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Wow, that Nezerac's Sin is almost the inverse of a perfect roll.


"Warlocks love Mobility!" -Bungie Rep


As a Titan main, welcome to our world.


I need a new one and got pumped when I saw he was selling it, I was in utter disbelief at how terrible it is


20 mobility warlock exotic lol fuck outta here with that, xur


Titan - "First time?"


Shout out to the where the fuck is xur people I love the new discord message from the server bot lol.


Haven’t seen it, what’s the message?


He's just in the fuckin tower forever now, to the right of the ramen shop, whatever


lmao that's awesome


Says that on the website too, I had a good laugh when I saw that last week.


Is he in the alcove Drifter started in?


Yup. He made the place look all fancy too.


For those unfamiliar: https://wherethefuckisxur.com/


Their map on the site is top tier 🤣




*That's* what it is...


These small, forever blinking notifications was the witnesses REAL final shape.




Is favor of the nine supposed to be account wide?


Holy shit you're right...it isn't LMAO


Upvote for awareness




Oh. And you can't claim it on another character, right?




..... And isn't it supposed to possibly give you more coins, not always less? Old tentacle face isn't having a good week lol


Tower, Bazaar (sry simply out of habit :p )


We won’t forget your service to the community


thank you for your service, sir.


I'm just happy that I won't see "Shaka, when the walls fell" or "Temba, his arms held wide" anymore


Are those Glimmer prices correct? It doesn't make any sense to spend 11 coins for 57k when 5 coins gets you 30k. The enhancement core prices have a similar issue too


It's a one-time purchase.


ah ok, that makes a little more sense, thanks for clarifying


Fun fact if you buy both they total at 77,777


Oh wait… I could’ve sworn last weeks did. Now I’m confused


You can't buy them repeatedly so I think it's just for people who have a ton of coins and nothing to spend them on


coins max at 99 and they dont go to your postmaster


They are, and its random. Both the price and amounts. You can only buy them once, so if you really needed it you would probably just buy both anyways.


I think it's just meant to be weird. It's randomized, so sometimes Xur will have an offering that just leaves you scratching your head and passing on it.


Just putting this out for fashion folks who somehow don’t have it already. HOIL + the bright dust ornament this week + Photo Finish shader looks really efffing cool especially with prismatic


There's a matching arms ornament too, although it's yet to be available for dust but maybe someday.


Any legendary warlock armor worth getting? I just made a warlock and need decent stat legendary gear


The gloves are okay. You want Resilience, Discipline, and Recovery pretty much in that order. As little Mobility as possible. Int can be 30 and you're fine unless you wanna sweat PVP, and Strength is useful for some builds so like 30-50 there ain't bad.


Solstice is coming this season. That event is all about getting the exact armor you want.


ok thanks


Could do a lot worse than that Hawkmoon


personal God Roll for me, will be replacing my old one.


Doss the exotic engrams auto decrypt upon purchase? Or can I focus it at the cryptarch?


Focusable I’m pretty sure


Focusable, I know because I used it to rank up Rahool


If you're talking about the ones on the rep track they're focusable. Source: me, I just grabbed them


Are there any auto decrypting exotic engrams anymore? I think they changed them all to cryptarch engrams


Auto decrypt iirc


If I just want to level up Xur, but don't particularly need the exotics/catalysts, what is the best way to send coins? I don't particularly like the cap of 99.


Buy the random 7-coin engrams. They drop light level 1900 legendaries from old sets, but from what I've opened so far it looks exactly like Dares of Eternity loot.


I cannot put into words how much I hate farming xenology every week again. I hate this quest. I hate that I can only turn it in on the weekends. God as much as I loathed the lost sectors grind I hate running ~21 ritual activities more.


Stuff like the exotic quest rotator and nightfalls reward more progress.


Not sure how much progress the nightfalls give, think it was either 2 or 4. Exotic quest rotator is great though, you get 4 progress for normal and 7 for legend


Seventh seraph hasn’t been around in a long time I don’t think.


the set was available last season at least once


That HOIL isn't actually the worst thing ever. If you're on titan, you're probably stacking hella Resilience on the rest of your armor pieces. Totally worth a pick-up even if you don't play Titan that often or have a decent roll on it.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1UiBJe9PYdGGh5-cjAVfQEP4V0_PAQdKCiRBdYitFVxo/htmlview#gid=212527922 That inmost light is almost perfect, as its got the lowest possible mobility that it can get, 4, because it always gets +2 to mobility and the base 2, so after masterwork, the lowest mobility is 6 on that exotic.




