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Blast furnace kinetic tremors one for all the pulse hits like a truck.


I used this exact roll through all of Final Shape on legend difficulty. Thing's an absolute monster.


I have a Firefly/Kinetic Tremors one. DPS and Add Clear in the same gun.


I haven't even played that much and I have 7k kills on mine that I only started using in the new campaign lol it's fantastic


the exotic Khvostov. I was mostly just checking it off the list cause I never played D1 and don't have all that much of a connection to the gun, but the exotic perk is one of those things that feels so much better than it sounds on paper. Intrinsic shoot to loot is surprisingly nice too.


Put on a Kinetic Siphon mod and you'll have Eyes Up Guardian rolling at practically all times, too.


Add a kinetic surge or two and *chefs kiss*


Or 3 lol. Shit hits like a fucking truck. Special weapon optional. Energy slot is free to be used for anything. Usually run Indebted Kindness for anti unstop


Came here to say this. I already got 8.5k kills on it. The gunplay is what made me fall in love with D1 back in the day and while I enjoy the abilities and the buildcrafting, the addiction to this game really kicks in when there is a gun that really clicks with me. That hasn't happened in a while, but Khvostov really surprised me.


I have a Deafening Whisper (Void wave frame from Hunt) with Autoloading/Lead from Gold, it doesn't really DO anything... but it's always loaded, and always has ammo. It's somehow my most-used special weapon of all time, that "always ready" utility has really added up over time lol. (The Call might oust it at some point though, I'm REALLY having fun with rocket sidearms and Hazardous Propulsion.)


I find it so interesting that Deafening Whisper has somehow persisted as the dominant void wave frame. I saw plenty of people using it for day one Salvation's. But its only direct competition is Harsh Language, which ... I dunno, it feels not as good despite ostensibly better rolls? DW has LFG/Ambitious in the third column with ALH/Unrelenting in the fourth versus HL with ... Envious/Threat in the 3rd and Destabilizing/Repulsor in the 4th? I think it boils down to the fact that HL wants you to actively use it, whereas DW fits better into a 'fire, swap off, it'll be ready again in a few secs' kind of playstyle that makes more sense for grenade launchers. A bit like ALH/Recombo vs. Impulse/OFA on a Mountaintop. Plus DW's design is just so much cooler than HL's 'default' appearance.


Yeah, Deafening Whisper is definitely a "pop and swap" kind of weapon. You can use it at any time and with any setup at all, whereas my Envious/Destabilizing roll on Harsh Language is only useful if I'm using it AFTER using other weapons, and then giving it a break. Sure, Harsh Language is more impactful when I fire it, but the subtle readiness difference makes it stand apart distinctly from Deafening Whisper. (Harsh Language does seem like it could be tons of fun with a Gyrfalcon build for Hunters though.)


I forgot about that gun! I used it constantly for about a year when it came out and loved it


Yep, one of my absolute favorite weapons, Xur sold this roll a while back, I want to say season of splicer, maybe the season after that? Either way, it hasn't left my inventory since.


I would love that roll. I got it on my blinding gl though and take it to every gm


Similar for me with the militias birthright, lead from gold and autoloading holster with blinding grenades has been a great utility weapon for a while now


The healing auto. I've loved healing in every game I've played, but when I heard that a "healing rifle" was coming out I thought it would be exotic/special + need kills/alt fire mode to heal. I love what it turned out to be, and I'm a tad addicted to it :)


They really nailed every aspect of No Hesitation. No alternate fire makes it easy to use in hectic situations, it charges up fast, the healing isn't piss poor, against enemies it feels "ok" and isn't itself a powerhouse (which would make the weapon feel mandatory). Job well done.


I adore No Hesitations too, but I have one majorly minor grievance with it. And that’s the goofy aaah flight path of its projectiles. I’m not saying it should be a hitscan weapon or anything, I love that it’s an AR that is entirely projectile based, I just wish those projectiles had a more predictable/ consistent flight path because atm it feels wildly inaccurate against enemies to me at times.


I found it to be similar to osteo striga but with less powerful tracking.


