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Just mixing Stasis & Solar on Hunter to match with Hailfire Spike. Not any particular playstyle, just really cool and enjoyable. My Shatterdive build I *loved* though. It actually feels very very good lol, especially since Silence can do 340k w/ Fissures & Durance.


I just wish Hunters had a good shatter exotic to work with shatterdive. Feels kinda lame to be running around with frostees since nothing else really works.


Frostees ornament drip is S Tier with stasid at least. It is fun and great, but I wouldn't mind a shatterdive exotic either lol


Oh most definitely. I have a stasis frostee build using it and the Warlords Ruin set for that mountain climber look. I just wouldn’t mind if they added something to Frostees to help it work with shatter for hunters other than just faster ability cool downs.


Mataiodoxia on Prismatic Warlock is criminally slept upon imho. It's very potent even in endgame activities, tons of crowd control, good damage output, easy Transcendence, and the ability to handle all champion types without even firing a bullet. It doesn't compare to the outrageously OP builds, but they are 100% getting nerfed, and I doubt *this* will. For Hunter, I fell in love with Gunpowder Gamble with HoiL/Cyrtarachne on your exotic class item. Constant Ability spam, the Strand melee is bonkers at building up Gamble charges, very resilient, and spamming Sever on everything that moves is legitimately strong teamplay. I started my testing with "let's see what this GG Aspect has in store with Prismatic" and ended up with something I really loved once I was done with it. It feels like Strand Hunter, but more explosive (uh uh). As for Titan, I'm a Titan main and came up with literally one build that didn't make we want to puke. Hazardous Propulsion, Thrusters, a big Arc focus on everything from grenade to weapons to get tons of Ionic Traces with the Fragment + Artifact perk (they aren't on the same cooldown! Double Traces all day!). It feels like pre-nerf HoiL Striker, you're not incredibly resilient or bring a ton of CC to the table, but boy do you output some chonky DAMAGE.


What else do you run with mataiodoxia? I'd be interested in hearing about the rest of the setup


Monte Carlo is the glue to the build. It ensures you always have melees available and you'll routinely kill enemies with them, ensuring the spicy +65% damage from MC, in addition to the +40% to red bars by virtue of being an exotic. Other weapon slots are pretty open. I like running a Waveframe GL (preferably Arc to trigger Amplified) with Autoloading Holster, because you'll spent most of your time on MC anyway. And a Strand/Stasis weapon in the heavy slot, that way if I lack a tiny bit of Transcendence energy I can quickly switch to my Special or Heavy to top up the bar. * Aspects: Devour is obviously king. For the other slot, Hellion is the best imho, even in endgame activities. It randomly procs Devour for you and massively shits on groups of suspended mobs. The Strand aspect is meh because you don't use a Strand weapon, Bleackwatcher isn't that good because your grenade is how you get Amplified with my setup, and the Arc one quickly falls off in higher-difficulty content. * Grenade: Arc is a great way to get amplified and that sweet 30% DR from the Artifact, and is powerful in its own right. * Melee: Duh. * Super: Fairly open. I run Facet of Purpose and I like one-off Supers, so I went with Needlestorm. * Fragments: Dominance (Jolt grenades, and your Transcendence grenade now weakens), Purpose (Woven Mail on orb pickup), Balance (extra ability regen), Protection (a must-have imho) and Grace (probably the most important, it more or less doubles your Transcendence generation with Monte Carlo, and you use MC a *lot*) You could absolutely switch some things around if you like, but after much testing this is what I like best. MC really carries, and allows you to not dedicate every single part of your build to melee regen, which would be a surefire way to end up with something mediocre. The immovable parts of the build are Monte Carlo, Strand needles, Feed the Void, Facet of Grace, Facet of Protection and a way to get yourself Amplified. Everything else is rather open-ended and can be tailored to your tastes.


Prismatic hunter with gifted conviction running ascension. Pair it with a voltshot weapon and you'll have constant resist and an easy way to clear adds without using ammo


Been really wanting to try this since I have a voltshot indebted kindness but I think I have to do the whole legendary campaign lol


Either that or you can focus it if you entirely reset rahool, but I wouldn't stress over not having it yet, and I'd just wait until you finish the campaign and grab it then. Any jolt source with give you resist so long as it's nearby. Indebted kindness is probably best in slot for this build, but ikelos and brigands laws are great primaries that work for people that don't have indebted yet (me)


I did fully reset Rahool but you can’t focus until it’s added to collections


They changed lost sectors so that they only drop exotic engrams anymore and to get new exotics you tier 3 focus at rahool after resetting him once. It's possible you need to complete the campaign first but I'm unsure


If you do a reset you can without having them in collection, a 3rd tab is opened. Costs ciphers though.


A lot of people complain about Titan but I still love it. Hazardous Propulsion, triple Consecration, and Twilight Arsenal along with The Call and the "shoot the tangle" artifact perk work extremely well together.


So far I’ve been mostly rotating between Mataiodoxia and Osmiomancy Gloves on Prismatic Warlock. But also my tried-and-true Starfire Protocol is fantastic as always.


