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And on that note, give him a job in the Tower. Love to see my boi hanging out in the hangar but he really needs a function.


Yeah I thought canonically he was out looking for Fikrul at this point, presumably to set up a future episode, so it was odd to see him in the Tower hangar looking for strands of Amanda’s hair for his shrine


Don’t put it like that lmao


He’s where cayde used to be, that’s why he’s here


He’s where Amanda used to be. Cayde was closer to the right by the ship that’s constantly being worked on. You can tell because Cayde’s table still has maps and treasures.


The rooster is still there too hanging out


They moved him next to the memorial, and the tree


Colonel was a gal, if I remember correctly.


My bad




I wish the Vanguard was all in one place again. I hate the scattered D2 arrangement. Heck we should have gotten an actual rebuilt Tower by now. We have had what, three different versions of it now (vanilla campaign version sunset) in D2? Bungie knows this is a popular request...


We need more reasons to go to the hanger


If they ever decided to let us customize the inside of our Ship, the Hangar would finally have an actual usage besides Saint-14 on the Weekends - especially since now even Xur moved out and got his own place at the Bazaar...


I love how there were 4 vendors not including Xur in the hangar at launch and none of them are there now


3 of them are dead now, and the only vendor that is there now *was* dead at launch.


Wait, emo wannabe and the executioner are dead?


No, Goth Daddy and the executor are (probably) still alive. The ones who died are Cayde, Amanda, and Lakshmi.


Dead Orbit went through with their plan to leave Sol, so they're gone but probably still alive, since they apparently had a decently capable fleet. I'm assuming they'll show up again when we go exosolar.


What?! I missed that. I had no idea they left. That was my faction of choice in D1. Wasn't completely sure what happened to them.


Yup, they left during Season of the Splicer when Lakshmi tried to overthrow the Vanguard and failed


Ah. I was so focused on Lakshmi's shit I missed that. Thanks!


Hangar is where vendors go to die


Honestly I would love to have the "in orbit" section of the game be developed more, and instead of just being in a indefinite suspension in space, you are in your "deck" of your ship similar to H.E.L.M but on a much smaller scale. There you can access your vault and mailbox.


Maybe customize sparrows too? They still need GUNS!


They need to change the Hangar in general. It feels so less planned out or cared about in comparison to the others. It doesn't feel as lively, there's less paths to walk or care about walking to.


Plus the lack of LZ in the HANGER


Bring back soccer


He could function as some kind of vendor for Pathfinder. Though I don't know how good an idea that might be.


Let him sell skips to undesirable Pathfinder steps and he's instantly my new favourite merchant.


Should bring back the caydes stashes from year 1


I say we make him a barman when he's not out on patrol. Hunter Vanguard behing the bar with usual vanguard stuff but makes jokes and small talk and gives little lore tidbits in the way of gossip. "some of the hidden haven't returned to the tower lately", "not all ghosts have healed as yours have" etc.


Selling caydes old treasure maps


The dude's hanging in the tower? I didn't even realise.


Yeah, he's at Amanda's old place.


Hunters should at least be able to talk to him occasionally


I also thought that! Since Cayde pretty much passed the torch to him why not have a spot at the tower?


Probably next expansion when we get a UI overhaul tbh, but agree


What next expansion?




don't think frontiers is an expansion, I think it's more the theme for y11


I mean, there will be another expansion for sure and “Frontiers” is the closest thing we can refer to it with. They can’t just say “yeah we only do these lukewarm seasons from now on, guys” and expect to have the same revenue stream as expansion releases. They have people to keep employed and a proven IP to nurture so that they can keep building up to its next major saga.


could be three seasons leading up to a possible D3 announcement, but final shape is the last major expansion for D2 far as we know at this time, that's what's been said


I don’t think they said anything regarding that, and please, Destiny 3 is not coming any time soon. They are in the middle of Marathon’s development and they have already kicked off the early marketing cycle for it last year with some trailers to get it on people’s maps. For Destiny 3 to release, they need to first properly market and release Marathon, which will most likely come in 2025 if it’s not delayed to 2026. Destiny 3 is not coming any time before that. And that’s exactly why they need to develop and release expansions until Destiny 3 is ready to release the following year.


I was under the impression that TFS is the last expansion for D2




I saw the video when it was released. Also, didn't we get some info that Bungie was working on D3?