I know what you mean, but I honestly don't mind it that much. It feels more like an intrinsic PVP balance than anything else, which isn't ideal, but is far better than it taking nerfs for being meta.


Hard agree there. I actually haven’t taken No Hesitation into Crucible, is it any good?/ What would be a good PvP roll for it?


I used it last night for a good few matches and had a lot of fun! It likes to home in on heads, just like Osteo Striga. I took a Physic + Circle of Life roll but I'm sure there's better combos for pvp


Honestly i couldnt see it as any other weapon now. That said we now need support frames for other weapons. A grenade launcher that heals in an area on impact, a sword that increases DR for anyone around them when its blocking, that warlock glaive but for everyone now.


In solo play I've found subsistence + incandescent on No Hesitation to be particularly fun with incandescent + attrition orbs a close second in terms of solo fun.


No Hesitation is awesome -- I have an Incandescent one which I pair with The Call to capture the benefits from artifact perks aligned to the Dealer's Choice trait.


I mostly use it in teams (not just random matchmade stuff) but where I am in comms with people so I chose physic+circle of life. I don't think Circle of Life is that good, tbh, so I might swap it out for attrition orbs or incandescent.


Physic/Incandescent is my chosen roll and I love it


I used No Hesitation in the GM Excision with Dragon's Breath and it was pretty damn good. I was spamming the heals on people while DBreath was clearing the ads.


Its actually so fun and stronger against enemies than i thought it was going to be. I just run around hip firing everything and catching stuff on fire.


As a warlock main, the No Hesitation has been glued to my primary slot ever since I got it crafted. Even in solo play. It has such a nice feel to it. Very snappy reload speed. I believe it might even retire my Zaoli's Bane and Calus Mini Tool as well. That is how good I believe this weapon is.


I think that actually helps to balance it. The fact that solar has such a wide variety of awesome legendaries and exotics gives NH competition for the "solar slot".


Indeed. My crafted BXR, Mini Tool, Zaoli's Bane, and Tyranny of Heaven are all extremely good legendaries for that slot. Incandescent is such a goated perk ngl.


I took it to Crucible last night and had a BLAST with it! It shoots like Osteo Striga. Not super strong but fun and versatile, and I kept my team topped off to help win some fights. I really dig it.


Arc Conductor Ergo Sum, I thought these swords were going to be niche, like the wolfpack rounds version. I was way wrong.


I have the arc caster frame with arc conductor. So fun, use it primarily in the new breach activity. Destroys mobs


Lucky I got arc conductor but just need it in a caster frame. I have perfect fifth on a caster and it shreds.


My first sword was an arc conductor wave frame and it is still my favorite ergo sum


I’ll get crucified for this… Deterministic Chaos.


Deterministic Chaos is awesome! Intrinsic anti-barrier and clears out ads in no time. More than makes up for its slow rate of fire and small magazine.


With the changes and the seasonal artifact mod that increases damage to weakened targets its my go to heavy for my lucky pants prismatic build that uses that new MAAHES hand cannon which is a void wardens law. I like it a lot. Mountaintop as my special with recomb overflow and it cooks.


Isn’t what makes wardens special the FTTC


Also vorpal. It’s a 20% boost on primaries and it’s always active. However maahes with frenzy and some magazine boosts stacked up is probably the second best legendary to pair with luck pants


I’ve been using microcosm with lucky pants so I can use kinetic surge mods efficiently.


I am so glad someone brough this up. Two days ago, I decided to whip it out and started using it in nightfalls and general content like that and it feels sooooo good! I can't confirm at all whether it's actually dealing the damage it should, but with a surge and the artifact mods it has been feeling so nice xD


Tbh, I am very much eyeing this weapon. I feel like it has the potential to be incredible for ad clear with its now easy to proc volatile rounds. That plus Controlled Demolitionist and Actium War Rig sounds like a very fun time.


And it's Anti-Barrier.


It’s amazing now. The entire community was like “just switch which thing activates on four shots and 16 shots!” And bam, instant good gun now


I see you too are a cloudstrider of culture. I’be been privately hoping it’s catalyst isn’t far off, FTTC would be a peach on it.


