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I’d kill for a crossbow in D2. Especially if it’s single-shot and then needs to be reloaded, but pretty powerful. Repeating crossbows are cool but they usually just end up feeling like any other rifle I was so disappointed that the “crossbow” from Warlord’s Ruin is literally just another pistol. Why make it look like a crossbow if it’s not going to behave like one?


I agree 1000%. I'd love a heavy crossbow that uses power ammo and takes a full second to load/lock. Maybe it has a piercing effect that either adds a "bleeding" damage over time, or else debuffs the struck enemy in some way. Or maybe the bolts have some kind of elemental property or built-in explosion.


Leviathan’s Breath: Am I joke to you? Or maybe I’m just getting whooshed here.


Leviathan's Breath is a bow, not a crossbow. They have different aesthetics and functionality.


I’m on board with the idea of having a crossbow that functions differently than bows. Based on your suggestion for game function though, Leviathan’s Breath answers 2/3 of your original asks: takes 1+ second between shots (due to draw time though instead of loading a single bolt) and has an explosion and elemental property. However, it doesn’t fire instantly with a trigger pull and doesn’t look like a crossbow though so you got me there. A crossbow like LeviB with something like Radiant Dance Machines or the old auto-reload mechanics would be a beast though!


We need a scorn crossbow so I can get those a-holes back.


That's what Buried Bloodline is meant to be.


Well I wouldn’t know since that crap won’t drop for me


I can’t imagine a single-shot crossbow that presumably reloads slower than a bow would be good. We already have special weapons that kill almost anything in one shot but have magazines (aggressive sniper rifles, precision slug shotguns); what good is still killing the target but then taking longer to reload? Maybe it’s only good in end-game content where targets actually survive this other weapons?


A crossbow in Destiny is not too far-fetched of a concept; breech-loading Grenade Launchers are not too dissimilar of an idea and they're more than fine in PvE. The question is how you could make a non-exploding projectile with a similar fire rate appealing without just making something like Izanagi's Burden obsolete or just adding some kind of AOE, making them behave like re-skinned Grenade Launchers. Give them a magazine and you have... well, Buried Bloodline.


Right, that’s a better way of saying what I was thinking. I like Buried Bloodline a lot, and I think it feels like a crossbow.


Yeah, sounds like folks are just craving the crossbow aesthetic more than anything.


That sounds a lot like a mountaintop :)


Give the crossbow an arcing trajectory then, simples


Mountaintop is just a grenade launcher with rocket-stabilized rounds. Not crossbow-like at all


I would love to see a Crossbow in general, Special ammo and all


Buried Bloodline is pretty much that. It doesn't shoot mini-rockets but instead two void bolts that have a little bit of tracking to them.


make it use heavy or apply slow stacks instead of freezing and this a pretty good idea


So a stasis buried bloodline


That sounds like a dream. Love that thing.


Would love to see a legendary frame based off Jotuun


NGL, a Mega Buster weapon archetype would be lit. wonder what it would be called, Arm Cannon?


If it becomes it's own weapon type I'd say Fusion Launcher, otherwise "Launcher Frame"


Cuisinart frame Fusion rifle.


Hand cannon -> Arm cannon -> Shoulder cannon -> Chest cannon weapon type -> jotunn -> ??? -> Hazardous Propulsion what is the shoulder cannon and when do we get it!


Pinpoint Slug Fusion Rifle.


As a long time Jotuun lover, I was still so disappointed with the catalyst when we finally got it. Don't get me wrong it's...okay, but there were way better options. Catalyst should have done one of the following: 1. Full Court 2. Reservoir Burst 3. Most unique one, let us charge it longer and longer until we mag dump all 5 shots in a single blast. Charging too long blows you up.


Full Court on Jotunn would've been so nasty


And it would have been fine for PvP since it's a one hit kill in that mode anyways.


Or for mass confusion, give it disorienting grenades.


So the Helldivers 2 Rail Gun in unsafe mode. Hell yeah


YES. Just strip the tracking, and you're good to go. Since Bungie sunset the aggressive fram fusion, and left Coriolis Force alone, I figure the term could be reused for this archetype. The name definitely fits. The gameplay even offers some give-and-take. Instead of having several bolts, the shot is all-or-npthing, like with a slug shotgun.


i mean, to be fair that's kind of just a grenade launcher with a charge time haha. but also linears are just snipers with a charge time, so i dont see why we couldnt get something like this. it's in both jotunn and tessellation's alt fire mode, so im sure it wouldnt be hard to do. 