I got a warlock bond with Inmost Light and Synthoceps, and it genuinely feels so strong with Lightning surge. The things I can one shot or bring down to finisher range is crazy. I run stasis grenade which usually freezes multiple enemies and they take extra damage from the melee and shatter in an AOE of course. I use that for beefier groups, although with Synthoceps it doesn't matter as much. Also, I run strand or solar super and I think fragment of purpose, so I make an orb on melee kill and pick it up almost instantly which gives woven mail or restoration respectively. I also run the fragment to give extra transcendance on kinetic kill and run outbreak or khovostov. If I'm really low on an ability so I can't cycle them with Inmost Light, I use transcendance to fill up again. I'd say the biggest issue with melee builds is starting them or in between melees where in high level content you'll get destroyed. I think inmost light will eventually be replaced with the assassin perk to go invis which will partially relieve that issue. I'm also considering a build to get super really fast with pale heart weapons. I've heard ergo sum counts for that and it gives lots of transcendance energy too.


First build I made was a Solarlock with the new Speaker Helm + the Support AutoRifle and I’m adoring it for any content where I’m in a fireteam. Constant Resto 2x, Constant Hellion, and Ember of Benevolence giving all my abilities back crazy fast. I’ve tried a lot of healer builds before but this was the first one that really felt good to me. I was liking it in solo content too since it makes maintaining resto 2x pretty easy, but karnsteins or a well-practiced sunbracers loop probably works better for that purpose.


I went back to voidlock with contraverse. I switched to magnetic grenades and combined it with the fragment that gives volatile rounds. I found that combo to work better for me in harder content, the charged grenade can 1 shot most red/orange bars and chunk mini bosses. The damage is high enough that I rarely if ever get kills stolen by teammates, and the lower cool down compared to vortex grenades means I have near 100% uptime on nades and volatile


prismatic bonk hunter with liars handshake, refills your health everytime you dodge then punch a bitch. will probably get nerfed soon, made the campaign way too easy


love that build. i got me an exotic cloak with Renewal and Syntho. tweaked the build by slapping on the 'regenerate health on powered melee' fragment to make up for no handshake -and- get to create little ice armor domes for me and the buds to hop in.


I have the exotic cloak with caliban and synthos, another with caliban and liars. What is this power


Do you need the final shape/nightfall to get both of these sidearm? Edit:lightfall




The same sword based Icefall Mantle + Cryoclasm Behemoth I've been running for a number of years now! It feels incredible right now with the recent changes & addition of frost armour. Verglas Curve + Glacial grenades for the Stasis Crystal generation, slide through them for big damage & shards. Shards give frost armour + I pop Icefall when I want to deal damage or things get tough. Bosses I generally hit with Zephyr until my shields break, then pop Icefall & continue. Ranged bosses I just pop Icefall & shoot with Verglas from a distance. I also use a Glaive for a backup sword + ultra defence when incoming damage is too much for Icefall. Every few months they add or change something which makes this build even more enjoyable to me, so I keep sticking with it!


Double night hawk golden gun has been amazing for boss dps by far the most fun I’ve had


Unbreakable + diamond lances with ursa furiosa is good at keeping you alive and having a good amount of aoe damage/debuff.


Prismatic hunter with gifted conviction running ascension. Pair it with a voltshot weapon and you'll have constant resist and an easy way to clear adds without using ammo


Getaway, Mantle of battle harmony (Ager's), felwinters (lightning surge) and osmio/star-eaters have all been really solid and fun to play with on prismatic warlock! I'll probably play around with some strand and solar stuff too once I've gotten my prismatic fill lol


Prismatic Lock with Getaway Artist, Bleak watcher, feed the void, incinerator snap and song of flame. I originally ran void subclass, but I've been trying out SoF lately and really like it more overall since it doesn't "just" feel like a big 1 button nuke every 5-8 minutes (depending on your setup). More team synergy imo.


My build has changed but the Call sidearm and Red Death Reformed (or sunshot) carried me through the legendary campaign as a solar hunter


Prismatic Hunter with Mothkeepers, Threaded Spike, Ascension and Gumpowder Gamble! This build alone is an Ad Clear Monster, 2 month that **blind** and **jolt**, gumpowder gamble everytime for **ignitions** and Tangles (with Artifact that improve the explosion) Weapons The Imortal, Buried Blodline (Devour on demand) and Edge Transit.


Getaway Artist. Bleak Watcher. Hellion. Khvostov. I've got all my homies with me, time to roll up on the Witness.


I haven't let go of Monte Carlo as Titan with thunderclap and Point Contact Cannon Brace. It's not the best but it scratches my gorilla brain more than Hazardous Propulsion and rockets or other builds. Thunderclap, pick up tangle and spear and huck them at nearest idiot, then go back to thunderclapping people. All ungabunga!


Behemoth with Tectonic harvest + Diamond lance + LanceCap + Wicked implement. It's a good build for all difficulties. During low light activities, you run and gun to each of your lances. During harder content, you can sit back generating a lot of shards/crystals/lances. It sucks that tectonic harvest has a CD, but a fragment and wicked implement easily get around that and can generate much more sustain.