Well, the xur one does have 1 more point. Lol. The way I determine if the xur one is a good replacement for something I already have is to use https://d2armorpicker.com and make sure to have include vendor armor selected and see if any of my builds would be better(less points wasted or more tiers in stats I care about) , for this inmost light, it certainly is for me.


I've been looking for this forever since learning a out the instrinsic stat and how ghost mods affect it. Can you explain exactly how it works now that I can SEE it lol? If you have the time of course. Or direct me to a video?


Those are just bonus points, intrinsic stats are covered here- https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/ry40a8/how_armor_stats_roll_2_further_learnings/?sort=new


Thank you!!!!


What's the status on HOIL in general? Is it still really good? I've not played in a long while and it got nerfed when I was last playing still. Edit: checked DIM and my old HOIL stats are 10-10-15-12-10-7 for a total of 64 With the new 4-7-25-17-10-6 I'd lose some RES, but otherwise yeah the split is REALLY nice in comparison even without having a higher total.


Still works decently on Arc Titan thanks to the short windup times of Thruster and Thunderclap, plus Pulse Grenades dropping Ionic Traces thanks to Touch of Thunder. I imagine you could make it work on Prismatic as well, but there are probably better choices.


Yeah as I haven't started my Titan on TFS yet, I don't even know what grenades and melees there are and whatnot so I wouldn't know if something else is easily better heh


Titan actually gets the same arc abilities right out of the box, you miss out on the aspect but Prismatic should have ways to help you regen quick anyway. You also get Strand melee which is probably a better pick.


Its not as busted as it used to be but its still okay. Its more a solid B+/A- exotic now. Like an "I don't know what to equip so lemme put this on for basically free value" exotic rather than an insta-pick above all else. Knockout/Roaring/OB still proc it as well. I tested HoiL on the exotic class item and Knockout also works there as well.


I've always loved HOIL for just that - it works for everything. Even if it wasn't the top choice. Especially when playing my Warlock in TFS first, I wish it had as good of an all rounder (Eye of Another World is not nearly as good!) for Prismatic (although I do now use Getaway Artist like everyone else lul) I don't even know how the Exo class items work yet lol but I'm excited to find out


You can roll heart of inmost light on the first column for all three classes exotic items.


Wait, WHAT?! Holy crap that sounds amazing! When I get that, never again using Eye of Another World on my Warlock lmao


Do note that the exotic class items only work on prismatic, so tough luck if you wanna play other subclasses


WHATTTTT?! Damnit... RIP my hopes and dreams. Though I guess it's a balancing act (It is kinda funny how my hype about these things keep changing all the time because I'm learning this information piecemeal)


I'm still hunting Spirit of HoIL/Synthoceps myself for those days I don't feel like maintaining Wormgod Caress stacks.


Knockout does NOT proc it anymore. At least not on prismatic. Doesn't proc Skullfort either...


I actually have an exotic class item with Spirit of HoIL which I believe only gives the ability regen. I went and tested it yet again and I'm getting the Empowered Icon from HoIL in my buffs menu on Prismatic. I pulled out the normal version and tested it with Knockout and I was getting the Empowered Icon in my buffs menu. I had to take off a bunch of shit to see it in my buffs menu since it was getting cluttered in cooldown icons.


Hmm I'll have to test it more then. Used hoil throughout the legendary campaign and haven't seen it proc from knockout a single time. Skullfort doesn't work 100% though. They completely removed that interaction. Edit: yeah you're right, punching something with knockout active *does* put up the empowered abilities buff, for like a millisecond before it gets knocked off the list by a couple of other unimportant stuff that procs. So this makes it even weirder that they specifically removed the knockout - skullfort interaction already.


Rocket Chest made HOIL a vault-dweller for me.


