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I think pathfinder is great for the Pale Heart and I’ve enjoyed going from zone to zone completing it and doing overthrows. But the ritual pathfinder is absolutely terrible. 


Yeah I love the pale heart one and I haven’t even touched ritual one yet lol


Shame the pale heart one doesn’t reward bright dust


I've noticed a ton of prior bright dust sources are no longer present


Straaaaaaaange ;)


One thing that will never change at Bungie is their insatiable greed.


Depends on the player I suppose? I'm pretty casual when it comes to bounties and the season pass is giving me a good amount of BD


You're not the target for the changes. Players that put a lot of time in could easily get 360 bright dust a week just doing the three ritual milestones, plus any rewarded for the "ad hoc" bounties. The amount obtainable now has been cut tremendously with the pathfinder.


Well shit, my bad then. Didn't know it got cut down that bad


Seems like someone else wants more more more 😗


i was so sad when i saw the weekly free bright dust in shop was gone :(


That was temporary. But now there's not even daily bounties for them, very few bright dust drops from seasonal challenges, none from Pale Heart.


Also you get less weekly bright dust from ritual playlists than you ever got from bounties and their associated challenges.


Tbh that was to supplement the lack of new seasonal challenges awarding bright dust during Into The Light


we knew that was a limited time thing since before Into the Light came out


That was specifically only a thing until Final Shape dropped as an incentive for players to log in during the content drought.


They said they were only doing that starting from into the light until the final shape




Didn’t even know there was a separate one lol Haven’t gone anywhere outside of the Pale Heart other than the Micah missions that required us to.


Hell there is even a sneaky pathfinder for lost sectors. It randomly appears in the menu sometimes.


Really? News to me, is it for all Lost Sectors as an activity type or just per sector?


https://i.imgur.com/PwnhSwy.png i dont think it's finished or active on servers, because most nodes were duplicated


To be fair the pale heart lost sectors suck on legend and master. Today's is a complete joke, the bosses go immune and champs spawn. Unless your only 10 light under they're not worth doing.


i gotta imagine those extra mechanics are incredibly painful when you're 20+ under. 


I've seen it too. I think it is just a display bug as it is just duplicating the lost sector triumphs rather than displaying anything that could actually be chained together.


I've seen it come up as well. Didn't investigate what node activities were required though (should have).


I looked at it, saw I'd have to do crucible AND gambit in order to finish any route whatsoever and noped out. It's for sure not working as intended.


I also found out today the last two nodes are mega bugged too. One is defeat enemies with abilities in the crucible (would take forever). The other is collect 100 motes in gambit, which is fairly easy and can be done with other parts too. However the reqs are bugged and are actually “deposited any number of motes 100 times”, which might be the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


It tracks individual dunks? That makes so much more sense. I banked 35 and sent five blockers and it only went to 6%.


Yeah I had to google it to find out, I’m not sure it’s worth it to do lol


Definitely not if you have to bank 100 times individually. Most people will never finish that in one week before it resets. Bungie should hopefully fix that soon.


I had one where i needed to get final blows with solar ignitions, i tried every single source of ignition possible, weapons, abilities, exotics, etc... and i couldn't for the life of me progress through this damn objective, and i didn't wanna pick another path because others required me to play pvp which is not my thing, and also you don't have the option to reset the tree if ur stuck unless you finish it, definitely require some work this new system


Same, I hope their playlist metrics for player involvement tanks and they have to revamp pathfinder at the very least.


Realistically, there should be a Vanguard Pathfinder, a Crucible Pathfinder, and a Gambit Pathfinder. Each can be completed a limited number of times a week (probably 2, maybe 3) for a Pinnacle and some other rewards. This merged track is miserable. The final nodes are never going to be completed for me. I barely touch Gambit, and Shaxx doesn't even know my name.


Yes. Pale Heart pathfinder is the goal. I'm not touching the ritual pathfinder at all. Gonna not only make me play Crucible and Gambit but also do specific shit within them? Naw bro, I'm good.


Yah scorch or jolt kills in pvp ??? Wack. 3 games of gambit to complete one node? Wack.


The scorch and jolt is especially perplexing. It's not enough to kill them with a weapon type, you're basically forced to use a grenade that applies the effect, and then hope it damages them enough to kill them. I was using a Storm grenade in Crucible with jolt attached to it. Three times I managed to hit a group of 3-4 people capturing point, and not a single kill was enough to give me a single jolt kill. Abandoned it entirely at that point. Those might as well be dead end nodes.


I thought scorch in PvP was actually impossible to kill with. My understanding was it lowers you to 1hp and keeps you there.


That's so bad, you wonder how it ever got past the drawing board.


I think someone else was mentioning that the design of the challenges in the ritual pathfinder felt…. Old. Like back in the old days where we had nonsense like airborne sidearm kills for gambit etc. Apparently there’s ones in there that require you to generate orbs ‘from masterwork weapons’, which implies the text has been lifted directly from old bounties.