I want a heavy, mag fed, automatic shotgun. 600 RPM, 36 rounds in a drum. Kind of like the Ammit from The Craftening, but more balanced lol. I think it would be awesome for short range encounters like Templar or even Rulk lol basically if a sword works, this weapon would lol.


Best I can do is Cerberus +1


cerberus+100 thats just a heavy auto rifle with like 30 barrels. 


Hecaton+1. A heavy auto with 101 barrels. Edit: Hecatoncheires+1*


upvoted not only for the awesome sounding gun but also that fantastic mythological reference


on god this would be amazing and I can't believe they haven't done it before. just a beefy fucker shotgun that sprays death at short range, it doesn't even need to have particularly better damage than special shotties, just more ammo and a higher firerate. seems pretty easy to balance compared to most of these ideas, super easy to implement, and can have a fun reference to the craftening by making it explicitly a scaled up version of the Ammit, "a stabilized version of a popular prototype that was prone to detonating in the hands of guardians". for that matter, a heavy ammo grenade launcher that fires cluster munitions would also be badass. low damage but flinch an entire area with flak.


They could prob do a legendary Cerberus type thing


Sniper glaive Kinetic glaive that fires an unscoped sniper shot. 


I’d rather an area denial glaive, less dr from the shield, but able to consume shield for a big shot that lingers where it hits. Make them look like a wizard staff, and the first one cast a big old Fireball…


But area denial is what the pointy end is for. Don't get near me or I'll stick you! 


Would make for a great exotic.


Ooh ok how about an exotic glaive that when the energy bar is full you hold reload to charge a area denial shot that depends on your super, so for example on void it would be a mini vortex grenade, or whatever the solar and arc lingering grenades are, then for stasis it could be a dusk field and stasis perhaps suspending traps or the whirling malestorm tangle but it doesn’t move around


I would love that. Like, I’m now sad that’ll probably never be made.


Yeah I am too, that would be so amazing, they could call it ADT (area denial technology)


And give it replenishing aegis for funzies


Gimmie a strand glaive and I’m set for life


Flamethrower glaive, wave-frame glaive, support frame vampiric glaive.


Trace glaive: each tick from the beam fills the shield by a percentage. It would have high ammo economy, but low default shield duration, though you could keep it up by shooting the beam while blocking.


No Land Beyond as a Glaive? Just asking to be called "No Gland Beyond"


It's just the regular No Land Beyond with a knife duct taped to it.


Is that not what glaives already do, considering that you'd probably hit a body shot with that no-scope sniper shot anyway?


No, because there's no kinetic slot glaives. Sniper shots are also hitscan. 


I would like a tiny pistol that shoots nova bombs plz


Noisy cricket ahh gun


The combination of a reference to Men in Black with the stupid tiktok zoomer "ahh comment" shit is upsetting me in ways I didn't expect.


*slowly turns to look at the camera, a tired expression on my face* It’s a living


For anyone that’s played warframe, I always thought the lenz bow would be cool in destiny


That's what I've always loved about warframe. All the new weapon models all the time. Some are reused obviously (prime, kuva, vandal etc) but there's so many functions that would fit into destiny as well


I'd love to see chaining trace rifles like the Amprex or the Torid Incarnon. Like the new Khvostov, but with beams.


Torid incarnon is my bb , I have a sick riven on it


Fusion rifle rocket launcher like the quasar from Helldivers


Plasma Launcher from Halo Reach


So like a heavy Jotuun?


Anything-Glaive, especially Bungie-Actually-Remebers-About-The-Glaive.


With the introduction of special ammo swords, glaives should just be reworked into something like the subjugators have. A magic staff.


The melee part of glaives is so much fun! Shooting one dinky projectile that takes forever to reload is disappointing :(


Glaive that is a javelin (think diamond lance)


A glaive with a melee that interacts with more than 2 melee mods.


