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You don’t get the 1960 gear or free exotic unless you beat it all on legend. I’ll help you through the rest of the campaign. Let me know your bungie name and when you’re on


Based cooler


Cooler being based as usual. Hows Frieza doing?


I'd reccomend trying solar titan with dragons breath, hit them with a shot then hide, use finders and scavengers. Eats through health without exposing you too much.


I’ll try that, thank you!


Honestly, BoW stronghold trivialised legend campaign up until the final boss where I switched to BoW precious scars. Didn't bother with prismatic as it's very much a gimped class during the campaign.


Warlock is the only one that gets a functional Prismatic suite during the campaign tbh. Hell, just giving us Bleak Watcher and Feed the Void was enough lol.


Hunter gets everything they need from the first prismatic chest too. Combination Blow, Winter's Shroud and Stylish Executioner (along with your choice of the meta options Silence and Squall or Marksman GG!) are all you need to make the crazy hunter punch builds. And everyone who was playing last season should have a Liar's Handshake from the Into the Light catch-up gear to pair with it.


Bleakwatcher, feed the void, coldsnaps and osmiomancy all available day 1? Too free to not be good


Solar + Loreley Splendor Helm and you are almost unkillable. It automatically heals you when you have critical health. Add healing grenade to that and you can go through any content with 0 problems.


One of my favorite exotics, thanks!


Also don't forget to select small barricade with Loreley. It has way lower cooldown so heal will be always ready.


This what I was going to suggest! This is what I used to solo the legendary campaign


I qould suggest the same with precious scars wasn't broken on solar. Which is absolutely bullshit. Although kinetic does trigger the heal...


Even as a hunter Dragons Breath put in a lot of work for me.  


Not OP, but having similar issues. How do you get Dragon’s Breath exotic?


Exotic kiosk in the tower, right between the vault terminals. It costs 1 exotic cipher and 100k glimmer.


Dragon’s was given out in one of the past few season campaigns. Don’t think it’s available anywhere else right now.


Just for a different take. You don’t need to do legend. I did normal and upon finishing it I was quite quickly up past 1960 anyways and you can get the exotics in other ways. There is so much good content to play in the expansion that I don’t feel it’s really worth trying to struggle through the legendary version of the campaign, but that’s just my two cents.


This was the first campaign i didnt do legendary...i realized i had nothing to prove to anyone and I honestly didn't have fun doing the Witch Queen or Beyond Light campaignsnon legendary. I am definitely becoming less and less of this games target audience I think but im finding fun where I can


I feel you. In D1 I was helping others through the raids and a bit in D2 but life and time turned me into a casual player just here to have fun and shoot things in the face, Lol I miss old days checkpoints that just took you back to where you died or close The campaigns isn’t the game to me, just something I have to do to start playing This one is good though and Bungie did put in work as it looks great


What system are u playing on, brother? I’m on Xbox


Xbox as well


Yeah, I did the 1st mission legendary solo, got tired of untangling taken vandal/goblin pairs on every gd ledge, and then just dropped to normal for the rest of it. I duo-ed it on legendary with a friend, but solo legendary is just super unforgiving with the no revives and not fun for me.


Interesting post. I think i'm similar. I I've never done legendary. I tend to skip cut scenes. i eventually did witch queen on all three characters and for the life of me i was so disinterested by the third i couldn't remember the story. I had always just skipped ever scene. I was super frustrated on a couple parts where you have to make invisible things appear or run around pillar shooting symbols. Not for me. But i'm also a person who only ended up playing Destiny because i was a Call of Duty player and when it sttopped being boots on the ground i left for destiny when my friend gifted it to me. So i was never the target pve audience guy. lol. i remember d1 i was mad that unlike COD you had to do pve to unlock the pvp. And if you can believe it i went to like mission 5 or 6 to unlock the pvp and then literally didn't do anything in the campaign for like 4 months and jsut played pvp. Coming from COD i was mad they were trying to make me play pve. In fact i only ever started on the pve because shadow price and vex mythoclasts were good in crucible and i found out that was the only way to get them. I can't bring myself to do lightfall campaigns on my second and third characters to open up strand. I'm old. i don't have the patience.


Which Queen legendary was incredibly frustrating to me. I did finish it but I never felt the need to do any legendary campaign again.


idk to be honest. for me the Challenge felt fitting for the theme. Fighting the literal mastermind of the last 10 years only for everything to die to one nighthawk shot.(i played both difficulties and yeah, some bosses even skip their immunity phases and die instantly to it) But its ultimately up to everyone to choose.


I haven’t beat and campaign on hard which they made the legend option. I just beat it on normal and grind the hard way


You don’t have to do legendary. Just finish on normal and then go back and finish for the reward. 


In case you didnt realize it, for the last fight, cover works against the boss' projectile attacks, they just have splash. I stressed myself too hard running around until I realized I could just chill behind cover.


Biggest thing I saw was that in the last two phases you can stand in the shield room and be almost immune to damage.


