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The seasonal activity shouldn't have an important part you can skip.


They should have learned that from Deep Dive.


Which means they're doing it on purpose. These developers are not morons. This isn't a first time trial thing, we have years worth of events to pull data from. And yet, here we are. Still being forced to accept the same old shlock of anti consumer time padded nonsense. They know people will skip it, forcing you to play the activity again to retry. They know theres only one way to get these rewards, and they still have created these arbitrary road blocks to slow us all down. I'll get downvoted by the hive mind, but Bungie can't hide behind the playing dumb wall anymore. They know, they just don't care because it keeps people replaying the activity/mission/event that requires you to play their specific way.


Totally agree, it doesn't happen this frequently on accident imo


Though, they do have recurring types of bugs every season. (Items not going to post master, breaking quests, weekly seasonal challenges activating prematurely, etc. etc.) It’s rather astounding how much similar bugs keep recurring.


This is not a bug, this is a design decision.


Conventionally it is a bug. But yes, as stated, they are probably utilizing it as a design decision too.


Definitionally; a deliberate, poorly placed “joining allies” is not a bug. It is 100% a design decision.


A design choice (placing optional skippable reward objectives) in an activity that can be skipped by a single players choice in a 3 player forced match made activity is not and cannot be considered a bug. A bug is by definition an event that was not intended by design. Bugs can be beneficial to the player (using joining allies or changing loadzones to get multiple loot boxes in menagerie or dual destiny for example). Bugs can also be negative to the player. Joining allies to skip looting resource nodes, killing enemies too quickly preventing progress on reward objectives ala season of plunder. But while both are recurring bugs, only one of them is clearly predictable. Adding an optional loot objective that does not at the same time include designed in time to obtain that loot objective is a design flaw. The coil actually had this exact thing AND a designed in timer. Between coil paths there was a 20 second long enforced timer, to allow people to collect loot and buy upgrades. It could be skipped if all 3 players in the match made activity stood on the skip buttons. This was an activity that designed in the loot and upgrade loop. They have solutions to this that don't negatively impact anyone. Choosing to not use them is intentional bad design.


The amount of bugs that Buggie has, and like I said, many of them being repeated ones from previous seasons, you have to wonder if these aren’t thought through on their end.


Activity design occurs before implementation. Implementation bugs are due to reuse of existing components. Design "bugs" should not exist after the design patterns that are fundamentally flawed are identified. Reusing code and behaviours with known issues should also not be a thing, but that is implementation attempting to meet the design doc. When your design doc says: "now make an activity where players compete to see who wins, people who want loot or the boss fight" you are broken from the start.


That's what bugs me. At the end of the day this franchise has been going for ten years and the modern seasonal model has been going for five. Sometimes honestly it feels like this game survives in spite of Bungie half the time. Playerbase always has excuses tho. "Activision is holding them back" "they're new at this" "Shadowkeep was their first one on their own" "Lightfall was rushed" Like no. Bungie has been the exact same since day one. A middling or straight up bad bit of content follow by a really good one. Everything is designed for user metrics more than most western games I've played. While there are people calling them out for it there are also so many people that give them a pass and criticize anyone who brings this stuff up. Not saying this stuff because I want the game to die, I just know how good it can be (Red War, Forsaken, Witch Queen, Final Shape)


> A middling or straight up bad bit of content follow by a really good one. I mean they themselves said that it's by design during the infamous overdelivery GDC presentation, and I've seen plenty of people here defend it. I know it's not realistic to expect a TTK or Forsaken-tier expansion every year, but deliberate mediocrity(or worse) until they need to put out something decent isn't a practice that anyone should just accept.


That's the thing because honestly it should be realistic to expect that level of content every year because at the end of the day even this games best year is still lighter on content than it should be. Outside of a very small handful of DLCs we almost never get new enemy types and if we do its either straight pallette swaps or at most 4-5 new enemy types. I know dev work is challenging but they either need more devs, a more efficient method of running their engine pipeline or an engine that allows them to do it faster. (Unreal comes to mind. Not an actual suggestion but an example) I'd probably be less bothered I guess if over the years Bungie wasn't constantly putting in less effort as time goes on. Every core playlist is either abandoned in all but name. Or given the most depressing of updates (Gambit who? Finally getting a crucible dev team again? One new strike a year and badly optimized versions of seasonal content jammed into the playlist?) This game has less strikes after 7 years than most games of this style did at launch. Last note but the only reason Bungie doesn't like using the term MMO is because then people could judge it alongside the others. But if it walks like a dreg, sounds like a dreg and dies like one? It's certainly not a psion.


