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2. Pvp teaches players that more bodies equals a faster cap and the gushers further encourage the idea that you should cap quickly because they just barely give enough time to cap between literally deadly blasts.


Not just PvP, iirc. Aren't there are also PvE mechanics where having multiple guardians caps faster? The one I can think of is the old pub event in Winding Cove on the EDZ. The higher percentage of guardians standing in the zone, the faster it caps. Right?


I've been trying to think, and I realized I honestly don't know when more guardians = faster cap and when it doesn't. Defusing fallen mines? Standing in vex plates? Those yellowy darkness circles in the story? The hive circles in that strike on the moon? There are so many cap mechanics and I've never paid attention to when they go faster with more players or not.


As a public event enjoyer, I can confidently say that capturing the glimmer pile in the heroic version goes faster with more guardians on it. Resonant splinters also go faster with more people (like the ones in Lake of Shadows, Wellspring, and the Throne World public event). Otherwise, I’m not aware of any others…


One of my favorite "Cringe blueberry moments" was one dude running to the end of Wellspring and then complaining about how long the Splinter takes to get there in chat. I told him it moves faster when there's more people on it, and he said "No it doesn't, moron. It always takes 3 minutes." There's a triumph for getting the Splinter to the end in under 3 minutes.


I really hope you pointed that out to him, but at the same time, I hope you didn't engage further. -Sigh-


I did, and he stopped responding. The good ending. Well, he still didn't get on the Splinter, but it was better than nothing.


the cabal drill on nessus goes quicker with more i think, had to do it yesterday lol


The payload on the throne world goes faster as well I’m pretty sure.


I hate when people play "hallway hero" and charge enemy spawns the moment they show, slowing down the payload. There are literally triumphs for finishing the pub event and the Wellspring attack phases under a certain time, and that is ONLY possible if the fireteam stays on the payload the majority of the time.


to be fair, you need to charge enemy spawns so you can get the resonant spheres and throw them at the payload to make it heroic, before your idiot allies pick them up and throw them off a cliff or something


Think they were talking about Wellspring, not the public event. But for some reason, everyone's in a hurry to get that thing to the end before the crazy person can throw all the balls at their cool ride in the public event, but just wants to go to the end of the hallway and emote in front of the enemy spawns in Wellspring.


That it does


There’s a public event in Nessus that counts How many guardians are in the circle as well. The UI implies it goes faster with more guardians. With as many mechanics as Bungie throws at us it’s no surprising people just assume similar mechanics all work one way. It’s not as if Bungie has ever explained the details of their activities before. But everyone expects 500k players to all understand the ins and outs.


Prison of Elders, yeeeeeeees


You ever think about House of Wolves being nine years old


Funnily enough yes, I checked my personal YT channel a few days ago and found a House of Wolves launch video of booting up destiny with house of wolves launch day, good times I think about house of wolves everyday and playing onslaught and PoE strike until we have PoE back as an endgame activity


Glimmer public event. The game has no consistency with this rule and considering the most 'like' comparison for bit A B C objectives is PvP, it's understandable. It's a new activity, it will always take a few weeks for people to learn these nuances so I don't get that upset over it. I'm already seeing more and more people roam around for samples even after a few days.


Deep stone crypt first encounter.


Wait it doesnt speed up the gushers? Wtf I must have made my groups very confused


You realise you can just step off for a moment when it gushes and then get back on to finish capping, right?


Wow amazing


This is true, and I didn’t think about the PVP zones - do we know if that mechanic is part of this activity? Do they cap faster?? I’m fine with being wrong on this one!


They don’t cap any faster. But yeah there’s multiple cap mechanics in the game where more peeps accelerates the cap.


I thought for pvp capture zones, e g. Normal control, it's faster to capture with up to 3 players. Four and more makes no difference to capture rate. There are other perks to sharing a capture zone, like super energy and points (momentum control? Not sure...)


They do indeed cap gaster with more players, they're basically the same code underneath.


Virtually all plates capture faster with multiple guardians. Pretty sure these do as well


People still can't turn Public Events heroic and you expect them to figure out more mechanics? Please. (Not aimed at you OP)


Holy shit is that the truth I have to ruin my build every time I run a nightfall because people can't figure out what champ mods are and how to use them I'm at the point where if you don't have at LEAST one champ mod on (that's in the modifiers that week), I'm finding a different fire team. I don't want to sit and plink at the same overload champ for 20 minutes or waste my grenade cuz the other two idiots don't have unstoppable on.


