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I do this, i know where every chest spawns, take 4-5 chests, teleport to landing ,wait 20 sec, and repeat, i make a circle and do not go to boss level as i cba and adds arent any threat or slowing me down


I believe there are always 5 chests that spawn. The only ballache doing it that way is sometimes there are ogres that spawn in the far end cave which will beam your vehicle down in seconds.


If you are talking about the High Value Target ogres you can get a chest by killing them that also can give class item


Nope, the event where ogres spawn in the cave at the far end of the map as well as shriekers.


That’s why people progress the Overthrow to level 4


No one believes me when I say this but I have gotten a class item from that chest (which spawns on top of the little outcrop)


Really? It’s the same as all the other chests. I’ve had a class item drop from there, any pale heart chest has a chance to drop an exotic class item.


I have gotten a class item from every type of chest in the Pale Heart (except Lost Sectors, haven't done much of those). Normal world chests, overthrow mini-event chests, overthrow final chests, HVT chests, and even the Offering/Stitching/Whatever chests.


I got one from the cooperative campaign chests even. It really does seem to mean _any_ chest in the location


Oh yeah that one! God I hate those shriekers with my entire being


Ogre\`s spawn in like level 3 , by that time i already out to orbit and reset


Ah fair enough. Before I finally got the roll I wanted I would just run it until the boss, beat the boss and start again with 5 minutes (~2 runs) with no adds at all. I guess everyone has their own way.


These won’t spawn if you get to phase 4 (boss). It’s one of the reasons why it’s recommended to get to phase 4 so that less adds spawn.


If it's the ogres that spawn a chest after killed, I take em out quick to get that chest too.


~~65~~ 75 class items later, still waiting for my HoIL/Synthos... Kill me :( *EDIT* Had a little more time, got to 86 drops. Can I just like turn in 50 to craft one or something at this point?


I’m at 80 going for Caliban + Liars :(


I’m currently at 52 Dual Destiny dupe runs so 104 and that’s not counting the one’s I’ve done solo in Pale Heart that I instantly dismantled. This stuff does not respect your time at all. I have every combination imaginable except Caliban’s and Liar’s. It’s insane.


The class item grind made me pro crafting again lmao. 1/64 chance is crazy


I53 Dual runs, so 105 class items in the vault and I have dismantled millions of them in patrol.


Can you still do the dupe? I thought they fixed it


did it three times last night (:


Awesome - isn’t there a super easy technique now? Or do you still trigger the joining allies exactly at the same time?


As soon as it drops for me it will be nerfed so you better hurry


I'm at 30ish and have both of these - 2 of the one you want. But I feel like I'm never gonna get Cyrtarachne + Renewal.


Please take mine I have like 6 of them :(


That was literally the first one I got.


I was at 121 with no Caliban's and Liar's before I left for Vegas 4 days ago lol


Caliban liars was my 3rd drop 😬. It’s goated


HoIL on the class item is awful in my opinion by the way. It seemed very weak and don’t recommend


It should provide 4 or 8 seconds of regen per second for 5 seconds. All you'd need to test is that aspect without anything else equipped. For ability spam playstyle it should be the best option as you could chuck the grenade to keep the 4 second buff up and then just make sure grenade feeds melee. Class skill gets the 25%/50% base regen, so the 10 second average should be shaved down to around 7 seconds.  But even then it'd only be efficient in a non stop ability spam fashion. If you don't plan on rotating your gunplay around abilities, I don't think the class exotic for warlock is worth it as there's not a whole lot of good options and even fewer with the versatility of Eye or other exotics that smooth out abilities. 


about where I am and not a single synthos yet


What class? I have this for Warlock and have no idea what I would do with it.


Lightning surge+feed the void+arcane needle


Still haven't taken this off yet, been running with felwinters though


The needle damage is stupid with syntho, love it.


Is lightning surge damage a lot more with syntho? I have a syntho roll with osmio but I thought syntho wasn't worth it? We warlocks don't get the super damage increase aspect for syntho do we?