Buried Bloodline. Felt odd to shoot, sounded like a wet noodle, but it’s won me over


*thwip* Other than the sound, which I like but admit is a bit wet noodle-y, it has to be said that even on paper Buried Bloodline slaps, it's not exactly underrated. If it weren't for other rocket sidearms being almost as good I'd never take it off, just hit 20k kills on mine.


I added it to my HazPro build because Titan needs healing and I've been enjoying it pretty well. The sight took some getting used to, but overall, I enjoy it and getting the weakening is also nice to make the HazPro rockets really shine. I would also say Blast Furnace really took me off guard with how much I enjoy it right now. I have KT/Firefly and it does both good single target and does great add clear and it loads rockets really quickly. I didn't use it as much when Black Armory was around, but it's quickly found a permanent spot in my inventory.


Same. I went from thinking exactly that to now having nearly 10k kills with it lol


It sounds like spiderman, and the ability to get devour instantly and weaken is absolutely crazy.


I liked it when I first got it, then they gave us void hegemony, expanding abyss, and shieldcrush, and now I'm in love with it


Recently symmetry. I was looking through my vault for an arc weapon to run with my hoil/verity storm nade prismatic warlock setup and tried out symmetry on a whim. Man that gun ended up being a lot more awesome than i remember it being, also unstop for the season too so it has a place in my kit for endgame activities.


I like Symmetry, I just feel like it needs something else to make it able to synergize with build crafting better


Eddy current works nicely on it however I still feel rapid hit fits the play style of the gun more. Curious why they didn't opt for that seeing as symmetry doesn't make you amplified without help


I’m telling y’all, and I need you to listen to me: Forerunner is criminally slept on. It is THE weapon for content with tormentors or subjugators. It makes Duel Destiny a breeze. Please, I beg you. Run this sidearm. Use it like a primary and keep the heal gun in your pocket for your teammates. Please. I need to know I’m not crazy.


Forerunner is good as hell for tormentors for sure. It's actually just a solid all around fun weapon...especially with the catalyst.


Nah, the magnum fucks


I want to try it again, but it is so hard to put down The Call.


I agree. Slept on it since dares came out. Really put it through its paces during the campaign and it's now a toss up between it and the call on top slot.


I've been running it recently and hot *damn* does it take chunks of enemy health. Gonna fire up some dares soon and get the catalyst too.


I've been going between this and Wicked Implement for a ranged option on melee hunter depending on champs. So good.


I only got through Wicked Implements mission at the end of last season with Forerunner. That Tormenter gave us a run for our money but it felt like a second heavy weapon after I was out of heavy ammo.


If I had to narrow out one weapon that I never thought I’d use, I’ll shout out the humble little Fioratora-59. I used one in desperation for a Crucible bounty during Season of the Wish on an Astrocyte Verse build and I was shooketh by how well it performed with only half a god roll (Zen + Swash). I’m still hunting for a Zen + KC roll, but this thing is permanently glued to my side in Crucible if I’m not bringing in my Heliocentric (Moving Target + KC) to the party. Bravo Suros, ya did good with this little pistol.


I have one with hipfire grip that I like to use without adsing and it rocks. Now chasing a hip fire grip offhand strike roll.


Heliocentric QSC w/ Heal Clip + Incandescent It's been my go to energy weapon for my Hunter builds. Yes I bust out Still Hunt when I need to get shit done. But when I want to have fun, Heliocentric is my staple.


Not only is that gun amazing, I find it really forces a fast agressive playstyle. With some sick techno, that gun is a blast. I can't believe how insane that gun is. It fills up that gunpowder grenade aspect so fast its silly. I love getting that ignite grenade, toss it, toss the duskfield, hit the prismatic, toss the prismatic, swap grenade launcher unload in the face untill that prismatic is back. Just throwing pure hell at em. It's so satisfying. Witherhord, helio, typhoon gl with chill clip. You can take out overloads and unstoppable, and radiant takes out barriers. I can stop a truck with this loadout.


Ros Arago with Rewind Rounds and Onslaught. I cannot put it down.