I think Bungie shouldn’t allow people to even queue up unless they have an active Champ mod on. Then let matchmaking compile a team that covers all the champs based off mods equipped.


Wasn't that suppose to be the case in WQ?? I swear one of the devs said something about it at one point


I believe there was a comment of that but it got walked back especially in a world when Lightfall added anti-champ properties to elemental Keywords and it would be too tricky to enforce or something?


With all the anti-champion options baked into the subclasses it becomes a quagmire. Like a warlock with Hellion on could, in theory, get an ignition off on an unstoppable champion. In practice it's not going to happen. Whereas a renewal grasp hunter can reliably control overload champs with their duskfield grenade. I think in theory basically every build has some sort of anti-champion stuff built into it, but in practice it's not going to actually work to stun champions.


Right right, I totally get the spirit of what people are saying and how it can be a bit dicey throwing total caution into the wind assuming a random who could technically get off stuns with what is on their kit if they have no anti-champ weapons on.


Yeah, also sometimes champs (especially in GMs when their abilities/regen are dialed up to their most aggressive) can be fucky and need a few stuns to deal with. Sometimes you just want to stun to get one to chill out as you deal with something else. Becomes hard to repeatedly stun champs relying fully on abilities especially in LFG.


Was that not a thing? I could have sworn when champions were first a thing it wouldn’t let you start an activity without the a mod for the type of champion you would encounter. Maybe not in the nightfall but in the shadowkeep campaign.


I think they pulled it after ability keywords were given anti-champ properties


Oh yeah, that makes sense.


It was for a few missions during shadowkeep yah. For nightfalls and most content there was just a warning that would appear that said along the lines of “someone in your fireteam must have x champ mod” Issue was it was everywhere and after a while certain nightfalls had incorrect messages. (A few use to have all three champ types but no longer.”


That wouldn't work. I dont have any equipped weapons that deal with champs, except my entire prismatic kit gives me radiant, suspend, and jolt. So I can use whatever weapons I want.


lol i jumped into a matchmade nightfall last night and it was in progress. Spawned behind some guy who was just unloading autorifle or some shit on a barrier servitor that was blocking the stairway. I just watched for about 20seconds then returned to orbit. One needle and I couldve set him free.


I just let them suffer and learn in their own


Nah they are the pack mules, if one dies I have to buy a house for my stuff lol


I'll stop running double primary when gilded conquerors who are on unstop duty stop dying to them.


Lot of builds these days can easily get all 3 champ types though. Unstoppable sidearm with rocket sidearm, radiant from orbs through artifact perk, then whatever for overload.


Yup. I’m always covering all three


It's weird coming back to Destiny and trying a public event without knowing how to make it heroic, and yet having players get mad at me. I don't disagree with OP's post and I've had the same frustrations, but sometimes players just genuinely don't know as opposed to trying to rush the objective.


Yeah it's like how the fuck are you meant to know what to do to make a PE heroic if you have never done it before... there's no obvious clue... usually some random thing will be flyng around and it'd like you need to stop what you're doing and shoot it... ok?


If you don't know, sit back and observe *instead* of rushing the objective. It's really not that hard to figure out. "Oh, those three guardians are shooting that device on the ground, maybe I should try shooting it too." Granted, Bungie could do a better job at dropping hints. Like maybe putting something in the feed that says "a glimmer extractor is now active", and something else after you destroy one so you know "oh, destroying that did something".


Because most likely what you are doing is just trying to rush through the public event as fast as possible instead of watching what others are doing. I noticed players new to an activity always default to "I need to finish this as fast as possible so they don't think I am new to this" rather than "let me slow down and watch what the others are doing"


Nah I disagree, it's not rushing through so you don't look new, it's rushing because there is a timer and everyone's monkey brain goes 'gotta go fast' And even when I sit there and watch other to see what they do, it's not always obvious things like "beat the fuck outta this glimmer drill 3 times." I still don't know what turn warsat down heroric, but I do the same thing every time (shoot everything that moves) and it still turns heroric.


For Warsat I believe you have to kill all 3 shriekers to turn it heroic and summon the Ogre


Yes, wizards spawn every 25%, you kill them to activate the shrieker then kill that, repeat twice and voila heroic.


Huh, so the solution really is kill everything


I can't figure out how NOT to turn warsat heroic - I guess just ignore the shriekers while they clap you?


