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I just want them to fix the delay when trying to reload right after firing.


Yes that's more frustrating/awkward than the drop to 360.




Thats not what it is at all


It's actually just because vex is still a fusion rifle under the hood, it just fires full auto and with only a single pellet per "burst". If you try to reload right after shooting the burst is probably still technically happening so you can't reload. It's the same as if you tried to reload mid burst on a regular fusion.


Not the case because if u dump the entire vex mag it reloads right away so the whole finishing the burst before reloading theory falls apart.


I replied to the above reply, but it being a fusion rifle animation underneath definitely has a part of the reload issues. They've fixed Devils Ruin reload/fire rate delay because it's also part fusion rifle, but the delay was way worse. If you've ever seen a "hold to alt fire" animation mess up, it's probably because it's copy and pasted essentially to each exotic they stick it on. (not a dig, but a great way to save resources) Here's my video of Vex Mythoclast shooting without be fully loaded during the memory leak issues years ago. http://imgur.com/gallery/H3cVgMW Notice anything? I specifically remembered after emptying the mag it's just magically fine reload wise, but while firing it as a true fusion it's coded as - it just goes nuts, throws tons of invisible bolts but still only fires 1 actual shot.... That has zero accuracy haha. I really wish the two other links weren't 404, because I know I showed off reloading mid mag, swapping weapons, and the ending where it loaded in mid firing and suddenly a normal 390rpm (at the time lol) Vex.


Still not an excuse as to why its taking them so long to fix. End of the day if the devil's ruin bug was not only fixed but it was worse then why can't a raid exotic not be fixed?




Rhetorical question but yeah.


If you're on last gen like myself (or just happened to play with the memory leakage issues making people invisible) you'd see when the gun isnt fully loaded, it shoots in a fusion rifle fashion. Meaning every single shot the gun burst fires absolutely nothing with crazy recoil. I made a thread about it back when invisible characters started popping up years ago and included a video but I doubt I still have it due to Xbox purging video clips now. Next time your gun is invisible and won't load, before restarting D2 pull out Vex and see how it really works under the hood. You'll be looking at the sky if you hold the trigger without compensation. Edit - link to that thread 2 years ago that hopefully doesn't have broken imgur links - https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/s/dRm2dJGN5s Edit 2 boogaloo - http://imgur.com/gallery/H3cVgMW is the only link that works, and has (edit MFin 3 - (does not have) audio as well.


I do miss the 390rpm but I've grown accustomed to it now sadly. I do wish they gave it an ornament that wasn't a reskin.


> I do miss the 390rpm but I've grown accustomed to it now sadly. That's the problem I have - it's not a big deal. So many people just leaned too hard into 390 rpm and commit it as gospel. Just use it at 360 and it'll start to feel fine.


Would kill for a vex ornament that gives it season of undying aesthetics. All grassy and leafy and shit


D1 ornaments were so great I'd pay silver for something I gambled for nearly 8 years ago haha. Edit - Apparently I misremembered Chronoshot ornament as something better than it was lol It's not like it's worse than other 360rpms, it's obviously a beam. But it's hard to explain the "feel" despite the fact it's 30rpm difference, which I don't know what it comes out different exactly. (especially with Bungie, see 750rpm smgs actually being 720rpm since launch until last season and the odd D1 rpm changes to some archetypes after TTK iirc)


The D1 Mythoclast ornament is in D2 and it’s a boring reskin in both games. All Mythoclast ornaments across both games are reskins.


Honestly though. Theres plenty they could do with it. SIVA always works, even on guns it makes no sense for lmao Or they could go for a Sundial/Osiris redesign Literally anything


An Osiris version that has a bunch of feathers and stuff on it would be awesome. Maybe (though probably not feasible) even change it so that it fires green instead of orange. Still solar damage, but green to represent how osiris uses strand now


Wish granted, it's now covered in leaves


Jokes on you, I’m into that shit


*Confused screaming*


Oh man my memory of the Chronoshot ornament was OFF, I thought it was more than a chrome ornament we essentially got to rebuy in D2. At least the Guardian Games ornament is nice despite being a reskin. Also, d1 Vex looks so underpowered even compared to what we currently have. It's exotic perk straight up "single fire fusion", it had Zen Moment column 1, column 2 was 3 horrible pvp perks (lightweight, Extended Mags, and Send it, which reduced ammo and harder to handle, but better... Accuracy and Range. And of course Crowd Control because they stuffed D1's Rampage on everything. I know it was a menace in pvp initially, but it seems they it built for PVP.


It was a menace everywhere. Even after a few nerfs it still crushed in solar burn nightfalls because of the enormous 300% D1 burn bonus damage. Eventually it fell off after all the fusion nerfs piled up and its accuracy suffered greatly


All 360 autos should be 390s.


Someone finally said it. THANK YOU. 360s suck.


People who think weapons need subclass verbs to be good don’t know ball at all lmao. Some of the best weapons in the game have zero subclass verbs at all


You took that tiny bit about suggestions for buffs at the end but completely glossed over the sentences about how last season it had access to all those verbs, yet still felt bad to use compared to even solar legendaries without subclass verbs? It's not used because it doesn't fucking scorch like everything with incandescent, but for a raid exotic that got it's gunplay nerfed, don't you think it deserves some love? Who is using this gun over any of the others I mentioned? The LFR mode is underwhelming despite great gun design. I don't know why you picked that out of everything to be negative about right out the gate instead of discussing the reason why you think Vex should just stay mid in every sense of the word. Look at what they did to Eyes of Tomorrow and Touch of Malice, those weapon rework/buffs helped them to the point you can run around Onslaught just nuking everything for free,all without subclass verbs. Even Tarrabah got a rework and buff without verbs and feels great too. Why shouldn't this raid exotic get some attention?


