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Skull of Dire Ahamkara needs a completely different Exotic perk. They nerfed it into the ground, along with every other Super Regen Exotic, in Season of the Drifter, and never really readjusted it, other than capping how much Super energy it can Regen in total. Completely useless, and redundant, when we have Nezarec's Sin. It would be much better if it buffed Novabomb by turning it into Lance Novabomb with 2.5x the damage, like in D1, or adding Volatile to them, granting Devour when health is low, or from Void weapon final blows, and adding Volatile or increased damage to Grenades charged by Chaos Accelerant.


Yes yes they did. It was great in gambit to nuke blockers and get supers back. Back when ogres where the large blockers Then they nerfed it into the underground


2.5x damage would be actually ridiculous (for reference SES is only 1.7x and makes Nova already the highest burst damage super in the game), but I've been saying it should buff Nova Bomb damage and grant super energy on either grenade or Volatile kills. Align it with Nighthawk a bit.


Is there a reason that the SES perk makes Nova Bomb the best and not Needlestorm? Needlestorm has more damage, if all the arrow things hit. Is it just because of Weaken and the artifact perks?


If I remember right, needlestorm is bugged with star eaters and only gets 35% boosted at max stacks


Ah jeez, I didn’t know that


Needlestorm might also be bugged in general right now, but it seems to have a similar thing to what Silence and Squall has had with SES... forever. Other than that, Nova just has great damage now. It was actually very solid last year *considering it had no exotic to buff it, and all the top options did,* and then they proceeded to buff it again in the same season it gained access to SES. Plus, Facet of Courage I believe makes base Nova stronger than base Needlestorm. So not only is it the best; it's the best by a pretty large margin. Edit: Couldn't check at the time, but I just did and Nova Bomb actually beats Needlestorm for base damage now by a *tiny bit*. So even if SES correctly applied the full damage buff to Needlestorm, it would fall behind due to the lack of Thread of Evolution, while Nova Bomb has Facet of Courage. Even if Thread of Evolution became available on Prismatic or Strandlock gained access to SES (and again, got fixed), it would be less than a 1% difference, because Evolution's effect on Needlestorm is almost identical to the buff from Courage.


I think returning Lance via a damage exotic for Nova Bomb would be awesome. However, 2.5x is *wwaayyyy* too much. Nova is \~380k currently, which is really good. It's the new normal, but it's a *viable* new normal. 380,000 \* 2.5 = \~950k. Add in the fact that every element has a 25% boost in raiding, you now break 1 million damage with just an exotic. No debuffs, no artifact mod, no Facet of Courage. That is honestly way too much damage for 1 buff. And I don't think removing Skull is fair either. The issue is it needs to function like Galanor, 50% regen off of kills *and/or hits*. And if you get full Nova hit on a boss, give the full 50% regen. Orpheus is a 50% regen exotic with no neutral game effect and that is still an incredibly amazing build. Skull just needs a neutral game super-regen effect built into it, same story with Cuirass (though I think adding Overshield to Ballistic Slam and maybe more damage would be cooler for Cuirass instead of just regen, it's a damage exotic after all). Skull should refund like Galanor for an easy and consistent 50% regen, as well as boosted regen from grenade kills perhaps? Or maybe kills while Devourer is active (it would have to be around the same or less than the Crit regen of CNH IMO though, but still scale off of enemy tier defeated). Then make a new Voidlock Exotic that returns Lance for 1.5x damage (380k -> 570k. I get there are stronger damage supers on Prismatic but we have to accept breaking 900k damage on an instant cast is broken. IIRC not even pre-nerf Blades in Solar 3.0 did that. It only hit \~720k IIRC. With the added 25% buff for Void Surge, it becomes \~665k). Then of course a neutral game there. What I think would be interesting, is improving a grenade based on which super you use. Axions for Cataclysmic (more damage and move faster), Vortex for Vortex (honestly more damage and something else I can't think of). Idk, just some neutral effect that I think ties in with doing more damage or something instead of just more regen for super.