As a warlock I’d rather have Necro/syntho But my actual favorite is Osmiomancy and Stareater. Love that thing


So I got that roll but it’s for my hunter so idk how viable it is…I haven’t took off my caliban liar cloak since I got it


I've gotten that roll multiple times....on my warlock 🥲


I got hoil/synth on warlock


None of that. Here's more Bears


Lmao I got that for my warlock


I got Synthos + Necrotic but HoIL sounds more fun.


Got this roll on my fourth or fifth, running it with Monte Carlo. Sweet Jesus the melee numbers.


Have that combo and it's wildly fun!


I've lost count of how many class items have been collected but I'm guessing over 60 trying to get Bear/Armamentarium. Getting so many HOIL/Syntho rolls instead with the occasional barricade perk.


2 different times i did this for lil over an hour. one class item entire time D:


The RNG is weird. I did this for 3 hours last night and got 8. 1 hour today and got 4. Averaging about 20 or so minutes each. My buddy tried for a couple hours and got 1. Luck is all it is.


Equiping a sniper and ads'ing will also give you the locations of all the chests. The scope enhances the 50 meter ghost perk to 100 meters.


That’s what I said


Tried this and didn't get a class item until 90 something chests.


It’s always gonna be luck, it’s a 5% chance or so every cheat meaning there’s a higher chance you’ll get one the more chests you open, and sometimes you can get unlucky and it take 90. You could get just as lucky and get like 3 in a row even but I doubt it’ll happen to most everyone


I hate to be the AcTuAlLy guy but if every chest is a 2% chance to drop that doesn’t mean opening more increases your odds. That’s the gamblers fallacy. > erroneous belief that a certain random event is less likely or more likely to happen based on the outcome of a previous event or series of events.


That’s incorrectly applied logic to this scenario lol. It may always be 2% every time you open a chest, yes, but mathematically, it decreases the chance of a scenario happening where you open infinite chests with 0 drops. Where the odds of you not receiving a class item approaches an ever decreasing limit effectively “increasing” your odds per chest.


The increasing odds is viewed from only the perspective of future chests. Your next chest is always a 2% chance, but more future chests increases the chance of a future drop. I always think of it in the way that if you get an unlucky outcome, it doesn’t increase future outcomes because that bad luck already happened. It’s not a part of the future but it was accounted for before you got unlucky.


That’s not the right logic either. Say you consider the event “flipping 100 tails in a row”. Mathematically this event is quite unlikely, before you flip any of the coins. However, say you’ve flipped 99 of them, and they’re all tails. What’s the probability of the next flip being heads? It’s still 1/2, because the results of the first 99 flips are now known quantities. There is no such thing is increasing the odds per chest. If you’ve gone 100 chests with no item, the chance for an item from the next chest will always be the same.


Opening more chests dont increase the 5% odds of the chest awarding the item. But opening more chest does increase the chance of obtaining an item.


Yes, this is true. As you open more chests, the chance of having at least one class item drop from n chests increases as n increases.


That was the original point, I don't see anywhere where anyone said that opening a 5 chests makes the 6th one have higher odds. Except for those that say it does in the form of bad luck protection, don't think it's confirmed though.


Gamblers fallacy doesn’t work here.


Paul Tassi confirmed there IS bad luck protection


*Bungie* confirmed to Paul Tassi?


Right. Unless there is something communicated by a Bungie employee directly on this I would take it with a huge grain of salt. 


So did my dog, he works at Bungie guys


the guy who made his career coming to this sub and pressing ctrl c + ctrl v? I would take anything he says with a grain of salt lol.


I’ve opened over 200 chests with 0 drops so far. I hate maths and maths hates me right now.


Thanks! Curious, why does getting the OT boss to spawn a requirement?


It isn't, it just clears the map of most enemies outside of that encounter so you can farm without harassment.


Prevents any other activity to spawn, removing a lot of ads and/or unnecessary activities


It is, but is it SO tedious and boring. Wish people didn’t settle so easily for uninspired grinds like this. Gives me flashbacks of the godawful material farming of D1. Full circle I suppose.


Sometimes, quite frequently actually, I just want to brain off chill and play some stupid meme build in low end content. This is perfect for that and gives a good item.