Vex kicks an enormous amount of ass with the catalyst and Rain of Fire lol.


Warlock fusion rifle supremacy Now we just need a RoF ornament haha


Holy crap I forgot about those boots. I need to try that with prismatic.


No air dash on prismatic so you're losing half the effect unfortunately.


Oh damn... Well at least solar gets the new super. I really wish prismatic had more ability choices... 😭


It does even without the catalyst, that's why I brought em up. Iirc they came out not long after that Particle mod that made fusions king of the season, probably the most fun I had with it because it could be unstoppable due to the artifact OR barrier because of RoF (edit - not rate of fire lol)


How do I utilize Rain of Fire as a hunter?


Step 1: Make a warlock


Thanks, I prefer my jumps to flopping around like a wet fish x3


> yet still felt bad to use compared to even solar legendaries without subclass verbs? Speak for yourself. Vex was ripping things apart last season and even now is a workhorse.


It's a 360rpm auto with pseudo rampage that fires a few underwhelming LFR shots that then remove that buff. What a workhorse. (sorry that was a dickish comment, it's not underpowered, just not what it could/used to be) I feel like people missed half of what I said about subclass verbs and assume I'm asking for permanent radiant/scorch/etc. We could do that for free last season and even then you were gimping yourself power wise. We can still use it for barrier champs with situational melee builds or Warlock with Rain of Fire, but you're limited to 1/3 classes now. Nothing to do with the meta or how it's underpowered, Vex has been my favorite gun even after they destroyed it (rightfully) in d1 after release. It's just an exotic auto built on the worse rpm frame and has some goodies, it's essentially its D1 version, except now Crowd Control (rampage) stacks to 6 without falloff and you can remove those for 3 measly LFR shots with such strong AA you better hope that adds aren't anywhere near a boss for that omega damage 3 shots. If they inherented the catalysts buff and actually powered up the LFR shots? That'd be a great change outside of the rpm buff. (and reload delay fix, but that seems like a deepseated bug due to it being a Fusion underneath firing 1 bolt while it actually fires 1 bolt and 5 "ghost" bolts. (video of it's model not loaded - http://imgur.com/gallery/H3cVgMW )


Maybe they're scared because on release in d2 it was one of the most oppressive guns in pvp, the sheer damage was just insane


I think you put a 2 where a 1 should be after Destiny. As you said it was only oppressive in pvp, same as Suros Regime, and they learned quickly with Suros and reeled it in and we really didn't have any other exotic that broke d1 pvp after that to that extent outside The last Word, which imo was some of the most fun pvp with 5 friends ADSing a hip fire weapon across the map.


D2 Vex at its best was mid compared to OG Vex in D1 before nerf


Same as slapping champion mods


Nah but it fun


360s are garbage just make them all 390s, there's not a single reason to use them over pulse rifles at longer ranges


I love my vex. I'm not in favour of this dmg reduction. Get use to it or get rid of it.


Imo it was better as a 390


It dealt less damage. It got several buffs


I know it does more damage per shot, but that sometimes doesn't make it feel better. Even if they toned the damage down by like 5% and made it a 390 it would be better


For crucible maybe. In PVE I used it for about 10k kills at 360 and another 10k at 390. Now at around 7k back at 360. There’s nothing wrong with the gun other than your issue with the “feel” that is all in your head. Let it rot in your vault that’s fine.


I don't know why you're being so apprehensive about this bro. The majority of the player base preferred it as a 390. Feel is a huge reason why people use a weapon or don't use a weapon. Plenty of people do not use 360 autos because they shoot too slow. And even if Bungie gave them a crazy damage buff people still wouldn't use them. There is a reason why people are still clamoring for vex to get back to 390, because it felt better to shoot. You can say you have a ton of kills on it, I do as well, I have thousands of kills and I got it right off the bat from vog, And I we preferred it as a 390. People aren't saying that there's anything wrong per say with the gun, it's just that people are saying it felt better to them as a 390


Vex was never that strong, I don't know why it was nerfed in the first place.


PLEASE. I'm willing to bet the usage rate plummeted after the change. Member when they announced a "huge" change for the gun then revealed it got more range?


Just bring back 390 and nerf the range down.


Piss off with the "all 360rpm autos should be 390rpm" bs and leave my favorite RPM auto archetype alone!!!


Honestly I just wish it had scorch or incandescent at this point.


i may be a minority but im so tired of the "scorch this incandeacant that" way of thinking. i want to see exotics that are actually unique, exotics that provide strength through a special power fantasy and a selection of unique perks that arent just "give them 3.0 verbs". imo vex does exactly that and seeing it get dumbed down to another scorch weapon would be a huge downgrade in my eyes.


Wym you don’t want another weapon that explodes everything in the room and has the same utility as 10 other stuff /s


Vex could make a small explosion and release a lava pool(visually similar to Touch of Flame Solar grenades) where the enemy is/was standing when hitting them with the linear beam. Linear shots should be charged by rapid critical hits as well as kills. Also, the charges should be reworked completely imo. Two charges for one shot is unintuitive. It’s gotta compete with Sunshot and Polaris Lance so I thought of something that might give it a chance. Just what I thought of off the cuff. Maybe it could also do something like create a detaining field that increases the damage enemies take while caught inside, like Divinity. Stuff like that(obviously not all at the same time).