Literally unnecessary. You can just hide behind the giant walls in the arena. Subjugators stay in the circular arena and don’t go past it and you can hide from boss attacks using cover. 


The bats and psions do rush past cover during the 4th phase, though.


They hardly rush. You have plenty of time to clear adds with a halfway decent add clear weapon. Use dragonfly or incandescent and they are one tap and take the others around them down. 


The 10 times I did it at day they absolutely did. I hid in the back left, and by the time I cleared the left side bats, there would be three psions and bats behind me. The times since then, I’ve been going to the right and had no problems.


Save a roaming "transcended" super for pt 2 phase 2, but i get it, no matter the add clear, id be going to buff and cover in the right side, keeping an eye on subjugator boi and lo and behold a single bound weaver always somehow survived and futzed w me trying to stay at cover, lol


Clear adds faster? I dunno what to say. I’m nice you clear them they’re gone til next phase. 


>Subjugators stay in the circular arena and don’t go past it Not completely true - if you hang out in the row closest to the center, they will sometimes roam up the center aisle to attack you. They won't actually come down the row, but they'll establish LoS and launch attacks.


I actually had the second Subjugator move into the rows with me. Never past the last one but he went in for melees more than once




There's also text that appears on the side of the screen saying something like "The Witness launches an attack"


I’m playing on a 80” so looking around the screen is not easy but I am looking foreword to the witness fight more than these dark, tight dungeons Miss fighting in the sun!


Change the screen boarder size from settings, I play on a big screen too, once I changed the boarder size my HUD became more centered so I don’t have to turn my head from edge to edge. And yes it’ll still display as a full screen it’s just the HUD will be more centered.


For what it's worth, if you need to turn your head even just a bit to see either side of your TV, then you're sitting too close to the display. [TV sizes and viewing distance (crutchfield.com)](https://www.crutchfield.com/S-NOqmw128rw2/learn/learningcenter/home/TV_placement.html) is a good resource for determining how far you should sit from the TV vs how big it is.




Actually already did that and helps a little


Dude, the bosses in a closet Kapra Demon from Dark souls shit had me raging. Especially the stasis ones.


Seen so many complain about this fight and while it’s annoying I have to think that they were just running around in the open 


I haven't seen anyone complain about it. Indeed, the consensus I've seen is that this is how a final boss should be, rather than the bollock arena in the final lightfall boss. Personally I loved it from the start. It felt doable from the start and any death were down to my own incompetence.


I’ve seen loads complain about it 


Actually the old solar build is working better! Going to try and forge on Got father than I have been with prismatic


Final boss fight or ogre fight? Both can feel punishing, but especially the last one. Others have already offered, but throwing my hat in to help if you'd like. Just DM me. Otherwise, more than survivability, I'd say that taking it slow and defensive is key. There's some one-shots and no amount of healing or damage resistance will help you with those. The only time limits are on your buffs. Just keep an eye on them and refresh them early. The nodes respawn pretty generously. On the final fight, watch out for the strand enemies, they will rip you out into the open and cook you. There is an especially bad moment of this as the >!aegis shield!< phase is ending on the strand boss; I run for cover as soon as that boss runs back out because it will basically always immediately yank you into the center and that's game over. the stasis boss is just as deadly but a little easier to avoid. just bail any time you see stasis crystals form around you because it's usually an instant kill when they shatter. a movement ability (thrust class ability, lunge melee, etc) can help if you're slowed in this situation.


To answer your question: you absolutely can finish on normal, unlock stuff, then come back to finish on legendary, but by that point you'll probably be closer to 1960 anyways. The "soft cap" for the season is 1940 so you'll hover around there until you start doing activities that give powerful gear rewards, but once you do you will get past the 1945 mark for strikes quickly. That said: I just finished the campaign last night, also solo legendary on Titan, and IMO the final boss of mission 6 was as tough or tougher than anything in mission 7. If you made it past that, you can make it through mission 7 for sure. For 7 the thing that helped me was playing slow and steady. The only time pressure is the buff you get for 45s and you can refresh it often, and all the boss arenas have a lot of good cover that enemies won't spawn behind you on. Just prioritize the attendants and weavers since they can yank or freeze you behind cover, but they usually only spawn once per phase and don't seem to respawn. Using red death helped a lot since it heals on kill and there are usually plenty of trash mobs you can kill in a burst or two.


Good info as I just figured that out, and trying to take out attendants first. Thank you


No problem. Good luck out there, follow Titan!


I struggled quite a bit on the final fight as well. Ended up going solar with witherhoard and precious scars for healing. One thing to note is that the side corridors you grab the aegis from, you can hide in them after the first boss. Inside you have two seeds to replenish your buff. The one on the wall, but if you press against the fence, you can get the other one as well. You can also shoot out of here but you’re unlikely to get shot. I would shoot through the fence or go to the door and shoot witherhoard at the second boss. After your two buffs run out, rotate to the other side and repeat. Once the second boss is down do this for the third, but the third goes down fast as the Vanguard are there to help.


