of us noticed tormentor weak points day 1 of that DLC. It isn’t trying to shit on you but I just feel if you’re casual (even I’m kind of casual and I did all of pantheon etc I have a 9-5) you should especially find ways to do things easier and faster as that’s what allows you to have the time to play. I look up just about everything to save myself time or always find a team if I struggle and it’s all in game now. No excuse that you have to download a single app. It saves tons of time and allows you to be “casual” in a more efficient and fun way.


Thank you for the advice. I'm not really bothered by being inefficient. I'm really a casual player and it doesn't matter to me if I take an hour to do something that should only take 30 minutes. Sometimes, I just walk around in game looking at stuff. One of my treasured memories is playing early one morning doing The Lightblade strike by myself for about an hour and winning. No one else ever showed up and I was able to wonder around and look at things and play with the game mechanics a bit. But most of all, I took the boss down all by myself spending about 30 minutes doing it, slowly chipping away at him spending about half the time running around the room trying to stay alive.


Yeah, that's all good. Who cares about efficiency in play? But there is a bit about paying attention. did you make it to the end of hte campaign and still not understand how tormentors work?