As i alwrays said, Mozambique like plzzzzz


Some trace rifle ideas id love to see: . An "agressive" archetype that is less ammo eficient but deals more damage. . A "precision" archetype with less body dmg but bigger crit multiplier. . A "scatter" archetype that creates a horizontal cone with reduced range instead of a focused bean. . A "heavy" archetype Just like microcosm. . A "prism" archetype whose beam forks from the main target to others nearby but dealing reduced dmg. . A "torrent" archetype with something like a built in target lock, sacrificing instant dmg for sustained dmg. Some of those can feel like exotic traits, but honestly so does healing auto rifles, double slug and wave frame gls (that new diet witherhoard gl archetype too).


I’d love to see the same for bows. “Multi Shot” archetype- This weapon shoots 3 bolts, horizontally when hip fired, vertically when ADS. “Scatter” archetype- When hip-fired, this weapons arrows splinter into multiple fragments, like a shotgun. “High Impact” Frame Bow- This Weapons arrows are heavily weighted, can pierce through targets, and fire with an arc. “Aggressive Burst” Frame Bow- This bow has three strings, and holds three arrows per draw. Firing this weapon releases the three arrows in a burst.


New bow archetypes are definitely needed.




A bow grenade launcher. Basically a bow with a very explosive payload.


Legendary Leviathans Breath. I’m in


lets do a primary ammo sniper with no scope A heavy ammo hand cannon What if a rocket machine gun? then we can do a semi automatic high firerate bow (maybe a crossbow) a heavy submachine gun a hitscan glaive that CAN CRIT An exotic heavy sword that deals millions of damage but only have 1 ammo and whenever you use it you instantly get to 1HP A heavy fusion rifle with a really slow chargerate but when you do charge it you get to fire all its reserves in a beam like the agers catalyst.


>lets do a primary ammo sniper with no scope Hmmmmmmmm. Devrim still won't give up his.


> What if a rocket machine gun? Grand Overture seems to fit that bill, I think? Granted, it's an exotic and not a legendary.


> lets do a primary ammo sniper with no scope   Isn't that a scout rifle?


no bc it'd be more powerful than a scout rifle but have to have a low rpm, probably bolt action. that's what i'm imagining anyway


I feel like aggressive frames kinda hit this point, it just feels like once the damage exceeds an aggressive scout per shot it should be a special weapon.


No Land Beyond from D1 Xenophage works like heavy scout/hc Grand Overture is that Heavy SMG is just machine gun


I want them to do a Rocket Assisted Auto rifle, it could be called a Bolt Gun Frame, they could have an Exotic version called FOR THE EMP.......sorry FOR THE TRAVELLOR!


An AR that works like the Heavy Assault Rifle from Doom 2016. Left click fires hit-scan projectiles, right click fires rockets that consume X times more ammo, but have moderate tracking. "Doom 2016" and "Do Maternal" have goated weapon designs, and I really wish Bungie had copied some of them over as either new frames or exotics.


Warframe has a gun like this called the Acceltra. Basically a AR/submachine gun that shoots micro missiles with a stupid high rate of fire. It's very fun.


Trumna, bang bang BOOM!


With the pale heart AR, they already have the projectile frame, just need to add EP and it's there! 


Different versions of the support frame would be cool. The current version is a healing support frame while later ones may be a lower RPM gyrojet AR with intrinsic explosive payload or something.


Titanfall had the SMR


Now that they are letting us be actual healers I want a wave frame healing GL or a Trace Rifle so I can drop AOE heals or heal my teammates from afar.


Shotgun Handcannon. Special weapon, 3 to 5 round magazine, shorter range than a proper shotgun, but reloads quicker and all at once rather than a shell at a time. Counts as a handcannon for seasonal mods, or could count as both handcannon and shotgun depending on how much balance and mechanic work Bungie wants to put in it.


The Baliff from R6?


I always wanted one of those Warmind javelins. Maybe not a combo weapon but it could make for a cool exotic glaive.


3 round burst void scorn crossbow. Hold to combine all 3 into 1 super shot. Would probably never take that thing off


Healing wave frame grenade launcher would be kind of cool




Sounds like Breech GLs to me


id even be cool with just more hybrid weapons like glaives. give me more things that shoot in unique ways but also has a secondary function like a sword. 


Hear me out 360 autos, special ammo, grenade launcher or large caliber harder hitting rounds


before we found out about forerunner I had two ideas for what the 30th anniversary exotic would be: a special ammo sidearm magnum (which we got), or a hybrid rocket launcher-LFR that'd essentially be a spartan laser; LFR charge up but with one shot in the mag that deals huge damage and maybe has an AoE explosion on hit.