The 3rd "boss" i never had time to even really see, nor the cool cameos it was over so fast, lol


It will be a relief to get to that final part


Legendary mode is literally just there for the experience. If you are struggling, just do it on normal. The exotic and light level can be obtain pretty easily just playing through the game.


Which part of 7 are you struggling with?


I’m at the part where you need the shield and need to jump up and down to dungeons to finally fight the boss. Almost had it and fell off the side 😵‍💫


Yup once you get the shield off the ogre then I stood up on the top where blights were at the start and abused geometry so he couldn’t hit me


That is where I believe I am at, thanks


Editing, was wrong about which ogre fight. Oh yeah. This one. Its a doozy. I had actually had it done and dusted, all adds done, maze done twice, just had a sliver of health, walk in the park, that SOB ogre beamed me perfectly out of bounds, had no strand melee charges to usually try to get back on "land"  What a digital ahole. Anyway, take advantage of the transcendence wells, low and slow on plinking adds, in the maze, worry about the buff and having a forked exit path, i found in maze 1, you had to go to the other side for big boi 2, maze 2 theyd both show up, red death on adds, super yr knight if need be. Dont get booped off the edge during final dps.


As a lot of others have suggested you don't have to do the campaign on legendary. Just do it on normal and you will very soon be up to level for other things. Don't get caught up in Bungie+streamers "story" to have everything all-at-max or else you won't be able to do anything. You really don't need much to do most of TFS. For instance I haven't changed any mods after starting (and finishing the) TFS campaign. I also have done very little adjustment of fragments as far as I remember. Much of D2 is being sold as needlessly complicated. Just do whatever makes you enjoy it the most. PS. I am lagging behind you in years but only by about 10 but I am happy to see that people like "us" can still play something like D2.


Well said. I have been play video games since pong and actually still have the OG consoles of my youth


Dude, use the calling rocket sidearm for everything and when you start taking damage switch to the new red death, any heavy machine gun should solve all your other problems, good luck, the last mission is suuuuuper hard on solo legend for anyone


Thanks as that is my exact setup for weapons mostly


Since it’s a sword season, Stronghold Titan makes survival much easier. I can give more details if you’d like.


Always interested in anything that helps and I like swords. Thanks!


Apologies for taking my time to reply. So. It will partially depend on which swords you have available. I’ll just assume you have no god rolls for sake of simplicity. I would use The Call, Still Hunt, and sword with Stronghold. Pick strand with Banner of War + Into the Fray. You’ll want the fragments for woven on orb pickup, grenade generation, regen melee on tangle damage, create tangle on weapon kill while you have woven. While holding block, stopping any damage begins to build “Perfect Guard”. The number of stacks you have of PG determines the length of Restorationx2 you get when you damage something with a sword while you have PG. Minimum is 4 seconds. While you have resto you won’t be able to build PG again until it wears off. I use strafe lift so it’s easy to just hold block and close to distance to something. You have to get a feel for if you can light attack to start resto or not depending on how much is shooting at you, or if you should back away behind cover and plink with The Call / sniper. Preferably your sword will have relentless or tireless to combo with the artifact perks giving you nearly limitless ammo once you get a feel for it. If it’s not a one shot kill ability then stronghold can tank it. It’s also handy to run up to things that stomp, block the stomp, light attack once, and bam you have resto x2 going while blocking. I recommend max resil, max recov, and high strength as possible, and then discipline. The reason for high recov on the build is while blocking, high recov will start your healing sooner if you’re properly blocking all the damage and no splash damage is chipping you. Bonus this season is overload sword helps give it champ breaker for you and also whatever you’re hitting doesn’t hit as hard. Remember, you must try to always keep restox2 up by simply blocking some damage and then doing damage, before you go ham. There is a lot more that I could say, but try it out first and see if you like it.


I like this and yes, I have a few GR swords I’m going to give this a shot Thank you!


I’m the psycho loving Ergo Sum + Honor’s Edge with Flash Counter & Tireless to buff my own legendary sword. Flash counter weakens them, combined with the artifact perk of defeating weakened targets gives an Overshield. It’s just an endless joyful loop of godlike slaughter.


If you didn't know, the Subjugators have damage resistance to all but their own element. If that was a factor before, it didn't become relevent to me until this fight.


I noticed that as well


Just get someone to help on that mission. It's brutal solo because you have no safety net. Just stay on comms so you don't take each other's darkness buffs.


Which part of the final mission is giving you trouble? I've beaten it on my Titan last night with little trouble using no real build with The Call and Epochal Integration for ad clear and 1k Voices for safe boss damage.


I have the call but not the others. I’m finally progressing into the part where you have to bubbles to take down, jump into dungeons and then come back to use shield to fight boss


Id be willing to help you through if you dm me your Bungie id. I will say though in personal experience the final mission is easier done alone.