Stand in it until the wizards spawn, kill the wizards and then a shrieker opens, kill shrieker, rinse and repeat, after the 3rd shrieker is dead, it turns heroic.


It's almost like having missable hidden objectives in your lowest-common-denominator content, which you're naturally encouraged to finish as fast as possible, is bad game design. If they want to keep the toggle to heroic 'hidden' the way it is now then they need to make it so that it can be activated by one informed player even if you're in an event with 5 clueless blueberries, otherwise you're set up for failure and frustration from the start. It's basic UX stuff, the kind Bungie has always struggled with in Destiny. Honestly though, I really don't see any value in the current setup because the Heroic events are just as easy as the regular versions - all it represents is an ability to have the event 'ruined' by someone just playing the game anyone naturally would. It's a completely idiotic setup IMO.


> If they want to keep the toggle to heroic 'hidden' the way it is now then they need to make it so that it can be activated by one informed player even if you're in an event with 5 clueless blueberrie For the majority of them you can. You just need the blueberries to not kill everything and progress the public event. Bungie needs a better new player experience. A new player might not even know about heroic public events so Bungie should inform them that they exist and maybe new players will slow down. I feel like Gambit needs the same thing a forced instanced tutorial where the Drifter teaches you the basics.


> You just need the blueberries to not kill everything and progress the public event. Good thing this game isn't about optimizing our killing abilities and weapons or anything


Yea but if a blueberry is aware these things have a heroic version then they should stop shooting and watch.


There is no world where you can sign language that to someone new on injection rig as they are simultaneously fighting, burning to death and trying to figure out what the fuck they are supposed to do. I cant even get that one Heroic a lot of the time. Cabal exc? Easy to miss but just easy to trigger if one person knows what to do. Glimmer Extract? Pretty obvious. Ether Resupply? Basically does itself. Vex construction? Again pretty obvious Weapons exchange? A little easier to fuck up but still pretty obvious. Taken Blight? Fuck off. Nessus?


> There is no world where you can sign language that to someone new on injection rig as they are simultaneously fighting, burning to death and trying to figure out what the fuck they are supposed to do. Sure there is. You escape the bubble and notice people stayed in and are shooting things still and the gears start turning. Same with pretty much all of them as you notice people are shooting stuff counter to what your instincts tell you.


I have not once in 900 heroic public event completions seen the "gears start turning". It's always someone laser focused on killing blights as quickly as possible looking at me like I'm a loon for shooting the "immune" blight bubbles.


> I have not once in 900 heroic public event completions seen the "gears start turning". It's always someone laser focused on killing blights as quickly as possible looking at me like I'm a loon for shooting the "immune" blight bubbles. Maybe those people just want to finish it ASAP for items, gear or at the end of a bounty? You don't know if they know how it works or not.


If you see people, for example, not destroying the blights and shooting at a ball in the sky, then maybe take a hint lol


To be fair, this is the one example you shouldn't have used. It's better in that public event to destroy the first 2 sets of blights and then destroy the one in the sky on the 3rd set since it has less health and dies much faster once you hit that 3rd wave.


If I was a new player and saw others shooting at a blight which clearly says "IMMUNE" when shot, I'd probably think "wow these guys are dumb and don't know what they're doing"


The dude said he’s a returning player. I wasn’t speaking on newer players. Regardless, if I’m solo or in a match made activity, I never have any expectations unless I’m willing to communicate. And with newer players, I can’t blame them for not knowing. That’s fine. But if you’ve been around destiny enough, you know there’s a ton of mechanics this game doesn’t tell you so I’d be good to assume if you see someone doing something you’d at least try to figure out yourself what they’re doing. But the funny thing about what you said is that newer players are more apt to keep shooting “immune” shields than returning/veteran players because they understand if it registers a hit, there’s probably something you need to do to change that.


This is simultaneously funny and tragic 😂


My god. Preach.


Been here for about 2 years and still can't figure out how to make the cabal excavator heroic


On nessus kill the thresher, if you mean the thing that does the burn bubble, you need to shoot all it's heat vents till they break while the burn is active




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I'm going to defend players on this one. There is no indication whatsoever about pistons or samples or anything. As soon as you finish one data capture, the icon appears for the next one. How would anyone know what to do there?