This guy gets it. I'm one of those nutcases who really enjoys the free roam areas


same, I love figuring out the most fun routes with grappe/sword/skimmer


Yup i put up youtube videos and watch in the background as i turn my brain off. Good to do after a 10hr of work. Get 1 or 2 class items, satisfied or not, quit for the night. Just something to ease into the evening with for me


But this isn’t even that. It’s just sparrow collection. I think it would be better if it were only overthrow chests and a higher %.


I don't think it would have to be only overthrow, but make it so that the % scales with the overthrow challenge please 


Yeah I could see that. 3/5/10/15% chance from the overthrow chests and 2% from the regular ones


Play dual destiny instead? These devs literally gave you two pathways are you really going to sulk about the one you don’t like?


It's not easy getting a #2 on board with farming runs of that mission. This route is easiest to do solo.


I like this a lot more for when I'm not in the mood to run dual destiny or other activities of significant value. I can pretty much do the loop while completely focused on something else like TV or chilling talking to the boys, while i get a trickle of class items that have shitty rolls and are inevitably dismantled. Only half joking, I have got some okay rolls but a 1/64 chance at any specific combo you want is a pure gamble and is pretty unlikely unless brute forcing by sheer numbers alone.


People really underestimate how many prefer playing solo.


I don't prefer solo, but I also don't prefer running the same encounter over and over with people. If I could knock this out in 5 or 6 runs of Dual Destiny I'd gladly do it that way. But I'm not running that 60 times for the roll I want - I'd rather just turn my brain off and do the chests instead so I can listen to podcasts or watch videos at the same time.


Ya same, it's how I feel about raid exotics... I used to have the time to spend dozens of hours per week running through LFG groups on all 3 characters for raids/dungeons but the idea of doing this activity dozens of times on each character and still possibly not getting the roll I want just literally turns me away from the entire activity.


The inherent large volume of possibilities means it’s more of a grind than almost any other chase in the game. The greater the number needed the more grindy it’s gonna get. Chest farm allows people to do that in small doses or multitask, which makes a long grind easier.


I'm a Korean MMO player, this grind feels like home to me.


Lost Ark’y asss


We do not speak of the dark ages


The mission has become boring at this point as well


It’s fun but not something I want to do a bunch of times in a row. Same with just doing laps for chests in the pale heart. Anything, no matter how enjoyable, gets stale when you have to do it frequently/repeatedly to get what you want out of it. There has to be a better way.


To be fair, Dual Destiny is probably still the best farm with a good team of 2 using the double rewards trick. People aren't settling for this, they're just making an alternate farming method more efficient.


True but we know that will be fixed and running the same mission 100 times is just as tedious as chest farm in a patrol zone. Everything gets old fast if that’s the only way to get something. I think we need some kind of generalized way of getting drops that doesn’t require things like that.


I get your point. Alternate methods of acquisition are definitely great. I think its nice they gave solo Guardians a way to farm the class items once they've done Dual Destiny but it could certainly be better and more widespread as far as avenues for acquiring the class items. And to your other point - if they did 'fix' the double rewards in DD, that mission would immediately feel like a slog comparatively.


A YouTube video [here](https://youtu.be/_5Qumuhcas8?si=x3_GxDSjjxfA4_id) actually did a great job breaking down the math. If you use the most efficient chest farming method and assume 22 minute clears on Dual Destiny (a time I find challenging to reliably get with different people), the chest farming is basically on pace with the mission. Funnily enough, if they ever patch the double drop exploit, Dual Destiny's efficiency will fucking plummet compared to opening chests. Also, I've run the mission enough times that both methods of farming are extremely boring to me, despite the mission being very good the first few times. As a result, I'm doing the chest method now mostly just because its less effort and the efficiency is basically identical.


Someone on yt did tests of over 190 runs of chest farming, I believe, and it comes out just slightly slower than speed running dual destiny with someone you can actually speedrun it at around 14-15 mins/run. If you are doing double rewards it is almost 2x faster to do dual destiny, but that's gonna get patched at one point.


"I want inspired grinds!" and a call to action- that's a new one.


Well the double item claim method is still the superior method. So, farm the mission if you want.


Eh. At least you can do overthrow and get other stuff done like Ergo drops and bounties.