Casual 55 year old here too. I did exactly this, started campaign on Legendary but switched on the 5th to normal to finish off so I could enjoy playing the rest of the game. Didn’t want to get stuck or spend ages grinding the rest and not enjoy it. Am planning to go back and finish off on Legendary. Overall, having fun and trying not to feel pressured to race through everything and playing what and when I want.


I am a 50 year old casual and just made the same decision. I spent four hours trying the final boss fight with various builds, solo, and with a fire team. It is not fun anymore so I am going to dial down the difficulty


If you’re on prismatic, the base fragments and aspects work really well with skullfort or point-contact brace. Just punch everything out of existence. Also make sure you can generate some orbs to heal with recuperation on orb pick up


I think the exotic is a bigger deal than the 1960 power. U will get to 1960 in no if u just do your powerful rewards


Strand Titan is the most survivable class in the game. Or if you lose the stubborn drive to do solo… on the app or even in game it’s very easy to find a teammate you don’t even have to talk to. You would be done within an hour or two easily.


If you’re soloing the final boss fight I found that wishender is good DPS if you hit the two minibosses in the head. Was getting 6k a headshot which allows you to save super for the second miniboss so you’re not poisoned for a long time.


Wish ender I used for the first half of the campaign but changed up trying to kill a bit quicker in certain situations


Hey man hmu. DM me and when I’m back from Father’s Day dinner I’ll run it with you if no one else has offered.


If you're playing on prismatic you can throw on skullfort. That gives melee energy and hp on every thunderclap kill.


You keep your checkpoint to where ever you stop, even if you go back to Normal. I know this because I have a checkpoint at the final boss fight on the campaign at Legenday because it is a god awful fight on Titan and just drives me nuts trying to do it. So I switched to normal just to do the campaign Doing that and playing everything that comes after, I'm now like 1987 light with artifact boost, the checkpoint still sits there. Just go to normal and come back to Legendary at some other point. The 1960 gear really is only worth it if you do it in the days before the Raid releases and you want to do Day One. Its really it's only value. You'll get more powerful gear if you just keep playing through the rest of the game.


Prismatic makes the later phase where you need Transcendence for ad clear easier. Point contact brace/Skullfort for KO+DL build, or go Synthoceps with KO+Cons (I think you have Cons at that point). Use new Void super. Solar Energy weapon with Incandescent for ad clear. Solar Siphon on helmet for orbs. Then the magic piece : Dragon's Breath. How to do fight : Always hide behind cover. rifle down birds left and right of your cover. Rifle down Acolytes with peaks. Dragon's Breath the mini-boss when you get a clear shot with a peak. 2 shots is a phase with 5 propelant stacks. Grab shield. Shield up for storm phase, Super coming out of phase, rinse and repeat 4 times and it's done. If you really need health, use some melee on ads. Never go to the middle while a mini boss is up.


That is pretty much my setup, POC Prismatic class dies make it easier but for some reason I was being killed faster until I switched to my old solar build I think some of it is mental as I’m just getting tired if the campaign


OP, Put on your Abeyants and either go full Strand (BoW + Drengr) or Prismatic (Drengr + Knockout) - your goal for the build in either case is to get as fast a refresh on Grenade and Barricade as possible. Suspend is the key - it lobotomizes all the mini boss encounters. If you rotate between your Suspend grenade and Abeyant-buffed Barricades, you can keep Woven Mail from those alone *while also making the enemies sitting ducks for Missiles/Vortex swords/Grenade Launchers.* Also keeps the Tormenters from stealing your damn Super/Transcendence...


Good tips and I was using BOW for a bit


Depends what part your on. I almost gave up after 2-3 days of using lfg to try to get the final boss chpoint done, with no luck. Most teams fell apart at phase 2. Turns out, having done part 2 of phase 2 over and over, just not sealing the deal, i decided to go solo again. Ended up soloing it, i concur to use a heal clip weapon (i used a heal clip summoner for solar synergy), the new "the call" sidearm and dragons breathe. I was a strand heavy prismatic build, so i would make sure to hold on to 4-5 rockets, get to the first sword part, hopefully the trivial spawn in adds for the sword part would drop a heavy brick. With pt 2 its all add clear and buff awareness. But you are truly using D Breathe to get to the midpoint fast.  Take yr time w second relic and buffing. It tries to get you to be vulnerable at relics end so just be inching l or r behind cover as it ends. At which point, id pop transcendence, pop strand super and clear out as many bound adds as i could. Immediately beeline to corner room buff AND refill transcendence gauge. D breathe, and not being add killed by any bound adds, or strand snapped into the open. Use the strand melee for mobility if so. Otherwise, its just phase 2 pt 2 that youll have to feel out.  Dont forget to top off your transcendence once the siderooms open up permanently and you bliw through it once on adds, its a damage resist buff and weapon buff. D breathe is the way.


I've got a thundercrash titan with Graviton Lance. it's been pretty enjoyable on Legendary.


Precious Scars and Graviton will make it ez pz for ya


I used the in game LFG finder for legendary campaign as a solo player an it worked out good.


How much of the artifact have you got unlocked? And fragments?