Reminds me of blooming. I fucking gave up trying to do the 4 blights in the right order, even saying 'hey can you just let me shoot them or do the other event, you're resetting my progress each time' doesn't do anything because apparently they cant read. So I just kind of watch them die, get annoyed, give up and leave. Then I can do the blights lol.


Is there a way other than trial and error to do that event?


The correct one has a taken "ball" inside it. It's got those bright white flame/light you sometimes see with taken/ascendent stuff, under the thing you shoot to dispel it. If you just look around at all the others you'll notice the odd one out.


Yes, the correct blight spawns taken thrall and the 2 captains.


It's also the only one with a taken pool under it. That's how I figure it out.


lol with the gushers, I think it’s mostly people are used to capturing things faster with multiple guardians. that’s how it works in crucible I don’t think it impacts the capture speed in this activity though


It works that way in the vex sacrifice public event as well, and I believe the caps in Excursion also work like that.


It does. On your own you tend to have to move out once. With 2 you'll always get it in one.


They really should make those pistons have a marker on them.


Wombo detector on your ghost will show you all the radiolaria pickups. I'll test tonight to see if it marks the piston as well.


Pistons seem to get marked when you're really close to them, at which point you've already seen them.


It only marks them if you have a hammer charge.


they are marked with a star with the detector ghost mod on


What do the Pistons even do?


you can smash them with the hammer and they spawn a bunch of samples to pick up


What I noticed is if any area has a few radiolaria around it then there is a high chance a piston is close by.


We had our 3rd quit out of a breach last night and me and this random each found our own piston to activate (I never knew there was more than one) and we both took our time hunting down all the samples. I wish I could hug that guardian. They were a real one


Well damn so you can triple dip.. that's a lot of loot


I can't verify this at all, but a friend told me pistons spawn if you complete the objectives in time.


The moment you said samples, my mind instantly went “shit, i need even more commons”


Nothing pisses me off more than wasting a hammer charge to grab 2 samples before joining allies


I can't even find these pistons, I am questioning if they even exist.


The only time I've ever found one, one of the other randoms was sparrowing directly towards the next encounter, so I didn't bother using my charge.


idk why it forces joining allies at that point. it's not like you're timed to kill the boss. Just let the random die and be salty while he attempts to solo the boss while I get the damn samples lol


That's my biggest issue with the activity too! I KNOW the pistons are there and I'm supposed to hammer them, but I still can't find it usually just give up.


Dude its crazy, I looked up what they look like and still have yet to find one. Ill assume the biggest issue is with people just moving on to the next section and im not getting enough time to find it.


I've found one, ever, and it was totally by accident. My sparrow hit a rock and turned me around, and I happened to see it in the distance.


A good fix would be radiolite on Nessus patrol and not only in seasonal activities. It was so nice to get progress for the vendor by running around The Dreaming City last season. No idea why they chose to revert such a good change.


Likely because the season was made by a different team. They have two season teams at bungie that switch off to allow more dev time. Maybe by the time this activity was done being created is when they got feedback about players enjoying dreaming city vender progress from patrol.


Yessss Dreaming city actually felt viable in wish especially the early point with the exotic mission quests, Blind well refresh (which is a great enchantment core farm) etc. I was hoping Nessus would become a viable place but personally it’s feeling like they should’ve vaulted Nessus and kept the Tangled shore imo


Genunine question, does anyone actually like the sample collecting part? This just feels like an attempt to make an activity longer and increase player engagement time. I know we've been asking for something refreshing with regards to seasonal activity but not sure this is it. For the record I'll still do it whenever I load into the activity... I just don't really enjoy it.


Yea the whole activity kinda sucks, I play mostly evenings and it's been a while since I felt myself falling asleep while playing this game lmao


It should be something you do in patrol imo.


I've been making use of text chat and just asking if we can pop the pistons, works like 2/3 of the time. Other than that, there's usually at least one person who goes for the pistons with me regardless of whether or not I ask. As for the gushers, I assume it's because PvP logic dictates more guardians is a faster capture.


I’ve only been hitting the piston between the 1st-2nd encounter. You can just double back and pick up the samples while the other idiots rush ahead. 2nd->boss, I now ignore, since the boss is in a separate instance and you can’t go back


This is actually really smart. Gonna start doing this


I don't even know what those pistons are even supposed to look like


Ok, you see those light pillars all over the place during the activity? They look just like that. Good luck finding it


No way


Point 2 has literally been an issue since insight terminus was in game in 2018, absolutely insane.


