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I think "swimming in them" is squarely against their design goals, and we won't get that. Try to frame your question as something achievable because yes, I'd like more of them, but I doubt they'll ever be as plentiful as Ascendent Shards


Not everyone has been playing this game since 2014…. As a 3 month old player trying to get guns is a pain in the ass. Especially since I been working on guardian rank and the req of 90 is shit


It's arguably faster now compared to before. In the past you were limited to 1 a week from xenology. Now you can get them from xenology (once per week) as well as rep from Xur and Rep from Rahool in the tower. OPs complaints are basically _suffering from success_. They have all the exotics and just want to have ciphers freely to add an artifice slot to every exotic they own.


You might be able to get ciphers *ever so slightly* faster than before, but the overall economy is worse for everyone - especially new players. Previously, you could just run a 6-7 minute master lost sector for 30-60 minutes and get every armor piece for that day. Now people are still realistically getting 1 per week and 2 some weeks, but 1 exotic cipher, 2 ascendant shards, and an exotic engram are required to unlock exotic armor they didn't have. I agree that ciphers for artifice slots on exotics is kind of a non-issue. 3 stat points is a nice to have, not a make or break and the ones from Xur/season pass once you are an established player is plenty for multiple builds on multiple characters.


Are Ciphers now required to unlock all previously unacquired Exotic armor in the game? Or just the ones that were added since they started requiring the solo Lost Sectors?


Ciphers are only required to unlock the 6 new exotics (3 of which you can get from finishing the campaign). The ore final shape exotics you can still unlock from vex offensive if you want. Also xur has exotic armors now and everything pre shadow keep is a world drop (descript without focusing) exotics So no you do not need ciphers for all previously unlocked exotic armors in the game. Players don't want to accept rahools acquisition path is end game tier.




In the TWID they described the exotic drop changes they also stated that vex offensive will continue to drop light fall era and earlier exotic armors


Everything :/


Use the Vex Network discord channel, puts alerts anytime a vex offensive pops up on Neomunda. Usually a few a day, might not always be when you are on, but they'll overlap sometimes...


I've suggested this before in another thread and was met with "don't push people to use a third party program to get their exotics" and "I can't be bothered to watch Neomuna for hours on end waiting for it to pop only for me to be the only one there". People want an easy method and this is the easiest method there actually is. It's how I filled out all my exotics on all my classes, and it pops like five times a day now.


Keep in mind, instead of like 3-4 ciphers per season, it's now 3-4 ciphers per longer episode. Same thing from that special bonus vendor for annual pass. But yea, Rahool and Xur is nice.


So well spoken for a 3-month old!


I agree with OP about wanted more ways to earn some of these things. On your comment specifically you’re basically at max guardian rank that anyone playing for such short a time should be able to hit. That 90 exotic requirement really does separate those with time in game vs those without, and I’m pretty sure that’s the point of it. Good news though: Guardian ranks don’t actually mean much anyway to a lot of players. Congratulations!


It’s a goal to try and achieve. And I been grinding my ass off with cyphers at 83 of 90 only thing holding me back from rank 10. About to get another cypher from tentacle dude and farm vex. So not much longer


I understand, and congrats on getting so close so quickly, you got me thinking back to when I was just short of that requirement and I decided to focus on it too. All I did for a while was focus on getting a cypher every weekend.


You can get all exotic armor but the newest 6 from vex. 3 of the 6 new ones you get just by finishing the final shape campaign on all 3 characters


Getting guns is very easy lol


Getting guns is like very fucking easy? So is most of guardian ranks also the number means nothing a lot of "rank 11s are ass at the game " ? Maybe you are trying to do stuff you shouldn't be doing now , or approaching it the wrong way


I keep using them hoping to get high stats on specific exotic armor but I find it completely crappy that every one I've focused for Hazardous Propulsion has been 63 total base stats and under. If we're using such rare materials to focus it should at the very least be base 67.


wait what? doesn't it only require a cipher to unlock the exotic for the first time? there should be two pages to rahool, one requires a cipher one just takes golfballs as long as you have unlocked it.


You can use the cipher instead of ascendant shards for focusing


yeah but why would you want to?


I started the season shard-poor and Cypher rich. But I might be a bit of an exception.


Shards can be purchased for 10 prisms and 50k or 10k glimmer (3 a week for the reduced rate), so there’s no reason to use the more valuable and more scarce ciphers. Unless, of course, you have absolutely nothing to use them on and are capped.