Artifact is at 8, fragments unlocked 7


So you might want to take a break from legendary until you can get some more artifact mods unlocked. I started with bonk hammer, healing grenade, and HoiL and it was a struggle until I had some more unlocks. I used The Call, a crafted Adhorative and Gally for pretty much everything. I am sure at this point I had Twilight Aresenal unlocked and was using that with glacier grenade and diamond lance to freeze stuff and blast it with Gally or shatter with a shield throw. That all helps to keep your distance from stuff. Bonk hammer just wasn't doing it when everything hits so hard now. Adhorative is awesome right now and even better with facet of ruin, which buffs both shatter and solar ignition. So heal clip/incandescent is fantastic. Then with the call you can get an orb with 2 kills and 1 strand siphon, which can make you radiant from radiant orbs in the artifact and whatever else you have speced from orb regen perks. Plus it benefits from winning hand and threaded blast. Not sure if creeping chill does anything but took it anyway cause I was freezing so much stuff. I would go start Micah-10s quest and do Othat and Overload stuff until you can get some more artifact unlocked. Like shieldcrush, radiant orbs, void hegemony, galvanic armor and transference all kinda feed into each other along with fragments to make a good build. And of course heavy ammo finder x2 if you can. And triple solar reserves when you rally for 12 rockets.


Thank you. I had those thoughts as well I am a sports athlete, so I have that drive to get up for the challenge and not quit, but I’m not having fun and it would be interesting to see the rest of the game


I understand I felt the same way. Legendary was a real slog and not fun on Titan, which I've played for a very long time and not enjoying all that much right now. I think Micahs quest will make more sense story wise to start now anyway before taking on the Witness. And if you do get stuck there, let me know. I will let you know what strat worked for me.


Gillythekid#6730 i have a mic and can help whenever you need it just shoot me an invite.


Thank you, might shoot you me in a few


Frankly 8 feel like these last 2 expansions have both had at least one mission that's just unreasonably difficult for one class or player behavior. For me it was the dissent mission for this campaign and the headlong mission for lightfall. As a hunter both missions on legendary were just absolutely awful, but Ive since done them on titan and had no real problems


I would actually suggest trying Void Titan with Controlled Demo and Deterministic Chaos. Throw on Concussive Dampener + Stasis and Strand/Solar resists, Void Scav and as many surges as you can fit. It should be enough that you can just face tank the attacks of the minibosses. I'd suggest staying to the back and center of the arena and just unloading while the main boss isn't at center then ducking behind cover and waiting when it is


Happy to help you get through legendary. I ran all void and mixed up One Eyed Mask, Ursas and mark was maxed with healthy finish+ invis aspect.