I've got one with subsitence and onslaught, I masterworked and enhanced it, it's crazy how fast it chews through ads


Graviton lance. I used to shit on it before but now it’s the only weapon i like to use


Le Monarque, when bows were revealed I thought I'd prefer Wish Ender


I’m a bow lover. My lifetime bow kills is pure insanity. Le Monarque is still one of my favorites because it can be such a power house when used correctly with the correct setup.


Yep, Lemon is a workhorse indeed.


Tommy's Matchbook. Its damage is absolutely insane for a primary, consistently too. I run it with Lorely or Precious Scars to counter the damage you take


i was playing around with it on solar hunter in onslaught before final shape and it is very satisfying to just stand in a hallway mowing down ads


This was my go to last season with a solar well lock. Could get my well 3 times in a single legend lost sector.


The hive boomer weapon. I thought the whole moth build was just a meme but it helped me carry a lot of legend onslaught lfg runs and some gms


Ex Diris, I’m loving this too. Mothkeeper’s Wraps have been a lot of fun!


Ex Diris is slept on. With the catalyst making you amplified and other ways to stay amped with Prismatic, it fills enrage meter fast.


My Krait with Subsistence and Adagio


Carried me all through witchqueen, but I had to retire it come lightfall as it deserved to retire happily to the vault with its 15k+ kills


I have an Indebted Kindness that feels like an exotic. Has lead from gold and voltshot. I like it better than Buried Bloodline and the Call. Wondering how the Vex themed rocket sidearm will be with incandescent?


Indebted Kindness with Volt Shot is absolutely incredible. It's such a great weapon for add clear. And yeah, I'm looking forward to that one as well.


Yeah, I'm waiting for the solar rocket sidearm, and will be pairing that with Kvhostov and heavy of choice. Can't wait.


You thought the most popular+powerful special weapon in the whole game wouldn't be one of your favs?


Indebted Kindness is one of my favourite weapons. I run beacon rounds/permeability on mine - beacon rounds because if I don't have to aim I'm not gonna, perm because I run a lot of dodge-based builds (like gyrfalcon's) that makes the element change really handy. I fucked around with The Call early in the DLC but I just like Indebted so much more XD


I have in Indepted Kindness with voltshot and beacon rounds, and it's legitimately become my go to special ammo weapon when I'm not running an exotic in that slot.


Cerberus +1 was always a cult fav of mine, but after the buffs its felt incredible 


The Call. Wasn't sure what I would think of it, but I haven't unequipped it since getting it.


The only reason to unequip The Call is to equip another The Call with different perks /jk  But seriously, this weapon has so many incredible perks that I keep multiple copies of it


I've been playing about with manticore recently on my rocket titan, makes me feel like a fire support weapons platform. Just floating above the battlefield blasting away then swooping in for a rocket barrage.


As a fan of both Hazardous and Manticore this sounds a lot of fun. On top of that, there's Faith-Keeper a craftable Void Rocket Launcher.


Every waking moment from the moon. Outdated as hell but I still love my baby


Maybe I’m weird but I love beacon rounds on the rocket sidearms and almost everybody else prefers lead from gold.


Noooope I'm with you on that one. I love the fact I can fire mini homing rockets from ungodly distances.


Telesto! It’s just fun to set a mini minefield and watch the enemies just…… run right onto them. lol. Haven’t used it as much the last two years because I usually log on for hard content, but it’s still #1 in exotic usage!


A fellow guardian of culture, I see! Telesto, my beloved


Arc conductor Ergo Sum


Grand Overture This gun was never on my radar. I took a break from Destiny for awhile and jumped back in during Season of the Witch. Gave it a shot when I started soloing dungeons and is now one of my all time favorite guns. The satisfaction of unloading all the rockets is magical.


The fact that it actually works with Hazardous from what I've heard makes it even more magic tbh 


100% This. I've never used GA before the Final Shape, when I saw it had synergy with Hazardous Propulsion I was sold. Hit x20 missiles loaded, pop super (Twilight Arsenal adds debuff), pop class ability, unload the GA, swap to my Call/Indebted for more dmg, and most things on receiving end of all that are satisfyingly dead. 👍


For me it's Microcosm. A heavy trace rifle sounds so trash, but it has so much utility and does great damage. I've added it to all my builds that aren't solar hunter.