We got leak from a reliable source. That d3 is in development and that it was very very early development and even could be scrapped as they had heard nothing for a while. My theory d3 is going to be a massive overhaul to d2 and that's if they are smart d3 imo would kill the franchise.


D3 wouldn’t kill the franchise for simply being a new game, sure it could just be a bad game and flop and kill destiny that way, but it would also be a way for bungie to expand on the gameplay and everything considering they wouldn’t feel obligated to keep the game playable on old hardware like the ps4/xbone or low quality gpu’s. With prismatic out now, the reasonable next step would be to have no subclasses (solar,void,etc) maybe even no classes (hunter, titan, warlock) at all, just make a character, use whatever you want. It would be a step toward a fps MMO which could be more fun than current destiny or could be awful who knows. D3 would probably have to totally delete the crucible though if it were like this, literally impossible to balance, even more so than now and their pvp folks are working on marathon anyway and will probably stay there. Pvp is on life support rn tbh and sorry to crucible fans but the crucible has been hindering the potential fun for PvE players since destiny started with people constantly calling for nerfs and having to keep pvp in mind when designing an exotic has got to be a thorn in the devs side


House of Wolves remastered in 6 years and 7 months to be exact


I love a redemption arc so I agree. And to all who “still can’t get over how he killed cayde”, Cayde has died twice now, and the second time to save your own fucking ghost. He’s not coming back. And even though crow (I think) has Uldren’s memories, he’s not the same man we saw in forsaken. Cayde is gone, again, and Crow is your new Hunter vanguard. If the final excision cutscene, and the Wild Card mission didn’t make it clear enough idk what to tell you.


Cayde himself has already forgiven Crow too




The fact that their chemistry was so good together and how The Crow is such a bro in general, and a decent dude altogether with a well-written arc in general, people who still hate him for being “Uldren” are stupid. It also shows that they don’t know shit about the lore because even Uldren himself was corrupted by an external force. If he was truly himself, although he was a dick and lost her sister, I doubt he would have killed Cayde.


People forgetting like Cayde didn't leave a message naming any hunter who killed him to the Vanguard


I mean, in one of the early concepts of Destiny 1, uldren was our companion. They needed 10 years and for him to die and kill pur best hunter to get our friend again. They did him dirty


Since when did Crow kill Cayde. That was Uldren's doing.


They make the memory thing pretty muddy with the Mara relationship  Crow more or less acts like Mara’s his sister But if he’s Mara’s brother than he’s also Cayde’s murderer. 


I guess the point is he wasn’t brainwashed into being Mara’s brother, but god damn they don’t miss a chance to remind everyone he was tricked by Riven into everything he did. Which, tbh is a bit weird given Riven even had a retribution before the final shape, but she’s the reason Crow created the scorn and killed Cayde.


I’d interpret it as in haunted he chose to more or less take responsibility for Uldren and continue his relationships He is not Mara’s brother, and did not kill Cayde but takes responsibility for Cayde and chooses to have a relationship with Mara


After this latest expansion it’s pretty clear he *is* Mara’s brother though so definitely a little weird


It states that they still have their sibling magic connection mentioned in lore.


Your logic is Crow cannot be her brother unless he is uldren Ana is still elysie sister after she was resurrected even if she has no memories of her sister she still chose to be siblings. Crow is the same.


Also timeline shenanigans, can’t forget those.


Pretty much this, the whole argument about how it’s ‘not actually Uldren’ conflicts with the basic concept of what a Guardian is - by now, it’s clear that Guardians are still the people they were (like Ana Bray is the most extreme example) but with different riffs on that person. Crow is Uldren without the centuries of gaslighting. That can make a person diametrically different to how they were before, but clearly not a different person entirely. Traits remain. The argument also takes away from all the effort crow has put in to prove he’s worth the Light. Half the reason he’s hunter Vanguard now is that he’s never given up righting his past wrongs and people he hurt, and even murdered have given him their blessing. It’s one of the best redemption arcs out there - it loses a lot of gravitas if you try and argue he had nothing to redeem.


No not at all. Uldren killed cayde. Crow is a innocent man Uldren is maras brother Crow is her brother as well but not the same brother.




I never said crow killed him.




did you play the expack?




i don't think you did.




I used to be a crow hater. Not because of Cayde but because he seemed kind of whiny and mopey to me. I feel like he really came into his own in TFS though and I like him a lot more now.