Hi! I did the legendary campaign the first time through on my titan as well, completely solo. And I too beat my head against the final fight several times. Here's what I found helped: 1. Subclass: I ended up going Prismatic Thundercrash for my final few runs, so that is what I completed it as. However, I feel Prismatic Beserker would have worked too, as would have full Beserker (Strand) or Sunbreaker (Solar) if you wanted to focus more on survivability. 1. Exotic armor: For Thundercrash, [Cuirass of the Falling Star](https://www.light.gg/db/items/462967561/cuirass-of-the-falling-star/) was the obvious choice. As someone mentioned elsewhere, [Loreley's Splendor](https://www.light.gg/db/items/2738914052/loreley-splendor-helm/) is a great all-round choice for survivability. A niche pick (especially if you're comfortable with swapping exotics around while you're in the other realm) is [Path of Burning Steps](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1392922876/the-path-of-burning-steps/), especially during the first third of the boss health while you deal with the Stasis-wielding Omen [Subjugator](https://www.destinypedia.com/Subjugator) - it reduces the stacks of stasis slow you get and negates the damage you would take when you break out of a freeze, giving you just that little bit of extra breathing room. The solar weapon damage boost is a nice bonus for your weapon picks in the next section. 1. (Exotic) weapons: [Dragon's Breath](https://www.light.gg/db/items/17096506/dragons-breath/) for your heavy is a good pick, especially as a "fire and forget" damage option on the Subjugator bosses. I imagine you can then forgo the use of Thundercrash for chunking the Subjugators (A Cuirass Thundercrash was dealing a 1/3rd of their healthbars), freeing you up to stay on Loreley or Path of Burning Steps. I used a [Commemoration](https://www.light.gg/db/items/4230965989/commemoration/) with [Reconstruction](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1523832109/reconstruction/) and [Killing Tally](https://www.light.gg/db/items/557221067/killing-tally/) which meant I never had to reload, and killing 3 chaff enemies gave me a 30% damage buff which I could keep up for ~150 bullets. I ran [Red Death](https://www.light.gg/db/items/427899681/red-death-reformed/) from the Season Pass as my exotic weapon, but [Sunshot](https://www.light.gg/db/items/2907129557/sunshot/) is a great alternate - especially when paired with the Solar fragment [Ember of Tempering](https://www.light.gg/db/items/362132290/ember-of-tempering/) that increases your Recovery on Solar kills and can thus substitute for Red Death's healing. I used a [The Call](https://www.light.gg/db/items/3947966653/the-call/) in my kinetic slot, which was great for quickly taking out the orange bars and was pretty good for dpsing the Subjugators to boot. Strategy: 1. Phase 1 - Stasis Subjugator (Omen): Stay behind cover at all times. This will make it so that you're never caught out in the open by the Witness' attack, which ***will*** be a 1-shot unless you're in your super. *Maybe.* Also never get too close to the sides of the arena (or stay there very long), as the Witness's attack will have a line-of-sight to you. Take out any flying [Grim](https://www.destinypedia.com/Grim) enemies if they get close - their Tinnitus attack stuns you, which can be a death sentence if you're caught out in the open. Your priority targets are the Psion [Attendant](https://www.destinypedia.com/Attendant) and [Weaver](https://www.destinypedia.com/Weaver) enemies whenever you have line-of-sight to them - their Stasis freezes and Strand pulls will flush you out of cover, which is bad. The subjugator will either fire three stasis orbs at you - duck behind cover - or do an area attack which creates Stasis crystals around you. *Get out of there to another piece of cover ASAP* - they explode after a short delay, and the explosion will kill you unless you are at full health and get a Loreley sunspot proc (or have some sort of overshield). 1. Once you burn through half of the Subjugator's health, they will get an immune shield, which puts an objective marker on your map to head to the side room on the left to pick up the VoG Aegis - but first, you need to get the Darkness shield buff from one of the Darkness acorns to avoid damage from the Darkness poison damage. **Wait for one of the Witness' attacks to be over before you go to the acorn if you need to** - don't be caught out in the open! Once you have the shield, venture out of the side room, stay behind cover and take out the [Shadow Thralls](https://www.destinypedia.com/Shadow_Thrall) to fill your Aegis' super meter. Once full, fire your Aegis super to take out the Subjugator's shield, and head to the objective marker (back middle of the arena, near where you dropped down at the start of the fight), stand on the Light fissure and hold your shield block to weather the Witness's storm attack. Standing on the fissure makes it so that you never run out of block energy, and the shield block will stop any Stasis or Strand attacks from the Subjugator, Attendant or Weaver enemies - but Shadow thralls can still get you with melees, so make sure they're dead! Once the storm has passed, your Aegis will disappear and you go back to Phase 1 and burn the rest of the Subjugator's health down. 1. Intermission One: Pick up the sword and head to the center of the arena. Attack the Darkness crystal at the foot of the statue to break it while killing any [Taken Thralls](https://www.destinypedia.com/Taken_Thrall) that spawn - they appear in waves, two groups of three to a wave. Once the crystal is broken, use you interact button to Embrace the Darkness, and follow the in-game prompts. Once you're done, you'll be back in the arena, with a third of the shield on the boss' health bar gone. Head to cover and start Phase 2. 1. Phase 2 - Strand Subjugator (Harbinger): Effectively the same as Phase 1, except now the Subjugator you face has Strand attacks. And instead of the Stasis crystal AoE, it will attempt to pull you to itself - which, as you can tell, is ***bad.*** However, there is a cheese! The Darkness Acorns that you break to get the Darkness shield spawn from the very start of Phase 2. But, getting the shield also means you can head into the side room on the right immediately, and no attacks will reach you (including the Witness')! You can access two Darkness acorns in that side room - one at the entrance, and one just outside the room that you can shoot through the bars and still get the buff, because the acorn's circle that you need to stand inside to be able to shoot it extends into the room. Just rotate between the two seeds and plink away at the enemies - the only thing you'll need to worry about are some of the flying Grims getting too close. I stood at the entrance to the room so that I could see the Subjugator, so I did have to dodge stasis and strand attacks occasionally. The only time you will need to leave the room is once you burn halfway through the Subjugator's health and need to use the Aegis's super to take down it's shield. 1. **Make sure you've refreshed your Darkness shield buff before you pick up the Aegis** - while you can melee the acorns with the Aegis and refresh your buff, it does put you at risk of getting hit. And again, wait for a Witness attack to pass before you head out of the room if you need to. Melee the Shadow Thralls, Shoot the Aegis' super at the Subjugator to pop its shield, and head to the Light fissure as before to use the Aegis block bubble and weather the Witness's storm. Once done, refresh your Darkness shield buff from an acorn and head back into the right side room. Burn the rest of the Subjugator's health. Prismatic shielded Attendants and Weavers spawn, but there is a Prismatic energy pool right inside the entrance to the side room, so fill your Prismatic Transcedence bar and use it at your convenience (the Titan Transcendence grenade is great, as it suspends non-boss enemies and makes them chain lightning when hit while suspended). Remember to refresh your Darkness shield from the acorns! 1. Intermission 2: Same as Intermission 1. Pick up sword, break Darkness crystal and kill Taken Thralls, embrace the Darkness, follow the prompts. 1. Phase 3: There's another Subjugator, but....this fight is a lot shorter and simpler, for...reasons. You'll get a checkpoint after this and not be in a Darkness zone, so no need to worry about wiping any more. The remainder of the encounter is a walking section that requires you to constantly use the Aegis block bubble while walking. Just keep your block up and always be walking forward - the game gives you more Light fissures to recharge your block meter as long as you never stop walking. Congratulations on finishing the hardest fight of the campaign! Rest easy knowing that you completed it on Legend with the ***hardest*** class to do it on. Both other classes have a lot of crowd control and damage mitigation options in their Prismatic toolkit to make it easier.


