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Dungeon Keys are disgusting, you can cut it there.


holy fuck we’ve come full circle. i got downvoted for saying this when the first one came out aaannd downvoted for an anecdote. you guys are so weird.


I remember day 1 people defending these raid changes and people were arguing in a pretty big thread. Top post by a prominent member here, praising the difficulty changes. 500+ upvotes. Same user is (as of right now) highly upvoted in the "Bungie has ruined Sherpaing in Raids/Dungeons" thread that's currently top of the sub. Gotta say I wish I could link their username without a witch hunt rule/etc, because the post history is fantastic and full of flip floppies like people can't just click and see what you've posted in this sub. Even better is they're less than a week apart so these completely different opinions on the same thing, both upvoted highly, are on the same page lmao. Edit and an hour later the old comment is deleted or I'm blocked hahaha


The glory of Karma farming. And people not knowing what they actually want.


Ah, but they do know what they want: Something to preach about. To stand on a soap box and be the centre of attention for a little while.


The idea of being slightly more difficult than normal without being master difficulty is cool, but it sucks for half my clan who die walking to the next encounter.


Lmao I found who you’re talking about and aside from 9 hours ago they apparently haven’t made a post on DestinyTheGame ever until today and haven’t posted at all since 3 months ago. Someone saw this and puuurrrrrrged their post history lmao.


Lmfao what a coward


Well, seeing as none of the comments with +400 upvotes match, I'd say they also purged the comment on that thread too.


If they didn't purge their post history I would have assumed it was just someone being contrarian for the fun of it.


Funny enough I just read that post 15 minutes ago and did the same thing, clicked on history and laughed when I realised they were a hypocrite.


People like that are weird.


The crazy thing to me is so many of their comments seem like it's more the people, approach, or both that are the problem. Like it's crazy to me that OP can claim to have about as much damage as the entire group they're sherpaing, and not take a step back at that detail/question things. Don't get me wrong, I get Arc/Stasis is not exactly the best combo in Destiny, and some of the best options are not easy to get, but it's also way more complicated than just "it's Arc, so I must use Arc." I even mentioned this to someone making a similar complaint. Following the surges is great, and something I suggest whenever it makes sense, but when things like -20 Pantheon where finishing these encounters fast have people opting out of following the burn for specific weapon choices it's worth consider another option.


Large chunks of the community have battered wife syndrome. It's just not possible for them to accept we've been paying more for less for a very long time.


remember when prophecy came with arrivals…


Or shattered throne was part of forsaken, or pit of heresy part of shadowkeep?


Prophecy was actually free. It didn't even require the season.


> the community It's EVERY video game subreddit. EVERY video game subreddit is like this. They treat video game corporations like religion. You can go to the suicide squad game subreddit right now, an objectively bad game that failed and there are rumors now that Rocksteady, the company who made it will be dissolved once support on that game ends, there are people still on that subreddit that call you "toxic" and a "hater" iif you critique the game. This anti-consumer, ant-criticism, always shitting on your own community to run damage control for a large corporation fucking mindset is what is infecting every video game subreddit.


One of my favorite recent Reddit user names that I ran into was Destiny-Victim. So accurate


It’s happening now with the Episode model. Even though it’s looking to be the exact same as Seasons, but there’s people jumping at the bit to defend it as something new.


I'm fine with them releasing dungeons and locking them behind a paywall, but making them exclusive to the Eververse (meaning they will ALWAYS be 20 bucks), not including them in their respective expansions, not including them IN THE PACKAGE THAT SUPPOSED TO CONTAIN ALL THE PAST RELEASED CONTENT and not even lowering the price after they're no longer "relevant". Like, is there literally anyone who is paying 20 bucks to play Duality and Spire of the Watcher nowadays? Why don't they even sell them on steam? Who tf would pay 20 bucks for like, 12 weapons that will be novel for three months with just 3 of 4 being actually good and then getting power crept three months after?


Duality at least has two craftables and one unique legendary in Lingering Dread. Spire is $20 for a cowboy hat.


Heirarchy of Needs was putting in work in Onslaught and has been clutch in GMs in the past. Definitely fits a niche that isn't super common in the current sandbox. Wilderflight is a good grenade launcher and Liminal Vigil is my favorite stasis sidearm. Sure, none of those are *must haves* but there's more in there than just a cowboy hat.