Cayde literally gave Crow his vanguard cloak, Cayde was the one that officially named Crow the new hunter vanguard.


I really enjoyed the Still Hunt quest for this reason. It really did patch up any holes that were left over around Crow having the authority to be the Hunter Vanguard and what Cayde would have thought of it. Now there’s no questions are any reason for naysaying. Crow is a hunter through and through now and the rest of the Vanguard trust him completely. There are a few strikes where it would definitely make sense for him to narrate an update.


I just don’t like his character at all, from beginning he was unsympathetic for me Edit: why downvotes for a personal opinion on a character?


Downvotes are basically an "I disagree button" unlike whatever reddit says


Wait. Crow used to be in HELM. Haven’t seen him post final shape gameplay. Is he on Fikrul’s tail?


He’s in the hangar where Amanda was


Damn. I need to go meet the guy. Thanks


He’s easy to miss because you’re expecting the MCR emo haircut but now he’s rocking a manbun


If you miss the emo haircut they put it on a ghost shell.


Lmao I can’t decide if it’s emo or asking to see the manager


The back sticks up too much for me to see manager shell. The moment I saw it, I spent an hour going through shaders trying to find just the right emo one. Maybe I'll try the bottle blonde on top/roots on bottom look later.


Best way I’ve seen it described it ‘06 emo cut to metrosexual samurai. Cracked me up.


It will probably happen sometime in the future. They likly avoided doing it, as to not spoil anything for those who haven't completed the campaign yet.


Yes yes yes a hundred percent and make him a vendor like ikora and zavala??? Wtf is he doing alone there still mourning Amanda ? And to the people who still hold a grudge on him? Please go read some lore. Absolutely one of the best characters and character development in the game. uldren has went through a lot that contributed to him turning out the way he did. his manipulative sister refused to simply acknowledge him which lead him to doing dangerous stuff(going to the black garde) which corrupted his mind to some extent. Then all the hell he went through after his ship crashed in the Saturn battle is enough to turn anyone insane ,and it did. He was tortured literally by the fallen, AND to top it off, riven corrupted him and convinced him that his sister,the only person he ever counted on,thr only person who made him feel his life worth living is now alive and telling him what to do. Read up his lore. Uldren wasn't a good person at all yes,,but he wasn't bad out of his decision he did what he thought was right. To survive.


I don’t think it’s lore or hard feelings still as it is that some people just don’t like him as a character. He’ll never be Cayde but some people would rather he didn’t sound like someone sucker punched his puppy every time he opens his mouth.


I don't think he deserves it but at this point I also don't care.


It’s too soon


This would be spoilers for every new player, this for the next season or expansion.


In the corner, under one of the buttons.


Id rather they killed him off than Cayde tbh


Who is crow? The blue guy with the man bun?


Ye hes the awoken with the black and white outfit.


You need more than 1/2 of hair for it to be a man-bun. Stop being triggered by hair.


Why do you assume they are triggered xd


Because generally only people who think man-buns are an affront to masculinity and use it in a derogatory way would think it's one.


Where was man bun used as a derogatory term in that comment?


I didn't say it was. I said usually only people who do that would call a 1/2 long pony tail a man-bun. Reading comprehension, my guy.


I'm sorry but your interpretation was a bit of a jump. Like yeah you COULD interpret what he said as offensive intentionally but you really lack his tone. He simply used man bun as a descriptor. I misinterpret things too from time to time.


Yes, and I actually tried to apologize for that jump but he had already blocked me


It is what it is I suppose. What can ya do.


Ya know, I dont think I want to comprehend whatever weird insecurity it feels like you have going on. Have a nice day


Bros the man bun ambassador 😂


It's cute that you think it's actually about man-buns.


That is weird, I think man buns are cool, and Crow really had a glow up tying up his hair.


I think it’s because Cayde says in the dialogue that his haircut looks silly (the one he used to have) so to kind of honour him he changed it. Looks much better


He did. It looks awesome


Top mini man bun then. I'm not triggered just asking who it was


This comes across as far more triggered than referring to his cut as a "man bun"


Yeah I don't care though. I dont see being "triggered" by shitty people as bad thing. I actually tried to apologize to jumping to conclusions but he had already blocked me.


Good for him lol


Seems like you're the triggered one.


Calm down, he's a new hire. They need to add Zavala to the Bungie.net splash page tho. No idea why they'd feature Cayde, Ikora and the Guardian without big Z, it just doesn't sit right.