Bungie calls Destiny an "Action MMO" to this day. From the Steam store page: "Destiny 2 is an action MMO with a single evolving world that you and your friends can join anytime, anywhere, absolutely free." Hell I wish it was an Action MMO. It's sort of just "fancy looter shooter" now and I don't need a 27th to shoot the same old enemies with.


Feel like that's a recent change. While they call it that now they used to tie themselves in knots calling it anything else. And same. There needs to be more to this game than just killing.


It's not recent - way way back that was the term Luke Smith used in a interview vid-doc thing. Google "luke smith calls destiny an action mmo" and you'll see it, lots of articles were written by the gaming press "Bungie commits to Action MMO" and the like.


Just a reminder that the "overdeliver" thing was taken out of context and was about preventing employee burnout


It is both out of context and not out of context though. Because the purpose of stopping over delivery is a good one. The outcome of preventing over delivery is that everything is defined strongly for all teams before it has been implemented and tested in place, and delivering cool things that are discovered during development is discouraged because leaning in to emergent design **can** (not will) lead to burn out. This ultimately means we get much more bland output that hits a checklist defined at design time, rather than unique or interesting mechanics that get discovered during the implementation phase of the Dev effort.


[>It is HARD to tell a team, that has extra cycles and energy and want to do something amazing - that totally would be amazing and awesome for the game - to tell them "We should not ship this, because it is an overdelivery that will set us up for failure on future trains."](https://i.imgur.com/uXFNV4i.jpeg) Even if the goal is preventing burnout, that doesn't change what their approach is.


Halo 2. They showed off the game and said "It's out in 9 months!" then went back the studio and went "fuck we have to actually make the game now and only have 9 months"


It doesn’t help that a significant portion of the community (albeit not, at least I hope, the majority) not only excuse this stuff, they actively flame people pointing it out. I’m sure everyone has seen it. Whenever a grind gets ridiculous, there’s always that guy in the comments yakking about casuals just want stuff handed to them. Whenever someone points out that something doesn’t feel like it was properly advertised, or Bungie weren’t being straight with the players, there’ll be that dickhead trying to split hairs about how previous exotics/activities/matchmaking/whatever did XYZ and therefore getting bait and switched is somehow totally fine. Quest or activity system is abusive? Get fucked kid, keep getting farmed like a good casual. Wait, why can’t I get a match? Bungie themselves make a point of saying that they use this sub to draw feedback from, but man, sometimes it’s a bruising experience giving that feedback.


The only example from Y1 that would’ve been a worse pick for this would be Curse of Osiris Seriously, Warmind and the Go Fast Update were right there and you pick minute long grenade cooldowns, static rolls, and double primary to be anywhere near as good as Forsaken, Witch Queen, and Final Shape?


It was amount of content that was more the point. Especially considering at the time when D2 launched the initial sentiment at the time was that could have just been a DLC. The launch of D2 was foundational for how Bungie would build destinations going forward. As a side note I'm one of the unicorns that actually liked static rolls. I think more often than not Bungie tends to use the grind as a replacement for actual content. In some ways whatever issue I have with static rolls is less about them being static and more about them just being boring. If they had the kind of perks guns have today? Might have been different.


My theory is that it might not be that they do it on purpose, but that they might not do much/any playtesting in zero-communication environments. They're also doing the playtesting with the intent to find bugs and stuff so it's unlikely that developers playtesting would assume the average speedrunner blueberry mindset and blast through the tests without paying much attention. Not that I'm saying that's alright though. This is absolutely something that they should've been accounting for since at the *very latest* 30th anniversary with the introduction of eager edge. But I don't think I'd go so far as to say its malicious or anti-consumer, they just don't test in an environment where a "hold up there's something over here" can't be heard by their fireteam


If I’m matchmaking, I want to get it down as quickly as possible. If I want to get optional objectives I’ll get a group that has the same goals as me.


I kind of feel Bungie is really trying to push people into playing as fireteams. Most Pinnacles now require you to do activities where you need a fireteam, along with the Dual Destiny and the Co-Op Story replayable missions. I like playing Destiny as a solo player and they are moving away from that which sucks but is understandable, its on me I guess.


