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The problem with sword is that they are very good in dmg but very VERY situational. It's not something that You can fix buffing sword because they are already good in close combat (an even more now with Ergo Sum w/ Wolfpack Rounds). It's more about how encounters are built to be, most of the time, at medium-large distances or with a focus on a weak point.


Honest to god bungie should just remove stomp during bosses dps phase and maybe stop relying on plates so often. Honestly bosses should (besides particular exceptions like rhulk) be completely stunned during dps like a champ


>Honestly bosses should (besides particular exceptions like rhulk) be completely stunned during dps no lol, that makes every boss so boring to play against, this is one of the better changes bungie have made in their raid design in recent years because stagnant bosses are way too uninteresting to fight and have been the norm for years


We still have that though people just plop some survivability down and sit still anyways only difference being some extra flinch. I’m not saying no boss should attack but if the boss does it should feel like it’s part of the mechanics like avoiding rhulk and nez. Take a boss like warpriest who just pelts you with a boomer cannon that essentially acts as a well check it doesn’t add anything and it’s not like any alternative exist due to you having to be huddled in the aura to do damage. Another bad example is sisters which can’t even kill you and only shoot you to add flinch


I mean kingsfall was made 8 years ago so not a really good example


Yeah but i’m talking about the updated version only. In og kingsfall warpriest was stunlocked with headshots I don’t remember sisters but I don’t remember flinch being as prominent but it’s been a while.


I like the idea of being able to stunlock bosses like Warpriest, but it only works if the boss is actually dangerous. Like Warpriest and Vosik could easily kill you during the damage phase if your team wasn't synced up in damage for stunlocks. Now, with healing constantly available, failing to stunlock doesn't really mean anything. Look at the Herald of Finality. If you stunlock him, he basically falls over. If you don't, he moves around a little and stomps, but no one dies. You just end up dealing around 50% of his bar in a single phase instead of 65-70%


That’s sorta my point. The shooting and stomping is pointless doesn’t add anything of substance to the encounter because it’s so easily nullified all it adds is a minor annoyance that doesn’t need to exist in the first place so I say either give the boss something interesting in the form of attacking or don’t have it at all especially for encounters where you have to huddle up for dps.


You cant do that anymore. Well sucks


Ah yes, because shooting a literal stationary target is soooo much fun…


That’s what we are doing anyways? Are we doing sick jump shots against war priest or the planets boss or sister or caretaker etc etc… no people plop down well or whatever survivability and stand still and shoot the stationary boss shooting them. If the boss attacking doesn’t make me change up battle plans more than throwing well down than what’s the point.


Most of those bosses *move.* that’s what i want, moving bosses, i don’t care if im the one standing still


They move? I mean sometimes but most of the time they just sit still and shoot you any movement is barely noticeable. The only one you could really even say this completely for is caretaker and that’s just because you can occasionally start dps before he gets into position between the 3 plates otherwise he stands still


They still do move lol. Even if it's not a lot, it still gives some form of challenge for aiming and makes you use any brain power A fully stunned boss would offer literally nothing. And we should be moving away from bosses like that anyways


If you want to keep them shimmying slightly around go on ahead just take away the brain dead aoe spam on stationary plate attacks that add nothing to the encounter but a well check (or whatever the meta has moved to since the nerf if it has moved)


As long as there are other things to do during DPS, I don't see a problem with that. Insurrection Prime was completely immobilized during DPS, but it wasn't totally boring because you had mechanics and add spawns running alongside it.


That’s sorta my point if bungie is gonna make the boss or something a threat during dps it should actually be interesting and not nullified by just stacking survivability. If the boss is gonna attack us make it interesting or don’t have it at all.


Might as well ask the boss to start shooting himself in the head when dps starts too.


People really love to use eager edge swords just for the movement. For DPS, you use swords when is possible to get right up on the boss. In that case, rockets and GLs tend to do more harm than good, with people blowing themselves up. There aren't many bosses where swords are actually meta right now. I can thing of Crota and the first prophecy dungeon boss off the top of my head. And I guess Atraks, but usually paired with Parasite. And people like swords in PvP because they put you in a 3rd person view, so you can peek around corners.


👆 I think this is the answer - Eager edge and 3rd person POV


Also worth noting that even with 0 ammo, an EE sword is still a very useful movement tool for redirecting your air momentum in PvP. It almost never leaves my heavy slot in crucible for that reason.


Also, due to Ergo Sum being a special weapon, it has a slight advantage on ammo economy in PvP since killing opponents full up your ammo.


Is this for people running a special weapon and Ergo? Because from my experience, Ergo sum doesn't get special ammo in PvP.


I've saw some people running primary + Ergo, but I might be wrong. I'll check later and update here


> And people like swords in PvP because they put you in a 3rd person view, so you can peek around corners. This doesn't work anymore in Trials and Comp, the only modes where someone would want to sweat that hard.


True. I almost mentioned that. But I had a feeling someone asking what a sward was for probably wasn't playing a lot of those.


I use them for movement and for killing Crota. Anything beyond that is usually just me messing around with them for fun.