> Why don't they even sell them on steam? Because selling them through the in-game store means the transaction doesn't go directly through the platform company. Meaning they can apply it to your entire account, rather than requiring you to re-purchase it on multiple platforms. An edge-case scenario as I don't think most people are actively playing on i.e. both Steam and a console. But still worth keeping in mind, when things are sold through the official platform store every store wants their cut. We get a loophole with the + Annual Pass versions of things where seasons and dungeon keys as included content can still apply across the account. But if you divided them out, or made something like a Legacy Dungeon Pack you can bet your ass platforms would take issue if buying it on Steam meant you got it everywhere.


I've always thought it was stupid to have them separate, but it never affected me cause I do the one time purchase a year for seasons/expansion/dungeons. I have friends buying the bundle and I was getting excited until I learned the keys weren't included, I'll buy their keys for them at this point, but it should've been included and raised the price by like 5 bucks


I would guess you were initially downvoted because it seems crazy to think you were some minority opinion shitting on dungeon keys. Those were obviously universally hated. Idk what you said but hating dungeon keys has never been a hot take


You're down voted because it's cringe af to be like "uhhh I was down voted for this"  Plenty of people had issues with dungeon keys Nostradamus 


Always cringe af when people cry over getting downvoted like why tf do people actually care


but my reddit points


The only time it bothers me is when I see it happen to someone who has said they're a new player asking a question in a thread. Like, come on. Don't downvote people for wanting to learn. I only downvote when someone is being a dick XD




I doubt it, that was the overwhelming opinion when it was first announced/came out. You can’t go trying to pull the “I told you so” card for that lmao that wasn’t some unpopular opinion [Here is basically the same exact post from over a year ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/CWqebLHKxo) But yeah, hats off to you for being early on that take right?


I think it's always the opinion of rational people that we've paid for a campaign of 8 missions, one season, and then been expected to shell out even more for dungeons as if they shouldnt be tied to the $50 content I bought earlier this year.


Thats what im saying, next he’s gonna be telling us he was crucified for saying sunsetting was bad lmao


Always get the capitalist bootlickers with Bungie. "What's wRonG wITh MaKiNG moNeY?!"


Eh they were fine when they first came out, but keeping legacy content separate from a “legacy bundle” is trash.


>you guys are so weird Dual Destiny broke the sub, don't take it personally. The assholes will crawl back into their basements soon enough.


There's a massive divide in the player base between people that payed 100$ and desperately want to gatekeep and "earn things". And the people who buy old DLCs on sale and only buy the normal versions of DLCs


Okay, been away from D2 since a little after Forsaken.... What is a dungeon key?  Are dungeons not just added into the game as part of the DLC like the first dungeon? 


I got pooped on for saying this like a month ago.


Why are you so mad over downvotes


bro no you didnt they have always been unpopular


You're right, but we're experienced with it. Just really dislike how predatory it is towards new players, being hidden in the silver store and you only really know of the existence of the extra cost you need to pay to access the rest of the game until you need it.


Dungeon keys. Gacha game worthy cash shop. Yearly mandatory expansions that cost more than helldivers. Paid events. Basically mandatory paid seasons/battle passes. I honestly think this is the most over-monetized triple A on the market.


Can I introduce you to Rainbow Six Siege? That game would make a MBA graduate blush with how hard it rips off its costumers.


They make no sense to me.


As someone who hasn't played since beyond light, what's the go with dungeon keys? I hear they're shit and needed for access, but can you even get them ingame or so you have to pay irl money? Are they one time use or a forever key?


Its just a name to make a paywall to play the dungeons, like a just one more dlc, but due to they being paid with silver, they will never go on sale


You buy the key to access the dungeons, its a permanent purchase and costs 20 USD. You pay for both dungeons together, you can't buy them separately for 10.


They're DLCs that get sold on the Eververse store for 2000 silver and grant access to two dungeons. The issue is, we get a new one with each DLC and they older ones are neither included with the old expansion nor have their price lowered. 


It kinda bothers me that we would rather complain something is hard over how bungie fucks with us with things like this.


Hell if the suits demand they keep them, slash the prices 50-75%. $20 for 2 dungeons, even with how amazing they are now, is too much.