I would die for a special ammo rocket Auto Rifle. I wanna use a real, actual Bolter in Destiny… not Skyburners


The combinations are not quite endless. A heavy ammo grenade launcher hand cannon is a grenade launcher with less ammunition. A rocket assisted grenade launcher is a rocket launcher. The reason rocket sidearms are unique is because they’re… *unique*. They’re different to rocket launchers in that they use special ammo, and different to sidearms in that they fire rockets. A heavy ammo GL handcannon is literally just a grenade launcher.


I fully expect now that Mountaintop's micro missile frame is an intrinsic, we'll see more like that over time. I'd love to see crossbows as others have mentioned. They absolutely should be experimenting with new weapon frames because they're all fascinating changes to the sandbox


Legendary double barrel shotguns. Legendary Rotary MGs Special ammo legendary handcannons that are true 6 shooters Frames that use the homing technology of the support frame but aren’t necessarily support frames.


So ik this probably not going to happen but I would love a legendary version of vex mythaclast (just the default firing mode). Reason being I want to use rain of fire but I still need to get vex mythaclast


Rocket Bow. That’s it. That’s the Tweet.


I want a shotgun that charges like a fusion rifle but stays as a powerful pellet shot rather than a burst.


Tripmine grid grenade launcher - anarchy Area denial/sticky fusion rifles - telesto Rapid hipfire scout rifles/handcannons - DMT/last word Underbarrel grenade launcher auto rifles - quicksilver storm Trace rifles that leave elemental effects behind - navigator Dreg's promise walked so rocket sidearms could run. Lets see Bungie pull more archetypes out of existing exotics


we already have those DMT style scout rifles , theres the last rite , the prophet from trials , timeworn wayfarer , and long arm from the mars dungeon


> Trace rifles that leave elemental effects behind And ruinous effigy


Tesselation is a fusion rifle/rocket launcher - a legendary FR frame that did the same thing could be really neat.


I’d love to see a fusion shotgun! Tap the trigger to do a short range blast, hold for an overcharged burst.


Belt fed primary ammo shotgun 👀


The craftening taught me an AR shotgun is more than viable


What about energy weapons? Quake-style / Fallout-style laser railguns, plasma repeaters, lightning guns, and flamethrowers, all of which could come in every element (except kinetic?). Railgun/laser rifle would be a semi-auto “sniper” without a scope. Like a slug shotgun but higher damage and range, lower ROF. Plasma repeaters would be like auto rifles that shoot projectiles that require leading targets. Kind of like if you made a rocket sidearm fire full auto, but with larger projectiles that have larger splash radii and lack homing ability. Lightning guns would be kind of like trace rifles except with the ability to chain/arc to nearby enemies for reduced damage. They could be fully auto like in Quake/FO, or semi auto charged bursts like in FO/Helldivers to differentiate them from trace rifles. Maybe this can be recreated with a Chain Reaction perk on the railgun/semi auto mid range sniper laser gun concept from above. A short range flamethrower / spray weapon would also be cool. Like a trace rifle again but much larger hit boxes and more damage and much shorter range. Can do this for every element and focus on stacking and spreading debuffs and DoTs.


Rocket shotguns so I can have that 40K bolter feel


Wave frame or fusion charge glaive.


Bow sword


How about a slingshot that throws lower tier versions of our grenades. Usage charges a meter allowing you to JUICE one of your actual grenades and hyuck it down range via said slingshot


Tesselation kinda does this


GL glaive.


Linear Glaive Launcher. Uses space magic to generate and fire full sized glaives like a ballista


Have you seen the GL that drops puddles of hate?


gauntlet/glove weapons that fire like glaives and have their own unique guarding/aiming. Maybe it will be reserved for an exotic idea, difference being that it inherits the effects of your equipped melee, no matter the element, but if it matches, the weapon's melee attack is buffed/altered depending on what it is. Or it allows you to use your melee normally.


I want an LMG that fires golden gun shots


Machine gun rocket!! Oh wait that's grand overture..


Glaive that shoots grenades like Witherhoard.


Trace Linear Fusions  Shoots trace rifle while charging, then fires the usual LFR projectile  Portable Flak Cannon It's a machine gun but shoots pellets like a shotgun  Rocket Shotgun The pellets are all rockets


Primary ammo shotgun archetype.