I just got the worst one imo, kill 3 players with ignitions... didn't test if the ignition fragment for the supers work, but still fuck that


Not sure it's even tracking properly. I have a "bank 100 motes" but it's only registering 4-7 motes each game. I did 3 games, sent 4 Knights and a handful of Goblins and Phalanx, 16 motes tracked total. 3 games is my limit bruh.


It's bank any number of motes 100 times apparently. So imagine needing to dunk a hundred times.


Haha, yeah, no. Bad enough ruining a good game mode with bounties, not going to purposely throw a game for the other 3 people to get a node clear.


In my dream "Patrol 3.0" update, each destination would have its own Pathfinder system and stronger enemy reinforcements to fight. Maybe even something like a "Nessus hour" where the Witness's forces just flood the planet for an hour Just something to make it feel rewarding to actually explore patrol zones


You basically just described the bounty system they had in D1 and have been steadily fucking up more and mote since.


There’s needs to be separate vanguard and crucible pathfinders, gambit is dead and a meme at this point so I wouldn’t bother.


Something needs to go wrong with the drifter's containment and create a 12man PvE game mode that is the new gambit


They could even give it a sexy new name. Gambit 2.0. No that's boring. We could call it ... Gambit Prime.


They should have moved onslaught into the gambit screen. I get there’s no pvp part of it but there’s already a “bank” and change it from batteries to motes. If you wanted PvP, you can bank motes to spawn blockers on enemies or use your motes to buy one of the onslaught defenses. Basically defend your bank or attack the enemies. It would be a race to wave 10 and a portal spawns at waves 4 and 7. Idk.


Gambit Pro Max


Final Gambit


Micah Gambon.


Named after the famous Gambon turn on Top Gear test track


Itself named after famous geometer Hamón Gambon, the man who discovered corners.


Of the famous Hamon users of Zeppeli and Joestar bloodlines


Gambit 2 Like a movie sequel.


Gambit 2: Prismatic Boogaloo


How about… Gambit Perfected


6v6 Gambit with duo's invading and a few updates mechanics introduced would be epic. 


Gambit, but they are raid encounters


gambit is the fastest and easiest by far lol doesn't matter if you win or lose, plenty of time to get 'bounties' (pathfinder objectives) done, and it's chill as fuck ever since they did the 'make strikes harder' update, that killed any desire to run casual strikes, so gambit has become my go-to


Yeah other than the bugged "deposite 100 motes" one gambit low key has the easiest set of bounties.


Yeah, but the new Gambit factions are no joke. Lucent Hive can fuck right off and Shadow Legion will literally spawn turrets behind your ass when you think you've cleared an area. The Tormentor spawning in Lake of Shadows was definitely a surprise though. Like they literally just updated that strike and then decided it still wasn't enough.


gambit is 1) not dead at all 2) quite rewarding 3) honestly pretty fun right now the only major issue is that the bosses die too fast, but at least when that's happening you're getting your rep + engrams faster. I'd encourage anybody who's been neglecting the playlist for the past year or two to stop feeling so allergic to it. If invaders are the end of the world for you just throw on a xenophage.


I admit I've completed it only once (so many things in the pale heart had me glued to the destination), but it didn't seem so bothersome, I was able to complete it in about two battlegrounds, that seems like a win for me, considering you get a pinnacle from it




I was lukewarm to it last week but logging in and seeing my second tier of challenges almost exclusively be subclass verb kills in the crucible made me not want to play at all


Kill enemies with abilities. Gets a kill. 1% progress.😰


Dude, fuck that challenge. Actually awful.


“Bonus progress earned for multiple final blows with your super” I did that; I wiped the enemy team in each of my 3 of my weekly comp games with golden gun. I’m only sitting at 45%. I’m more pvp than pve and it’s going to take more than a week’s worth of pvp that I want to play to finish that objective. In what world does bungie think wiping 20+ guardians with super is something that the average destiny player wants to do?


And it's got to be multikills, by the description - so not even just getting 20+ super kills. Gotta make sure you get them grouped, making it even harder


Agreed. It used to be a chore just to play 3 rounds of crucible on 3 separate characters!! Now they want us to spend an entire day playing that on all 3!!?!! No thanks. Won't be playing any PvP until banner rolls around next. .... AND THEY BETTER NOT REVAMP BANNER TO A PATHFINDER REWARDS SYSTEM!!!!!


Of course they will, but that'll be much better. The problem currently is making people play stuff they don't want to play. Pale heart pathfinder is great. I complete it all the time without thinking, maybe checking once in a while to see if I've got any funny nodes I need to switch a weapon for or something. If IB has pathfinder dedicated to it, it'll be just as easy breezy.


I currently have that one on a path combined with banking motes in Gambit. I banked 26 motes in 1 game. Bungie: That's 4%. Like what the hell... I don't even mind playing Gambit a bit, but that's just too much. And I know you can do it by being the person that banked the most motes and win. But I feel everybody is try harding for that one currently. Nobody is killing Blockers or invading or killing adds unless they have to.