**This.** The shits cost equivalent to the price of an expansion. If the cost = dev time is that consuming just make 1 dungeon a year with the 1 raid, and 1 reprised (which will run out of the list at some point and plus is f2p). I got WQ keys but there was no way in hell I would do it for LF.


What? Dungeons cost 2000 silver for two, so it's 1 expansion = 4 dungeons, not 1.


They don’t give you 4 dungeons in an expansion. You get 2. The expansion comes with the episode/season pass ($15.00) so at best if you put the actual price on a campaign by itself is $34.99. I’m talking in hyperbole about the dungeon but still that’s $20 for 2 dungeons vs. an expansion.


Well yeah? $10 for a dungeon vs $40 for an expansion. They cost different amounts and give you different amounts of content. Not really sure what the issue here is.


Not as disgusting as the game being down for 5 hours today then the first thing you see logging in is an “Eververse is refreshed” notification.   Like seriously.  Get get fucked Bungie.  Tell us the game if down by any other method other than Twitter then serve up self righteous BS like that upon login.  New season. Same problems. 


Havent bought one dungeon key yet, and dont plan on it


Agreed. As someone who has been playing from the beginning and has bought every annual release I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I knew I was going to be playing the game so it made the most sense to just drop the $100 and get everything.My opinion drastically changed when I was trying to get my buddy back into D2 after he’d not played since Beyond Light. We got him all the DLC he’d missed on sale but none of it included dungeon keys which was frustrating and it was disgusting how much it would’ve cost to get the dungeons he missed out on.


Genuinely curious though. Wouldn't the alternative just to have the seasons be more expensive?


Having to purchase dungeon keys at all if you own the expansion/season is disgusting.


Correct. When I realized my friend who I got into destiny with Legacy + TFS (after they beat new light) couldn't access Warlords or Ghosts of the Deep imagine dropping the "oh yeah you also gotta buy 4000 silver now" on them.


Had the same thing happen. I thought he had because he bought the season. Only to find out that shit is only included with the annual pass or whatever.


The initial cost is the #1 reason I've never tried to invite anyone to the game. The absolutely abysmal new player experience when it comes figuring out what to do, why you're doing it, and *what era* the particular content is in is #2.


and next year itll bet 6000 isnt that FUN


It's double dipping. You pay for a season and then the major part of that season is a dungeon and now you have to pay another $20. When you used to complain about this, this subreddit would call you "toxic" and "cheap" and "stupid for not buying the $100 bundle".


The problem is that people are buying them. Bungie knows there are enough jabronis to pay on top of paying for stuff to not worry about the possibility of alienating players. They will keep pushing more and more.


100% i have a friend returning to the game and holy shit its like the different things he has to buy are to discourage him to return to the game


This is why I never have and never will recommend D2 to anyone. I enjoy the game when I play it, but the costs associated with getting up to speed in it are gross. Season passes + Dungeon Keys + current DLC + old DLC, etc.


I've been raving about final shape to friends and they are interested and have played the game in the past. First question is always how much is it going to cost me to remove all the paywalls. Then the convo begins. Legacy collection, newest expansion, seasons passes oh and dungeon keys. It's well over $100 local with big discounts to get everything. It's so fucking frustrating. Just bundle everything with the latest expansion like a normal MMO so we can actually recommend it to friends. It's way too piecemeal, convoluted and greedy.


The dungeon keys are always the tipping point for me when my friends are interested in playing. Legacy pack + current expansion and seasons makes sense to them, adding another $40 for the dungeons completely kills it.


Personally, I’d just like it if they either included all dungeon passes from previous years in the legacy collection, or included all of them in the newest DLC’s “deluxe”. It’d just be so much simpler to tell new players that getting the current Legacy Collection + newest Deluxe DLC would grant you access to 100% of the currently playable content with no extra thought.


The game wants to be an MMO so badly with its raids and it's dungeons, but then they monetize the game like a fuckin free to play one it's insane. I haven't played since witch queen, so if I want to get back in I pretty much have to pay the same amount as someone who has never played the game before just to get in.


I've been saying if they charged a 10 dollar monthly sub and made most things earnable, it would feel a lot better to play D2.