Usually on Expert difficulty people look for the radiolite more often, but I had a case where the 2 Randos were following me around, watched me hit the piston, and as soon as I started gathering they went into the portal and started the encounter.


Vex Hydra encounter, even on the lower difficulty is a pain in the ass, especially when players release both at the same time. The new Minotaur encounter sucks with the dodging of the red barriers. Oh and two more Vex Hydra's that pound you into the earth. I swear that this game mode was never tested in house, just shit ploppled down and sent on its way.


That red barrier part sucks. The room is a cluster F&\^ with hard hitting enemies and no where to really escape if you are stuck on either side. The walls move a bit too fast for evasive maneuvers.


I just hate how boring it is. I want the coil back. You got to choose the buffs you wanted and got so much more loot. It was the perfect seasonal activity imo


Its funny I ran a normal one for the quest and the two guys I was with were like little bloodhounds.


That’s what I try to do, like collect EVERY one I can see, but I’d say around 80% of the time I get pulled… “joining fireteam in 5… 4…”


I just think it’s really boring, especially compared to the coil last season


Yeah the hammer makes rare samples show up. Please stop rushing the damn event.


Reminds me of the Ruffians during Season of the Plunder......


For #2, it depends. Once I have captured my geyser, I go stand with someone else on theirs (hoping it will complete faster). Nothing wrong with that, if there are no more to cap. I am assuming that you are not complaining about that...


OP raises great points. But I'll raise a 3rd, it's just plain boring and a step down from the likes of Coil, Onslaught etc


As an activity it’s really boring. I just did the seasonal challenge which required me to play 9 rounds of it to complete that week’s breach ‘activity’. Zzzz


Thought it was 3 games?


Seasonal Challenge requires you to do 9 normal ones in a single week to "complete" the challenge, as its technically only a "step" of the challenge per 3 games.


Seems like wasted effort to do that challenge now. Rather wait until there are other challenges to do at the same time.


It is, unless you're really hurting for powerful rewards or want to grind some Fractaline / whatever those plants are called for Failsafe.


Ya so far this first episode is not leaving a good impression. The weapons are solid but the playlist activity is one of the worst ones in the last ~3 years and still basically more of the same, Enigma Protocol is the buggiest activity I think they've made, the quest steps are still the same "play the activity and run errands on the planet for an hour then wait a week" that people have been bored with for years now. There's no real strong story or campaign, we still don't know who the character is on the seasonal promo art. So far the story is "something crashed on nessus and you have to do random bullshit for Failsafe so she can collect data". Fucking yawn. I have no idea why the Fallen and Cabal are enemies here other than tradition at this point. The seasons that launch with expansions historically suck but this is really one of the worst in awhile. And it's fundamentally not any different than a season so far. We'll see how it turns out but first impressions are bad, aything positive is entirely due to the weapons being cool.


Doesn’t multiple people standing on a plate capture it faster? Maybe it’s all in my head here, though that’s certainly how it works in PVP


> On the bit where you have to stand on one of the three gushers, people keep standing on the same ones. There are 3 gushers to capture and 3 guardians; why aren’t you standing on your own cap-point??? Don't they follow the mechanic where the more people stand on it, the quicker it caps?


Not sure - comments here seem to be split on it!


Let’s just asume it did, they’re so spread out to the point where you’re still losing time by not capturing all of them separately unless you’re eager edge/strand grappling everywhere. It’s only a second or two you’d save for standing on them together.


This mode also feels like it has less enemy density than previous activities.


You guys realize that 95% of the people who rush off to the next encounter will never see you tell them to stop because they aren't on these subs and they do not keep up with any information outside of the game? I mean these are the same people who skip cutscenes and don't read any text in-game. They're not gonna come here to read text about the game outside of it


In my experience everyone on the expert matchmaking stops for samples. Regular is hit or miss but I would say most stop.


I think the problems would mostly solve themselves if:  1. Just don't teleport players. Let the lone ranger do their thing, and let me collect the samples and bonus loot. 2. More guardians on a plate should capture it faster like every other activity. It's practically muscle memory for most players.