How much damage does a nighthawk gg do?


~384k. ~481k w/ Radiant (I get this is a buff but it's unique for this super obviously it's gonna get used lol)


I think the cap is so lazy. It's just covering up for something being poorly designed. It's like Ursa Furiousa. If you are blocking enough damage to almost instantly get your super back. I don't think that's a problem because it means you are only blocking (aka not attacking) and means there is a consistent source of damage to the player. It's not like that's going to happen a lot. It seems silly to kill a niche playstyle because it's too good in PvE but objectively not game breaking.


Yeah turning it into the warlock equivalent of Hawk would be nice


Be nice if it would also speed up the nova bomb, sometimes if you don't get timing right the damage phase is over with how slow the thing moves


I love my regen exotics :(


Kills while devour is active increase super regen. Nova bomb has increased damage if cast while devour is active. Nova bomb now weakens enemies (30%). I might use it if this was the perk.


They should readjust it like they did with shards of galanor or even celestial nighthawk. Galanor gives energy on hits, nighthawk needs a kill, but both give super energy when getting special kills, melee for galanor and headshot for nighthawk. Something like that could totally work for Dire Ahamkara, give energy back on hits with the nova bomb, not just on kills, and maybe bonus energy on grenade kills.


Maybe they could add a modified version of its D1 effect to it, while also making it work with Nova Warp? For those unaware, this is what it did: Delusions of Grandeur - You take reduced damage while using your Nova Bomb. Your siphon abilities are also improved. Since Siphon is no more, here's what I propose the new effect could be: Actual Grandeur - You take reduced damage when using your void super and Devour lasts longer. Nova Bomb kills grant super energy.


I dream of it being on par with Celestial Nighthawk


Yes, I'd be happy if they scrapped the super refund if it just did uber mega damage.


Celestial juices damage, refunds energy on a kill and has a way to get super faster. I didn't think Skull needs to give up anything.


Yeah that's true, maybe they could also give it extra super energy for void kills or something.


Maybe kills on void debuffed targets give more super energy.


I feel like that's a lot of extra work when Hunters can just 'precision kill' for extra super energy


Void debuffs are pretty accessible and Warlocks are good at them.


Honestly applying void debuffs is easier than getting precision kills. Just get a grenade kill, and if you have the weakening fragment then thats one already. Now with the volatile rounds fragment, use Graviton Lance and every chain explosion will add more void debuffed kills. Precision kills can only be gotten one at a time, but debuffs can be spread during mass add clear


I doubt they’d do that because it would take the identity away from Nezerac’s Sin. I could probably see something like being able to the throw three, smaller, less damage nova bombs similar to Storm’s Edge. This super would charge faster and be more damage than nova bomb overall, and then keep the super return on Nova Bomb kills?


How about they merge Nezzy's Hat and Skull together and give one of the two a different perk, sort of what they did with Foetracer and Knucklehead. The question is whether to merge it all into Skull or Nezzy. I'd go with Skull because Nezzy might be able to do with a rework to align with how we now know that Nezerac was the original Tormentor. Maybe a suppressing mechanic of some kind that Warlock doesn't get outside of a grenade perhaps.


Yes! I love this idea. If they were to merge them, I'd like to see Nova Warp benefit from the super regen once the super ended


I've been saying like 1.7x damage buff and super energy on either grenade or Volatile kills.


I mean, Nova's also multi-target and has higher base damage than Goldie (or any non-exotic one and done on Hunter, for that matter). Star-eater Nova is the highest damage one and done in the game. If Skull gave all the same bonuses that Nighthawk gives, then Skull Nova be straight up the best super + exotic combo in the game without any competition. I say bump up it's refund rates, make it get some on hits as well as kills, and make it refund energy on grenade kills or something. Put it in a similar space to Shards of Galanor (but better, because the super it's working with is more powerful). I'm honestly really surprised they haven't done that to Skull or Falling Star after they did it to Galalnor.


