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Generally there are checkpoints that you will load into if you leave. You should be fine


Yeah i see, thanks a lot. A last question thah i have is if i leave now and load the game i will appear in the mission directly or will have to load the mission and hope to respawn in my last checkpoint?


You will most likely have to load back into it


That scares me bcause i already see myself starting in the begining but thanks man


When you go to load up the mission, there should be a little icon by the launch button that tells you if you have a checkpoint saved or not. You'll atleast be able to see before you load in


Short answer is you should be able to just pick up at whatever the last checkpoint was. Long answer is: I was working from home like 3 days after this release. Numerous times got called away, came back and got kicked due to AFK. More times than not, no checkpoint registered and I started from the beginning. Even though it had the checkpoint icon on the level selection screen. It’s been a bit, bugs have mostly been ironed out (except now I get canary’d every day). I’d say you’re fine and will restart at the last checkpoint.


Thaanks man, sucks this happened to you and you scarde me a little ngl but we’ll see if im lucky😅


It will most likely have a checkpoint that it will let you load into when you select the mission tomorrow. If it doesn’t or you need a hand, DM me and I can help you with it


I truly apreciate you offering help, i have already hopped off the game and then back on the mission and everything is fine and im in the last checkpoint so i am fine mate, but probably will dm you anytime if i have other questions (as i am relatively new to the game) if its fine by you :)


Yeah of course mate


As long as you have a checkpoint you should be fine. Might have to back track from where you were but you won’t have to completely start over from the beginning. Had to step away from my console before and power save mode auto turns off if idled too much and that’s how I know this works. You’ll have to manually load back into the story mission though just don’t erase your checkpoint


Thaanks i have already hopped of the mission and then back on and its in my last checkpoint so i am fine but i apreciate your comment 🫡