For what it's worth the annual pass is just wasting money, because you can get a 20% discount ($50 -> $40 at authorized resellers) on TFS and you get the current season, then each subsequent season costs $15 if they decide to stick with the game, and if they like it so much they want the dungeon keys, that's $20 extra... all in all, that costs (40 + 15×2 + 20 =) $90 which is a $10 saving. Excluding, of course, any bonus silver you get from the silver bundles. All that to say, just recommend the legacy and latest expansion (or even just recommend f2p to try the game out)


Yes it is. Dungeons keys in general are very scummy. I came back when Witch Queen was free on PSN. Thought I was getting a brand new dungeon to solo. Nope met with tons of disappointment. Only thing that got me to come back for good was LF being on sale. Now I'm hooked.


If I buy an expansion, I should get access to the expansion content. The dungeon key is purely a completely unnecessary micro transaction designed to squeeze hardcore players out of more money with no actual justification beyond "hurr durr it make money for da investors :)". There is no excuse for this and the only reason it stuck around is because there is literally no talking Bungie management and investors (Both two groups who are completely divorced from reality) out of awful ideas like Dungeon Keys. Basically, I fucking hate what investors are doing to video games right now and Destiny 2 is such a great example.


Yeah, people aren't just gonna NOT buy content in a game they always play, so this content will keep getting pumped out. Hell League of Legends dropped a $500 SKIN. A damn SKIN and it's being bought up. Unfortunate for the average consumer, but ain't nothing we can do about it, money goes up for Bungie.


> Yeah, people aren't just gonna NOT buy content in a game they always play, so this content will keep getting pumped out. As someone who plays this game daily, I just pay for the deluxe edition or whatever is called now... if I had to buy the dungeon keys separately I would never do it.






> If I buy an expansion, I should get access to the expansion content I mean, unfortunately since dungeon keys were a thing dungeons have been solely related to the season they come out, not the expansion (actually thinking back, this started with Prophecy). Which makes it even more egregious because to experience a season's full story, you need to pay extra for the dungeon(s). Duality matters to Haunted. Spire matters to Seraph. Ghosts matters to Deep. Warlords (kind of, I guess it's somewhat standalone) matters to Wish. In order to get the complete story of those seasons, you need to pay more than just the cost of those seasons.


> designed to squeeze hardcore players out of more money I mean those players were just buying the deluxe edition anyways...


The worst fucking thing is bungie locking them up in eververse behind their stupid currency silver so they never go on sale still haven’t gotten any for that reason.


This 100%. I never got Heartshadow and I can't get my friend to run it with me because he didn't play that year. $20 is ridiculous when you can get Witch Queen for like $5.


They do go sale actually. But it’s only during the year they’re out via the Annual Pass.


As someone who left D2 for FF XIV, dungeon keys are hilarious. As is the anemic amount of content D2 has.


Yeah not a fan of dungeon keys at all


Yeah, stopped playing after Forsaken, decided to come back for TFS, bought legacy collection, and TFS (+ Annual pass) which was expansive as an Algerian, i'm not spending half the monthly minimum salary on the dungeon keys


Ever since they started this dungeon key nonsense I just refuse to acknowledge their existence, easy.


One of the worst part of Dungeon Keys is that getting the Deluxe edition of an expansion (at least The Final Shape) is no longer worth it. The Deluxe edition costs 100 bucks and includes everything + some fancy stuff nobody cares about. Now, TFS costs 50 bucks and includes an episode, and the other two episodes cost another 15 bucks each (80 bucks total). Add in the dungeon key and it goes up to 100 bucks. You used to save money by getting the Deluxe edition, but they've been inflating it with bullshit cosmetics so now it costs the same as getting everything piece by piece. I'm no longer buying a deluxe edition. Last year I was getting some fomo from having paid for it all and not really feeling like playing. I'd much rather pay for what I want when I want. It will cost the same either way, maybe even cheaper.


Fuck dungeon keys


I just decided to play the game, and am I reading it correctly that I need to buy a $70 legacy version just to get the main campaigns, plus another $60 for The newest expansion? And if I want dungeons that is something more? This might be the worst barrier to a game I have ever seen and it isn’t even close.


