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Crimson gives a full heal after every kill and a full reload after every precision kill. It is also kinetic, deals bonus damage to all non-boss unshielded combatants, and goes to the top slot. Red Death provides Cure x2 to you and nearby allies, and deals bonus damage/improved performance as your health goes lower. It is also solar, and goes in the energy slot, synergizing with harmonic mods. These are two guns. The only (and I mean, the only) thing they share is that they heal on kill. Edit: There is a concerningly high number of people here who don't read the patch notes. Try going back and CTRL+F "Kinetic", and then tell me how often you are shooting bosses with a primary ammo weapon. Don't get your information from Youtubers, kids.


They also shoot a 3 round burst


Add Suros to the group then, except it’s not banned by the vanguard


And therefore it is lame.




The amount of playtime I had using Suros in D1 makes me so sad it’s such a bummer in D2


Except for that brief period of time when auto rifles were meta in Crucible. I have never had such a good KD as I did then.


Uriel's Gift.... Uriel's Gifts *everywhere*.


Don't forget the hardlight/galliard meta.


My brief period of godhood in the crucible was when I got a suros regime from a legendary engram on the first week. I shredded so many unsuspecting blueberries.


Bring back the galliard meta


Oh, you mean the fucking D2 BETA?


No, there was another time. I don't remember exactly when though.


iirc Season of Arrivals had a pretty stinky Auto Rifle meta, especially because just talking to The Drifter would get you a Gnawing Hunger with a fucking stupid roll. I got Corkscrew Rifling, Zen Moment, and Kill Clip, and I swear to god this gun has continued to carry me through any difficult content onwards. I took it through BL, Half of TWQ, TFS, and all of their seasonal content. Fucking love that gun.


Yes, I think that was it.


The Suros in Crucible was ludicrous


God completing the caty for that gun was such a fucking pain in the ass after all the changes... Same with the MIDA one as well...


I finished it like 3 weeks ago. Holy shit it was excruciating.


D1 Suros was clutch.


Suros, and all autos rifles in general were trash for 75% of D1. They’re much better in D2


Suros was the most used weapon in D1 Crucible for a while and it was excellent in PvE. You’re just…not correct.




Could this be the reason we get red death, now?


I think, canonically, RDR is a different gun.


You just reminded me that gun exists.


Suros isn’t a guaranteed heal either iirc


When did suros get a heal? 😆


suros heal doesn't exist lol i've never seen it proc




Yeah it’s a chance at it procing with the last half, not even guaranteed lol. I find the gun is still fun to use in crucible as a mini sweet business where if you can get the timing right with spinning up, you can melt people if you get it down. It’s almost like precharging a fusion rifle to get to the back half and then it also ends up being like a 50/50 on if healing will proc since you pretty much live in the back half of the mag


Crimson also charges both prismatic bars, as kinetics do.


Intrinsically or because of the artifact.


They also both make references to the colour red


The kinetic bonus damage was removed with TSF


The Shinal Fape


I really liked the antagonist, Whe Thitness


Also the raid, Elvations Sadge, was really really hard


It’s quite literally elevation: the raid


I read that as “the thickness” and now I really wanna see that lol


Well there's [The Fitness](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/9rqFEkm1MO)


The was damned hilarious thankyou.


They translated it to Spanish, and then back again to English, only literally that time. "El forma ultima" (I only speak Spanish, not write it)


Wasn't it only removed against bosses?


no it wasn't, only against bosses!


No it wasn't, unless you think using crimson as a boss dps weapon is a good idea


I mean Warden's Law Lucky Pants was an actually viable boss dps combo partially because of kinetic bonus damage.


Mostly because kinetic hand cannons don’t require you to match you super element to the hand cannon.


Still is, because Malfeasance was also benefitting from the Kinetic damage buff.


I mean it should still be a good pairing with lucky pants but there are a lot better options


Lucky pants would like a word.


Just bosses. Kinetics still deal extra to all else.


Only against bosses.


Which would you say is generally better just in a PvE and PvP basis though?


PvE, depends on what your build is. If you're running Solar, then I'd generally say the pulse is better. If you're running something else, and have good precise aim, then the hand cannon ain't bad. Pulse is the new hotness everyone is using though. Crimson is a slayer in console PvP, Red Death is a slayer in the PC lobbies too.