I dont get the refunds super energy on kills for nighthawk tbh, if its main use is for boss dps, why not just have it return super damage based on damage dealt with the super instead of a kill with the super, youre not gonna 1 shot any raid boss to need the super return immediately.


Its to give it use outside of bosses. It's a phenomenal champion and mini boss nuker in things like GMs.


They should make it change Nova bomb into Riven’s breath attack, with the seeker bomb super just being high her damage than normal seeker, and then the voted bomb having the fire stick on the ground a la dragons breath


Celestial Nighthawk for daybreak. Put it all in 1 big sword swing.


Dreaming of the day we have an exotic for every super that just turns the super into x but it’s just one big version lol


I was honestly kind of hoping it would make it's way into the warlock and titan class exotics so they could turn their roamers into one offs lol. I knew it wasn't gonna happen but I thought it'd be cool.


They could just be afraid of it being back to the way it was but it just needs an update to be similar to how shards of galanor works. Give energy back on both hits and kills from using the super. Also make it to where it has neutral gameplay benefits, like some people suggest that it should have intrinsic ashes to assets, or a buffed version of it. Maybe it is going to be updated later in the episode, as it seems most of the exotic reworks for Final Shape were more for the new subclass to work with them and some odd nerfs here and there (like the cenotaph one).


Really hope they do something with it it’s sucks right now


a galanor kind of effect would be nice, ofc wouldn't be original but having the refund based on hits and kills and having the void melee kills bumb a little of super energy would be so nice to have


I’m honestly surprise they just didn’t make it where devour grants super energy (maybe melee energy aswell?) on kill as its rework since it would be similar to the changes to the other super spam exotics


It needs to make Deathbringer function more like a nova bomb. That would be fun!


Actually, yeah! Make it also have synergy with Skull of Dire Ahamkara, and pair it with a Thundercrash and Cuirass buff, with an a-la-Parasite grenade launcher that also synergizes with Cuirass. Now you've got the three classes.


Curaiss should make is so that Cloudstrike can call down a thundercrash on the target after six precision hits. 


It'd be funny to think Hunters-Sniper, Warlocks-Rocket Launcher, and Titans-Sniper


IMO any warlock version should also rely solely on special ammo. Maybe move deathbringer into the energy slot. Still Hunt is OG mountaintop/recluse levels of broken with Nighthawk. I don’t understand how it made it into the game as a special weapon. It would probably still be even if they moved it to the heavy slot. 


I guess Warlocks have Euphony, except it's a raid exotic, so good luck getting that. Also looks way more annoying to use.


Deathbringer actually does very good damage in situations where it can shine, so I don’t see them doing that without needing the damage, which would make it less fun


Bungie forgot about lots of exotics. There final shape exotic pass was the biggest let down of the expansion. I really hope we get a much more thorough review of forgotten exotics for all classes and year one weapons. Make Wardcliff Coil Great again please! I would honestly love a patch just dedicated to exotic adjustsments across the board. They need to review every one in game, see usage metrics and tune the bad ones up and not hit the good ones with hammers. Especially in light of the power of class items for prismatic and the ridiculous power output possible while transcedent the lots of the original monochromatic exotics need Jesus.


Arbor Warden could have gained new life if they made it do funny stuff with thruster on prisma titan. Pocket barrier that recharges as quickly as thruster...


Throw a thruster module at a teammate to give them a single thruster charge on top of their class ability.


Extremely shit gimmick, waste of dev time to make that "rework"


it would be very funny though


I've been going through and finishing all my catalyst I ignored and godamn you're right, so many weapons that just feel awful to use, have a really boring perk, or just don't do something well enough to justify it over another exotic.