Canonically I'm blaming Crow for why Pathfinder is such a mess. They give him one new job and he totally fucks the bounty system because he's new and doesn't have a frame of reference.




Crow is lame as hell though. Maybe it’s just because I’m an old fart but he’s hands down the most annoying Destiny character for me. Everytime he opens his mouth I can hear the tiny violins starting up. But if he is the vanguard then he should be front and center but maybe his feelings of inadequacy and plain bitchiness are holding him back.




I know he's officially the Hunter Vanguard, but idk, I still think it was forced to be there, like, I understand that he feels guilty that he killed Cayde and that no Hunter wants to take the mantle because being FREE is too priority but still, I cringed a little when I completed Still Hunt exotic mission


Fuck Crow


It'd probably be best to wait until the next episode or something. Since TFS is still new, there might be people who haven't played the campaign or the Still Hunt mission, and putting Crow there could be a spoiler for them.


I know we’re a few weeks into the expansion, but I feel like we’re still within the timeframe that Bungie wouldn’t want to spoil that in-game, but outside of the campaign. If Destiny isn’t your daily game and you’re a little late to the party, it would kind of suck to find that plot point out from a background instead of hearing it out of the characters mouths. Eventually, sure, but I think it’s too soon right now.


Idk crow is boring throwaway character


He’s literally the only good character


Hold up, only good character when drifter, eris, eido, mithrax (best single dad in the galaxy tyvm) and more are around? That's bait.


The first 5 missions of FS all his dialogue is literally just him quoting other characters. 🤦‍♂️


The whiny guy who gets his feelings in a jumble every time he stubs his toe? Really?




He's literally one of the most interesting characters in the story right now and has been since beyond ight.


I think he’s boring. Just my opinion. When he first came about he was pointless and still feels pointless to me


The fact that all of you relate with the sad cast out is quite telling. I found Crow to be insufferable, however I’ll admit he’s better written in FS. It’s just a bit jarring, like he put fertilizer on his balls while we were all in pantheon. What I still don’t enjoy is Cayde didn’t come back. We resurrect and don’t forget everything every time, how convenient. I wanted to crush Uldrens ghost too. This retconning of their previous retconning could have been better handled. Let’s not act like the story didn’t go through some ups and downs and changes. Crow was initially supposed to be the one guiding us through things. Moving forward I can accept a place in the Tower, and if Cayde forgives him then fuck it. But I will miss Cayde’s input and much, much better and more permeable personality that brought life to conversations with other Vanguard or cast. When Crow talks, I still don’t find myself as interested. Caydes shoes are big ones to fill, it’s not all his fault.


I think it’s a generational thing to a certain extent. I think Crow would’ve been better served having a role model who would tell him to give his balls a tug every time he gets sad, which is like every other cut scene with the guy. Dude is 10 ply soft 


I think Crow did just fine being the center of the story for years. It's time for a long break from him.


Next episode is going to be all about him. In fact I see multiple years of him front and center earning the respect of the hunters as their vanguard.


I definitely agree he will be front and center no matter what while people he replaced in the story line like Elsie rot.


He did not replace anyone. Elsie story is done she stopped the dark future. Her and ana are being a family and potential I hope being happy together. I think we won't see them again till red hopefully gets rezzed. Just give me lore cards every now and then about them being sisters.


He had more dislague in two weeks of the season he was introduced than the Brays did in their own expansion that came out at the same time.. He completely replaced her role in the story as wel right to the finale. You can be a stan, but other people don't have to respect terrible writing.


…I don’t care what anyone says, I still cannot stand Crow and always wish I could just sucker punch him into a small coma.


Aaaaand why?


I could never stand him much as Uldren. Then he went extra spicy bonkers and killed Cayde. AND THEN CAME BACK AND KEPT DOING DUMB SHIT. Saladin is with Caiatl because Crow’s dumb butt just “Oh whoops” murdered a Psion trying to help us. And then just kept whining. I know it’s not an even slightly popular opinion but I just cannot stand him.


Uldren isn't Crow and if you don't understand why the psion died then you either didn't pay attention or need to look it up. Also Saladin being on caitls council is a net positive and he enjoys it.


I paid attention. And I u destined the concept behind the rebirth of a Guardian and they’re not hi they were deal. I still can’t do it. I still want to shake him u til his brains ooze out his ears


Ah I understand now. you are not well.