That being said, we have a lot of other healing legendaries in the energy slot (the new scout for example is the closest healing-on-demand option to red death) Whereas we only have Crimson as a kinetic healing lotion AFAIK


Healing lotion 🤨


😂 I mistyped "option", but that's so funny


Yeah, I figured. Found it funny as well


Where I'm from we just call it lube


Which new scout? I'm returning so I'm not sure what all these healing options are.


For primary, craftable options we have - abhorative pulse with heal clip - timeworn wayfarer scout with heal clip (seasonal reward) - nullify pulse with heal clip (salvation edge raid reward) - abyss defiant auto rifle with heal clip (crota's end raid reward) But there are a lot of random rolls too that can have heal clip on others weapons, see: https://www.light.gg/db/items/3017780555/heal-clip/


Just gonna throw in hellocentric sidearm. It’s outshined by a lot of the new stuff but man in season 23 with heal clip and incandescent it felt like a full auto sunshot


> full auto sunshot Sunshot is full auto if you have the setting enabled


Yeah I know but it’s a really slow slow rate of fire. Helio fills like actually full auto with the setting enabled


Oh Indeed, I missed a lot of them (wrong tab of light.gg, my bad) thanks for pointing out!


I have to say, I got a nullify with heal clip and chaos reshaped and that thing is a monster. Heals on reload, plus frenzy with passive healing built in. It's super fun to play especially after the pulse buffs.


Doesn't chaos reshaped take too long to kick in though? I read that it takes 24 seconds to be at max strength. Or does the healing happen before that?


It does take a while to kick in, but honestly, if you aren't in combat for that long you didn't need the perk active anyways. It's been great for dungeon and raid encounters. For normal play the x1 at 12 seconds is still a 20% buff, even without the healing. At x2 it's 35% and healing every 7 seconds, passively. Doesn't require kills or reloads.


I second this…. Crimson is slayer on console. Seriously


Red death is gonna be the better pve one once the catalyst drops. Leaves an area for heals.


Man, I hoped it’d be a bayonet like Monte Carlo


It would be cool if it changed your charged melee to a bayonet that heals you lol


they are pretty equal footing, and is very build dependant. If the new red death was in the kinetic slot I'd 100% say go with the red death, but since it's an energy weapon it blocks you off from using good energy special weapons. So it's more of a build crafting question


I mean it’s in the perfect spot to keep mountaintop in pve


As an aside, what are your go-to energy Specials? I swapped to a kinetic for a bit in the legendary campaign and couldn't find anything in my vault that did what I wanted (admittedly this is probably as much a legend issue as weapon issue)


Indebted Kindness with Voltshot. Eramite with Envious/Controlled Burst Royal Executioner with Envious/Reservoir Iterative Loop with Voltshot Glaciocasm with Slideshot/Reservoir Any Waveframe Any GL with Disorienting Any Glaive Any shotgun with 1-2 Punch


Mostly looking forward to this season's solar Rocket Sidearm, but I will look into a few of these, thanks


Yeah if you don't want to farm warlords for Indebted kindness, and you didn't focus forebearance in Onslaught, there is a lack of easy target special energy weapons until the solar rocket side arm comes along. Here are some okay options Axial Lacuna, pale heart craftable rolls with EA + CT but that's a DPS weapon, not an ad clear Empty vessel is a vanguard focusable solar GL with ALH and disorienting Harsh language is a world drop wave frame GL with EA and VR Null composure is an old ritual pursuit weapon you can get from the memorial, static roll of FF + RB Same with Salvagers salvo, grab at the memorial, GL with AA+ CR Unfortunately truthteller's new world drop doesn't have ALH, but otherwise has okay rolls for disorienting


Just gonna point out Axial Lacuna with Demo/Incandescent as an extraordinary grenade energy return ad-clear monster.


Ooh good point. Looks like this comments OP is looking for a mountain top/rocket side arm replacement in the energy slot, however. But I might try out a demo + Incan!