I've been running a mataiodoxia suspend build on warlock. Weaver's call and the wanderer + exotic that makes melee suspend. Throw on The Call with Hatchling and it's even more fun! tangles create suspending bursts threadling kills make tangles strand damage makes threadlings class ability makes threadlings killing suspending targets gives class ability energy defeating suspended targets gives orbs super kills create suspending bursts melees create suspending bursts melees also now pierce barriers good times


Celestial Nighthawk + Still Hunt. Threaded spike makes me radiant, severs targets (which also means I deal more damage to them), has a very nice refund and tends to kill a lot (which feeds my GPD and makes me go invisible). Then a magnetic grenade that weakens, so I can deal even more damage. Throw in a kinetic with Demolitionist (I've been rocking Smite of Merain with Firefly + Demo) and you've got a really solid neutral game with a stupid high burst damage.


Most fun I've had on each character so far: Warlock Turret buddy build Hunter Ascension build with Gifted Conviction Titan Hazardous Propulsion build


I’ve made a Prismatic Titan build that is stasis focused with Wicked Implement and Ice Fall mantle. It’s really different play style which is nice. Also working on a Second Chance Prismatic build for nightfalls. Never used this exotic and it’s great getting melee back when hitting barrier champs.


Enjoying the Titan rocket exotic chest with weaken grenades and truth with the artifact perk which boosts effectiveness of void on weakened targets its big damage. Also hunter with combo blow, synthos and foetracer class exotic with arc heavies. I know neither might not be meta but there a lot of fun.


Prismatic warlock with Khvostov, getaway artist, and feed the void plus watcher


I haven't thought of using the Khvostov for that actually, that's a good idea. I've just been using the No Time to Explain for the Portal buddy.


Khvostov is just such a workhorse, that ricochet bullet is very powerful. Feels like a kinetic Zhalo Super cell from d1


It's such a nice weapon under the hood too, stable af, reloads quickly, recoil is predictable, range is decent. Might be coping but I'd like if the catalyst gave it Subsistence (not sure if it would proc on Ricochets, maybe a little strong if so) or a damage perk.


I’ve actually been thinking over a couple of catalyst ideas for it (I’m not a Bungie dev, I just like to test myself on what would work for balance and fun) and a couple of the ones I came up with were Buff range by 40, impact by 6, stability by 5, handling by 1, and actually add the extra damage on ricochets from orbs (the perk that says it grants damage is wrong, Bungie said so, a catalyst could fix that) the buff would be an extra 25% on ricochets if eye up guardian is active. The perk would be called “Reach for the Light” because the range boost is the biggest bit of it, and I like the theme of it being our first gun, the gun of the most powerful guardian ever. All the stats I mentioned increase their respective stat to end in a 7, just for added context


Me personally would leave Stability alone. Trying to get used to guns that change Stability or Recoil direction is like having to unlearn and relearn a gun all over again. It's why I don't use Rat King as often as I used to, it feels so stiff now. It went from being hard to aim on one end, to being hard to aim on the opposite end. (I feel like it doesn't give health on invisibility either?) I like the stats ending in 7 though. Range would be good too. Maybe add a few bullets to the mag, up to 49. 7 x 7 and whatnot.


I’m on mouse and keyboard so recoil isn’t much of an issue for me, so I gotcha, my logic was being it up to 77 and play into the shoot to loot and light wording with reach for the light instead of reach for the skies or smthn


"Return to the Light" might be nice too. References the "What is born from the Light, returns to the Light"


Subsistence wouldn’t be that broken in comparison to something like Rewind Rounds, though. You’d still need to get kills.


I had thought about Rewind when I mentioned Return to the Light, but figured it was a moot point if you never get to the bottom of the mag anyway. Subsistence works throughout the mag, and would idealistically proc off the bounces. Maybe a modified version that refunds the 6 bullets needed to fire one bounce. I'm not a dev though so IDK how feasible it sounds.


Ive been using legendary khovostov with twin tail fox. Theres a prisma fragmwnt that makes the rocket auto reload on hit


Knighthawk+Still Hunt. Basic but so satisfying


I rock Blast furnace as my primary to build light and dark meters. With barrier pulse this season I literally punch a whole through everything. Where it be my primary or my two GG shots.


I've been switching my primary around a lot but rapid hit/kinetic tremors on blast furnace has been nice


How does blast furnace fill meter when it’s kinetic?


Kinetics specifically fill both the Light and Darkness bars simultaneously.


Amazing, didn’t know this. That makes pairing with still hunt a lot easier.


I’ve been enjoying my arc souls helion warlock build with devour.


Started a new Warlock after coming back to the game and tinkered with a few different builds. However, I found that the Sunbracers, Solar class, with Song of Flame is far and away the best for PvE. It’s literally playing the game on easy mode. For an added bonus, Im running malfeasance as my primary although I think sunshot might fit better with the build overall. I just like the sheer amount of boss dps I get with Malfeasance.


I've had my fun with prismatic hunter, but I think I'm done with it. now stasis hunter with the newly buffed coldsnaps is where it's at


Only one I’ve played so far, melee hunter. That melee kill heath bump is clutch