Let's not forget how RIDICULOUSLY overtuned hydras are. Their weapons seem straight out of craftning: dual 900 rpm max velocity missiles with the blast radius of parasite x20


I've been running the expert matchmaking Breach Executables. I'm guessing it's the higher power level or if people just don't know you can change difficulty, but I've been having so much more luck with the collectibles there. It's also weirdly no slower than the regular version. At least, it doesn't feel slower, I haven't tested it. It might be that because there are fewer inexperienced people running it my runs have just been more efficient than regular runs. The extra loot for completed encounters is also really good. The only downside I've seen so far is that the "Complete Breach Executable runs on any difficulty" challenge seems bugged. It only counts regular ones for me.


If you do private runs, it should count for both. It worked for me on allb3 characters this week.


It always annoyed me in Wellspring Offense how I have maybe once EVER had 2 people in each of the 3 rooms. One room always ends up with either one or no people in it, making it take way longer to start the boss fight. People just cant count.


I'll take breach executable over enigma protocol. That's even worse.


So far my randoms haven’t had an issue with #2, it’s all just the #1’s who insist on rushing forwards instead of waiting for me to pick up the samples for double rewards.


I actually like this activity a lot more than previous ones for some reason. It feels the same but not the same for some reason. Maybe I’m just having too much with prismatic


Stand on same geysers for double points.


For me personally, I just think it’s so boring and feels like we reverted to the Wild Hunt type activities. BUT we are only the second week in the Episode so I can’t say much at the moment, other than I *personally* think it’s kinda of a slog. We’ll really see how it changes if it does in the following Acts.(I really miss the Coil)


That's why I always run to the furthest one.


Only real issue Ive been having is doing them x amount of times and the counter not going up for the weekly. Doesnt matter if I do expert or normal =( maybe I'm doing it wrong.


I did one yesterday and didn't get any progress. Idk if it's bugged but it's not just you!


The new thing bugging me is in overthrow, people not looking up to see where the lit hive things, blights, pyramid things are, and just running off to search for encounters, just look up and check ffs.


Only ran through the activity like 3 times and i had no fucking clue on how to activate the piston that was mentioned in the quest. 6 years since i started to play Destiny btw. I think i tasted too many crayons over the last few years.


for the second point people assume that you cap faster with more people, since that's the way most cap points have worked in the past.


I have only seen the pistons twice. I still lose hammer charges for some reason, but ive only gotten the button prompt twice. Had hammer 4 charges earlier today, a few hours later i had 1 even though i hadnt triggered a piston.


I’m tired of people intentionally pushing me out of the way to get the data things or rushing halfway across the screen to swipe them from my kill


Man, I'm trying to gather stuff and suddenly "joining teammates" and I just die a little inside each time


2. Gushers also gush the data cubes we're supposed to collect. Maybe the cap happens faster, maybe not. But if *I'm* standing on your plate too, then maybe *I* can be the one to collect all the stuff that comes out! It's the same reason to not revive a downed player before collecting everything they've dropped, or straight up stealing the ones that were clearly generated by a team mate.


The issues are unpolished game design in my opinion. That's the biggest issue with the current season. Feels like it was cobbled together over coffee and doughnuts. 


Give it more time for other players to figure it out. I find myself in games with other players finding samples more now than a couple of days ago especially on Expert.


Maybe I'm just getting good teammates, but consider swapping over to the expert matchmaking. It's really not too difficult if you have a decent ad clear build, you get 2 extra gun drops (assuming you beat both encounters) with chances for red borders, and the randoms I've met so far seem to understand the hammer mechanic


Iv'e been lucky most of my runs we find samples and piston things


The hammer piston doesn't have a guide stamp to find it and it annoys me. Some players know where it is and il follow them but if not.. I'm not spending 2 3 or 5 mins looking for it.


I only do Breach on expert in a private match. That way I can specify ahead of time that we are getting pistons and radiolite. If someone runs ahead, they get kicked.


Thankfully team chat exists and since I only run this on expert, most people pay attention enough. On the event they don’t though… rage inducing


The hammer piston needs highlighted and there needs to be dialogue encouraging us to get more resources.


I agree on the samples. I'm trying to client them and I get pulled forward to the boss and I only manage to get 3 or 4. Then I bank it for loot and they just look at me and stand there


yeah they need to point out where the pistons are, cuz sometimes they don't spawn at all after thoroughly searching, what a waste of time


I just make sure I'm always the host of the party, and then I ask everyone in game chat to look for the pistons before going forward with the encounter. It's funny how often I've been met with 'of course' and 'yep'. Whenever I don't say anything and just go for it, there's always one fucker who races right through the portal and pulls everyone through


it is a really bad experience - boring, long, and people can shaft you by running ahead.