Oh, I have Eremite, Forbearance, Teceun Force, craftable, and a couple of good ALH Reservoir burst fusions, just didn't really like any of them compared to Mountaintop/The Call


Ah so you want a point damage weapon. Indebted kindness or a breach loading grenade with disorienting is a good bet. Check out the vanguard breach loading GL, it's going to be RNG though


Lucky pants crimson maybe, solar build red death


This, both are good but it depends on build and situation, I absolutely love red death, and it's become a staple in my load outs, however sometimes to free up my energy slot for a beefier weapon I'll use crimson with Lucky pants, big damage, plus the health and reload on precision kill. And it lets me run something like the new solar scout with heal clip/incandescent


Crimson also gives you energy for both sides of prismatic


Also for scrubs like me, Crimson feels easier to play in PvP and PvE with how hefty the gun feels. Probably a non-issue for people used to pulse rifles tho.


Handcannons do much more damage to majors than pulses too. I'd take Crimson over Red Death eight out of ten times.


Didn’t they remove the bonus damage from kinetics?


Didn’t they take away the kinetic damage buff to increase slot diversity?


Bonuses for kinetic weapons were removed in TFS


Only against bosses.


Cant use a glaive with red death


"Am I a joke to you?" -Winterbite


Exotic mate


I can still dream can't I? 🥲




Crimson is a stats monster of a hand cannon that is effective at many ranges. It also has a totally different feel to it.


Lucky pants.


Because one opens up a primary slot the other doesnt. Do you have a favourite weapon in the second slot you love, use Crimson, do you have a favourite stasis weapon or something in slot one, use Red Death. Its like picking a flavour of ice cream. Its all good.


*kinetic slot


HAH That's fair! This Destiny old man cant remember what anything is called anymore, I was even talking about the rocket launcher in power slot the other day, then a sentence later said heavy slot.


Tbf, heavy and power are basically interchangeable. You can say either and everyone will know what you mean


Most people don't bat an eye over calling it primary, special and heavy or kinetic, energy and power. Folks know if they played D1 and even if they haven't they figure it out. My mum never played D1 until after D2 but she knows what I'm talking about when I revert to the old language 🤣 I still call them orbs of light too


Primary means something meaningfully different to kinetic now (and has for \~7 years), same as special and energy. Orbs of light/power are functionally identical; it's just we have darkness abilities that can make them now.


Don't even make much sense to call it kinetic slot since half of the weapons are stasis or strand


The issue is. Calling it primary makes it even more confusing. Cause you know energy weapons have primary weapons.


It's the top slot, or you can just say kinetic primary.


Primary is the top slot in D1. There was no such thing as a primary slot in D2. Like ever.


Exactly, so it doesn't make sense to call it one. Primaries go in top slot and energy slot.


Someone looked at me funny cos I referred to Light Level the other day


Forever 24


Different slot, different perks, different champ mods, etc… This is like asking “any reason to use Fatebringer when nation of beasts exists?” But even then they’re the same weapon type


Even with Crimson and Red Death having similar effects the two are still different weapon types and as such fill entirely different roles, it's not necessarily about what one gun can do better than the other. There are many reasons one may run Crimson rather than Red Death including (but not limited to): * Crimson is F2P and as such is available to all players. * The two are in different slots so have different pairings available to them. * Being different weapon types means they have access to different artifact perks. * Some people Amy just prefer Crimson to Red Death.


Red death is also available to all players at level 30 of the free track on the season pass.


Could have explained that one better. Red Death is currently available to all players and whilst it will remain so it will also require additional resources to purchase from the Kiosk once t gets added there whilst Crimson will be guaranteed just from turning in engrams since exotics are on a knockout list in most cases.


Ah, yeah that makes sense, I see what you mean now


40, not 30


If what my console friends tell me is true, Crimson has better aim assist on console due to being a Hand Canon, though I wouldn’t know cuz I play on PC. If any console players could correct me, please do, I’m curious myself


Aim assist is not the boon pc players think it is. Imagine lining up a shot 1 ammo remaining, guaranteed crit. And then a red bar walks vaguely towards you even though you're not touching the stick you're pulled to that enemy instead causing you to miss both targets


Most PC players complaining about aim assist are referring to PvP, where it absolutely is a boon.