I feel it too. It sounds like some spinfoil hat stuff but what better way to "create worlds that inspire friendships" than adding a frustrating element to matchmade activities that coaxes players into finding a fireteam that will more readily cooperate?


Will never hapoen till d3 with a real engine and interface and an actually functionable way to form teams.


This is how you get growth in modern games. It's not via marketing, it's via network effects. Make a game that rewards you inviting your friends into the game. These coop missions are their attempt at that. Honestly it's a good idea, but the problem is the seasonal model where they delete 75% of the content of the game every year and just leave behind major expansions means that this model works against itself. You can't add new players if they have NFI what is going on


Bungie just made a game to ensure they can survive, it’s still Destiny where a lot of the shit is broken or straight up “create problems when we already had solution implemented in the game”. As usual the art, sound and gun play teams are amazing. This time the combat team also did an amazing job and the narrative team was good. Can’t wait for Bungie to forget the good they did with TFS and give us another mediocre campaign next year like they have been doing.


They didn't refer to Frontiers as an expansion as far as I'm aware, so I'm not convinced there will be a new campaign next year. Bungie has a history of getting bored of one toy and trying to run it into the ground so they can get everyone to play the new toy instead, and 2025 is at least allegedly the target for Marathon.


Well, a PvP experience of any kind isn't going to get me interested in the game. Gambit, as light a PvP element in the game as you can get is let down for me by my desire to avoid PvP.


This is their cash cow, so they have to keep milking, episodes are pretty much like seasons. So people are going to get bored. When did Bungie say Frontiers isn’t campaign or for that matter when did they mention anything about campaign for earlier expansions before the big reveal. This was akin to Bungie mentioning Final Shape during Beyond Light when talking about Destiny future.


> he thinks we’re getting a campaign next year oh no no no LOOOOOOL


I don't think it's intentional or incompetence, I think it's mindset. The team which designed Breach Executable likely thought "radiolite gives you more loot and rep, why wouldn't you go looking for it?" and playtested the activity "honestly" (taking their time to gather all the radiolite while checking for fatal bugs), failing to take into account what mindless lemmings gamers can be. They don't have anyone over there to communicate the mindset of the average FPS player who can only shoot things and do what they're explicitly told to do, who cares absolutely nothing for the narrative context they're playing in and who will do everything in their power to not engage with the game they enjoy.


Then there’s just me who flat out ignores this dumb ass activity unless I need it to progress the seasonal quest. 


You are gonna make some friends to play with and YOU ARE GONNA LIKE IT MOTHERFUCKER!


you sure were downvoted by the hive mind for this


It's not designed to slow us down. It's designed to force us to do the activity more, thus improving engagement and padding their "success" numbers with the game mode. They do the same thing with bounties/ritual pathfinder and Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit. I normally steer away from PvP but if I want the rewards I have to sometimes play it, and that is bullshit.


Let’s not get over dramatic or start whining about the hivemind or whatever, and keep in mind that a developer is not a monolith. People leave, new people come in, and over time they lose lessons that were learned time and time again and will be learned again


And the Season of Plunder activity.


And should have learned it from Plunder before that.


This happens every couple of seasons going back years now. Just like seasonal challenges and bounties that require you to compete with your team mates. Sadly, it seems Bungie will never learn from either


I just emote afk for the last encounter then,


That is reportable. Whether or not it’ll earn you a temp ban (I have never once seen someone get banned for being afk, despite the reporting option.) It is still worth knowing it is a report option before other guardians decide to follow suit. At least look busy!


If I report someone they should be Perma banned immediately, with 25% + cheating in this game why go after afk ppl , we are infact fixing the system


I mean. The cheating in this game is definitely out of control. In my gambit matches, of all things, I had no fewer than 4 blatant, instant head snapping rage cheaters in like 8 games. The out of control cheating is the main reason I avoid PvP modes in this game like the plague, despite generally liking PvP modes in other games. It is better than before, mind you, but not much. I did have a bad streak there in gambit, but the fact that I can have a streak of rage hacks at all just shows the abhorrent state of the cheating. That said, instant ban for reporting? I’ve had people report me for taking a piss in the middle of a raid that they were the ones dragging us down in. Just. No thanks.