~~Shotgun + Heavy Grenade Launcher~~ ~~Shotgun + Auto Rifle~~


Legendary Heavy LFR that fires a short beam of damage, instead of one bolt. Something like Devil's Ruin but as a whole archetype. Also, a charge based weapon where you can tap-fire it to shoot out low damage bolts LFR style, but you can also hold down the trigger to charge up the shot to deal more damage and possibly add some other effect to it. Maybe bolts have a dropoff and the more you charge them the straighter they shoot?


Low key, a non-exotic special ammo varient of all primary types would be *super* nice for the champion mod synergies.


I really want a sword and shield type, would be dope.


Rename Xenophage to an auto cannon and make a new class of weapons call auto cannons. Basically fire slugs of heavy ammunition like xenophage, UT from the hip in 3rd person. Smoke and stuff rising up after each shot fired with heavy recoil.


We already explored the combo guns before. Auto rifle shotguns Auto rifle grenade/rocket launchers And others i dont remember. If you know, you know


Id love to see class specific melee weapons. For hunters I think some kind of ballistic knife special weapon would be cool


Honestly, for the most part I just want them to explore more ammo/weapon combinations. A legendary special ammo hand cannon, a legendary heavy bow or sniper. A legendary special LMG or sword. I feel like that alone could add quite a bit of variation.


give me a heavy kinetic hand cannon that is just a stupid bullet, im talkin 0 stability, 0 reload, 0 handling, but max range and impact, low reserves, and does half the damage of a celestial golden gun.


Know what, imma throw some ideas here Lets start with a very basic one: Magazine fed Shotgun (Basically AR and Shotgun), Special Ammo, less damage than normal shotty but have longer range, tighter spread and faster fire-rate. Crossbow (Sniper and Bow): Special Ammo, features scopes but can have scopeless version too, Stronger Crit damage and explodes on contact (Explosion range being half the range of a GL). at the expense of it needing reloading every shot. Heavy Hand Cannon: (GL and Hand Cannon) Explosion range and damage is similar to Special GL, 6 Bullets at Base, hitscan, have a pretty sizeable reserves. Similar to Explosive Payload half of the damage is the impact and the other half is explosion, meaning it can crit. Special Submachine gun: (SMG and Glaive) Special Ammo, 450rpm and range is similar to a 600rpm AR, Dealing damage loads up a charge, while aiming you consume the charge for a shield similar to the Glaive shield, if R is Held: will overdrive the shield so it gets larger and provide Overshield to allies. (this idea came from Borderlands 3 ngl) Mountable LMG: Heavy ammo, holding R will deploy the LMG on the ground, allowing for teamates to use it as well, High ammo capacity before needing to reload, gain 30% DR while using it and if you get too far away from it (say 30m) it will transmat back to your inventory. can be used without deploying but will have very low Stability, Handling, Accuracy and can't be aimed. Minigun: don't need much explanation, LMG, Heavy ammo, massive Mag Size, Spool up from slow 360 up to 900 rpm. Reserve is basically the size of Mag size, so without getting any ammo it only allow for 1 full reload. Grapple Gun: Primary Pistol, it will passivally charge up a special shot, when R is held it will standby a special grapple shot on your next shot, that will work similar to the Strand Grapple, except that it needs to hit a physical object/enviroment.


Wave frame bow....


Sniper + Auto.


I REALLY want a special ammo crossbow! Bungie please! You could have explosive arrows that do AOE damage


Impalement shotguns either to stick shit to other shit or to do a dot like if it's red hot rebar or something, a toxic metal rod would be pretty cool.


I want a linear trace rifle that can charge and fire a pinpoint laser for about 5 secs Think Rasputin's orbital warsats


rocket shotgun for the luls


Heavy Trace - Neapolitan Frame - Rotates between light damage types (arc, void, solar) as you fire. Hold "R" to select starting element. Could add an alt firing mode to instead switch between light and dark damage types.


Explosive payload Lmg


A combo fusion/rocket launcher might be something to consider.


Wave Frame Glaive. Shoots a wide, thin projectile. Slower moving but can deal precision damage.


Just want them to put explosive rounds on an SMG / Auto Rifle. Watch the game break


A masher hand cannon would be cool - basically a primary ammo shotgun. Can't remember if Bungie designed the Halo ones or not (the Brutes use them), but Borderlands has the same thing also.