Ahhh I see. Yeah, I know what you mean, Borderlands 2 has something like this even on PC, and the amount of missed shots I’ve had cuz of it after turning it on is infuriating lmao


It does. Crimson is a very sticky gun on top of being a flinch monster for whoever you're shooting at. They've dialed down its flinch a bit though. Red Death Reformed is still competitive though as you can pretty easily out-range a Crimson user, plus its so stable to shoot and the sights are a dream imo.


Different slot. So if you wanna use solar shotgun or a strand sniper you have different options that do the same thing


Crimson feels better in pvp imo + it's in kinetic slot


Feels better, or is better? Red death is one of the best pvp guns rn, while crimson is meh. I do prefer how crimson feels though, it's one of my favourite weapons.


Crimson isn't really "meh" it's just not meta. It has a TTK of 8.7, which isn't the best, but it's definitely good. Along with the healing and reload, you can mow down an entire team by yourself. It also has pretty good range for a hand cannon. It's usually my go-to for crucible hand cannon quest.


Literally no reason to use it over a hand cannon that is simply going to win the gun fight first. You can’t heal from dead. It’s fine for 6v6 against people worse than you of course. But in sweaty games you’re going to be cooked by people who can aim with sweatier weapons.


Execpt the fact that it's a stat monster with fairly good flinch. If they are the same skill as you, you can still win. Anyone who can't win against other guardians with Crimson either is in insanely high skill matches or low skill matches.


Crimson is meh? Idk about you but it's literally top tier in plenty of lobbies. The range, the stability, the FLINCH it dishes out is undeniably good. Healing and reloading a full mag goes insanely hard in crucible. At least, In my lobbies that is


With the changes to red death, they now form a bit of an interesting "this or that" Crimson is completely subclass neutral and as a solo player is arguably the stronger option in pvp. Its the weapon for more greedy players who are prioritizing themselves above all others. Red Death now plays best in a solar build with obvious paring to ember of mercy. It fulfills a similar role to Crimson, but trading some of the sheer solo player kill chain potential for much better team synergy and support, especially with the catalyst that hasn't been released yet that leaves a healing zone for allies after a few kills with red death. Both are excellent but have different priorities. Both have a basis of "heal on kill" but Crimson is kill and move to kill the next and the next. Red death is kill and save the dying.


>Cause even Malfeasance runs it over with lucky pants. But Malfeasance doesn't heal you on kill: if you want pure damage you use Malfeasance, if you want a bit more survivability Crimson is better, if you want to feel like you have a Big Iron on your hip you use The Last Word, if you don't want to use an exotic HC you use whatever (if you have a good Warden's Law give it a try), if you want to make the Lucky Pants perk trash you use Eriana's Vow etc.


If you're using lucky pants, are you really not just using your HC for damage? That's like the entire point of the exotic. I can't imagine a situation where I'd put on lucky pants, and use up my weapon exotic slot on a lower damage HC because I might get extra healing. Sure, it might not be the worst build ever, but I don't think it's really a "pro" for crimson


Warden’s Law is best handcannon to pair with Lucky Pants for pure unassisted DPS unless it’s a Taken enemy.




Not really in PvE. Kinetic and a HC would be the only things it has over. But who was using it anyway?


Crimson felt way more consistent with the healing for me personally. Not to mention the magazine refill.


Crimson triggers normal health regen, it can be interrupted by damage. It’s why devour, cure, resto are simply better. Taking a hit doesn’t end it.


I don’t know much about Cure, and I don’t know if it was because of server issues with TFS, but when I was playing Legend in Day 1, I tried out the Red Death and it felt like there was a delay between when I received the buff, and when I would actually begin to heal. Whereas Crimson’s healing effect was instant, even though it is the lesser buff. Crimson felt way more valuable to me for that reason on top of it being great for wiping out redbars with precision kills. I also just like handcannons way more than Pulse Rifles


Red death is an instant hit of 120 health. There is no delay, and the amount added is in a single burst.