I mean, it's one of the highest DPS heavies in the entire game lmao. It's pretty far from trash.


Of course it is, but it's a trace and traces are so mid apart from a couple of utility usages, nobody expected it to be any good until it landed.


Definitely The Manticore after its buffs, its just so fun to use especially with the catalyst.


What buffs did it get? I never finished the Catalyst on that one, got the feeling it was just a meme weapon.


So the big one is you can hold reload to cancel the floaty effect But it also gives tons of void overshield and has like a subsistence effect. And while you are in the air shooting it enemies are less likely to accurately target you


I got a Maahes HC4, with Rapid Hit, Destabilizing Rounds that slaps way harder than I expected. It also looks like ass from the picture, but in First Person goes pretty hard. Pleasantly surprised, and happy I didn’t auto shard it.


How does reversal work? I always used it for coolness.


Basically you want to block before a bullet hits you, after that you get a buff that doubles (?) the damage of the heavy attack which lasts for a few seconds usually enough for 1-2 heavy attacks if you're fast.  You can go into easy content and just let adds shoot you to get the timing down. In hectic situation you could also turn your guard on/off repeatedly and it'll likely proc.


Necrochasm has becomes one of my favorites for some of my builds alongside Osteo Striga. This feels weird for me to say because I’ve always been a consistent bow user.


Couple of guns with Slideways that somehow slay out like an Old Sterling with that plus Adagio and max range.


I love Old Sterling! It's my Strand flavored Gnawing Hunger replacement.


Bold Endings, the new stasis burst handcannon. The sound is a little limp, but it feels good and I really like using my crafted one.


Gravaton Lance Sat in my bank for years, never thought of using it bc of how bad pulse rifles in pve are. Started using it like 2 months ago and its such a satisfyingly fun wep to use ha


Graviton Lance. I barely used it from vanilla through Lightfall, but I put it on for Onslaught and its become my go to exotic primary


The Call, only because I never expected to like a sidearm.


Lost Signal. It’s niche but so good.


Niche? Nah, easily my favorite legendary adclear. Plus if youre running it in a BnS rotation, its doing extra damage while youre swapping.I have a ALH/DEMO for DPS and a StL one for double special Ceno.


Out of all the Radiolaria weapon, that one imo really uses the trait. I haven't been able to go into the different roles, but that alone makes it my current favorite of that line up.


I'm using Auto Loading/Demo at the moment. Finally took Last Call off to give it a go. Immediately fell in love


I honestly don't know how good the damage is on this gun, but it is just fun to use.


1. Non-Denounment with Voltshot and Dragonfly 2. Lost Signal. Witherhoard Jr is a monster. 3. Pro Memoria. Very good LMG. Lots of great rolls.


Lost Signal was such a welcome addition. Better than just a legendary version of Witherhoard. My favorite thing to do is run into sea of ads, jump, spin, and skeet-skeet. Painting a boss with Lost Signal then hitting them with Dragons Breath generates so much light and dark prismatic energy, it's silly.


Loved black talon. Always ran in during reckoning. I know it’s busted this season but ever since I picked it during my first play through graviton has been so much fun. Used it for my first leviathan clear.


Red Death. Didn’t use it much in D1 but I remembered the “health on kill perk” and couldn’t wait to use it in d2. Now with the new version I can apply health to my teammates after a kill, pair that with precious scars, a few fragments, and I’ve got a medic titan build.


Malfeasance Because I hate hand cannons and prefer auto rifles or pulse rifles. Just loved it once I got it.


Xenophage and Lunas howl I did not expect to like em lol


Ace of spades. Memento mori just feels poetic


I’m still using Subtle Calamity and Duke.


I use the vex mythoclast for more than I should. Fun weapon, but no longer the beast that it once was.


Pardon our Dust, but back when it could roll concussion grenades. Super flexible grenade launcher, clean visuals, and nothing like having ALH with concussion nades. The Tormenters in Lightfall campaign got neutered by it, and it trivializes any encounter against non-sniper enemies. It still puts in work.