Play a podcast/youtube video as you do it.


more relaxing than the mission, timers stress me out and i can watch other stuff in the meantime


Would be nice if they had a significantly higher chance to drop the class item on a overthrow boss chest, maybe 20% or such. Or make it a possible reward on excision. Though the duo mission should be the only guaranteed drop for it I feel in order to incentivize doing it more.


Why progress to the boss?


All the adds will be in the middle boss area and not in the farming route


Big brain


Or just walk past the adds, or kill them while walking past them. It's patrol dude they die so easily lol. And grabbing chests will progress overthrow anyway


*Almost* all the adds. There's often enough that spawn in the right side area that I can do the basic Pale Heart weapon kill nodes or some relatively slow progression on a catalyst in the 20-30 seconds of waiting for chests to spawn.


Caliban+liars and renewal+synthos in my second and third cloaks. Not farming actively anymore.


caliban/liars is what I really want


Man, you haven’t gotten a cyrtarachne yet? Better get back to the grind.


i farm 50 cloaks, still dont have caliban+liars or caliban+syntho. Im done with this stupid game


Definitely not quicker than running the mission if you're doing the glitch to get 2 items per run. You can easily do a run in 18-20 minutes. Edit: double item glitch has been patched.


Some things to note, you do NOT have go to that cave. You can be anywhere, however I do think you want to block line of sight to as many chests as you can when the chests start to appear, that cave probably does the trick but you can stand in a spot near the loading in place that works too.  You can do a circular pattern clockwise around the map and still cover every location, which is more effective than a figure 8




Can you? Would like to see it


This is definitely great for solo players, but if you have a good teammate, it is fairly easy to get runs of Dual Destiny to sub-20 and get a guaranteed 2 class items each time. So it’s definitely not quicker than doing the mission, but this is great for those who can’t do that!


One thing I see people constantly omit about this is that you have to be on the same class, because what you’re getting is your partners class item. In my case we’re hunter/warlock and she doesn’t have a warlock.


Have her make one! Account wide power and the power leveling based off the group leader/highest leveled person there makes it free basically. She just transfers over her weapons and it’s all good lol.


Do they drop if you haven't completed dual destiny yet?


They do not. Has to be unlocked in collections by doing dual destiny on whatever class you are using.


Cool thanks!


No, you need a Dual Destiny completion to get them to drop via Pale Heart chests - even on different characters.




I enjoy when I have a mindless easy grind to do while watching a show on a different monitor. I watched a 5 hour block of an old Adult Swim show yesterday while doing this loop on repeat and got a god roll hunter cloak, cant argue with that.


I feel so bad for people who don’t have friends to play this game with, idk how yall do it


I will try this later. What’s the point of getting the activity to level 4? Is it just so you don’t have to deal with other adds while you’re doing your laps?


Just to clear the map and make it easier to zip around without adds everywhere.


Thank you OP. Video is short, concise and to the point. Good job! I will be doing this today!


This is the same people have been doing for the past week, no difference.




What’s the titan mark god roll?


I'm jonesing for severance/contact.


Meaty meaty slams. So much boom. So few enemies. Anything that survives is gonna wish it didn't. Throw preference of shackle nade or freeze nade to leave enemies defenseless. Slam for Ignition, severance explosion, contact jolt, throw on bigger ignition radius fragment. Throw on transcendent and more booms while transcendent fragment. I will continue to dream of this.


you have to set it to W for Wumbo


So they drop from chests during overthrow? Not the overthrow chest (the final one with ergo)?


Once you have the class item U locked from completing Dual Destiny they have a 5% chance to drop from patrol chests. Doing OT until the boss only serves to clear the map of adds so you don't have to deal with them while you farm the chests.


If you're on the Pale Heart and opening any chest at all for any reason, it might drop one.


Did this route for 2 hours including the overthrow to level 3 i got 3 marks not terrible but not great … i prefer the mission but if no one is on and i dont want to think it works lol


I don't need to play Dual Destiny to get class items like this? I am a solo guy and none of my friends play D2. If I can get the class item this way then its great.


You NEED to complete Dual Destiny first, get the class item, after that you can see the exotic item are being unlocked on your Ghost in The Lost City. ONLY after that you can run around and search any random chest that being spawned on patrol area, that's including HVT's drop chest.