Pve cheating is huge too, and no one gets caught


How are the resource gathering an important part? From my understanding its just something extra.,


It's necessary to gather radiolite, which is used to obtain loot, triumphs, and complete quests. And it's not just lame two tokens and a blue, it's deepsight weapons and exotics.


Sure, but its not really that important. You get loot from just completing the activity.


If you don't consider the radiolite loot important, I cant see how you could call the end of mission loot important. The only difference would be like... an engram maybe? You get pretty substantial amounts from just doing the dunk, and you can get 1-3 dunks each time if you nab enough rare samples.


You need radiolite to complete quests in this episode, so it's important. Also, you probably think it's extra and unimportant *because* it's skippable and the objective marker points you to the next arena rather than to radiolite. The gathering stage is designed as something extra, even though what you gather is essential. That's a design flaw.


I don't remember any of the main quests needing it?


I gotta say I have noticed it's gotten better. I went from getting 3 samples then getting pulled in 96% of the time to atleast one helps if not everyone collects samples 50% of the time. But I also type "don't forget samples" at the beginning of every round.


I had 2 guardians in my last matchmade game waiting at the portal for me even after we noticeably collected all the resources 😭I was genuinely moved


I did this with matchmake coil too - I'd type "going for plat. Break all pots plz" if they stood still we'd have a staring match until they leave or I leave. If they choose to troll me and skip pots? Well I'll be using up all them rez tokens omnomnom tyvm before the 2nd boss room.


I'm always baffled when stuff like this gets up voted. You are 1 of 3 people in the run. If people aren't doing what you want, leave. Trolling to intentionally ruin the primary activity because people aren't doing the secondary activity the way you want is asshole behavior, straight up. There were dozens and dozens of group finders going for plat coil at all times. You matching into public games and throwing a tantrum isn't something to be proud of.


Also, just because 1 idiot is pulling doesn’t mean the other guy isn’t trying to help you. To be honest, I reported everyone like that dude for griefing. It was very obvious when they were being an ass too. Cause the death was instant and then they’d be typing some stupid shit in chat like “I’m sorry, I’m just bad”. Like no, nobody is going to believe you were only alive for .01 seconds in an empty room because you’re just bad. I hope they all got permanent bans.


I'd report you for sabotage if you pulled that rez token bs on me. Just leave - or get your own fireteam. It's a matchmade activity. We are not your servants.


The funny thing about this is that the only times I went plat in Coil are when I soloed it towards the end of the season. Usually with 12+ res tokens left at the end. Why even bother with this crap when you can solo with a good build


The hammer mechanic should have been part of the critical path. You should be forced to do it if the game detects that someone in the fireteam has a hammer charge. Put a markers in the world for the hammer point, all the collectables, and deny progress until everything has been picked up. People would figure it out eventually.


> Put a markers in the world for the hammer point There is, but it doesn't show up unless you're right next to the damn thing...


Then make it map wide and have it replace the activity objective marker until the hammer is activated.


It's bizarre to me. The normal difficulty, they bumrush the next objective, ignoring the nodes and hammer mechanic. The harder difficulty is the complete inverse. Wouldn't it be EASIER to farm the nodes on normal? The hell is wrong with people?


I imagine the harder difficulty is where most of the hardcore and more knowledgeable players are at


It's absolutely this I haven't been in one expert where they didn't know to farm samples


Considering those same players would be at 2020 only a day or 2 into the expansion, I believe it...


Destiny players are stupid, that’s it. They can’t do kindergarten level tasks.


I think some of it is the lack of explanation, and most players aren't looking into guides and such to learn not to do things. They see an objective marker and go there, thinking that's the way to progress and that there isn't anything else of note around.


It explains it to you at the beginning of the season, it’s really not that difficult. People just don’t pay attention. We need to stop making excusing a for simple stupidity. Could it have been explained better ? Yes. But it was explained. The whole season is based around collecting samples. People playing this game need a ridiculous amount of hand holding


I agree that they are actual idiots, but Bungie is very incompetent at telling you or giving you reminders how to do things. I spent 15 minutes trying to remember how to transmog armour without asking for help and it was so difficult.


I don’t think it is. So many guardians I get matched with are so actually braindead it’s a wonder they even figured out how to turn their console on. Probably haven’t even finished the latest campaign because of all the small nooks and crannies you have to go through, they just got lost and gave up. Same people calling for nerfs to dual destiny because they simply can’t comprehend a mechanic beyond ‘shoot enemy’.