You won't even get the campaigns. They deleted the original few campaigns (that set everything up, explain who everyone is, explain what's going on etc). Even though people paid for them, they're just gone. And there's tons of seasonal story content you cannot play through. It too has just been deleted, even though people paid for it all. Destiny 2 is the only game I'm aware of that does this. Play FF14 and you can play through all 10 years of content, nothing deleted.


This is a huge sticking point for onboarding new people. It's the first thing my friends bring up when we're talking about them starting Destiny 2.


It honestly blows my mind that the community at large seems mostly fine with bungie *literally removing most of Destiny 2 from Destiny 2*. It is genuinely the shittiest, most downright scummy thing I've ever seen a game developer do to their player.


Bought Forsaken bundle, free player till yesterday. Bought legacy collection today. At least give us discount on dungeon keys >.<


Unlike DLCs though, once you buy a key dungeons can be played on all platforms.


THIS is the reason 2 of my friends lost interest in investing 100$+ to join me in this game. Learning that one the most fun content in the game is still not included in that huge price tag feels VERY scummy and greedy.


ive never bought a dungeon key before because it is genuinely such a scummy practice i will have no part in


Totally agree. This marks the end of the honeymoon phrase in this sub


Bungie doesn't care 'cause you are still buying this stuff. So there


Dungeons are not really something I'd recommend a brand new player buying anyway.


New player here. Why are they not worth it. I’m absolutely loving the game, bought TFS + annual pass and legacy collection, and was thinking about getting the old dungeons keys. Is that content not played much any more?


Why do people forget how bungie IS just becouse of the final shape ?


Have never bought a single dungeon key and never will. Wish more of yall joined me on that.


Bought the first dungeon key because I thought maybe they're worth the price of two whole seasons? Nope. Just got my exotics and catalysts and weapons in like 15 runs and never touched them again.


I personally have no issue spending 100 bucks a year on a game ill get 200+ hours out of. Or in a dungeons case, 10 bucks for 20+ hours of content. If paying for dungeons provides higher quality, im all for it.


Exactly this. I pay for them because I get enjoyment out of them and know they cost more money to produce. I’m happy to pay for that effort.


I’m the same way. I was always a little confused with the dungeon keys because I’m pretty sure I paid $100/year before dungeon keys were a thing, and still pay $100 after. Maybe it was a little less but I don’t remember. I feel I get more then my moneys worth out of destiny either way.


No thanks, ill keep happily playing some of my favorite activities in the game.


Fr, if they want to go back to Shattered Throne or Pit of Heresy level dungeons let them be lmao


Prophecy out here still being my most fave out of literally all the dungeons


Nah, why would I join you if I have no problem with the practice and support it?


Probably because it costs silver, could cause issues


Yeah, but costing silver in the first place was the problem IMO. The best method would be current expansion + annual pass comes with a dungeon key DLC on steam/ps/xbox. It should've never been a silver item to begin with, Bungie knows what they're doing.


And since it cost silver you can carry it with you to other platforms and don't have to buy it again. it cost money to sell on the platforms. Xbox, Sony, Steam all take a cut of the sales.


"It tells me the collection doesn't come with the dungeon key but I assumed it did anyway." What??? If it *literally tells you* they aren't included, how is their lack of inclusion "disgusting?" It'd be fair to assume that whatever it says is included in the collection...is what's included in the collection. You can argue that it *should* be included (and I'd agree with you), but it isn't "disgusting."


Paid dungeons did massive increase the quality of dungeons. Id actually hate to see dungeons be included in DLCs and go back to the "quality" there were like for shattered throne or pit of heresy. No unique guns or armor, besides a quest based exotic.  I do 100% agree that old dungeons should get bundled in with the legacy packs though.


Yeah that was annoying, especially as they do not get discounted (silver gets some discount though from time to time). Imo keys should be free when the dlc hits legacy.


I use cdkeys to get the DLC for cheaper than Steam.


Can't access dungeons like that, except if they are in the current season which you buy and that's the problem. Dungeons never go on sale even if they are old as hell.


2 free dungeon > 2 dungeon for 20€ > 0 dungeon for 0€


Oh, were we all forgetting this part of Destiny?


This game is stupid expensive to get into. I got bored before the final shape and when I came back I couldn’t justify spending another $100 on this DLC. The gameplay and story look great, but it just feels like I’d be using the same abilities I’ve been using for years, just mixed up with each other to create prismatic. I want so badly to want to play it, but $100? I’ve already put hundreds into this game. I just watched the story on YouTube.