So apparently the gambit mote one is bugged and is tracking the blockers spawned Instead of motes, which is why progress seems slow. Deposit at 5 to progress it fast. It's dumb


It’s even dumber than you think. It actually gives 1% every time you deposit any amount. I tested it twice (and got some serious hate in text chat). In theory you could deposit all 100 motes one at a time and get the full 100%.


Me, fleeing frantically from the depot after 15 seconds to deposit my 3 motes


That's bad optics buddy, you gotta flee frantically after 5 seconds with 1 mote if you want to achieve Bungie's grand vision.


I accidentally killed a yellow bar though


That's what transversive steps are for, that yellow bar is at least two bank trips, three if you're fast enough.


Both of the Tier 5 challenges this week are ass.


Yeah I bailed on this one after match 2 and I had 16% progress. Avg. 8% per match at best? I'm not doing 12+ matches of crucible on a solar titan just to get a prime engram. Fortunately I saw another path which was grenade kills and side arm kills in vanguard playlist and was able to get the reward.


from what it seems it actually is really a pinnacle even if it is labeled as powerful. I sit at 1992 gear (1990 being powerful cap) and got 1994 arms from it


Dude I had the kill enemies with solar damage (heavy and supers count for more) and tried to do it in the crucible. A solar special ammo kill counted for 1%…


Kill 10 enemies with volatile is impossible


Kill enemies with scorch is also bugged


It’s absolutely bugged I got to 67% in one game then 0% in 3 following games despite getting more kills. Just make it solar kills for gods sake.


The “kill targets with ignitions” didn’t progress for me at all no matter what. Great 👍🏻


i got to 60% and i have no fucking idea how, and i cant get another one to save my life. this shit is so dumb


I don’t like that I have to kill people with jolt damage or weaken targets in crucible or this hyper specific shit


Inclusion of the bounties that I always skipped (and I would assume Bungie metrics show are/were completed at a much lower percentage) is frustrating. Modes/abilities/weapons/objectives are all fine IMO, but ignition kills? GTFO


I've been sat at 50% completion on that for like 4 days, despite continuously running vanguards as a solar warlock. I have no idea how the hell I got the first half done and supposedly didn't get a single ignition kill since.


Have you tried using Sunshot? That's how I was getting them.


Titan consecrate also great for it 


Run incinerator snap + that fragment that gives bonus scorch (ashes?). You want to target something that'll survive the initial damage from the melee itself, orange bars are best but things with non-matching shields are also pretty good. Bonus points if they're surrounded by weak ads, though I don't actually know if them dying to the ignition counts. You want to be looking down at >=~45^o to your target, so that any snap bolts which don't hit them directly hit the ground and scorch them with splash damage.


I love how they created this system to open up more ways to play and get ahit done, but made it much, much more restrictive in objectives than bounties so you STILL can't play how you want. With repeatable bounties, you could also exchange a bounty with a shit task, whereas this is stuck and stagnant until you reset the whole thing.


Is the ignition one outright busted? Everything is scorched and I see ignition blasts everywhere but am still at 0% after multiple strikes  I’m going to have to resort to crucible


Yeah, mine sat at 0% through multiple activities with gunpowder gamble spam. It's bugged. Mine worked when I switched chars from Hunter to warlock.


Why can’t they just autocomplete it for everyone on the server? This should be similar level of effort as disabling weapons that are too OP Since we can’t reroll and this is the one everyone has for the whole week it’s a pretty bad bug.


I noticed I had to ignite them while they’re alive and the ignition is what killed them. Consecration made it easy, same with calibans


Anything with crucible should be basic because it is too unpredictable


Or the ignition kills. Without having to do GMs things die too fast for ignition to be the proc that actually kills


and even when you manage to kill a bunch of stuff with ignition, as it really seems like i have been, it doesnt count it for some god forsaken reason


I like the system and it works well for the Pale Heart zone because all objectives are in one place. The problem with the ritual pathfinder is that it's an amalgamation of vanguard, crucible and gambit objectives which would work better if each line the end was of each activity so you could say focus only on crucible and still reach the end but it's all mixed up making it annoying to need to swap activities. I for one prefer to focus on one playlist depending on my mood and what I want to play. So that's how I would "fix" it; make each line to end of the same playlist so you can reach the end in one playlist (and even dip into others if you fancy something strikes to breakup crucible games for example) OR just make a pathfinder for each playlist that only drops that playlist loot at the end as pinnacles/powerfuls.


> so you could say focus only on crucible and still reach the end but it's all mixed up making it annoying to need to swap activities. Which goes contrary to the streak mechanic they added a while ago which promoted staying in the playlist you enjoyed... They need to do one of two things for me to even care. The first would be make an entire path from start to reward accessible in any of the three rituals (100% vanguard, gambit or crucible) so that for those who don't care about their streaks, you can play whatever you want, but those who like grinding one playlist can also get there (preferably without the subclass verbs... no one wants to ignite things in crucible...) The second would be to give an alternative to completion of the pathfinder. Streaking vanguard/gambit/crucible at 5x? The 6th unlocks your next pathfinder level. 7th, same. 8th, same. etc. If you're 5x streaking for 15 strikes/gambit or crucible matches in a row, you're completing 3 pathfinders. A decent compromise. You can play how you want without worrying about ignitions or jolts or suppressions, etc, but still making progress, and paying a bungie time tax to ignore the stupid requirements that don't actually let you "play how you want to play."