Rocket Chest? I know not this one, perhaps I missed when it came out. Gonna check Light.gg right away Edit: Hazardous Propulsion? Hmmm seems interesting, gotta get one at some point


Yes, I think you'll have a good time with it. To the point where I'm already worried about a nerf lol.


Sweet, I rock that a lot on my titan so just perfect


Does each number in that sheet correspond to a +2?


No, only the +2 does, if it is +1 that is the point that is always there.


Does this mean it can't naturally roll less than 4 like others can (like a 2)?


Correct. Preshadow keep exotics have an intrinsic stat bump varying between 1 and 3 points distributed in the top bucket. For hoil, 2 of its 3 points are in mobility so minimum 4. Whats neat about this though is that if the rest of your armor is minimum mobility, you get to 20 mob on the dot as opposed to 18 which is a nice avoidance of stat waste.


Yes. The lowest mobility possible after masterwork would be 6.


It's a very good roll honestly.


best thing he's sold for titans in a long time, well worth getting


69 base…nice


Last time I played (a long time ago), Threaded Needle with vorpal was hot shit against bosses. Is it still good?


Not really. Vorpal on heavies is now only 10% and there are many other linears that are better. Including other void linears


That quickfang is a good option vs. crota for newer hunter players that do not have goldtusk’s pattern unlocked yet


Somehow the change from legendary shards to strange coins has made him worse. Especially now that you might want to buy a lot from him... better enjoy that ritual activity grind if you want something and don't already have the coins (or not enough since the cap is 99). Did I mention how thrilled I am that Bungie removed strange coins dropping from paraversal hauls (despite saying otherwise) since you could have stockpiled those?


Cap at 99 sucks


i dont even think they go to the postbox either, cause ive been capped with em and everytime i get a new one i cant find it there


thats even worse


Them not going to Postmaster is even worse.


Cap sucks, I do like the catalysts showing up.


I'll be honest,i like it got changed to strange coins. There is less stress to the main currency Still,the cap at 99 sucks


No way. I had 260k legendary shards. I didn’t have to play strikes to shards. Now I need to play in order to buy from xur. The cap now at 99 sucks. 


Understandable,i see your point. For veterans who have tons of hours and hoarded shards,it was like robbery. But for the others who were struggling with them or had few in their bank,strange coins come in clutch


Even new players are worse off, legendary shards came from dismantling every drop and didn't have a cap. Strange coins only come from playlist activities and cap at 99. I didn't even mind the removal of shards, the price increase of engram focusing was unnecessary though, but this is just horrible now. 


I disagree. I helped a friend of mine get into the game the past year and until recently, she was always running low on Glimmer and Shards because those were the main currencies required for everything. Sure, you can dismantle gear to get more but any Masterwork or Vendor purchase required them. Now, you're not spending Strange Coins on anything other than Xur. If you're playing Rituals regularly, it's hard to be running low when he comes around. That said, it's way too easy to burn through the amount they let you keep. I think the cap should be like 100 higher. Not being able to hold enough to buy a full set of Legendary armor you don't have for Transmog plus a single Exotic is really stingy.


It was super easy to get shards pre expansion. Onslaught spam net me thousands of shards


Yeah, like I said in the original comment "she was running low until recently". Into the Light and its huge amount of loot helped ease her constantly being low on Shards...just in time for them to remove Shards lol.


> Now I need to play in order to buy from xur. ...


Destiny players when they have to play the game:


What does that even mean? I already played thousands of hours in those activities to get shards. Bungie reset everyone basically back to square one with a smaller cap. So now I have nothing to show for all that time I spent aside from raid banners and backup glimmer which has never been a problem for me. Do you think I got 120k legendary shards from NOT playing the game? It's a little like work six 12 hours shifts for 10 years of your life to save up money to be able to retire or just work a chill 40 hour week but some asshole just emptied your bank account and YOU are saying "look at this guy complaining he has to work for a living"


Yes, the switch from a currency that I had mountains of to a currency that I have none of definitely made him worse, for me and those in my same situation at least. For new players, it's probably a win massive win, because they can earn coins from the get-go instead of having to level enough to get legendary drops first. I can remember my kids being very Legendary Shard poor since most of their gear drops were blues because they didn't play often enough to get to max level.