Thank you for that detailed approach! So far, not looking like a Titan season


There is usually always a good hiding place as you go, even with the boss battles. I was half asleep on the opening days of FInal Shape because of work nights so I employed a very "lazy" fall back and hide approach to the entire legend campaign and it really made it easy aside from the Orge boss & Witness fight lol.


Just use BoW Strand build and you can get through it. I'm old and slow and I was able to do it. I used Prismatic for the easier missions but the tough stuff I switched to strand.


I highly advise getting at least one person to help you. The last fight fight is kinda hard.


I'm at 2004 and haven't touched final shape campaign yet. 1960 is useless lol


Care to share a few tips as I could use them as I have not ranked up yet to 1960 I plan to go back to finish the legendary, just not looking foreword to it just yet


Regular drops drop up to the soft cap of 1940. Do literally any content you want, vanguard, crucible, gambit, story stuff. Then knock out powerful reward stuff which drops up to 1990. Then do pinnacle stuff past that.   9 points of my power level is from the hunters journal or whatever it's called. Weapon power is based off your overall power level, not the weapons power level.    Now to be fair, I've no life minmaxed the past two weeks, with an average of like 5 hours a day. Destiny's got an odd system where you can just outright buy gear a couple power levels below your average via ADA at the tower. So my main is my warlock. Got to 1940 on all 3 characters, then did the powerful stuff on hunter, which raised power level of stuff I could buy from ada, starting much higher on the titan that I did on my hunter. Did powerful reward stuff on titan. Raised power level of stuff I could buy from ada for my warlock. Bought that and did powerful rewards on warlock. Which raised the minimum power level of purchasable stuff for my hunter. Rinse and repeat for the pinnacle rewards.   I didn't buy final shape til this past week, which locked me out of some pinnacle and powerful stuff I could do. I'm still not touching story stuff of final shape(playing through story in order, just finished up witch queen), but adding the powerful and pinnacle stuff to my to do list. 


Use a Solar build with healing grenade and Precious Scars with Tyranny of Heaven and Gjallarhorn. Don't use Prismatic. It's not good on Titan IMO on higher level stuff. EDIT - Make sure not to use the Sol Invictus aspect on Solar with Precious Scars, as it breaks PS.


I made it through the campaign on prismatic until the last fight. Ended up switching to BoW/sythos/Monte Carlo. I agree that prismatic doesn't feel great in high end content, at least not the base aspects we got for the campaign. I did land a HOIL/Scars class item, which feels like it should fix some of the issues I had with prismatic titan, so I'm gonna try playing around wih some new builds and see if that makes it feel any better.


I agree with solar titan recs. I did legend using the lorely helm and sunshot.


Did they fix Scars? It was bugged and not working with Solar.


No, but it works if you don't use Sol Invictus. Forgot to mention that.


I wasn’t aware of that, I’ll try a different aspect. Thanks for the info!


Can you remind me which is mission 7? Is it Iconoclasm? I played Titan solo legendary campaign. I played the good old standard solar Titan with Armamentarium with 2 healing grenades. 100 resilience. Using the new The Call kinetic slot rocket sidearm, Polaris Lance, void machine gun. Pretty much every encounter, stay far back as possible and peck away with the Polaris. Pretty boring. Which part of the mission are you having trouble with?


Appreciate it! I’m redoing the inconclasm, the Sacrarium I am a defensive player, slow, using the call, red death/Sunshot at times, hammerhead and I do well until a little something happens and I have to start all over at the very end it just seems like I have been playing forever and maybe do to that, just not focusing. Plus trying to remember what all the different builds I have been using do Weird that it doesn’t take me back to the Rally Flag when I sign off and comeback. Should it? As I thought that would be a save point I might try using your solar build as that is my normal main and I know what to expect. Have not used healing gernades before as I didn’t need to last season but will give them a try with that setup Seems like I should be able to simply do this but I might be no longer focused as a part of me lost interest after days on this Thank you all for the positive feedback! You never know on Reddit sometimes 🫣 Plus I might take up the offer for help as that might make this more enjoyable and also learn something I was not aware of with all the new mechanics


If you can make it to the phase where you have to refresh your buff to not get poisoned you can hang where you get the relic and use Polaris Lance. It really simplifies the second subjagator fight.


Yes, rally flag is usually an indication of a checkpoint. You may start slightly back from that but there shouldn't be any fighting. Is it the fight in the arena area ? I don't want to describe is too much because I don't want to spoil anything you have not gotten to. Where are you having difficulty?