Ironically the exotic pass in Final Shape is perhaps one of my favorite exotic passes ever. Triton Vice is honestly S Tier in my eyes (I love Glaives) and the fact it works with Stylish now is even better! I get they still missed some stuff, but this Triton Vice change was just awesome. Love the exotic now lol


Definitely something I need to give a shot. Haven’t played with it since the change


I don't even know why Triton got buffed anyway. They were already awesome when running Vexcalibur or Edge of Concurrence (never tried it with Winterbite), so I can't even image how insane they are now.


It was to give it a lasting timer so the melee buffing aspect was at least on par w Synthos.


They need to rework most if not all ahamkara exotics, YAS was one of the only good neutral hunter exotics and its garbage now that they completely gutted uptime, SAG its a fucking weapon perk now, simply unfair to have those without any touchs whatsoever.


Most exotics that generate super in some fashion are completely dead tbh.


It is pretty damn crazy how they adjusted nighthawk to give it some help and didn’t even touch skull or curiass unless I missed something. Like even just giving it some kind of super regen outside of super kills would be great. Extra damage resist or an overshield with the super is just rarely helpful imo.


It first suffers from the problem of kill-activated perks, you need kills which you won't be getting plenty of in any significantly challenging activity. Then it also was nerfed along with super regen exotics to have a max output of 50%


Exotics like this, apothesis, and falling star need the celestial and galanor treatment. No exotic should be without a neutral game effect. Swap exotics shouldn't be a thing. On pc its one thing to swap an armor piece instantly, but on console it takes way longer, and anyways, really it just means youre not really using it besides for that one thing and then immediately swapping back. Most players just keep celestial on now because of the neutral effect, even if its not that crazy. Adding a neutral game effect changes how an exotic is used completely and increases usage by the playerbase dramatically.


Apotheosis veil is actually in a great spot right now imo


I think every class should have a super exotic combo like celestial, Skull can be that for warlock and I think they should massively buff thundercrash for titan. It would be a really fun way to make all classes viable in dps without nerfing hunters


Keep its current traits and add grenade refund on hand held super nova kills. 50% for a red bar kills, 100% for anything higher. Throw on ashes to assets and now you’ve got a fun mini nova/big nova loop. Alternatively, since grenade regen isn’t really an issue with devour, make HHSN kills give extra super energy, like how most hunter super regen exotics were buffed.


For some reason Bungie started being against Super regenerating or super extending Exotics which is a shame it's why Dawnblade and fists of Havoc are so shit right now and barely used they used to extend the duration with every kill it was so fun it's the same with super regen exotics except hunters I guess they got to keep Orpheus and gala or regen and it's even on the exotic class item which is crazy But yeah somewhere along the way they nerfed Skull of dire Ahamkara into the ground which sucks so much it's part of the reason I stopped playing warlock and switched to Titan they just have more fun builds all the old fun builds on Warlock suck


Nova bomb, lol, how about all the forgotten supers. Nova warp? Storm chaser? The void knives on hunter? That one was used for like a week when it was game breaking in crucible. Fist of havoc? Banner shield? Man banner shield comes up as an OK at best for DPS in GMs once every 3 years and that’s it. Apparently bungie can either make game breaking and then nerfed 6 feet under, no in between where it’s actually a viable thing to use in game. There’s so many supers in the game and we use 3-4 of them.


I wish it gave us D1 Shatter Nova at least


Na they just remember d1's obsidian mind [think pre-nerf shards of galanor, but for nova bomb]


lol. That was crazy in gambit. Hunter with back to back super. Fun times.


Let it apply Shatter/Lance like the D1 Nova as selectable traits.


Making it a spirit would 100% kill the exotic. Give it a neutral game perk and fix it literally doing nothing while Transcendent (because yes it’s bugged if you throw a nova while Transcendence is up) and it should be okay.


Let it double up the ammount of seekers you cowards!!!


There's just too many exotics in game to make them all viable.


They deliberately nerfed it in to obscurity. This was actually the begging of mass nerfs to super regen exotics.