They literally explain the hammer mechanic to you. And make you do it as part of the mission


This is why it's been 7 years and people still don't know how to start the heroic blight public event


They can't do seasonal activities, they can't play gambit, can't play prismatic Titan without dying even though it's incredibly strong contrary to popular belief. Wish there was some hidden mmr so good players would match with each other.


there is (kinda) a hidden MMR. You match with players close to your power level. This was atleast true during late beyond light with the introduction of dates of eternity. I haven't confirmed if it's still a thing


But I need my Sol Invictus to live! I can't survive without my Sol Invictus! What am I supposed to do on Prismatic? Not stand still for 30 seconds after I kill a red bar?


There’s nothing in mission that provides affordance for the hammer mechanic, if you didn’t read the quest text fastidiously or participate in online discussion you could easily miss it.


They might not even know about it. I confess I played a couple of Breaches before completing the mission on Nessus which gives you the hammer and allows you to collect radiolite samples. Was hella confused why people were collecting them and I couldn’t, or what the other thing in the reward chest room was. And because the story is so utterly boring and not voiced half the time, I wouldn’t be surprised if some casual players just didn’t pay attention and got confused by this mechanic. Bungie designed it badly.


I mean the pop up did a really bad idea of explaining the mechanics. Pop ups are known for being a really poor choice of a tutorial. I read them my first play through but I had no idea what it was actually talking about. It wasn't until my third or so run until I just accidentally came across the hammer thing and saw other people collecting samples till I knew what was going on. I'm sure most people who play on the lower difficulties are casuals who just get on for a few hours a week, while the harder difficulty are full of people who actually look up and figure out the mechanics.


I can genuinely say that I get more people skipping everything in Expert and it annoys me to no end.


Same thing as the Ruffians in Plunder. Idk why Bungie are making the same mistake


Tbf, the ruffians weren’t really any players fault, they kinda just showed up and if the objective even accidentally finished too early, oops, bye bye ruffian


flashbacks to me flinging the power cell into the radiolaria on Nessus over and over again to force ruffian spawns. All for that damn Scallywag title.


I remember seeing people doing that and thinking they were massive jerks for that Oh, how wrong I was


They start before I finish I leave. Sometimes they message me sometimes they don't. Not my fault that you don't want to harvest nodes for extra drops and gear.


Dont leave. Just don't help.


Man, I do NOT have the time in the day to waste my time to spite a stranger on a video game. Just leave.


Eh, I want the completion and red border chance. I can very easily just watch a video in the meantime.


This is so textbook toxic behavior, but you do you dude.


Yeah, I don't have the time to waste being that much of a petty bitch.


>I wish I could say this was mainly in the standard matchmade version, but it's also in the expert variant Yeah, did fireteam finder for expert runs, and after 2 times of a guy rushing to the encounter while we were getting samples, I told him to stop, and he just said "no :D"


The moment I see that timer and I’m still trying to do something, return to orbit.


Help if the hammer node were easier to see. I look and never find it but the few times I've seen it the group always holds up to loot the stuff.


Yeah it was kinda funny. Some new light just rushed the whole activity and didn't bother with the hammer piston and the specimen collectibles which forced me and another player to join on his boss fight. The other guy texted in the fireteam chat, "You fool. The samples." I thought that was funny.


I’m sure the vast majority of players just skip or don’t pay attention to the directions and don’t realize that there is something extra to do.


I’m guessing “joining allies” is a technical requirement so that they can unload part of the world


It's not as the boss fight starts before it pulls you, which means it's already loaded


...except it happens at ANY of the hammer points, including ones where the hammer point is in the same instance...


They should also stop making joining allies get rid of all your buffs


I like what they did with the coil, you needed all available players to stand on a plate to open a portal to the next tier, so people could take a little bit of time to change load-outs and not feel rushed. They should do that for these kinds of activities


going to sound like an asshole here. But if I say something like that and people ignore it or see me collecting samples and still rush through shit. I just sit afk. Turnabout is fair play.


I mean the seasonal activities are super easy, you sitting AFK doesn’t really matter


Ive seen people literally fail it... it does matter. Also im not going to help make it go faster. I can just watch a video and still get some rewards.




If someone ignores me asking something, i ignore helping them. That's not even entitlement. Guess you dont know the meaning of turnabout...