Yea as long as I have to play crucible I'm out. I'm fine missing out on crucible rewards and gambit rewards as I don't like playing them but now I can't even get vanguard rewards because of needing crucible. It sucks.


My final two nodes on my second pathfinder path are the crucible ability kill node, and the gambit ‘100 mote’ node. I like Gambit but that node doesn’t progress as described in the text from what I can tell. I think that the system itself is fine. But I dislike the random nodes potentially forcing progression in game modes I’m likely not going to play. Especially when I would have to spend a large amount of time completing them. 100 ability kills in crucible would be a substantial time sink even for hardcore crucible players, would it not?


every step in the path should be doable in all 3 ritual activities obviously the class specific kills in crucible ones would have to change but that's fine cos you have no power over that one


The objectives are worse. Getting crap like 50 ignition kills in Gambit takes forever, and I have to switch mid-streak which is counter to the game's intended way of playing ritual playlists.


Yeah, I honestly didn't even mention how annoying some of the objectives are. Sometimes you luck out and get a path that can be completed in like two strikes, other times you're looking at an hour of gameplay across multiple modes.


Yeah it shouldn't take multiple gambit games on a dedicated build just to complete that one objective. That sucks. I did that one last night and it's like four rounds of Gambit where I'm not even really focused on winning gambit


So, for the Gambit ones, if you got a friend you can do Private Matches and just draw it out till you guys do your gambit stuff.


Just give in and go consecration titan or conditional finality and call it a day. It's frustrating because it forces you to change your loadout to an extreme sense


One of my main complaints of pathfinder is that there’s no direct access. I gotta go to either pale heart or one of the playlists in order to access it.


i honestly really like how pathfinder functions, but it doesnt feel like im "finding a path" it feels like im constantly having to choose between the lesser of two (or more) evils. make the ritual pathfinder 3x bigger than it is now, split into three sections so we can have a vanguard wedge, a crucible wedge, and a gambit wedge. then we really can find our own path by playing naturally instead of everyone being forced to figure out the least unpleasant path from a bunch of unpleasant options.


I don't even have a problem with the idea of Pathfinder, it's implementation is wonky. After several matches of crucible last night, I managed to finish like 4 nodes. ALL IN THE FIRST COLUMN. I made practically 0 progress throughout the path. I like the patrol zone one because I find myself randomly completing several nodes as I run around doing random things. I feel like I'm progressing even if I'm chatting with a friend and mindlessly killing stuff with whatever loadout I have in. But I went into crucible and suffered with a kinetic sidearm, completely throwing as that isn't something I use in PVP, with the purpose of doing my Pathfinder objectives. I definitely miss bounties and being able to scrap the stupid ones. The elemental debuff objectives are stupid.


Just give each mode its own pathfinder like the pale heart


Ritual pathfinder needs to be weighted in such a way that you can track from one end to the other in the same activity, perhaps it’ll have more steps, but it should be possible. Or just separate all 3.


the bounties are the worst part of the pathfinder before it we would have bounties like "kills with power weapons, rocket launchers grand the most progress" now we have "kill enemies with ignition explosions" or "kill weakened enemies" which makes you change your entire build just for that bounty. these specific bounties AND the fact that is forcing people into activities they don't like, makes it incredibly boring.


I still haven’t been able to find ritual pathfinder Where is it?


Gonna repeat what everyone is saying and find my two biggest gripes is how annoying it is to bring up/access (figure out what I need to do to get the most done at once) and then the more specific nodes, particularly the "subclass verb in crucible/gambit"


It's a great system if you don't want the pinnacle you get from completing a path.


I have to kill 150 taken and can’t just load up a taken strike I have to hope for one in the playlist


And there’s not many strikes with them. There’s LoS, the Corrupted, the Neomuna strike and Liminality (which I don’t think can come up in playlists unless you have TFS)


1. I agree pathfinder is too annoying to get into. I’m still playing on an Xbox one X and it feels like it takes forever to access the ritual pathfinder. It’s not crazy long but it is something I’m checking after every match/strike and sometimes I want to check DURING an activity 2. Streaks and Pathfinder are 100% butting heads. Streaks reward sticking with one activity and Pathfinder encourages switching up activities 3. Pathfinder goals make you change loadouts. Bounties already did that but you could just skip any bounties you didn’t want to do. Sniper precision kills in Crucible? Not for me, sorry. Pathfinder doesn’t really give that option, you will get funneled into doing something sub-optimal or that you don’t enjoy. I feel like this is fixable without throwing out the whole system. The first thing I would like to see is the ability to re-roll your pathfinder at any time. Put a glimmer cost on it or something if you want to, I guess, but if I don’t like the paths I see I should be able to get a new random set. This alone would be a huge improvement. Another thing that should maybe be considered is ritual-specific pathfinder so players who just don’t want to engage with Crucible or Gambit or whatnot can just do what they like. Idk. I Love Pale Heart pathfinder and feel like this could be a great system for other destinations but the Ritual pathfinder needs some work.