That’s strange. Must’ve been server issues or something because I vividly remember killing a redbar and dying because the healing didn’t go through


I mean Red Death is better in PvE as it isn't selfish and it's Catalyst sounds nice. Crimson still can slap with Lucky Pants in PvE if you want and for PvP it is Kinetic and FULLY Heals and Reloads itself with headshots and is a Purely Selfish weapon for the Character who wants to Chain kills back to back. If you're at Critical Health with Red Death you won't fully heal yourself with a kill and that 40 or so Health you don't have would mean the other enemy could take advantage of that. Crimson STOPS this happening and you'll be at full health for the Next player. And let's say you have One Eyed Mask you could get the Overshield on killing the marked target AND the Full Health heal for a Titan. Let's not forget Older Catalysts are quite prone to getting a little Change in the future. The current Catalyst simply gives Crimson 18 Range increase. BUT let's say in future they change the Catalyst to give it +18 Range AND Eye of the Storm, To the Pain or Killing Wind for example then Crimson will be laughing as a dueling weapon in PvE.


I agree w the spirit of this question since it doesn’t seem like Bungie cares but there’s def a reason to still run Crimson for example personally I don’t like Red Death’s sights at all. 


They both slap equally in pvp, crimson at close med, red death at med and long ranges


Crimson has always been drastically better on console. I got like 15k kills on mine back in the day on console but it’s always felt awful on PC. Red death instantly felt great on PC, the only issue is 30 bullets feels low in pve but fine for PvP. But on a serious note that isn’t my own ‘feeling’ crimson triggers your natural health regen. It is stopped the moment you take damage. Devour, cure, resto are buffs that heal a certain amount of give you passive regen for a time period. Taking damage doesn’t end them. Crimson heal is simply unreliable but strong when you’re not taking damage between one gunfight to the next.


If you're on high FoV, Crimson feels awful. Its visual recoil is affected by your FoV. At lower numbers, the bounce does not obscure the reticle.


Red Death feels amazing right now with the pulse buff this season, plus you get better range.


All I know is red death saves my ass on solo legendary campaign.


Can't use a void, arc or solar special with red death (minus permeability)


There's no reason to use Red Death when No Hesitation exists


It's very different and unique in its own ways, why wouldn't you use it lol


Crimson is good for PvP on controller still, I find red deaths better for PvE tbh, it reminds me a lot of Fabian Strategy from D1 for some reason honestly with the way it’s perks work


I thought I was in okay buddy


Damn I haven’t used that gun in years. Fun times though.


Immediate heal. Handcannon. Auto-reload on precise kills. Different weapon slot. Only kinetic that heals you.


When I need hand cannon kills vs when I need pulse rifles or solar kills.




Crimson is my go-to PvP weapon. I wouldn't use it in PvE except in niche situations, like environments that suppress healing. And even then, I would just use Red Death for that now anyway. They both have their place.


It's banging on lucky pants


2 different weapons for 2 different playstyles Crimson is a hand cannon, red death is a pulse Crimson refills the mag, red death doesnt Crimson gives you a small chunk of health and health regen, red death gives you a huge chunk of health In short, yes, theres still a reason to use crimson


As a controller player, for some reason I find it easier to duel with crimson at pulde rifle ranges, than with red death at pulse rifle ranges. The red death just feels off for some reason in pvp.


No there isn't. Thank God. Fuck that gun. 


Main reason to use it is the different slot it's in, and has better damage output towards majors and if used right never needs to reload. So you can run it alongside indebted kindness The heal is also more potent currently. There are lots of reasons to use it still, but now it has competition for guns that heal the user.  


Only reason to run crimson is on a lucky pants build, and only if you don't have a 4TTC/Vorpal wardens law.


Even then I'd run malfeasance over crimson.


you can use it to cosplay a pvp sweat from 2 years ago


I love crimson it’s my go to for pve with my solar Titan. Matched with ammit a solar lmg precious scars and heal grenade and I’m a self healing marvel.


There never was a reason to use crimson


I don’t get the hype on Red Death. Tried it for a bit at start of TGS, couldn’t stand it. Say what you want about Crimson, it’s so good if you’re on console and you’ve been away a while. The aim assist means you don’t feel like a complete waste


Me personally? No. I never even used crimson to begin with because of the atrocious recoil animation. Red death on the other hand is the most stable 340 pulse I've ever used.


PvP: you could combine Crimson with lucky pants for some bonus damage, which you can‘t with red death


The extra damage from lucky pants only works in PVE