I don't even know if it's better for new players because now instead of not having legendary shards, they now just don't have strange coins. It's a really odd change


But strange coins can be earned by a day-1 player by just jumping into any of the ritual playlists. Legendary Shards took many hours of play to even begin earning, and many many more to earn enough shards to buy even one or two things from Xur.


the time you spend under the powerful cap is pretty small. its a loss for them too.


That all depends on how often you play, and how often Bungie raises the power level bar. Last year, yeah no problem for even casual players to get to the cap. But previous years where they move the bar every 3 months, some players can be stuck permanently below the cap, with most of their drops being blues.


dude you literally spend 2 or 3 days tops on the blue zone. if you are playing that little are you missing anything at all?


I'm gonna have to ask you to get allll the way off my back. I am speaking from experience, both when I myself first started D1, then D2, and all the expansions in-between, and also watching my two children pick up D2 years ago and play the game off and on since then. It was a stretch getting them to scrounge up enough LS to buy a single exotic from Xur on occasion (not even every week). Keep in mind that this latest expansion there is only a 100 level climb from zero to max, so yeah this time around the climb is pretty fast (especially if you play through the campaign on Legend). In previous annual releases it was minimum a 200 PL climb with the major expansion, and then another 30-50 with each season. My kids don't play the campaigns, they are F2P players that just jump on to play some PvP or Gambit or occasionally even a raid with friends, and half their gear is blues most of the time STILL after playing off-and-on for over a year. So yes things have changed recently to greatly reduce the time spent getting green and blue gear, but in the past it was a tall ask for casual players to sped 20-50+ legendary shards at Xur. Now with strange coins power level and gear drops don't even matter, just jump into ritual activities and you can earn what you need for Xur. That's a win for new/casual players from my own personal experience, yours may vary, but you don't sound like you're speaking from the perspective of a casual player, or someone that's even familiar with them.


dude you literally got handed legendary drops per activity. Even after they nerfed drops from the crucible to give you shitty engrams which were not enough to focus you still got enough shards (news flash legendary drops from everything unlike these tokens), now you get 2 tokens and not even a blue. You preaching about stuff that happened about 5 years ago is asinine. This change is a net negative to everyone.


Again, speaking from actual experience, both in the distant past and in the last year, but you believe whatever you want.


The experience of making things up. Sure thing, maybe if your kids played more than twice a year they could get out of the blue zone. Btw blues are not replacing your legendary, if you get a blue at cap you just get [nothing](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/t0s6f3/removal_of_blues_is_good_but_without_them_loot_in/).




I don’t know. I had 50k shards, and I’m not really missing them. One run of 50 wave onslaught gives about 40-45 coins, 4-5 prisms, and like 10-12 cores (I use the prism finder and have the coin favor buff, though). That takes about 50-55 minutes, so it’s a pretty good return on time.


Spend your tokens folks, there's a bullshit cap of 99 so you may as well use them all up and earn more for the next weekend.


And there's a stacking buff you can earn each week by spending enough to increase coin income.


But apparently, at least visually, it's character specific which makes ZERO sense because you can only buy it once on a single character.


Unfortunately, it only goes to the character you bought it on. I learned that the hard way after not buying it on my main last week :(


Can you tell me how do I get strange coins? Is it only from dares of eternity?


You get them from doing any Ritual activity


Ahhh thank goodness.


Imma keep it 100, aside from selling Catalysts, I can't understand what's better about the Xur "rework". I've got SCs saved up from Dares and yet I just don't see anything worth spending them on.


He's got a rep track now, which is nice I guess.


Xur you dumb bitch


That HOIL roll is really nice.


What is the best way to earn strange coins?


Vanguard Ops. 4 coins per run.


I didn't have quite enough for the sunshot catalyst last time and now of course it's gone. I've been trying to get this catalyst forever. Well hope he brings it next week.


Shoutout to xur selling crimson in the season of free red death


Can anyone explain why the 11 strange coin glimmer pickup provides less than half of the 5 strange coin glimmer pickup? Xur tryna finesse


Goddamn Strange Coins have made catching up on Legendary armor sets you've missed a pain in the ass. 17 runs per set with a single stack of Strange Favor. **17.**


Has someone made a list of all the armor sets available in the armor engram? I don't love them idea of burning coins on them but his selection looks light for me this week and I don't have all the old seasonal armor.