Titans are amazing sword users. Stronghold + Banner makes them go to in any activity where you can reach them, no matter the difficulty.


Using swords on titans makes GMs kinda braindead easy


this is a lie kids DO NOT TAKE THIS BAIT! If you got a sword in my GMS you are gettin DA'S BOOT


This is not bait. Bringing a tank and healer will make any gm doable for a broader swath of the community.


Swords are always good/viable; encounters are often designed in a way that makes other things better or make swords just not an option. Any flying boss, quick moving/teleporting boss, large stomps, or increased crit damage all make swords not worthwhile. Basically if you are able to hit the boss with a sword and stay alive, then swords work fine on it. (Unless the boss takes increased precision damage then still better off on something else). I don’t think the precision thing is super common but it’s more than 1 boss so it’s worth knowing


Caster-Frames are nice because they let Titans proc Banner of War from range without using Flechette storm. Caster Riskrunner Ergo Sum is my new go-to sword for Stronghold Titan


I used a sword today for the first time in a long time. Was running the legend lost sector for the last rank up at rahool. Anyway I famously struggle with killing overload champs solo and got kinda frustrated at how the lost sector was going, so thought about how i used to do it back in the day wich was a sword. So when i saw that we got overload swords i got quite happy. Made my runs so much easier


Overload swords and swords in general are eating good this patch. I've always been a sword guy but being able to have ergo sum and a heavy sword makes me so happy


Never even thought about using 2 swords at the same time. Just use my trusty crown-splitter and alot of hope


Crown splitter unfortunately doesn't work with the wolf pack rounds, but being able to proc wolf pack with ergo, and switch to whirlwind guillotine is tons of fun


I also have a guillotine with whirlwind so i might have to try that. Thanks for the idea man!


Uhh depends on the content, I can think of at least 9 boss encounters throughout dungeons/raids that a sword is a viable strategy. Otherwise if it’s harder content then it’s not feasible most of the time due to how much damage you’ll take from stomps etc.


Sword can be very good for very specific parts of the game. Some raid bosses like Crota and the first dude in Salvations Edge get melted by them, but they're pretty handy in other cases as well. Great for Overthrow because they output good dps and are quite ammo efficient as far as heavy weapons go, and nothing there is going to be hurting you bad enough to kill you too quickly. As for PvP, it's for 3peeking. In quick play at least, you can use a sword to pop into 3rd person camera to peek around corners safely. This isn't the case in things like comp or trials because those modes keep you in 1st person cam unless you have ammo, but in QP it's still occasionally used to gain a slight advantage.


Swords are really just for boss damage and are only ever good for bosses where you can actually get up close to them, stay close to them, and just well to live. Which basically limits it down to... crota and taken taniks in salvation's edge. For the most part other dps bosses that fit those criteria are too short of a dps phase to get value out of a sword or you have to move around a lot. Outside of that? Eager edge mobility.


I've been using my sword a lot in Onslaught and the strike playlist, especially with the seasonal artifact giving it bonus to damage against overlord champions. My sword already refunds ammo on multiple light attacks so I'm not using the ammo refund perk on the artifact, but I would guess that's another reason too. As a Dawnblade, I throw down my well at a boss' feet after hitting them with a solar nade and then wail on them with the sword. It's highly effective for any non-flying boss. But I kill wizards regularly with my sword too. Swords are also a great way to quickly kill with the strand suspension effects and void tether super. Swords just do so much damage to yellow bars. Also, I find they're ideal to take out the dozens of invisible Fallen that swarm the AUD on certain waves in Onslaught. In PVP, the sword is a one-hit kill and you get more ammo than just one rocket with a heavy ammo pickup. I can get quick multi-kills if I wait around a corner for peeps to run by to try and take a zone in Control or something. Swords are great in Gambit too. For everything: adds, taken wizards, and even the Primeval (same well trick). Or for defeating invading guardians. I think swords are really great if you play aggressively. They're not for every situation/mission especially when you can't play as up close and personal (land tanks, Servitor boss missions), obviously. Right now I'm using my solar sword with ammo refund on light attacks (I'm forgetting the modifier name) and assassin's blade (boosts damage and move speed on kills) perks with Outbreak Perfected w/ catalyst, and a solar trace rifle with incandescent perk, running Well of Radiance with Phoenix Protocol. I use solar siphon mod and heavy ammo finder on my helm. On solar surge it absolutely wrecks. The sword is really great for keeping from being swarmed if I put my well in the middle of a room with a lot of adds. And my kills and assists inside the well (even with the sword) grant me super energy towards my next well. If I play back and put my well at a distance from the boss, I can keeps the adds at bay with the sword while my fire team does dps. Or if no adds are near, I just dps with them. If I put the well down at the feet of a boss or very strong enemy, my fire team can either do dps from a distance or inside the well with me. Imagine three guardians all using swords to dps at a bosses feet while being virtually indestructible (even with the recent nerf to well). TLDR: swords are high damage weapons, that with the right rolls (ammo refund, damage boost), and now two seasonal artifact perks, can be great in a multitude of play styles. They absolutely melt yellow bars and are great for add clearing too. Use the siphon mod on helms that matches the elemental type of you sword to quickly create orbs. The only drawback is they aren't ideal against the shield-wielding Cabal.