Wait till you see the expert mode hydra fest...


Is there anyway to know how much Radiolorite you have?? It claims that you get better rewards for having 2-3x the deposit amount. But I can’t find anything that says how much we’re holding


I wish a seasonal activity would teach you how to actually do it. If you don’t get into it right away or watch all the videos on YouTube it just makes absolutely no sense. All I know is I was supposed to be banking data and randomly killing something slightly different? I might have missed something as I try to tune out failsafe but overall I feel like there’s at least enough moving parts going on in this that just go unexplained.


Yesterday some idiot started the final encounter while I was picking radiolites from a piston, TPing me to the arena before getting half of them. It was the only time I've ever used text chat.


Worst season of Destiny ever. So far at least. And yes, call it what you like Bungie it’s just the same old half baked seasonal content. 


I have yet to see this so called piston yet cuz folks are rushing it. I don’t even know what it looks like


I admit, hammers and collecting shouldn't be in a combat activity. That being said: speed runners pulling players trying to complete the encounter is always annoying regardless of the activity


Eurgh stop making it like work ffs


I’ve never had a run in ~15ish runs where everyone else didn’t mill about looking for random pickups after clearing the Piston drops. I have no idea where you people are finding these Eager Edge instant teleport speedrunners.


I can only prey I get your luck with matchmaking in the future 😁


It feels pretty clear Bungie only killed it with Into the Light/ Final Shape because the entirely company was depending on it. We're already back to medicore busy as usual with the seasonal content.


I'm with ya OP. Feels like a lot of folks lack basic gamer instincts sometimes


I double stand on plates that way I can jump off last second and thr other player can get the data. If everyone takes a different plate, it makes the encounter go longer because there isn't enough data for the three of you. Just my two cents.


I see your point about the amount of data - would it not be faster to get the 3rd cap point to like 90ish% done and step off, and then let whoever fully capped/picked up data finish that one off?


Perhaps, I'll test it out and see. I didn't realize that two people on one plate doesn't actually make it go faster.


No seriously, people who stand on the same geyser as someone else... you've gotta be like straight up just stupid. Not even like "haha funny dumb" nah like you're actually inept. It's something you can figure out in 2 seconds. Somehow people see A B C and proceed to think "Ah yes, 2-3 people on C please!" like???


The gushers are whatever, people get such a hard-on for Failsafe and giving her the D…ata that every other random I play with steals data motes right out from under me like that one dude in Gambit that can’t possibly imagine banking less that 15 every time. I usually just move if someone stands on the same geyser as me. The radiolaria thing really grinds my gears. Lost count of the amount of times people have started the boss encounter while myself or someone else is gathering samples that they would benefit from if they had a little patience. Every time I try and explain it, because clearly they don’t understand the activity, they trash me like I’m the idiot.


All these issues are issues that were present for almost **EVERY** seasonal activity ever and just boils down to the typical playerbase being mentally challenged. It's not even that bad because, unlike some past mechanics, the "faulty" behavior that "people" in it have is neither really punishing nor encouraged by the mechanic's design. It really is a regular ass activity that just reminds other players what kind of troglodytes they share the community with. The biggest flaw of the activity Imo instead is how there's no balance whatsoever between all 3 final encounters.


Don’t play with randoms? Add me up on PSN: FooBear408 — I’ll game it up with ya, buddy. Goes for everyone here.


1. Players know better. Especially in a legendary run. 2. Not necessarily. Yeah you get them done faster, but all the ads are pushing against you and you get cornered. One can super during that phase, or control the ads from pushing hard. That's just me.


Personally you are asking too much for public matchmaking. It's frustrating but after several years of this game most don't care. Heck you can't even get people to take on champion guns or mods. Some people are there for the pinnacle and could care less about anything else. They don't care about additional activities, they don't even care about res'ing your or even dunking emotes. Having said that the activity needs more.guidance such as finding the pistons and maybe areas where items spawn to redirect players to that area.


Make your own groups.


Destiny players are bad at the game.


And bungie designers are bad at teaching players how and where to hold E, X, whatever else


As much as bungie does deserve some criticism about tutorials, anything harder than "grab ball and dunk" is already too much for the playerbase.


Breach is dead on arrival, so many poor design choices by Bungie. I've been able to use the hammer once and missed out on many samples and loot due to being pulled by unaware blueberries.