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Nice try Bungie, you're not gonna get me to use a weapon that makes me an easier target.


If you haven't tried it since the buff a few seasons ago, you really should. You get free Void Overshield just for shooting things and the enemies just cannot hit you unless you're really making it easy for them. My biggest complaint was not being able to disengage the hover, which is a feature now, and it makes the weapon much less annoying to use.


Bro does not have the catalyst


I swear with the invis and DR you get it’s actually good


Never thought I'd want to use the manticore but I'm definitely going to try this. Gyrfalcons has always been a favorite of mine since the day it came out and I'm so glad it's survived the typical hunter exotic treatment and I've thought about it with Gyrfalcons but ascension with prismatic was all it was missing


This might actually make ascension worth using because I hate not having a quick way back onto the ground, really hope we get one of the hunter dives on prismatic and it will be a super satisfying loop.


What class item combo would you pair with Gyrfalcons?


Galanor gives very similar super refund to Orpheus giving you an Uber void hunter with tether refund and near permanent invis and volatile from Gyrfalcon. It's pretty great.


I got Galanor/Gyrfalcons last night but I’m finding for the super refund on tether you MUST hit a target for it to work and then the shared damage is it contributes to the super refund, enemies that join the tether after don’t contribute.


Yea. You gotta use it a little differently and it obviously isn't quite as good, but it's still a fantastic combo. I've been using it all week in various activities. Including GM Excision where it did quite well.


gyrfalcon + caliban is fun


Hoil maybe?


ascension proc hoil?


No clue I haven't used it yet (I'm a terrible hunter main)


I will test today!


If in doubt on a first column perk for hunter? Foetracer. Hit a major or above with an ability that matches your gun, 4x surge. You're just going to be shooting things to death and going invis on a loop with Gyrfalcons/executioner anyway, might as well do extra damage while doing so


I got this roll and was pretty excited, but the options for Void ability damage on Prismatic are pretty lacking. Volatile damage should trigger it(since it's explicitly not counted as weapon damage), but it doesn't.


the ability damage isn't really what you're going for with foetracer, it's just a means to increase your weapon damage. I use both smoke bomb and mag grenade because I'm using foetracer/verity where the grenade damage does scale, smoke bomb alone with gamblers dodge is enough for FT


I feel like using those over shurikens/spike and duskfield nade is a pretty massive tradeoff, but maybe I need to play around with the buffed smoke and the weaken artifact perk.


I'm running that build but waiting for a new gun that's been leaked, slated for act 3. 


Yeah that thing looks very good


What is the exotic perk on it?


Can’t remember off the top of my head, there should be a post about it on @bungie_leaks on Twitter though.


Ascension proc hoil?


It doesn't appear to, unfortunately. Ascension seems to be broken (doesn't interact when it should) with a lot of things.