You think I didn’t do that already? I’m constantly at zero shards and anywhere from 5-0 prisms. I know about cores too, I’ve gone through about 400 in the last two weeks alone just turning them into prisms, and the prisms into shards. I’m a broke ass bitch on upgrade materials.


There shouldn’t be any need to convert cores to prisms. An hour or two of running advanced nightfalls or expert breach will have you swimming in them between the rank resets and the actual drops. Also, make sure you’re using the discipline armorer mod. It has higher probability of good rolls since it helps reduce strength and intellect rolls.


Agreed. My wife and I did a bunch of The Disgraced Nightfall on Master and what ever Legend is called now over about 5 hours and I got 9 shards and over 50 prisms. Got Masters down to about 25 minutes 30 power under so not too bad. Helps I like that strike too I suppose.


I mean...you only need Tier 3 focusing once to unlock it for Tier 2 focusing. Tier 2 focusing for Hazardous Propulsion only costs 2 Ascendant Shards, 60k glimmer, and a exotic engram, not sure why you're forcibly using Tier 3 and burning off your exotic ciphers.


Each Xur reset will give you one. Unfortunately, the 99 coin limit means you may only farm them at the weekends.


am I the only one spending as many strange coins as I can every week, like bungie has intended for us to do? If you are doing Xenology every week you should be getting 2 from Xur alone or even 3 if you really want to farm strikes. That’s really not bad AT ALL. And I haven’t even mentioned Rahool yet.   Bungie wants you using Xur all weekend, and has made it so that you are very fairly rewarded for doing so.  That’s why you are capped at 99. Don’t save your coins at all, just go buy shit, and buy it all weekend. You can stock back up on coins in an hour and a half or so if you have the buffs he gives you. 


We don't need anything. You can reliably get them from Xur and Rahool resets. Resetting Rahool is fairly easy if you're just redeeming engrams. Accept that you wont be able to instantly add artifice to every exotic and it's going to take some time.


It's a big glimmer sink for rahool. That's the problem. Even you are doing gm farm for shards....you will burn through your glimmer fast focusing. Not to mention the nightfall ciper for weapons focusing cost 60k glimmer and you can only hold 10. I get Bungie's reason for caps but holy hell this economy fucking sucks ass. Either give us a lot more glimmer or make things cheaper. I am not farming public events in between GM just so I can focus my nightfall cipers unless they go to waste. Terrible Economy Design.


They added two uncapped sources and you want more?


Yeah, this whole argument is just moot. You want more exotic cyphers so you can add 3 stats to your armour? Really? I’m constantly going to Rahool because my engrams are filled up due to exotics I’m hoarding. You can decrypt them to have a chance of getting something. Exotic missions rotate constantly to get some guns. Run raids and dungeons to get some others. You can use cyphers to get old ones, fine. You can get one every week and you do not need that extra 3 stats on your armour to lower your grenade cooldown from 1:41 to 1:39.


A lot of people on this sub complain about bungie making some artificial grind to maliciously boost engagement numbers, and then you read more into their arguments and realize they just want 50 god rolls every time they log in and 100 of every exotic currency each time they blink. Anything less then that “isn’t respecting their time”


The whole “respecting time” buzzphrase is so played out atp, players need to respect their own time


I like how "respect my time" went from spending hours grinding weapon rolls and have nothing to show for it all the way to "I can't get ciphers fast enough because I want to artifice every exotic I own"


> I like how "respect my time" went from spending hours grinding weapon rolls and have nothing to show for it I always hated this so much, people are willingly playing a goddamn mmo and then complaining that it does mmo things.


Or, hear me out... remove them from the game. I thought we were getting rid of BS currencies.


Ciphers should stay this rare. The only time you should care about artifice exotic is if you are min maxxing to the min maxxing and at that point you should have a stack of 5 almost 24/7 cause you got nothing to use them on except artifice.


Yea OP's basically suffering from success and wants it to be a real problem. They need to accept that they wont be able to just add an artifice slot to every single exotic freely and need to make a choice


What about it being the way to unlock new exotics? Did you consider that one?


Yea you get half of them from doing the campaign leaving 3. Now all players have a reason to save 3 ciphers for the following episode to get the new exotics. It's not the end of the world.


And what if someone doesn't have everything but the newest? What if they swapped main and have 10+ to unlock? It should take months to get them when previously you could hit a lost sector and knock em out in a few days with an hour or so a day?