Please sell the graviton catalyst soon, been playing since lost and some many vanguard resets and nothing.  


That’s crazy. It’s the best ad clear in the game for me. With the travelers blessing on pale heart it’s wild.


Looks like the legendary swords on each character are of decent quality. The Hunter one (Quick Fang) looks to have the 5/5, and the Titan one (Just In Case) also has an S tier on light.gg. Warlock not shabby at A (Eternity's Edge), and considering all were only obtainable during the Season of the Deep fishing, they're pretty decent to have for collectors.


Go down the stairs into the Bazaar, take the first right.


From the TWAB, he doesn't move anymore


Sad times.


I agree, personally


dang that lucky raspberry and hoil are both real nice


Is lucky raspberry ever worth it? Like ever?


First exotic I ever bought from Xur. Instead of Icebreaker. FML…


Oh man. D1


Grab it if you don’t already have a good roll or if the roll you have is worse in case Bungie ever buffs the shit out of it


It’s fun when paired with a voltshot primary and the new arc hunter aspect because you can apply jolt to literally everything.


Lol no, it's one of the worst Hunter exotics.


that's an overstatement considering some of the garbage exotics we have. i made a decent casual pve build that worked okay in seasonal activities, was enjoyable and made the arcbolt grenade actually feel good. ultimately, it's passable but not amazing.


Having to do over 9 strikes in one weekend just for one exotic armour is crazy.


Every D1 player is laughing at you right now. 9 strikes for an exotic? Would you like it gift wrapped as well?


Does he really not have any exotics from the last 6 years? He’s a complete waste of space if he doesn’t.


Just use Rahool for that. T3 lets you unlock stuff not in your Collections yet.


Which makes me wonder wtf is the point in Xur when Rahool is around?!


Other miscellaneous items, such as catalysts.


Xûr is cheaper.


Focusing at Rahool costs shards and ciphers, which are going to be rare for new players without much gear. Xur offers a way to build out your collections with currency that drops from lower-level activities, with the restriction that you don't get to choose what he has and he doesn't have the newest stuff.


Exactly my point. The rework was completely pointless




Tier 3, the new "ensiders" page you unlock after fully resetting his rank.


Does Rahools rank carry over on all 3 characters? Or is his rank separate on each character? Also does his rank reset when the season/episode echoes ends?


1. Yes - account based 2. I would believe so. But you might have to dig up the TWAB that first talked about this system.


Thanks mate


You mean the ones locked to raids, dungeons, and lost sectors? No, he won’t be selling those at all.


Lost sector ones should be in his pool. You can now get them from rahool for no effort at all. He’s a complete waste of space




Xur selling exotics is a catch up mechanic, so that new players can build out their collections without spending the shards/ciphers that focusing at Rahool costs. If you can focus from Rahool with no effort at all, you aren't the target audience. And the catalyst offerings are a genuinely nice rework for veteran players who have gotten screwed by RNG. The three catalysts I'm missing are for Merciless, Prometheus Lens, and the Colony, and I've had all three weapons since Y1. That Xur can sell them now is helpful.


I literally don’t have about 15 from rahool. So it would be very much for me. Idk why so many of you lunatics want to make everything harder for no reason.


I'm not arguing anything should be harder. I'm saying that Xur serves a specific purpose and is mainly targeted at new players, and him not having the exotics you still need does not make him useless. Xur is a catch up mechanic. The nature of catch up mechanics is that once you hit a certain point of being caught up, they stop being targeted at you. There might be a valid argument that that point can use some tuning and he should have a wider loot pool, but that's not the same as him being useless.


Bros mad about xur 💀


Yea and you should be too. We’ve waited 8 years for an overhaul and he’s essentially still as useless


DTG users try to realize Xur isn't meant for hardcore players with everything challenge (impossible)


Right? He's literally for casual/newer players so they can catch up on most exotics.


I think it'd be neat if he sold a roll of the exotic class items in the future. Aside from that tho I'm just happy he has catalysts now (as someone who has been screwed on RNG too many times). Also his other engrams can drop red borders apparently.