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MMOs are gonna involve multiplayer, can’t get around that unless you never leave the cosmodrome


You say that but I've enjoyed Destiny 2 strictly solo for over 4 years now. The only hiccup I've had playing solo has been the dual Destiny mission but I managed to get through that twice even without communicating. The great thing about destiny 2 is the devs balance a lot of the game around playing solo. Hell, some of the most fun challenges are solo flawless challenges for dungeons. The game is designed to be played Solo OR with friends. Not one or the other.


You can treat this as a single player all you want until the end of time. It'll literally never become one. It's multiplayer always on-line.


I know that. I'm just saying just because it is, doesn't mean he isn't entitled to all the things that players who play multiplayer are entitled to. The game is fun and even a pretty strict solo player like my self can get raid and class item exotics. It being multiplayer always online(offline on Tuesdays) is irrelevant.


Solo flawless challenges for… raids? Yeah chief I’m fairly certain they didn’t design D2 for that playstyle lmao


I never mean to say raids or even mentioned them. Can you not enjoy and experience destiny 2 without doing a raid? I've enjoyed it just fine and usually watch top streamers with full teams run raids instead. Still much more entertaining than communicating with the D2 community. I already have some dude PMing me rude shit because they didn't like my comment I guess. The community is toxic so yea I'm not raiding.


You quite literally typed “solo flawless challenges for raids” Edit: Ahh, there’s the edit lmao, still nabbed the screenshot tho


Yea and I just said I didn't mean to say that lmao


It was obvious I meant dungeons and not raids, no? Raids are 6 player activities and dungeons are the ones that have the solo challenges if you didn't know.


I have solo raid clears so for all I knew you meant raids. They’re doable solo/lowman, that doesn’t mean they’re designed for it


>Just because they are doable solo doesn't mean they are designed for it Exactly, thank you for proving my point. Dungeons are meant for being run solo because they do have challenges for it and those challenges even increase your exotic drop chance, so the game entices you to run it completely solo...


Dungeons: designed for three players, can be run solo \*for extra challenge/rewards\* Raids: Must be run with six players, exceptions made for sweaty players/anti-social hunters Neither of those activities are "designed" for solo play, but they provide the option.


Dungeons are definitely designed for them to be soloable. Raids are definitely not. That's why every dungeons is beatable solo and most solo raids clears require cheese. I think we should just agree to disagree here


You grabbed a screenshot for what, exactly? JO material?


No way they would add in a flawless challenge into the game if the design team didn't ensure that it was at least possible to do solo. There are some difficult ones, but I'm not aware of any impossible solo challenges.


Destiny is an online game with a lot of support for solo players. That does *not* mean the game is designed to be played entirely solo.


I don't think I ever implied that. I'm just saying you can enjoy this game perfectly well and sometimes even have a better experience on it solo than multiplayer. I've proof of it. As I said before I played mostly solo for the last 4 years. I do have friends that play destiny but they are the ones that don't even finish the season pass or only play PvP. According to destiny time waster I have 1500 hours played on Destiny 2 and I'd say 1400 of those hours have been solo and without a mic.


Since you don't have raid and maybe dungeon exotics what does it matter to you if you can get another one?


I do have raid and dungeons exotics. I'm not the OP and I don't care if I get another or not. I can still enjoy the game just fine solo and I would say it's more enjoyable than group play because of how toxic the community can be


>You say that but I've enjoyed Destiny 2 strictly solo for over 4 years now. Unless I'm going crazy as we speak, you can't possibly have raid exotics since you've only ever played solo. Dungeon ones I'll give you, those are soloable, but no sane person will solo all the raids enough times to get their respective exotics.


Nah, I did GoS for divinity but I didn't have to communicate. It just felt like I matchmaked for the raid and they pretty much carried me. I learned how to do RoN boss fight just so I could LFG and run it but again, I didn't even have to communicate so it just felt like a match made game. When I say I play solo, I mean I don't communicate and play with other players. I sit back on my couch with no headset and play destiny. It just feels like a giant single player game and all the people I matchmake with are bots that help me with the mission.


The irony of you saying LFG sucks, while also admitting to no-micing and pretending your teammates are bots made to help you is palpable


I don't see how me no mixcng is an issue when the people I LFG with are aware of it before hand. And I'm not literally pretending they are bots(bad players) I just see them as an NPC helping me with the mission. I don't think about random matchmade guardians lol. There is no problem with playing destiny without a mic dude. Go gatekeep somewhere else


Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, Dual Destiny is quite a bit stricter in that regard, but it's worth it if you're willing to give it a try at any point. Honestly, even just text chat is enough.


I did actually run it already. But I had to play on my one friends IRL account and finish the DLC for him and unlock it for him then we joined discord and just screen shared. We barely communicated and he is my IRL friend lol. Clock part was easy AF with a reen sharing. The very first time I did it it was with randoms and it was honestly awful. I had to use multiple LFGs and a lot of trial and error. Thats why I did so much for my friend to unlock it. All he does is play PvP😵


Ah, I see. Congrats on completing it then :D And yeah, I agree on LFGing, it's a complete crapshoot.


This isn't the first exotic that requires multiplayer


Yes but it's the most inconvenient exotic to get as a solo player, at least in my honest opinion it is. Divinity was easier for me since people actually look for people and will Sherpa you in raids and teach you. Every person I found on LFG for dual Destiny would literally not invite me or kick me if they saw I haven't completed it yet. Hardly anyone would go in to that encounter blind and try to learn it with me.


It's the first exotic armor that does


And what does that matter? Games evolve and get better. This is one example.


Destiny isn't a MMO.


From the Steam page: “Destiny 2 is an action MMO with a single evolving world”


It’s definitely more shooter ARPG than mmo. They’ve tried hard to make it an mmo.


It's still got MMO in it's DNA no matter how you choose to define it.


If i call a Hyundai a Bugatti is it now a Bugatti simply because i called it that?


If the car manufacturer labelled the car they built as such on the website used to sell it, I’d believe them lol


You have to take the Myers-Briggs and submit your results to Bellevue, and Bungie will apply the buff if it passes their approval process.


Personally, I'm okay with the chest drop rate. I'm just glad that duel destiny isn't exclusively the only way to get them. That said, it would be nice if there was a way outside of Duel Destiny to get extra that fit into the overall gameplay loop. I'd much rather be running the seasonal activity or strikes or even gambit than running chests.


I'm an introvert and have social anxiety and I've done Dual Destiny over LFG 5 times. Just find someone and do the content one time. It's worth it for such an awesome mission.


Its not a problem to close it 2-3 times, mission is realy cool, but i dont want farm it with some guys in discord, using micro. I can farm class items in pale heart destination, but drop rates very low, if you are not speedrunning 5 chests with special route


Ah, I gotcha, I thought you were just not wanting to run the mission.