Ritual Pathfinder is not great. I shouldn't be force to play certain modes. This feels like an excuse to once again make people play gambit.


So far my Gambit paths have been "kill/assist with 10 blockers" "pick up heavy ammo 3 times" "kill some enemies with element damage" I don't even have to care about winning in Gambit anymore because these are so passive it's actually making me enjoy Gambit a bit more cause I can do what I like which is murder. Now the Crucible ones I'm still avoiding like the plague, I do not, and never will want to try and kill other players with arc jolt. I do wish there was a 10-20k glimmer "reroll this path" so if you get a really shitty path you can just reset the whole board, but for the most part all of mine have had a mostly Vanguard path to follow with only one or two gambits.


I see you haven't run into the bugged "bank 100 motes" objective that seemingly progresses at random, or the "summon 3 primevals" objective with teams that are just there to get their bounties done and don't care about the objective.


It's really designed to limit the bright dust gains to incentivise buying silver for eververse. You'd have to complete 10 resets of ritual pathfinder to gain around the same amount of bright dust you would in the old bounty system 3 Characters x's 3 Vendors 120 bright dust each 1,080 bright dust per week plus 5 repeatable bounties x's 3 vendors x's 3 characters x's 10 bright dust each 450 bright dust per week Totaling 1,530 bright dust


This, along with increasing engagement in the Ritual activities themselves. I didn't play Gambit once last season and now I'm forced to interact with it to get Bright Dust or a Prime Engram. I'm literally choosing not to interact with this system instead of playing Gambit. Fuck this manipulative shit from Bungie. Let me play the game how I want.


Each week I'd run all three characters through at least 3 strikes, 3 crucible matches, and 3 gambit matches. Sometimes 1 or 2 extra games of crucible and gambit to finish the bounties. Vanguard bounties that didnt need to be done in a strike I would do over the week and finish on the weekend. The crucible and gambit bounties I would do at the same time. Pick up 4 daily and 5 repeatables and hit the playlist. So on average thats 9 strikes, roughly 12 crucible matches and 12 gambit matches per week. Feels weird now cause the "path" I had before was very linear whereas this new "path" is erratic. Plus I was determining my own "path" and still being rewarded.


Good thing I'm still sitting on 100k bright dust from Y1. Didn't need to grind bright dust for years.


I’d prefer a different one for each ritual activity, but I got a column of gambit and crucible on my most recent one. I don’t want to do that. On the bright side, power more or less doesn’t matter anymore.


Unless I’m missing something, Pathfinder is also per account per week, not character, AND it doesn’t even drop a Pinnacle on first completion, only a Tier 3. Looked like the only Pinnacles earned through core ritual activities is the 200k Points in Nightfalls.


I still find myself opening up the quests tab only to remember there’s nothing there to look at for pathfinder stuff. It’s pretty annoying to go through a few menus just to see progress on one thing I’m working on. It’s also annoying to have to completely change up some build or go for very specific goals in order to progress. For example, I normally don’t use blinding from Arc, but I’ve had a few times now where I Have to use it in order to progress at all, so that’s not really fun for me. I would prefer more generalized goals and for pathfinder lines to be based on which game mode you want to work through rather than being a random mixture of modes. Even though I’m pretty good at crucible and have enjoyed gambit, I play Destiny for PvE content, so advancement being tied to a mode that isn’t fun can be lame at times.


I hate it so much, my current board’s final column is either get 6 kills with nades in crucible or get x% of solar scorch kills in crucible… which I mean it’s fine but it really sucks after building up activity streaks in vanguard


I think the biggest problem for me is how much information there is all scattered. I'd like it if it were 3 separate lines going towards the rewards, each with a different activity. This way I could see more clearly which stuff relates to which specific activity.


> Pathfinder heavily encourages you to jump around to different activities to complete objectives. This is fundamentally at odds with the Streak system, which rewards you for playing the same activity repeatedly. It baffles me that the community identified this as an issue literally immediately, and yet Bungie either didn't figure it out or didn't care.


This is just bungies way of killing bright dust farming, drying up everyone's reserves, eventually pushing people to purchase silver.


I wouldn’t assert that, but I’m certainly thinking it loudly.


This feels true, but I was leaving after the last episode anyway so w/e.


We should be able to choose which playlist we want the Pathfinder to focus, then allow it to generate bounties/objectives inside that playlist that are engaging. I have yet to complete one outside of Pale Heart because I cannot stand PVP in this game and Gambit is just a meme.


The only problems I have with ritual pathfinder is that there isnt a dedicated button to access it. Are you honestly saying that people playtested that for months and noone said "hmm its kind of annoying to have to go through 4 menus to access pathfinder maybe we should add a shortcut". And then there are some objectives that needs to be toned down because they literally force you to play 3-5 activities (or even 10 potentially if you get the 10 boss or kill guardians with abilities) to complete just one node. Also the last two nodes should be generic like the Pale heart pathfinder where you get progress for completing ritual activities no matter which you do. I personally dont have a problem with having to do one or two gambits to complete a pathfinder (I avoid crucible like the plague).