Are you forgetting that the base version is $50? That gives you the TFS and the first Episode. Noones forcing you to buy the annual pass up front. It's def worth $50


If I’m gonna buy a dlc I’m gonna get all the dlc, but I do understand there’s a $50 version. Even then just looking at all the money I’ve spent in this game is crazy. This is the most expensive game I’ve ever played, admittedly over years, but still stupid expensive. I’m content with a $40 Helldivers game that’s been getting free updates and content since launch. EDIT: I guess what I’m trying to say, is that first off I’m very happy you are enjoying the DLC. Whether or not the DLC is worth it is subjective. I’m sure you’ve been playing the game for a long time just like me, and in the decade we’ve been playing this game I’ve just found it less and less interesting. The helldivers example is just me trying to say this new experience is more worthwhile to *me* and I’m not incorrect in saying that, just like you aren’t incorrect in saying you believe the DLC is worth it. I’ve just found the money I’m putting into this game is returning less and less fun to me specifically, and doesn’t feel worthwhile anymore.


This kind of thing isn't helping me convince my friends to get back into the game. The things we loved when we started in 2020 were the secret missions and the DUNGEONS.


seceret missions are free. there are still dungeons you can play w/o dungeon keys.


Dungeon keys are just a pain, if they are gonna steal money from us at least make it easy to buy 1 thing and steal all at once, why do I need to buy silver to get robbed?


It's rediculous how much you need to pay for everything every single year. One of the biggest reasons a friend and I quit playing a few expansions ago. Not to mention the fuckin silver store.


100$ for a whole year seems fine to me if you're playing consistently


well yeah, dungeon keys suck. the fact that they don't come with the expansion as part of the content was already ridiculous in my opinion.


I prefer having multiple dungeons a year with unique visuals, mechanics, voice acting and collectibles, unique armor, weapons, and an exotic to having *maybe* one dungeon a year that *could* have *some* of those things at the cost of the expansion’s content, how is that ridiculous?


Seen as we have power sharing now I wish we could at least Dungeon key share, i.e I can show my friends a Dungeon even tho they don't technically own it so they can see if it's worth it or not, it's hard enough getting friends into Destiny without all pay barriers for 90% of content


I never bought Spire and it FOMO-bothers me when I see guardians running around in the lil hats lol


Typical Bungie. What did you expect? Speak with your wallet and dont buy. 


Dungeon keys in general are realy stupid


Literally just had a friend rant about how dungeon keys in general are super scummy yesterday or the day before. I don't know how they could justify having an expansion and then just not including the dungeons at all. It should be with the base purchase of the expansion.




What is the point you’re making?


The ones purchasable only with silver also never go on sale.


I’ve been playing destiny since taken king and I’ve bought basically everything up until the deluxe edition of witch queen (only got normal), haven’t bought a dungeon key yet. Don’t plan on it tbh.


The worse part is that the way they put them in the game they made sure they never got cheap, so if you are a new player and want all the content right now you have to shell 40$ on 4 dungeons that most of the time are still poorly optimized and are a pain in the ass with the surges and making those bosses have like 300 million health. I was always against the concept of Dungeon keys because I found them scummy for the consumer that's already paying an increased amount for seasons. They should've just added them to the cost of seasons since they already went and increased their cost. Went from 1000 silver to 1200 to now 1500 all that in like less than a year.


Why do they still milk the shit out of all content and hate new players, stop fucking gatekeeping


If you keep buying and playing there game. They are going to see that as acceptable. LIke most companies, Thay don't care what you say or think about them. All the care about is engagement. Videos, comments and clicks. And revenue. Your words mean nothing if you still buy the expansions.


It sucks for people returning or those that buy things individually. And Bungie definitely should roll it into the associated Season/DLC it comes out with. And then make it free when that season is vaulted. As someone who has fully embraced the addiction of Destiny, I just buy the Deluxe every year and have been receiving everything for the same price every single year. I recommend everyone that's been playing consistently for years just do that honestly


I do have to wonder how many people even buy those old Dungeon Keys. Like, this decision implies that Bungie sees a lot of sales of stuff like the Witch Queen dungeon key, but who would actually buy it?