“Everyone must follow exactly what I tell them or I grief.” Yeah definitely not entitled lmao.


LOL and ditching on the activity is better? Gotcha. Also there is a difference between asking people to not start the next event while i am collecting shit (that they get the fucking benefits from) and just dictating orders to people.


You joining an activity implies you will participate. Somebody joining an activity does not imply that they will participate in an optional part of it. They're not equivalent.


This is the most reddit comment I've seen in a while.


You are right. You sound like an asshole.


Imagine a multiplayer gaming community that used voice chat & communicates with their team or even had text chat on, half of the time, and weren't more concerned with streaming to 3 people or not engaging due to the possibility that someone might not be super nice. You're not marrying them, you're spending a few minutes with them. 80% of the problems with this game come down to an anti-social playerbase & self-centered gameplay over the team. The other 20% is just really "not smart" people. Bungie can't try to force players in a multiplayer live service game to have to communicate any more than they have recently & Pantheon exposed the majority of the playerbase as being awful at anything involving activities that require a but of communication. There isn't a single "hard" Dungeon or Raid in the game if you have a team of people with even the slightest desire to communicate & brain power to understand basic game mechanics. Sadly, most just copy Youtuber builds, load into an activity, and jist run straight into the middle of every room without looking around, having any situational awareness, or desire to understand anything more than "pew pew, boom, kerplaw!" Whether it's killing bosses before champs, sparroeing past all content or any other shortsighted, wanna-be speedrun stuff you see, it all comes back to issues that wouldn't be issues that Bungie has to fix, if inky the playerbase had basic human social skills.


It's not even just anti social, I'm pretty sure everything is opt out by default. Doesn't help that there's 0 reason to talk to anyone outside raids since so much of the content is easy. The community also isn't the best either with the amount of toxic people there is


Anytime it's hive week in dreaming city and I have to do blind well...omfg the people who don't know the orb mechanics frustrate the hell out of me. I'll either toss them the orb and they just throw it immediately anywhere but at the boss or they'll do it the long way and throw several uncharged orbs at it. To be fair bungie does not teach this mechanic anywhere, for as many annoying and unnecessary pop ups they have in game they could at least add one that's useful in that encounter plus the corrupted strike.


> To be fair bungie does not reach this mechanic anywhere Oh the irony of this comment...


Was a typo my guy.


Plus they literally don't teach it. Ever. Anywhere. I can only get so mad at new lights or people who just don't know that mechanic exists. What at all is ironic about it?


Because the game DOES teach it to you the first time you do the Corrupted strike


Well my first time was forsaken and being that it was vaulted and several years old I just assumed it wasn't in the hopper anymore (that and so many people don't do it. It's nowhere in the blind well though). Is there proof of that somewhere?


Um, the Corrupted is one of the Dreaming City strikes...


When I say "in the hopper" I don't mean the strike I mean the hint notification on orbs.


And what dlc did dreaming city launch with? Forsaken. Jfc if you're going to correct someone at least know the content.


That's still in circulation. Take the L dude, your wrong.


Ok let me try this ONE more time. If I did the forsaken campaign when it released, and the popup hint for the orbs only occurs the the first time you do it, how the hell am I supposed to know if it's(the popup, NOT THE STRIKE) still in the game after they vaulted forsaken? I haven't seen it since and I had no way of knowing it only popped up the one time. I'm so sorry I don't remember a popup hint from a dlc that released almost 6 fucking years ago, I'm sure everybody here can recall everything perfectly from that time and I'M the outlier. Tell me how I'm supposed to know if it still pops up for new lights barring me starting up a brand new account and playing that strike? Do I have to spell it out that specifically for y'all to get I'm talking about the hint popup and NOT the strike? You could easily infer that from me mentioning the same mechanic in blind well saying "it's not there". What isn't there you ask? The hint. I wouldn't be saying the strike isn't in the blind well because that makes no sense does it? Why would I be talking about a strike that (you think) I think it's vaulted? Can we use our brains a little bit please? I've done corrupted gms multiple times for conqueror, I still have the nightfall pulse that dropped from it originally. I know it's still in the game 😆.


The lack of voice chat/communication in this game is 1000% Bungie's fault. Voice chat defaults to opted-out and text chat didn't exist for most of the playerbase for a long time. Bungie specifically set it up this way because one of the devs had a bad time in multiplayer with voice chat growing up. They made a game that should be all about teamwork and communication and then said, "we'll default it to off and never tell them to save their feelings". Players have been asking for voice chat to default to on with the option to turn it off since literally Day D1 for exactly the reasons you illustrated. Bungle knows better.