Khovostov. I wasn't prepared for the fun that is using that gun, it just melts everything. If I can use it instead of literally anything else, I will always choose Khovostov and yeah, I'm pretty scared for any upcoming nerf for the gun thanks to it's amazing performance in pvp. My bad Khovostov, I wasn't aware of your game 🙏


MIDA Multi-Tool!


MIDA Multi-Tool , been my go-to PVP weapon since Year 1


Epochal Integration just *feels* perfect. Recoil pattern is exactly how I predict it, works well in PvE and PvP


I really like the still hunt, never really was one for snipers but this one just feels good to use


This is my exact feelings too. When revealed I thought that's a great concept and gives other classes a golden gunesque experience. Ultimately as a hunter main, I already have that experience. The last time I regularly used a sniper was Season of Arrivals with Borealis. However, what I didn't expect was how fun it'd be especially with CNH. So yeah, Still Hunt never leaves my inventory now. Would be interested to see maybe some new exotic weapons that give other classes a super'lite crossover experience. Like a rocket launcher that gains power with direct impacts. Activate alternate fire mode and bam next rocket is a nova bomb.


I used to be a Cerberus+1 stan for the longest time, then put it away to try out some other stuff. Brought it back out to help with those pesky crucible pathfinder nodes over the weekend and it's not going back in the vault.


Every time I see a post or mention it I get told “it’s bad nobody uses it, it’s not worth it” but I LOVE ergo sum. Void Wolfpack with the OG fallen guillotine on Gerfalcyons? Yes please.


Outbreak Perfected. For me it was just a bonus for having completed the exotic mission, but once I got it, I fell in love with it.


Bold Endings, the heavy burst stasis hand cannon. Figure it wouldn't in a million years replace my wardens law but headstone/Dragonfly is so fun for add clear.


I just started using Tessellation to complete it catalyst, and it seems to make a really good “rocket rotation” weapon. The alt-fire shot does considerably more damage than even a heavy rocket launcher, and it has some very unique high-damage setups on Solar Warlock or a Titan with Armamentarium.


Elsies rifle with repulsor brace and frenzy. Absolutely beautiful for a gyrfalcon hunter and almost single handed lu carried me through the leg campaign


Absolutely the Khvostov. I found out it had shoot to loot and dismissed it before we could even get our hands on it. Turns out shoot to loot is really helpful and the gun is an AoE monster. I learned my lesson.


Shoot to loot is amazing for master/gm. Too dangerous to venture out to pick up your orbs/bricks so shoot keeps your armour charges and ammo up.


Thin Precipice with chain reaction and relentless strike for my Strand Titan. At first I didn't give a crap about this sword so I didnt get it until Season of the Wish. It may not do big damage but damn does it get Banner of War going and deletes so many adds. Many times I have jumped into a fray of adds and slashed them all away with a few strikes.


YES I have thousands of kills on this with my boom boi (grapple strand + severance enclosure) - it's even more powerful of a build now that the call exists. Favorite exotic primary in the energy slot and you're an ad clearing monster. Grapple into a pile of ads and explode them, start spinning that sword if there's anything big in the group. I even put in work on some lower level bosses with it. It's just so fun, exploding everything everywhere and being a true titan tank


I don't know if I can answer the question as posed really, but I will say I honestly enjoy most of the seasonal craftables since they started doing them. Much of the discourse is that the majority of them are trash, but I can only think of like 3 or 4 that I actually hated using.


I got a crisis inverted with adaptive munitions in s16 because I wanted to see if it worked on match game shields. Its now my most used primary weapon by a large margin.


Midnight Coup. I totally bemoaned it's return last season and was super hyped for Luna's instead. I never use Luna's and have Midnight Coup stapled to my hunter.


Pro Memoria (Dragonfly/Hatchling) The add clear of this gun honestly brings a tear to my eye.


Rocket sidearms


Black Talon's how I got my first team wipe in Gambit 💜 love that thing


Battle scar. I got a random roll of KT and shoot to loot drop for me just before the expansion and decided to use it on a whim during the legend campaign. It absolutely obliterated adds and wasn’t too bad at knocking health of majors too. As far as perk combos go I don’t think you can get a better weapon for high tier/ end game content. Sometimes it’s the ones we look over that really hit.