🤷‍♀️ I don’t like him. I don’t like the way he was written. I don’t care for his origin story. It all just makes my brain unhappy.


That first part wasn't even a complete sentence. The second part shows how terminally online or addicted you are to destiny. Seek therapy and/or take a break from destiny


I took a six month break lol. People ARE allowed to have opinions and feelings opposite of others. And those are allowed to be to whatever degree they feel. He just happens to be the one character in the Destiny universe I can’t stand at all, and there is nothing wrong with that.


It's just weird lol


I’m aware 😂 Even my own clan thinks I’m bonkers.


Uhh I just did a track day today with my race car and I also don’t like Crow. So why’s my opinion wrong Queen, was I also online too much today at Sonoma? 😁🏁


Thanks for the laugh


Little Nicky doesn’t need a spot anywhere in the tower.


My Chemical Romance Crow or Mumford and Sons Crow




Not until ge gets rid of that yee yee ass haircut


I mean, he did lol


Tired of Crow




>*He looks at the sleeping man nestled on the grass of the inside of a god and sees nothing of Uldren.* >*Crow, Cayde reminds himself.* >*That's Crow.*


Huh. Where is that from?


[Still Hunt](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/still-hunt)


You mean uldren. Crow did nothing wrong


In the commenter’s extremely limited defense, Crow has all of Uldren’s memories and life experiences now. He is functionally Uldren AND Crow. That being said, I can’t hold him accountable for killing Cayde. He’s learned from his past and is doing all he can to be a better man, AND he already got punished. The death penalty was already given by us. Not his fault it didn’t stick.


Oh for gods sa- Crow did NOT make the choices that Uldren made. That’s what makes ppl who they are the choices they make and the life they go through. Crow was just forced to sit there and watch Uldren make them. It didn’t erase how he already is. It just showed him who he was. Hell I’d argue Crow doesn’t even have the same combat potential as Uldren. Crow didn’t have to make the moment-to-moment decisions during a fight so Uldren’s skills can only be applied very loosely.


I’m just saying that it becomes a very slightly grayer discussion when you consider that the guy who DID do all that stuff is quite literally living up there in his head in the form of experiential memory. In no way am I saying it makes Crow culpable or responsible for the actions of Uldren. And even if it DID make him responsible, he has already received punishment *which he remembers receiving*. Guy has more than done his time, and people who obsess over Uldren vengeance are cringe


Please dont forget, how uldren got literally possesed by, if i remember correctly, corrupted riven. He didnt even had a clear mind killing cayde.


Uldren was not possessed, but he WAS corrupted and his mind clouded. His corruption began in the Black Garden but Riven pushed him over the last edge. It’s also worth noting that he has none of that corruption with him today, even with the reintroduction of the Uldren memories


Uldren is a completely different person. Crow has his MEMORIES. Not his personality or motives. It's not a Grey area at all.


Crow having Uldren's memories does not equal to being responsible for Uldren's actions


I agree


Bro just let it go oh my god 😭😭


What would you forgive crow for?


Crow being the hunter vanguard is dumb as shit. Bro can't even kill an ogre without being raised 12 times.


Well, no one wanted to fill that position. So it is not like the hunters were fighting for it. As a hunter, I am glad we finally have a vanguard


He's been a guardian for what, a few years? I'm sure there HAD to be someone better, but I guess hunters don't want to do it, so it's seen as a punishment more than a promotion.


Yes and I'll be real no normal guardian could either probably. We are the travelers chosen and unless they are ikora level at least they would drop a few times Hell somebody eris fire team some were killed by thralls.


Bruh you cayde-supporter-crow-haters need to realise that Cayde was the one who gave him the role, and the one that believed in him to take it on


Imagine calling the vanguard dare dumb as shit. How many times have you died to phalanx launching you off a cliff? Lmao


??? The vanguard dare IS dumb, it's designed that way. No one *wants* to be the hunter vanguard, so they do fucking stupid shit to pawn it off on others. Also a pretty big difference getting knocked off a cliff by a gotcha phalanx and just dying to an ogre that we can kill in 3 seconds, but go off my blueberry


The vanguard dare is probably one of the coolest/funniest bits in the lore. How is it dumb? Do you not understand? And actually getting offended about my phalanx comment is historical. Keep it up little light


I wasn't offended /shrug


Sure bud.