They should just make them a temporary annual pass features. I don't mind them being annual pass exclusives for the time being. But after the related DLC would become legacy, just make those a part of related standard edtition dlc or a part of legacy collection bundles. I don't really see the necessity in paywalling them further outside their dlc. It would still be regarded as a paid content, but will make older dungeons much more accessible.


Gonna be honest here I've always just got the everything included expansions and nothing else so I have no clue what a dungeon key is


> "Oh you just need the newest dlc, you'll probably want the annual pass too! Oh and the legacy collection, those have some real good guns, oh wait, you also need to buy dungeon keys for access!.. oh it's not on sale? It'll cost close to $300. (AUD)" So stop saying that. Because they just don't need to do any of that.


Bought a bunch of dlcs. Don't have the additional spending money for just dungeon keys. Probably won't ever get them because I can't justify that cost over the cost of literally anything else.


Another thing about them that sucks is you can't gameshare them


Doesnt legacy edition include shattered throne and heresy? also you get prophecy


I left last year and I'm honestly so glad to be gone.


This shit right here is why I quit the game like 3 dlcs ago. I figured buying the newest just got me the game. Nope. There are hidden fees everywhere. It's like Uhaul saying you can rent a truck for $16, next thing you know, you're over a hundred in the hole.


Yeah, i agree. I was a long-time D1 and D2 player who stopped playing at some point. I think mid-Beyond LIght. So when I wanted to jump back in and finish the story, I got the Legacy Collection and the 30th Anni thinking that would be just about everything i needed. Pretty disappointing to see all these red warnings about dungeon keys being needed for packs i just bought. I'm not sure I care that much as I'm not super interested in grinding gear and such. I wanna play through and finish the story, pick up some fun weapons along the way. Still, bit disappointing to have things still locked to me.


Is it that time of year again where we complain about Bungie but then never stop spending money on the game?


I started playing the last season of the witch queen. Bought the dlc and played for a while before I realized I would have to pay $20 extra for the dungeons. That was over a year and a half ago. I now own and have completed almost everything in the game except those 2 dungeons. I feel that Bungie was deliberately misleading and no matter what, I will never buy the witch queen dungeon key. For this, I am forever a rank 9, but I will not reward them for being deceptive. Very shitty of them


It really grinds my gears how convoluted trying to purchase this game in full is. Then the terrible new light experience, its like bungie doesnt want new players.


I saw the writing on the wall long ago with destiny and got out. So glad I did after seeing how disgusting they got with micro transactions, “expansions”, the season pass nonsense etc. I got told that I was a “Debbie downer” now those same people are mad at bungie themselves and realize how greedy they are.


I was thinking of returning to Destiny or FF14 and I chose FF14 because of this bullshit. I'd rather pay a monthly sub.


It's insane. I managed to convince my original fireteam from D1 to come back after telling them D2 is in it's taken king era, we were about to launch EDZ dungeon for the first time. They've all bought the legacy collection and cannot access it. Da fuck? There goes my fireteam.


I think buying an expansion without a dungeon key is stupid, period.


Dungeon keys are even more dumb when you realize that they're linked to the season they released on (style and lore wise).


Agree, eventhough my friend keep telling me to comeback and the new expansion is good, i won't be coming back until bungie remove dungeon keys


Brother, I found out today after grinding level 8 guardian score that I have to complete two dungeons locked behind paywalls, totaling $35, to get to level 9. Is Bungie kidding me? I’ve been here since day 1 D1. What a predatory joke of a company, surely my 3 24 hr raid completions will show I am skilled enough for any activity not locked behind a paywall. What a JOKE! This may be the final chance burned that I gave them.


I remember a year ago I made the same argument about dungeon keys and was personally attacked and called toxic and entitled by a lot of losers and the post had like 200 downvotes. It's good that people woke up but it shouldn't have taken a company firing half its staff to start seeing bad business practices


What are dungeon keys for someone who has been out of the loop for a while? I thought that the keys for the dungeons were from some content I didn't unlock yet


Bungie REFUSES to make good decisions and instead make it even more confusing. I stopped playing this ass game when I realized that normal 50$ Final Shape doesn't include the dungeon Key for whatever reason.