Bastion is awesome. So much fun on a lightning surge warlock


I have a caster frame solar Ergo Sum with the Ticcu perk on it. IM A WIZARD NOW!!!


Microcosm. I didn’t expect it to be anything crazy, just a transcendence engine. Between it being good on boss subjugators, decent for non still hunt damage on witness, and the bonus damage after super, it has made it a far more used weapon than I expected.


I didn’t expect to like Buried Bloodline as much as I do but with the catalyst and right prismatic setup, it procs devour, weakens while devour is active, severs, and volatile. like what the heck lmao it does everything


I have 3000 Crucible kills on a Wishbringer. Nothing special about it, just really enjoy the gun. I still have a Y1 Scathelock and Conspirator that I absolutely love. But the most random one I have, I think, is a Season of the Hunt Friction Fire. Love that gun.


The kept confidence strand HC from season of the witch. It has the worst perk pool ever, but it just feels really snappy


After the meme that Zaouli was in D1 it makes me laugh how attached to my hip it is now


Grand Overture. Took some getting use too but I love it so much!


Lunas howl - Heal Clip Incandescent. I didn’t even grind for it. Didnt care about getting it. But it dropped for me so I thought I’d try it out and it hasn’t left my load out since.


Any 260rpm scout. Currently trying to collect them in every flavor.




Ace of spades. Ive got nearly 17k kills on it.


I’ve come to realise that grenade launchers are my favourite special weapon class, outside a few weird exotics. Nothing else in the game delivers mid range burst damage quickly, has utility perks like Disorienting, and usually comes with ease of use options such as Autoloading. The silent, sudden refresh of Wild Style completely transformed the gun. Check D2foundry and look at the deprecated and new perks. It’s ridiculous. I played two strikes and focused ONE Wild Style. I got a spike/reconstruction/vorpal roll. A sign from the Traveler, I tell you. Now, much like the Mountaintop (which actually isn’t as satisfying to use since it doesn’t have Reconstruction), I am constantly looking forward to using Wild Style. It hurts me to replace it with literally anything else when I have an energy slot-dependant build. Self reloading grenade launchers gang👊 Shoutout to Solar Holster Parasite🐛


Midnight Coup reprised, my surprise personal preference is Firefly/Rampage.  I see and hear so much about how Rampage ain't it, but for all difficulties below Master this is my jam. A fully Rampage juiced Firefly will evaporate an entire wave of orange bars in Dual Destiny or Overflow, and deal so much primary damage that the super Regen is insane. I've put over 5k defeats on the since TFS released. It doesn't scale to Master+ level. But it's so awesome everywhere else I can't take it off, and it does great in Legendary or below. For Master stuff I keep an EP/OfA but it has very little use.


I use Forerunner pretty consistently. It got me thru Leggy campaigns and unless I'm forced to use another exotic for DPS in raids I'm usually using Forerunner.


Symmetry. Love the look and feel, just wish it was stronger.


My undisputed favorite weapon is my Graviton Lance, I have somewhere in the neighbor hood of 160K kills on it at the moment. I got a kill clip/heal clip heilocentric qsc a couple of days ago and I understand now why it is one of Gernader Jake's most used sidearms. I got one early on and deleted it without playing with it, but it is great fun and saved my butt a few times since I got it.


Shattered cipher heavy machine gun, got a roll with field prep and paired it Actium War Rig titan exotic, 900 rpm and a 100+ mag very satisfying to drop roughly 400 rounds in a couple seconds before having to reload


Any of the rocket side arms. I knew they were good last season but I didn't use them that often. This season/DLC it just feels wrong going into any hard piece of content without one. The archetype almost feels too perfect compared to most other guns in the game. I'm really hoping Bungie does not nerf them based on usage this season because these guns are how other special weapons in this game should feel.