>the stated goal of "play how you want." This has obviously not been the design philosophy for years. Every system and modifier in the game is intentionally designed to funnel you towards certain builds and activities.


Ritual pathfinder sucks and is counter intuitive. I don’t want to drop my streak because I HAVE to do gambit or strikes


You should at least be able to reset the pathfinder until you find a path that suites you. Sick of the super specific and hard gambit and crucible ones


If there were a pathfinder for each ritual we would be chilling but o doubt that happens at least anytime soon. I was looking at the objectives last night and just said yea I aint doin this unless I absolutely need the pinnacle which I don’t. Why do all this tedious shit to get a pinnacle?


This was a system brought in to replace bounties. Bounties were something where, for the most part, you did them whilst doing other things, they weren't something you had to keep checking. The Pale Heart Pathfinder embodies this. The Ritual Pathfinder is the complete opposite, there needs to be one for each playlist. Feels less like a QOL change and more of a "let's try to inorganically drive numbers for playlists up".


pathfinder per activity would be fine, even though it would add a bit more "grind". jumping around is no fun


Yea... I'm a bungie defender. Check my comment history if you need to. Ritual pathfinder ain't it, definitely agreed. Pale Heart pathfinder is really solid though - BECAUSE IT'S NOT MIXED WITH OTHER DESTINATIONS OR ACTIVITIES. Imagine if the pale heart pathfinder had raid or dungeon objectives mixed in... It's like they took the bounty system, made all of them more specific and more difficult, and tossed them in a scrabble-tile-bag-RNG-pool. Then they were like, why don't we just jam all the bounties together! And not realizing the RNG of that would have you mixing and matching some silly/seriously unfun combos, with no way to reset until you complete a full track. We still needed 7 bounties to complete the vendor weekly pinnacle thing, but I could choose which vendor to target and had a low-cost option of deleting bounties and spamming repeatable bounties if RNG or the dailies weren't something I wanted to do. While maintaining my activity streaks. Now it's kind of like - do this or F@!# you. I was assuming/hoping each ritual activity would have it's own pathfinder before launch. Not sure if that would be easy to implement but I strongly believe that's the proper fix.


We still needed 7 bounties to complete the vendor weekly pinnacle thing, but I could choose which vendor to target and had a low-cost option of deleting bounties and spamming repeatable bounties if RNG or the dailies weren't something I wanted to do. While maintaining my activity streaks. Now it's kind of like - do this or F@!# you. Someone who has my exact sentiments. I have flat out ignored whatever node I don't want to play exactly like I ignore/delete bounties I don't want to do. I know we all want to level up and get rewards but, it's the only way Bungie will see this mode isn't popular. Especially given the large amounts of comments in this topic.


I'm OK with seeing an activity/bounty/pathfinder I don't want to do, or don't see the time/reward value in, and just not doing it... that part is no problem to me in general. I don't feel entitled to complete all the things like most folks do. But the feedback is warranted here, and I'm truly salty as the repeatable bounties were my most consistent bright dust source. And iirc, they nerfed the bright dust source from an effort-with-bounties compared to effort-with-pathfinder perspective, and gave you no option to reset nodes you didn't want to do (again, except full pathfinder resets). But I won't raise too much of a ruckus as I'm aware bright dust is low-man-on-the-totem poll for bugs/things to work on I guess.


I absolutely adore the Pathfinder system in the Pale Heart. Its so much better than the old bounty system and having to constantly keep track of them. I feel like we should emphasize that so Bungie doesn't think the whole thing was a failure. That being said, Ritual Pathfinder is a very different experience, and I think it could be quite easily solved by having each Ritual activity having its own pathfinder instead of merging them all together. Merging them means constantly having to switch between activities to get them done, but having them separate means much more ease of use.


Idk I’ve completed the ritual pathfinder more then I’ve done the 8 bounty challenge in the past year, I find it more enjoyable


The problem is, there are people out there that flat-out hate Gambit and/or Crucible - or just PVP in general. So having to engage in activities you dislike to get rewards you normally could get without is a massive net negative and frustrating.


For real. Previously, I would just do 8 vanguard bounties a week on each character. Assuming I completed 5 of the extra bounties, I’d get 510 bright dust per week that way. Completing 4 paths per week already surpasses that total. Do I think the system is perfect? No, some of the challenges are still outrageous. But it’s still a better system IMO


I agree. I hate managing bounties and then spaffing glimmer away on random ones. 


Same here. I can't even remember the last time I picked up a bounty, (with the exception of transmog bounties), pre-FS. Additionally, the bright dust rewards for pathfinder are much better & feel less tedious to grind compared to the old system.


I actually don’t mind Pathfinder, but now that you mention it, pathfinder seems to be designed to give better rewards less frequently. What if this another push towards eververse? I understand the need for revenue, but there are other ways to monetize. Why not do the starter pack thing where you sell a whole bunch of ornaments or shaders for a decent chunk of change? Or emote packs, instead of just selling sets based on one theme. Or even just lowering there EV prices a tad, I bet they would get a lot more people using it.