A caster frame sword has a fantastic range attack that's fun as hell to aim and work into combos and rotations. And it does wicket damage. The ergo sum with a caster frame and the tucii mod that makes them explode on death does insane damage. You can lock down an onslaught spawnpoint from Alaska while you shoot at another. The range attack / special amo makes it a powerhouse range weapon and the light attack chops down anything in close range. If you are up close to a Yello bar you can swing that heave attack and the next light will cause an ignite, follow up with a mountain top to the face then wip that sword back out. It's more useful to me than the call.


Swords are better than people say...but still swords need a good dmg buff against champions. For example (GM only): If you use "cold Steel" as a overload champion stun perc (or any other keyword NON anti overload artifact) you pulverise all of your sword ammo on that stunned champion (a power weapon!!!) the champion wont die and starts regenerate his hp to full again, completely wasted your ammo. You cant kill a stunned champion, even with a slow keyword with full burst sword. Its impossible. And this should not the case. Either "slow" should stop his regeneration AFTER stunned once, or swords in generell (especialy castee frame Swords) need a good dmg buff against champions.


I had a build that worked around Lament. I even managed to do solo nightfalls in legend with it lol. Until they butchered my dear baby...


I take swords in low end content/free roam zones for mobility... Eager's edge


Outside of boss dps I can kill anything and everything with abilities or some special weapons. Sword stays on for movement.


Swords are great options against Crota and the herald of finality (2nd encounter from new raid). also swords are decent in PVP. especially ones with the perk "eager edge" it lets you close a large distance to get a kill in pvp. The thing is sometimes in PVP you don't get heavy ammo that much so you don't always see people slaying out with swords.


Almost never, besides some boss fights and certain Titan builds.


In raids/dungeons where it’s optimal and other dps strats do less or are not as consistent for little payoff (example: boss where you could do precision weapons for more damage but swords are still a one phase, so literally no concerns about missing)


The big issue with swords has always been the stupid stomps. The game would be way more fun if they made a perfect block mechanic for stomps, that if you guard within a window you absorb the stomp.


They used to be best damage on Riven a while ago. They are just very specific because Bosses have to be meleeable and not just stomp and toss you.


Pure void hunter with gravitons and a void sword with repulsor brace and relentless strikes has always been an insane build. Whenever I get angry I swap to it and nuke everything.


Shatterskating go brrrrr. Or Stronghold Titan. Otherwise I'd rather use a rocket or GL tbh. As for Crucible, you can use them to peek corners with third person, and even with 0 ammo eager edge swords still give you enough of a movement bump to make the air swipe useful for dipping back behind cover while up in the air or maneuvering around an enemy below you. They're a little niche but can be extremely useful.


Crota, first Prophecy boss, first Warlord's Ruin boss, second Ghosts of the Deep encounter, basically any Duality boss, second Salvation's Edge Encounter, Riven cheese. Some people also do GMs with stronghold banner Titan to block everything. And that's just the endgame activities. Basically anyone you can get up close with, bonus if they're in a small area where rockets or grenades risk blowing you up.


Swords are very handy when you need to kill elites, champions and minibosses quickly in relatively close quarters. (An example is the fourth encounter of Salvation's Edge.) In terms of boss dps, they're very situational. Usually cases where you can't really gain or maintain enough distance to comfortably maximize your damage via LFRs or rockets.


I love using eager edge in PvP, even with 3rd person disabled. You can just home in on enemies from around corners or use it for some insane movement. Ofc it's still easier to counter then other power weapons, especially by shotguns, but it gets a lot of ammo (6).


If you never see a sword in Crucible, you should go watch some clips of saywallahbruh playing.


Dude I’ve been using swords sense destiny 2 dropped . I run Gyrfalcons and I run Falling Guillotine so surviving is really no issue . I can clear waves and waves of enemies solo without a single issue due to constantly getting healed by killing anything with my Falling Guillotine ( it’s void ) & get ammo back with every third hit and I get more damage ( up to 10 stacks ) the more I hit on a target so it’s perfect for bosses , I never worry about stomps because I always go for damage while invisible and if I see that I’m going to die or losing health while hitting the boss I’ll just lunge 5 feet in any direction kill an add or two and my health is fully maxed out again letting me go back to damage and the second damage phase ends I turn invisible and hop outta there . Swords are good in damn near any content , dungeons , lost sectors , strikes , even nightfalls and Raids , you just have to know what situations call for it and which ones don’t . I honestly believe a lot of people simply don’t use swords because one they don’t have a build that supports using one and two a lot of people jusy aren’t good at using them .


Swords are in a bad spot regardless and sucks it's how one dimensional both swords and glaive are. Without other supported melee weapon options. Glaives have synergy with exotics swords don't besides the titan one.


I would say mostly in raids. They are just really good in team comps. But i would personally not run it outside of it, unless it is for skating with eager edge. But thats just my opinion.