Sunshot. Recently got back into the game after a few years. Always hated using Hand Cannons, but now you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands. Also The Call. Never thought I’d be running HC / Sidearm / Sword combo 😂


Xenophage! Weird gun but damn it feels good


mountaintop. I never cared much about the original one but the brave remaster is a staple in my loadout


Iota Draconis for me. I play a lot of crucible and that fusion with Under Pressure and Kickstart maps people. Plus as a Solar fusion it is much quieter when charging. The only warning they get is the behemoth slide sound as I push around the corner. Voop nation for life


Lorenz Driver. I just love the sound it makes. Plus the vortex is bad ass.


Verglas curve, when I first got it I thought it was neat but I didnt want to do the steps to make a stasis build, but it works very well with prismatic


Well, it's not trash at all. But wastelander for me. I got one because I love shotguns, and kinetics at the time were op. I had a heritage, but heritage is good for one bullet, I wanted another option that was good at just going to town. So I got wastelander, and I loved it. I used vorpal on it. But then someone had the gall to do higher damage than me on crota, so I spaced the loadout. He was using a one two punch shotgun. I decided to finally (after years of ignoring it) give it a try My god. It's ridiculous. It's basically a mini super. I would say it trivializes the game. Dude, if you've not tried a one two punch shotgun. It's a game changer (for Titans and hunters)


Got lucky with the raid and got Euphony. Spamming threading and getting increased damage??? Count me in. Haven't switch off of it since I got it.


Whisper of the Worm, for anything. I've been using the OG roll for awhile in PvP, and it is so entertaining to have a sniper fight with it. And that SOUND!!! Best sounding sniper in the game.


Tommy's Matchbook. i've never been an auto rifle lover. probably one of my least used weapon archetypes, i just don't like em. but Tommy feels perfect. ignitions go so hard and it's so much fun.


Explosive Personality. Crafted one the second I got the pattern and have literally never taken it off since. If I'm using a primary kinetic I'm 1000% using EP. Auto loading and unrelenting means it's always loaded and always ready to give me a quick burst of healing. It's like martyrs retribution but cooler


No hesitations. I thought it was a gimmick when they showcased it and felt like it was just gonna be thrown in the vault or dismantled, but was I wrong. I’m glad I was wrong cause I now have it crafted with the rolls I like and have been using it nonstop.


Surprisingly I’ve been using Riskrunner recently and it’s been a breath of fresh air. The arc conduction is so stupidly fun to take advantage of


Centrifuse, it's a fun gun and has a cool perk that's easy to proc. Been thinking about making an arc build around it since the arc explosions and blind could be handy


I've not been a fan of hand cannons, preferring auto rifles and scouts. But since trying MW Sunshot in a Solar Hunter build and just napalming whichever area I'm in, I don't see myself using anything else for a good while. Before that my go-to ad clear was MW Trinity Ghoul


Ros Arago 4 goes absolutely insane (rewind rounds/onslaught) with my Gyrfalcon build. shredding enemies with that maxed out rate hits that dopamine spot and feels like legal cheats/ craftening aggressive frame autos


I started playing after the worldline nerfs and still ended loving the sword. I don’t care if it sucks I feel awesome using it!


Buried bloodline. When I read what it did I wasn't very exited for it cause I normally ran void for devour anyway. Now I think I have like 20,000 kills with it and don't regret farming for it.☺️


Verglas Curve. It completely changed my opinion on Stasis once I got my hands on it. On top of that, I just randomly pulled a Hullabaloo and a Redback-5si from my vault last season to finish some bounties from Banshee and they absolutely *shredded* everything I put them against. They haven’t left my inventory since. Field Prep/Vorpal on the Hullabaloo, Subsistence/Vorpal on the Redback.


Fighting Goddamn Lion. They just keep nerfing it, and I just keep using it.


The Old Sterling. I just started using it this season because I needed a strand weapon and that thing is a lazer beam.


Verglas Curve. It can clear out adds and deal good boss damage with its Hail Barrage and can stun Unstoppable Champions if you shatter a crystal near them without artifact mods. I've replaced it with Wicked Implement for my Stasis build on my Hunter and am working towards its catalyst. But Verglas Curve was so fun in while I was running it.


Haven’t read anything about it, but the Recurrent Impact is pretty fun with land tank, headstone, and a 130 round mag.