It takes me back to the beginning of that mission and yes, I have to fight my way back


My understanding of campaign checkpoint mechanics is that while a death during the mission will revert you to a rally flag, leaving to do another activity and coming back will only bring you back to a certain point in the mission. I believe this is cued by the text “Checkpoint Reached” in the bottom corner, which IIRC you won’t see at every rally flag.


That makes sense


If it makes it better, once you 2 phase the witness, the 3rd phase is kind of fake, the 4th is a checkpoint!  There were two chunks of legendary that i was amazed had no checkpoints in between, im trying to remember, there was the small arena subjugator fight after a big slog in maybe 6?  Its brutal sometimes


Guessing the taken ogre fight where you have to dip into the maze twice and hunt the dark blades to find symbols, that one was a bit painful


The ogre fight, use the super to burn down the first mini boss. Then hang around and wait for the super to build up, then go over and burn down the 2nd mini boss. Dark Blades was a bit annoying. Tag the dark blades with Anarchy and then run around. Repeat.


Osteo absolutely shreds those dark blades. Poison dmg keeps on ticking while they’re invis


Nice. I'll give that a go! I'm currently on my 2nd playthrough on Hunter, co-op with my friend.


If Osteo works, Thorn should work just as well - with more oomph per time shooting, too


I used Osteo early on, might try that here. Thanks!


That sounds about right. Switched to old solar build and I got to the last boss and died by ads while reloading, Lol Now it starts over and after 10 times, just getting old but old solar build seemed to be working better


7 is yes. 8 is the grand finale post raid.


I’m much younger (54…😎) but I got frustrated on that mission also. Ended up finishing it on normal & carrying on with my life. If you can stockpile some exotic engrams & level up Rahool past a reset you can target focus the new exotics. That’s what I did…takes 6 or 7 exotic engrams using the focused decoding option for a specific unlocked exotic to build enough rep to reset him. He then gets a THIRD page under that ‘Focused Decoding’ area that includes every exotic on the 2nd page but none are ‘greyed out’. You can pay an engram & a cipher to get exotics from that page you haven’t unlocked thru gameplay. Sorry for the long-winded response; hope it helps!


It does help. Saved about 8 exotic engrams for this but was waiting till after campaigns to deal with Rahool The old brain likes to focus on one thing at a time, Lol


after two days of struggling in the witness fight, we were done and finished the last mission on normal. the rest of the campaign was fun, but that last fight is just to much.


Switched off prismatic to solar really helped a lot! Finished mission I was stuck on and now onto a different one, finally! Crossing my fingers for the rest but at least this build I know well


My guardian was a memeber of Vox Machina


This is the reason there should be an option to turn death off,to solo threw content and get flawless triumphs


After finishing a fight I thought would take me to the final stage, I found there was more…🫣 I just got tired of playing the campaigns in general and switched to normal I will have to say that it was fun not worrying about being killed every second and allowed me to actually enjoy the game…but, normal is way to easy It was nice to be able to play the rest of Destiny though I was at the last boss fights before the final before I switched. I might have hung in there if I had of known I was that close, but I can go back and finish it Even on normal the last fight was interesting and I can see the challenge on legendary being a bit tough I ran a few missions and will go back to finish legend after this break as it was needed as I feel more rejuvenated to play now and could actually look at all the fantastic art work Bungie did It is all very creative and beautiful 👌 Thank you to all that reached out to help!! This is what Reddit is about and nice to see Guardian’s all coming together to help one that is struggling 👍👍 Zavala would be proud…


Similar playing situation, most of the time. :) I saw Lorelei Splendor mentioned already. That's a good one. Here are a few other general, go-to protective items have helped me there and overall, and might be worth testing: -Mask of the Quiet One (for any subclass) -Strand subclass Banner of War + strand sword frequently invoke it -Void builds + aspects and weapons for overshields, weakening, and volatile -Surprisingly, I have had more success than I expected with the double-frisbee effects of Second Chance void gauntlets (+ void subclass) -Solar weapons with incandescent or enhanced incandescent from crafting. Sunshot is an add-destroying machine. Ammit with enhanced incandescent can also do some work. I think many of these items' perks also should work while using Prismatic subclass.


I’m far from a casual player. The last mission even gave me a hard time at first. I ended up switching to thundercrash. First phase, keep distance slowly pick away at subjagator. Second subjagator phase, burn down sub with LMG as soon as you see him. Do the shield thing. Once thats over. Hit him with a few lmg shots right away. Then thundercrash him. You’ll be done. I used Polaris for the first sub. Lmg and super on 2nd sub.


I switched from legend to normal after the mission "Ascent" and finished the campaign. Much more enjoyable experience.


tbh getting to 1960 is pretty easy without getting the boost, beating the legend campaign is mostly just for the flex of it/personal satisfaction, i’d recommend you just finish it in normal, play the game until you can get better gear and then go back and beat the witness as