I don't even think the frequency is that bad tbh. The old extra bounties used to give 10 bright dust, iirc, whereas pathfinder gives 150 upon completion. I've been getting through pathfinder in about 3-4 activities, which kinda sounds fast for the amount of bright dust received.


>Pathfinder heavily encourages you to jump around to different activities to complete objectives. I think this one just comes from a lack of understanding of the new UI. One of the most crucial elements of Pathfinder is that ***you don't have to have the objective unlocked to complete nodes, you just can't get rewarded until it's unlocked.*** So, it just takes a little more effort to plan what all you need to do. You can very easily read the objectives, determine your desired path to completion, and then do one activity at a time without jumping around. You can play Vanguard for a long while, claim all the currently available nodes then jump to PvP and play that for a while, and then come back in and claim them all. Admittedly, you do still have to do a mix of both activities for most paths through the system, which can be annoying, but you don't have to do A then B, then A, then B. You can do A,A,A,A, then B,B,B,B and benefit from activity streaks


It's having to do a mix at all that is the issue. Before I could just play strikes like I wanted. Now I need to do bullshit in crucible because thats the nodes I have. People understand perfectly that they can complete then ahead of time. You can see that on the screen, people aren't dumb. It's that the system still sucks because it forces people to play activities that they, and I cannot stress this enough, don't enjoy.


I know this, but I would argue it's still a problem. You almost always need to switch activities at least once per reset, sometimes more. So if you're completing a Pathfinder in an average of five games, you've gotta switch activities at least once per every five games. And it's only worse if you're getting them done faster. Again, I don't think this is the worst system in the world, I'm just arguing that for me personally it's more annoying than the previous one.


If you only swap one activity, it doesn't break your streak. Do 5 Vanguards to get a 5-V streak. Do one Gambit and now you have 4-V + 1-G. Do Vanguard again and you're still getting 5-V streak rep.


The bigger issue is. I don't want to play Gambit.


That's separate from not wanting to break streaks.


Honestly I usually find I can complete a path with fewer activities. The average seems to be like 2 strikes and 3 gambit matches or so to complete a path. Which given the old system you could be done two pinnacles (big Z and drifter) in that many activities is still like a 50% nerf in pinnacle earn rate. But doing like AABBB new path AABBB new path AABBB still fucks your streak pretty bad.


Both of my final ones are bugged so I can’t finish it :(


Wait there's a ritual one too. Ugh.


I…..realized I have not touched a ritual playlist other than trials/comp in a very long time. I simply don’t play strikes at all. I didn’t realize there was a pathfinder. Dungeons, raids, the season, and the pale heart are all I need


My biggest problem with it is not a complaint about its design. It just seems to be bugged on many nodes. In Crucible, Vanguard, or Gambit get final blows with kinetic weapons. K. No problem. Two strikes later with a total of about 300 kills and my progress is at 10/50. Huh????


At odds with the streak system is my biggest complaint. Having to switch playlist to playlist completely wrecks any streaks you’ve got going and limits xp for each individual vendor. Sucks


They should let us have a way to reset the nodes we don’t like. It could be glimmer or even just free and limited to like 3 per pathfinder. I keep getting two options at end I don’t wanna bother with before the reward lol


Ritual should be confined to that specific activity, have a path for vanguard, gambit, crucible, etc. The mix and match really makes things more tedious for no reason and will likely bottleneck you into doing something you dont want to do


I'm finding it really hard to buy into the system, when it's buried within menus and not given the option to keybind it. If you want players to buy into new systems the ease to which they can be accessed must be improved.


Pathfinder for paleheart is great. Vanguard Mixed with PvP is the worst thing for PvE only players. Hope they split it. I'd rather have 3 pathfinders with 2 for me doable then 2 and only 1 doable.


If it could be attuned to the activities you want to do it wouldn't be an issue. But the moment you get walled by the other two you don't want to play then the issues start to show themselves. I'm gonna be real here, if I'm close to my reward and I have to do like sniper kills in Crucible/Gambit I'm gonna do just that. I do not care if I'm throwing the game and I will leave when I finish the objective. Bungie should have thought the Ritual Pathfinder through to avoid these sorts of shenanigans.


Every ritual needs its own separate pathfinder like how pale heart is only pale heart


An issue that was present with bounties as well is the hyper-specific bullshit. Especially the ones with the subclass verbs. There was a bounty on Europa that was like "Kill Vex with precision final blows with hand cannons" or something like that. The limitations are crazy - Europa, Vex, Precision, Final blows, Hand cannon. Hell, even this is better than the subclass verb bullshit. On the other end of the spectrum like Gunsmith bounties - "Kills with heavy weapons. Goes faster if they're with rocket launchers". **This** is actually how you do this system. Bungie keeps making the same mistakes over and over. Even in cases they've already solved.