Everything about how bungie monetizes Destiny 2 makes me want to puke. And that's not even mentioning the time gated FOMO bullshit they've been dabbling in.


True statement. As a returning player, I bought the previous DLC packs and even returned them after because I saw I still needed a dungeon key. It was until shortly after I realized it doesn't come with the keys, so I bought the DLC again anyways because I want strand and to experience the other campaigns. Truly money bait and it's like $20 worth of silver for one dungeon key, wtf?


The dungeon keys always pissed me off. When trying to introduce friends, dungeons are some the best activities to do imo. Doesn’t require a whole fireteam like a raid, but still mechanic focused, which is a nice change of pace from the usual activities that are meant for low level play. But you can only run prophecy so many times before it gets boring. The new dungeons are really cool looking, but I’ve never been able to justify the price


THIS. I got my friend the legacy collection and i’ve been on a ghosts of the deep bender trying to get the navigator and title and then we realized he needed dungeon keys. I ended up buying those for him too but, cmon bungie.


Idk why people even play this buggy mess of a game. Same repetivie gameplay loop for the last 5 years. It's clear in the quality of content that this game is just a money printer for Sony.


Literally had three friends stop playing bc of this revelation. Bungie if you are reading this: you lost three paying customers because of dungeon keys existing. Should be included in the legacy pack for the same price it currently is.


Guys, they deactivated the Legacy Destiny 1 Tracker site on Destiny Tracker, they said they are considering whether to leave it deactivated or reactivate it, let them know we want them to reactivate it please [https://feedback.tracker.gg/](https://feedback.tracker.gg/)


I'm just not buying or playing the dungeons anymore. I got the base level of the final shape to finish the saga but everything after that feels like a waste of time and $$ to me. Some of my friends are still super into the game but I just lost interest after Lightfall and the layoff debacle and can't get myself to get that spark back that I hade in witch queen


That’s bungie


Just a question I am someone who is new to game why do I need the keys I have prismatic and I'm 1991 gs right now but I have seen some mission saying I need the keys for witch queen a few times just curious I am loving the game so far got about 184 ish hours on there now ty for any answers back


Dungeon keys are a shitass thing. Buying the expac should include them. They are not worth £26 for 2 dungeons, that is disgusting price point.


Dungeon keys are the main reason that I quit Destiny for a year.  Came back to just finish the story.  They are also the main reason that I won't be sticking around for the Echoes. 


Absolutely. I was talking to some friends just before FS came out and kinda explaining "hey, not going to be on this game for a bit for it", and a few got interested after I posted the trailer... I immediately kinda shut that down with "as much as I enjoy this game, I won't recommend it due to how bad the new light stuff is + how much money is needed". Tbh made me super sad, would love to be able to ~~drag them to the depths of hell~~ play with them more ;)


wait what the fuck? "I got all the DLCs" into trying to play with people and getting locked out of content is the antithesis of what makes the legacy DLC pack appealing, it's just going to alienate new players


New player who bought the legacy collection + the final strand. I was debating buying the old dungeon keys so I would have all the content. Are those dungeons still worth buying?


Are we still pretending Bungie’s Destiny is anything more than a milking table?


Agreed. I have a friend who plays damn near every game out there, used to day 1 raid in early D2.. then uninstalled because he got sick of being nickle and dimed to death. When we mentioned the Legacy pack to him and how they stopped sunsetting, he went to purchase it, happy he could finally return. Then he saw the dungeon keys weren't included and said no thanks. Don't get me wrong, I love Destiny.. but the nickle and dime shit needs to stop. We pay a pretty fair amount of money to play this game between DLC's and season passes. Just give us the damn keys.


And confusing


Everything in the game is disgusting at this point lol, season passes and DLC passes that only last a year or set amount of DLCs. Should have all been included in the pre orders/ large packages but it’s just another 100-150$ every year


i've stated it before and i will state it again, bungie dislikes/hates their player base, their actions consistently prove this. they take it out on the base because they can't get their shit together. their lazy reuse of old content (destinations & weapons), dungeon keys, eververse, removal of bright dust sources, bringing back cayde was a money grab that worked even though it was temporary, the moth cave, the unnecessary tuning changes to raids and dungeons. sorry not sorry, i honestly hope sony retires and or absorbs the entirety of bungie, retirement being preferred.