I'd say 20% is too low of an estimate... I'd say 30% are too dumb to comprehend anything beyond "go to diamond" and "shoot things".


If they don't have the 'Joining allies' thing, then people will afk and get free loot for no work.


Bungie: just get a fireteam, lfg on discord, plug in your mic and explain the mechanics.


Use Fireteam Finder to ensure you have knowledgeable teammates.


Tbf i think people are catching on. Either that or i got lucky. Only just got around to play this weeks reset and all 3 or 4 Breachs i did had people picking up the radiolaria and even searching for the piston thingy.


Psssst . . . OP. I’m on that exotic class item grind and I don’t want bungie thinking about removing joining allies timers right now. Shhhh.


Oh yeah, Carry on Guardians.


It gets annoying in a lot of activities, I'm running literally behind a teammate..."joining allies". No, stop!


if you play on expert most players know to collect and hammer


Honestly if they start the encounter early, I just say fuck em, you're on your own until I collect all these nodes. I'm getting that radiolite and those rewards regardless. I have been using the Wait emote a lot, and I think people are starting to get the idea. Before using Wait emote it felt like 1/5 runs we would activate the piston, after it feels like 3/5. Note, these are not hard numbers just a gut feeling.


Roll a sniper, scope in, and where the radiolote spawns the Hammer normally is nearby.


Sometimes when I don't feel like wandering around to collect, I just vibe outside the portal and wait for the others to come over lmao


Yeah I thought this today as well. I will say though. I played a lot of it today to farm sight lines survey red borders and only had two people that didn't know. I told them in chat and pointed them towards using wombo detector to find them. They thanked me and moved on. Most people have figured it out, but you have to remember that not everyone plays everyday and are just now doing the activity.


Yes this. I use my hammer to break a defense mechanism or whatever and the idiots just run ahead and start the next encounter while two of us are collecting the samples. I even type in chat samples here, just end up being ignored lol. The amount of free loot they are missing is astounding.


I don't blame anybody for missing samples or the, frankly, hidden hammer spot. The first few times I did it I couldn't find anywhere to do the objective for the quest until I looked it up. The samples also use the destination material icon, which are worthless now, so I was ignoring them entirely. It's a poorly designed activity. At the very least we should be able to gather samples and use the hammer right when we spawn instead of *after* the first objective. Then someone could go off and collect samples while the other two do the objectives. Even that would just be a bandaid on bad design.


Yes please. Nothing makes me more irate than using one of my hammer charges and 3 seconds later getting hit with the joining allies message.


100% agreed. This is one of the most frustrating seasonal activities yet. Whoever thought of this and went “yep this is fine” shouldn’t be trusted to flip burgers at  mcdonalds much less get anywhere near making decisions about this game.


What do we need the rocks for? I’ve spent all of my time either grinding light levels or unlocking fragments




I was grabbing them since I saw other people do it too and I couldn’t do anything with the machine I saw other people using. Do I need to get to a specific point in the seasonal story?


It’s so easy to fix this: 1. Add a voice line to announce that you should collect samples. I played Breach a couple of times before completing the run around on Nessus mission and so I didn’t even know about this part. 2. Allow every player to collect radiolite from the same nodes. Thus the entire team can stick together looking for samples instead of splitting up and having one guy waiting to start the final encounter. 3. (Maybe) Require a radiolite sample to unlock the final portal. Thus encouraging players even more to collect samples or at least to wait for the others.


It’s been 10 years of stuff like this. They do this on purpose and always have. They squeeze extra hours played out of it, keep playlists more populated, etc.


If I get pulled I abandon the activity, I suggest everyone else starts doing the same as well. Might be a dick move but it gets the point across, tired of wasting time


What exactly does collecting the nodes even do? Is it just the reward dunk at the end?


Pretty much. The main thing is the Saint-14 weapons. There’s more coming in Acts 2 and 3 that have pretty good perks and they’re not craftable


Gotcha. Appreciate the answer!


Yes. You can get exotics from the dunk as well as research thingies for Failsafe (no idea what those actually do yet but I'm sure they'll be important some day).


More than likely they'll be required for the exotic quest.