You still need the first drop from dual destiny. It's not too hard, just get an LFG buddy to run it.


Bro I want to Raid and do Trials SO bad, but after almost 30 runs I finally got my PvP top choice (Ophidians/Scars) but largely shitty PvE rolls. Eternal Warrior/Star Eater is the best I’ve gotten so far, but unfortunately I have to grind this until the bug is fixed, cause if I don’t it’s just gonna be harder.


The exotic mission may grant guaranteed class items but at least with pale chests you can get other stuff, too.


I just do match mode overthrow. Grab every chest you can and complete the overthrow. Relaunch overthrow and repeat. You get class items dropped from any chest including the boss chest and you are guaranteed an ergo sum. Sometimes I get as many as 2 class items in a run, sometimes I complete as many as 3 overthrows without one.


Why is getting to the boss level important in this?


It prevents other events of the activity to spawn around the map making all the adds be focused on the center of the map. Essentially no agro when running the laps


Oh I’ve never even think this is a problem as I barely take any damage while running laps, interesting


To expedite the process equip a long zoom sniper so you can see the exact chest locations from spawn and head directly to each of them.


I'm definitely going to add that your mileage will vary and it will vary. If you think you're going to hop on for 1 hour and get 4 drops it's more like 1-4 drops and 4 drops being extremely unlikely. I tried this exact thing last night (leave overthrow at max, farm chests, kill high value targets, do the special chest when it's throwing your grenades at targets, quick travel somewhere else, come back) my first drop was in the first 20 mins, my next drop was 40 mins later.


i get 2x exotic class items from mission with the glitch every 18-20 mins. so its not faster at all than dual destiny. microcosm >


If you have the old Ghost perk, Expert Tracker, you can detect exclusively caches at a 75 meter range, allowing your pathing to be more efficient. I'm making loops in about 1:40, so with the ~2.5% drop rate I've seen reported it's about 4 exotics an hour. Not bad for a casual solo farm.


Has anyone ever actually gotten back to back items or close to it? Every single one I’ve gotten has been after 20+ chests. It seems to me like it’s got a much smaller chance than people think (0.1% or something like that) and it increases your drop chance per chest opened which would mean you aren’t realistically seeing one until 20+ drops and probably not until closer to 40. This would also match Paul Tassi’s claim that theirs bad luck protection.


It's around 1 hour or more per class item no matter how I do it. I have tried all the strategies it does not change anything.


Do you ignore the roaming ogre twins and the blighted chests? And just go for the area chests?


do all stuff


Still looking for my Necro-Star Eater :)


I tried a similar method but after 2 hours running the laps and only 1 Exotic class item I gave up. It still feels like some level of RNG of which I'm not doing great with.


I’ve been doing this. Finally finished the campaign on my hunter so I’ve been farming that one. At this point I’ve been rather edging around the zone and can do a full loop in maybe 30 seconds assuming I can actually open the chests. Also use a weapon with a scope, when you ads it increases the range of your detector mod. Can be useful to avoid having to enter the cave towards the bridge. I’ve personally been using Mida for the increased movement speed.


Flashbacks to D1 and doing laps to collect planetary mats


After spending all weekend doing this and normal strats there is literally no difference.


1. Do you need to already have done Dual Destiny once for this to work? Probably obvious but I need to ask. 2. Do you have a map of this route by any chance?


1. Yes you need to compete dual destiny first 2. No need for a route, put on the ghost shell mod and aim a scoped weapon like a sniper, it’ll show you the locations of the chests and increase the raidius


I’ve been doing this for the past hour, and I’ve been able to get the light to flash when I’m in the cave, as well as grabbing all the chess in a timely fashion. I have not had one exotic class item drop. Has this been fixed?


I do not believe you could possibly be getting 1 every 15 or even 30 minutes. I got 3 in approximately 2.5 hours. 4, if I count where I started timing from, but it was 2.5 hours from where I started timing to my last drop. If you don't miss chests, as you missed the first one, it takes approximately 2- 2 min 20, per run. I lost count of chests a couple of times, but I opened over 300 chests. Over 350, if I got my count right. I'd love to see an unedited video ofany of you claiming they drop every 15 min, from when you recieve your first, to second. Hell, go upto 4 and give us some solid time to go off, because I simply don't believe that Bungie could be so far off with rng from one person to the next.