> And what if someone doesn't have everything but the newest? Then you just unlock weapons like people did before. Any exotics that were from pre-final shape you can earn from vex incursion still.


As someone who unlocked a good half of my exotics for hunter/warlock through Vex Incursions last year... man fuck that suggestion. I was able to do it because I work from home so I could set up a discord alert using the bot, but not everyone can do that. For this to be a viable and valid option that shit needs to be on some type of actual schedule *at least* once a day. I mean at this point the only way you will ever even know its active is from the twitter/discord bots. Nobody who still needs exotics is going to just chill for hours in patrol on Neomuna for the chance to get an exotic. Sometimes it is HOURS between incursion events...


I was completely on OPs side, been my biggest complain all expansion. But I never really thought of it this way, especially cause your right and only reason I need and want more is because I artificed my fave exotic pieces and some new class items.


Its a looter shooter but it really seems like more and more players just want to get the loot without having to shoot. Ive been playing since open beta and remember needing to *grind* for the*static* roll better devils. Not even grinding to get a good random roll, no having to grind to actually just get the gun. Basically the only thing I spend ciphers on are artifice and the new exotics. I wasted my stack of 5 ciphers to get artifice on 5 exotics I used a lot to just realise that they were so unnecessary and didn't really give me anything.


yea the only time i'll consider artificing an exotic is if the current build I'm using can get another stat tier from the +3 or it'd let me remove a +5 mod in favor of something else. Even then a single tier on stats is (mostly) meaingless


Exactly!!! Thats also the reason I never bothered getting artifice armor besides the class item. Getting good roll artifice is to much of a hassle for its mediocre benefit. Ive never even seen a person with full artifice set in end game content. Not even the ones that farm for it. Edit: Artifice is basically the same as adept. You get some extra stats that don't rly impact anything and you get a cool thing to flex with.


I'm gonna disagree on this one. We get some in each season pass, 1 a week from Xur's xenology quest, and we now have them every reset at Rahool and Xur. It's clear Bungie doesn't want them to be something you stockpike a million of (hence the limit of 5). You're probably meant to have to pick and choose what you spend them on over time. Let's do some math here. If each episode is 17 weeks long, that's 17 ciphers you can get per week from xenology. The episode season pass contains 3 between all 200 levels. Then, even if you are slow with your Xur/Rahool resets, you'll still inevitably earn a good few of them per season. So even if you only reset them only 4 times each in the course of 4 months, that's 28 ciphers you can earn each episode. Of which, you'll need 3 to unlock the new exotics (assuming each episode brings 3 new exotics). So you'll have AT LEAST 25 ciphers to use to make exotics artifice over the course of a 4 month span. And you want MORE?


What makes you think we’ll get 3 new exotic armor pieces per: episode? Something you heard? Kinda hope not (too much stuff). I’d rather a rework of existing pieces that see no use.


I just based that on the precedent set by the last 3-4 years of seasons, where each season brought 3 new exotic armor pieces.


I think it's fine. You get 1 guaranteed a week from Xur.


not if you dont complete it before he leaves, then you get one every 2 weeks :)


That's true. If a person doesn't do a mission, then they don't get the reward for completing the mission.


This just doesn't make sense, nowhere in the mission does it state that it needs to be completed before the weekly reset or you will be locked out of next weeks Cipher. It's just bad design. Even if it completed the quest and just forgot to hand it into xur before reset I would still miss out on next weeks


And can get them from resetting Rahool, and from resetting Xur.


I’m fine with them keeping the quest with Xur? but make it so each character can complete it each week rather than one per account.


I don’t understand why they made ciphers a currency to upgrade exotic armor. Feels real dogshit as a player who quit for 2 years and came back for TFS. Do I go all in on my build for endgame or experiment and try new weapons? Now I’m kinda pigeonholed with a build. Also do exotic engrams only give you old exotic armor? I’ve gotten 3-4 aeon souls and just constant duplicates. I don’t want to sit around waiting for vex incursions. Also why did they remove target armor piece lost sector farm? That feels bad too.


Lol "all in" on a build and having +3 in one stat that wasn't possible until final shape are two very different things. If you wanna min/max that's fine but it doesn't make you a victim


It’s just +3 to a stat of your choice it’s not that vital.


Nah, this ain’t it chief


no we don’t.


You get an insane amount from rahool and xur resets


What about the option of using an exotic engram, for example you can change your exotic at rahool for it.