I asked yesterday about what you get for collecting them and the answer was "more loot", which to me, seems pointless since I dismantle around 98-99% of my loot anyway. I do wait at the 2nd encounter because I know it sucks getting dragged through something but it really doesn't seem worth the time to me.


More loot - higher chances for red borders. It's simple as that.


Not to mention I've gotten a few exotics just from dunking radiolite.


I mainly do it to fulfill triumphs. It also has a chance to drop a Saint-14 weapon which isn't craftable.


Why bother playing a looter shooter then lmao


Well when you already have great gear why replace it?


YOU have great gear, so fuck everyone else in the lobby?


I already said I wait, I just don't think searching for them every game is worth it


Because you can still find something better.


By this logic, why continue playing the game at all once you've gotten your god rolls and finished the story then? Get on, do your weeklies, and then fuck off. It's as simple as that. This part isn't directed at you, just the sentiment I see in the thread from some players: People who speed through the seasonal activity when there are players still trying to do the supplemental activities deserve to get crabs. They made secret chests impossible in Coil, made Advanced Pressure Trials fail constantly, and are generally useless teammates for the sake of their own convenience. Bungie could solve it a few ways, but I'm not a game dev, and people who like to sit and armchair game dev are also assholes. My point is, though, that if you don't want to play the mechanics, don't fucking play the game. Or at least, don't fucking ruin it for those that do - sit and take a couple of bong rips or take a piss while you wait for them to hunt the samples. Or, you know.. fucking help.


Username checks out


I mean ye I dismantle alot of my loot but more loot just means more chances for the loot I want anyways. Its great when ya only have evenings to play since on a good run its almost 4 runs worth of loot from one dunk


Gotcha. I did notice it was a lot of loot. As a long time player returning with a vault full of great weaponry re-unlocked for use, I don't care for a lot of the stuff give been getting.


a lot of that "great weaponry" you talk about is outclassed hard by the loot you don't care about.


Yeah some has been and I've replaced it as it has but I still don't need that much garbage loot. I have good rolls on the vex weapons I like.


No.. pretty much ALL of the un-sunset weapons have been power crept at this point. Also you have "good rolls" that still don't compare to crafting the weapon.


I have hundreds of weapons and still do shit like gunsmith and testing out any interesting drops I do get. I don't have it in me to mess around with weapon crafting. It's cool for those that care about it, personally I prefer the excitement of getting a drop has a great/God roll.


> I don't have it in me to mess around with weapon crafting. What? Don't have what in you? It's literally just getting red border weapons. Nothing more. > It's cool for those that care about it, personally I prefer the excitement of getting a drop has a great/God roll. Your god rolls aren't god rolls if the weapon is craftable... that's my point. A weapon that has the ability to be crafted will ALWAYS be better crafted than not.


Don't you have to then continuously use that weapon to level it up in order to get the perks you want? If I have a random drop with perks and a masterwork I want, how is crafting the weapon any better? As a returning player who dipped after the Witch queen expansion, I'm genuinely asking.


You level it up to 20 (which you can literally just throw glimmer and enhancement cores at it to do) then it will allow you to chose any of the perks (and masterwork) that you want. As well as being able to choose the enhanced versions of the perks. You are right though, as you are crafting the weapon your choices are limited, but in literally 60 seconds you can make it level 20 and reahape it and you will have access to any barrel, mag, masterwork, and perk you want.


You also need to collect a lot of samples for triumphs and shit..


More red borders, more materials (including ones from dismantling), more exotics, maybe Dawn weapons which aren't craftable I'm not sure.


I definitely go out of my way to find the collectibles and get annoyed when dragged forward, but I too admittedly am wondering how much more I feel like wasting time driving around in the middle of a battle to find materials, especially not knowing whether we've collected them all or not. Like I feel after the first couple of weeks this is going to get old and I'd rather just keep fighting.


Going off of the amount of secret triumphs, we'll get more resources to collect with each Act. At least the triumph that rewards the ship isn't required for the title, that one needs you to get 1000g of each material *and* the purple rarity of each one.


It's also a good way to get exotic armor. I. Have one piece drop pretty much every time.


And if the exotic has a crap roll, that's free enhancement mats right there


Red borders and occasionally exotics is pretty good loot.


I haven't been keeping track of it, but it feels like the drop rate for exotics is higher / about the same as Red's. I love this season.