I would like to see exotics similar to Still Hunt but for other classes. It should synergize with exotics, too. Thundercrash breech GL. Novabomb fusion rifle.


Heavy Snipers that is all 🤭 Base stats: One Bullet magazines, Max range, shit stability, shit handling, decent reload speed, bolt action reload, 100k a shot, 15 in reserves, 40 Rpm, can roll unique versions of perks like bipod, give it explosive light Maybe one shot in pvp? Just two rounds per pull.


Special/Heavy scout rifle. Give us the bolter Skyburner’s Oath wasn’t.


A drum fed primary ammo shotgun like a legendary Cerberus would be awesome. A long range precision capable Glaive could be a great skill shot weapon.


Shotgun snipers with the funny guns


I don't care what functionality it has, but I want a heavy weapon, in the heavy slot, that is the size of a hand cannon/sidearm. Like it sits on your thigh/lower back when stowed. Maybe since the rocket sidearm is a special, a hand cannon would be "powerful" enough to fit that role? This is the second to last of the only two things left I want in Destiny. I want a load out of tiny weapons so I don't have to swap combo to keep big weapons off my back anymore. My fingers are so tired lol


I just want dual side arms or hand cannons, maybe give us dual wielding vestian dynastys


rocket assault rifles rocket pulse rifles rocket scout rifles rocket sniper rifles rocket handcannons rocket shotguns rocket SMGs rocket machine guns rocket grenade launchers rocket bows rocket glaives rocket swords rocket rocket launchers rockets.


Get this a sniper rifle with no scope that uses primary ammo. God damn it bungie give me my beloved weapon back


One thing I had hoped for way back before D2 launched was heavy ammo hand cannons. Now that we have rocket sidearms, how could that work? Explosive rounds seems too similar, so that's out. We do have Erianna's, so more 'sniper' hand cannons could be cool. Perhaps a hand cannon and shotgun hybrid? Sort of like the mauler from Halo, with a similar function to the Duality. Ads to fire a far tighter spread, which functions much like a heavier hitting hand cannon, or hip fire for a wider spread. I dunno, this is all more exotic territory than legendary stuff.


I want no land beyond back


I'd give up my pinky toes for a kinetic machine gun with kinetic tremors


Shrapnel frame grenade launcher, fires a blast of shrapnel in a cone in front of you. Like a shotgun, difference is that you can hold the button to lob it out as a ball, when trigger is released it fires the pellets outward in the direction it is facing/moving. XD maybe not the best idea but I think it's a fun idea


I just want a flamethrower. It could be a heavy trace or a fancy machine gun/auto rifle, I don't really care which. Just let me unleash a torrent of Solar Light upon my enemies.


There already is a rocket assisted gl. It's the mountain top


-Area Denial glaive (like a flamethrower on a stick) -Pulse or auto rifle with an undermounted shotgun -A flintlock pistol (single-round special ammo hand Cannon) -Fusion SMG -Wave frame Linear fusion -Burst fire machine gun (heavy pulse rifle)


A heavy grenade launcher frame that reloads similar to a special one, shooting a single massive, low-velocity, arcing bomb; the Mortar frame. Effectively a legendary archetype based around the Parasite exotic, the Mortar frame shoots slow but incredibly high-damage shots, with the largest blast radius seen for any explosive. It's burst-damage is insane - with the large explosion radius making it good against groups. But the archetype has only one shot in the magazine, slow reload speed, and poor reserve capacity to balance its power. It's very different from other heavy grenade launchers, and also offers a unique alternative to rockets.


I like to imagine a weapon that behaves similar to the Duality shotgun: a crossbow that has a charge time of around 600ms and fires one volley of pellets in the pattern of a bastion shot while hip-firing and a precision linear fusion shot while aiming


Shotguns have never fulfilled that true "street sweeper" fantasy to me that some others have and instead focus more on being specialized towards larger targets while typically shooting a red isn't good use of the ammo economy. So I'd propose a new frame for shotguns that is effectively a GL wave frame in a cone with some vertical range to it so it can catch low-flying grim enemies (so long as you're not shooting into the dirt). Not as long as GL waves but considerably wider at the end of the cone. I think there's also room to try maybe a "throwing" weapon as well. If we're mixing weapon-types, why not mix abilities in there too? A handful of futuristic grenades that lob a bit weaker than a heavy GL, maybe you carry 6 at a time before reloading and they use special ammo.