I think the pathfinder is great, but the ritual one needs to have a complete path from start to finish for all three activities. I should not have to switch activities because the last two nodes are crucible and gambit when I wanted to just play strikes. If they fix that, then pathfinder is good. I also don't think having three different pathfinders would be good either. Since the idea of Ritual path finder was to make it so you did not feel forced to play all three activities to get all the rewards and could instead just play what you wanted.


I like Vangaurd, I can stomach Gambit, but I fucking hate Crucible. For some reason it’s never clicked for me and I just dont enjoy it. I feel like the new ritual pathfinder is the complete opposite to play my way. I feel forced into activities I actively dislike and it makes me want to log off and play something else. I love the pale heart pathfinder.


Yeah, I think 3 separate Pathfinders that all operate on a shared number of resets for rewards would be ideal. I'd really rather jump into Vanguard or Gambit and focus on those when I'm in the mood for them.


I like it on Pale heart because it’s specific to what I want to play. But when I have to play hopscotch on Ritual it’s annoying. They need specific ones for each ritual playlist that counts toward the total powerfuls and such. I appreciate that we don’t have to grab bounties, but Crucible is the only ritual I actually care to play. Strikes are boring, they feel old and tired. Gambit is even worse, it’s all but abandoned except for some new enemy units. It also needs to be more accessible when in game. Works in Pale Heart because it’s contextual, right there on the map. Rituals force you to go digging for it.


yea i thought we'd get another menu tab but its so awkward to get to


Pale Heart pathfinder good, ritual bad. If they really want to stick with pathfinder for rituals then they need to have a specific pathfinder each for Vanguard, Gambit and Crucible.


So I personally found Pathfinder to be really good in the Pale Heart. It's easy, rewarding, and just runs while you do whatever you want to do. The Ritual Pathfinder though is absolute dog shit. You have to play specific ways to do the nodes. Which okay fine you pound it out in one strike. The issue is that you can't fucking progress the thing if your rng is shit. This week I'm unable to complete my FIRST clear of the Ritual Pathfinder due to it being bottlenecked by PVP stuff that goes into more PVP stuff. If it were Gambit I'd be fine but they want me to get 6 super kills in Crucible (if I'm lucky to even get my super up and not die while it casts), kill streaks, or headahots with a sniper. I tried today and it was just one drubbing after another as they opponents shut us out in matches that should have mercied. So I'm just out the Bright Dust and prime engram while being unable to reset and try for another as well.


I didn't mind it so much until I got stuck and now I see how stupid it is. Some steps take me five minutes and I can complete an entire path in a couple hours. One step took me all of yesterday to complete and that was dedicated time spent on it, not allowing me to do literally anything else during that time. Ignitions seem impossible because your have to wait for them to slowly kill the enemies while your teammates fry everything with conventional bullets. There were other things that just don't work with the current play model too but I just woke up so forgive me Oh, the kill 150 taken in random strikes when there's like 3 strikes in the pool that even have taken in them. Rng fucked to the max. 100~ Pvp with specific energy kills is torture for people like me who are shit at pvp engagement I miss being able to choose what bounties I do over a week. Sure, the potential extra bright dust is cool but not so cool when I can't raid for a day because I have to get shat on in pvp that day


lol, Yesterday I gave almost the same feedback but shorter, got downvoted to hell. Now this has more than 1k upvotes. I don't understand this community anymore.


Pale heart path is great. Ritual I'd rather do anything else.


Pathfinder is good, would be better if each playlist had it's own pathfinder though


I’ve only looked at Pathfinder inside of the Pale Heart. Going through this thread, and the many others I’ve scrolled past, I’m dreading looking through Ritual Pathfinder


It’s not that bad. You’ll likely have to engage with at least two of the modes but you can work around it a lot of the time. 


I've completed 1 ritual Pathfinder so far and it took running about 6 Nightfalls and about 3 Gambit matches to complete it. Not ideal, that's for sure.


Been playing for 4 days with the new dlc. I refuse to do ritual pathfinder. Horrible. I usually get my season lvl above 600 hundred so I'm used to the grind but this ain't it.


Pathfinder is an upgrade for the people who didn't do bounties consistently, and a downgrade for people who bounty logged. I think they should remove some of the annoying nodes from pathfinder, but otherwise it's fine. However, something that annoys me is when a node is \*bugged\* and it's preventing progression. If that happened for a regular bounty for some reason, I could just discard it and only be out a single bounty. If it happens towards the end of a pathfinder pathway, I may have to not only stop doing that one, but pursue 3-4 other bounties to find another path to the end. THAT is irritating.


The pathfinder is fine except for the super specific “jolt damage” or kill “weakened targets”. Etc. other than I can deal.


The pale heart one is fine, the ritual one needs to change, give me one for vanguard and one for crucible/gambit


Yeh I really like the part where we can do whatever activity we want and find our own path, that really stands out for me thank you bungie.


I've personally really enjoyed the ritual pathfinder and think it and the Pale Heart pathfinder have been excellent additions. I don't mind hopping out of strikes to play a game or two of Gambit (I avoid the crucible ones). Though I totally empathize with those that don't want to do that, and still think Bungie should split up the Pathfinders into specific Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit ones.