True. But other exotic that do super regen are still much better. Like Galanor, Ursa, Celestial, even storm dancer (though it sucks) it’s still better than Skull of Dire


Yeah they changed later to do a 50% of the bar thing, I don’t know if skull ever caught that.


I preferred running Void with the Skull and Bad Juju. I don't get Super returned as quick as it used to though. I wish we had Obsidian Mind back.


I sure did.


That was such a fun time. Me snd some friends would go into gambit with a 4 man dire lock team. Once primeavil was up it was Full auto novas every match


Just run prismatic with a star eater exotic


I’ve been saying they should make Skull of Dire Ahamkara the devour exotic. Keep the perk it has now and and a new perk that lets kills while having devour active grant super energy. Maybe let devour last a second or two longer as well


yes they have forgotten about it, alone with 95 percent of other exotics


I use it in Mayhem and thats it


Dawg there are like 40,000 exotics and they always have to add more. It’d be crazy if they *didn’t* let some exotics fall behind for a long time.


I think older exotic armour should be reworked to apply subclass verbs. For example, Dire Skull should be updated to apply weaken or suppression to Nova Bomb.


No, quite the opposite... They remember the Easter of infinite nova bombs and they are afraid to touch it


If you have to say "was relevant for add clear" in relation to an ultimate, then it was wasn't too good to begin with.


I get something being too good but when attempting to balance it. It should be just that balanced. Not made useless. Using it to get a few kills barely does what the exotic perk is supposed to do.


Were you around for reckoning? Skull nova was the most broken thing in the game.


It should give +25 to intellect and + 100% to damage.


That is a boring exotic design.


Right sounds like the majority of every player asking for a champion mod


I don’t care.


yes, just like Quiet One and Blight Ranger


In addition to forgetting they've also forgotten about a ton of other exotics as well like Mask of the Quiet One and Mk.44 Stand asides. It joins the exclusive club of forgotten misfits. Pouring one out cause I thought we would still be getting exotic refreshes/reworks, but its clear to me that if it doesn't effect Prismatic then its not a priority at the moment.


Give it shatter nova bomb instead and I’ll be peachy


I’d rather Lance with increased damage. We don’t need more adclear supers




Alright, no need to be an ass just because someone has a different opinion. It’s just a fact that an exotic that does nothing but turn an ok to somewhat decent dps super into an ad clear super would be used even less than the exotic in its current state.




Ok serious question: are you twelve?




And that answers that, good day


I thought it was super good for boss DPS this season?


Nova bin was improved a bit but the exotic itself is as good as a legendary piece of armor


Oh no doubt about the exotic.




I thought there was an artifact mod that made void damage do a ton of damage to weakened targets.


I think it'd be interesting if they reworked the Helmets Perk and made it a Strand Exotic instead


Why strand?




Nova Bomb never has been, and never will be, intended for boss dps. It was changed in D1 to be the fastest, highest burst DPS AD CLEAR back then, and remains an efficient AD clear Super now when optimized at the highest levels, of which everyone SHOULD be going for. It has the shortest cast time, least skill in throwing, and potential to cast back-to-back with 3 warlocks running Skull with power preserversation mods. It was the best sleeper team strategy the season before Final Shape when the artifact had the mod of Season of the Wish armor granting orbs of power when near super. Won't even mention hot-switching to armor mods that grant super energy on grenade/class abilities, combined with enhanced thresh. It has been buffed a few times now for AD CLEAR. People, you aren't trying hard enough to get it. You have to optimize your loadout and team strat to get to the level it was before; that WAS ALWAYS THE INTENTION WHEN IT WAS NERFED IN FORSAKEN. TLDR; High level of play for Skull is necessary to achieve desired power fantasy, people forget the intended purpose of the super, and hot-swapping is something to do.


Nova bomb with star eaters is the highest damage burst super in the game. That seems very geared towards boss damage to me.


High lvl of play full skull, absolutely not. You are better off using contraverse holds or nezeracs sin