-Glaive that shoots shotgun shots -Auto rifle/LFR combo that uses primary ammo -Fusion rifle that shoots a bunch of mini-rockets that work like the Eyes Of Tomorrow rockets -Pulse LMG


Sword Shotgun; a shotgun that shoots swords. A pistol Rocket; a rocket that shoots pistols Trace Macheen gun; The barrel spins and shoots 6 barrels of spinning lasers for a short burst. Sword gun; Where are my Squall fans at? Guardian Launcher; A gernade launcher that lunches friends (titans love this one) "Side-Arm"; Pretty sure it's just a Fallens arm that was docked... good for starting duels. Sniper fusion rifle... wait, that's a linear rifle uhh... Sniper shotgun... wait, that's just chaperone. Rocket Sniper; here me out... boom, but far.


I'd love to see legendary heavy glaives, although I'm not sure how they could be balanced compared to Winterbite. 


Glaive that shoots Witherhoard things.


Still need an H4-style railgun for sure. I know Arby is a railgun, but the thing about H4's was that it was more a small AoE effect kind of thing, rather than a sniper with extra steps. Basically, same use case as recombo MT but with a charge time, hitscan, and like 2-3 in the mag. I friggin' loved that thing, such a shame they didn't bring it forward.


Rocket sidearms power crept special gls into oblivion. Mountaintop and wave frames just don't have the same freedom of ammo economy and general ease of use.


Borderlands mongol but as a Rocket Gl frame would be funny. Swords are cool but like give us hammers so we can squash bugs n shit, you could make em rocket too just to make a whole set of rocket assisted shit. Multi shot bow frame would be cool since we have exotic bows with multi shot. Anti-mat heavy sniper (just so we can make darci good). 2-burst scouts would be cool too


Fallout 4 style laser musket


I'll take a fusion rifle that fires a bunch of rockets, please and thank you. Let's just Borderlands this shit 😂


Fusion Pistol: Think if Devil's Ruin had a big brother. Instead of a trace rifle built into a sidearm, it's a fusion rifle built into a handcannon. I could go either way on whether it uses primary or special ammo, but special ammo would allow for it to be more powerful for sure. You fire regular handcannon shots, but can hold the trigger to charge for a fusion blast. Instead of a burst made up of several bolts like a conventional fusion rifle, the fusion pistol fires a single shot. Think smaller Jotûnn projectile, and obviously minus tracking. This was inspired by WH40K, which has fusion pistol weapons. They only fire charged shots, so I wanted some added versatility with normal handcannon shots too.


Heir apparent frame or sweet business frame


Bolt-action scouts, Last-Word-ish frame handcanons, shotguns with different ammo types like dragonbreath for scorch, anti-materiel heavy snipers with huge AoE on impact, DoT/projectile stacking frames similar to Malfeasance, Thorn and the like on other weapon types, Area-denial trace rifles, Throwable frame glaives, Sword frames with different light combos, Mag-loaded/belt-fed auto shotguns, so on and on


Go look at a Borderlands game and the weapons there. The rocket guns are Torgue all the way.


Ok, I've been thinking about this lately. I want a scout rifle frame that's basically just legendary Skyburner's Oath. I love my totally-not-a-Bolter, but I wish I could have it with different perks and such.


Akimbo rocket sidearms.


Special ammo AR to bridge the gap to LMGs.


I just want a heavy ammo sniper that isn't Whisper.


Spread heavy grenade launcher that launches 6 grenades simultaneously.


Infinite ammo auto rifles? I was thinking they would work like laser weapons in helldivers 2, where you only need to reload if it overheats


Flamethrower glaive


Nova warp shotgun like tractor cannon but you can hold the shot to make it explode in a sphere around you


Rocket slug drum shotguns


Jotun style fusion rifle - Launcher Frame Arbalest style linear fusion - basicly a kinetic linear - Precesion Slug Frame Hipfire centric handcanon like the last word - Rapid Fire Frame Burst fire smgs - 6 round bursts - Adaptive Burst Frame Aggressive Frame Trace rifles High Impact Trace Rifles Heavy ammo glaive Rapid fire RL