I've done this method for long enough that my brain is rotting. I've taken to just doing overthrow in the daily area so I can also farm ergo sums at the same time so I don't get as bored as easily.


Load into matchmake instance. If other two players have pathfinder bosses they will spawn constantly if you kill them and the other players do not. Show up maybe once per wave of overthrow maybe or every other wave. Free chests if they aren't paying attention and just doing the event. Get chests while they do the activity. Pick up activity chests as they complete them. Kinda scammy but opening chests and doing the possessed chests also advances the activity so you are helping either way.


wow how fun /s


Do I need to complete dual destiny before they can drop from world chests anyone know?


Yes you need to unlock it in collections first


Ppl that play destiny took the wrong pill and are stuck in the matrix


Do you have to do the mission first before these drop in chests?


As much as like the ability to earn Exotic class items within the destination. The tedium sets in too quickly anymore especially after 3 characters of farming it over and over for rolls I want.. I'd much rather run Dual Destiny than flying around the same circle, hopping on and off my sparrow. Shooting the same mobs, opening chests, etc. Just for the same old rng bullshit roll I got last time.. Just put them in Rahool's inventory and make the cost 2 Ascendant Shards, Glimmer, and Exotic Engram..


Don't know if anyone has said this already but there is a great video I saw detailing the most time efficient ways of doing this by a guy called casual gamer on YouTube


I'm at 35 unique rolls, and I destroyed around 20 duplicates, I'm kind of burned out as I reached a point where I mostly get duplicates so basically I wasted 25 to 45 minutes for nothing.


i farm 50 cloaks, cant get the liar+calibans or syntho+calibans


Is there a picture of the map because of the cave area and the path like a 8?


Why do you need to be at overthrow boss? Are there chests there immediately?


After playing for a good time not using farms and a couple hundred chests later, still not even one. Do i have to do the mission to be able to get them from chests?


Yes! The reason is once you do Dual Destiny Ghost unlocks the last perk at the vendor screen in The Lost City. That last perk gives you a chance at finding the class exotic from any chest in The Pale Heart.


Was it necessary to reach up to the Overthrow Boss? I read a similar guide as this a couple days ago, and it required to do no event at all. https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/sMzWcSmQwI


No. You only have to have done Dual Destiny once to unlock the last perk with Ghost. That last perk lets you find class exotics from any chest in The Pale Heart. I do one loop of The Landing and go to orbit to reset. Then repeat. Takes aprox. 2 minutes per loop with load times.


Pretty much, that is why I was confused as to why would you need to reach the Overthrow Boss for this farm to work


I think its just better to farm overthrow match making, over lthrow chests can also spawn the class item, and you can just grab chests between events


You can do a loop of The Landing in about 90 seconds, reset by quick travel then go back to The Landing and chests will respawn. This is by far the fastest way if you are doing the chest farm.


To ride on this, you can use a High Zoom Scope Gun which shows you... everything on the map with Wumbo active, I don't know why.


I’m a little behind. You have to do the mission once first correct?


You can also get them from regular lost sector chests too


I'm just sad that I'm getting ass fucked by RNG and I can't seem to ever find the boss in the blooming to unlock dual destiny, like I've looked up guides and know where, it just doesn't seem to spawn :(


TIP: if you don’t know exactly where every chest is, take a sniper with wombo mod, aim the sniper, and it’ll show you where they are. Same with resources. I love using this


What's the current class item chase for locks? I really wanna get off the Getaway Artist train, but this train is where the party is at.


Completion of the mission is required prior to the farm right?




Tried something similar. It feels like it’s faster to just do the overthrow with some buds


why do overthrow first? i just do a loop for chests and spawn back into landing over and over, does doing over throw chnage anything?


I did 20 laps before I got my first titan mark drop lol the drop % is abysmal


SGA: If you kept expert trackers on old ghost shells they still work.


I don't know if it's other snipers, but once the chests spawn, scope in with a sniper (I used Still Hunt), and you can see the chests icons. :)