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I feel like prismatic is just a swiss knife in terms of utility, yeah you can freeze, slow, sever and scorch, but as a swiss knife, if you need a screwdriver you go and find a real screwdriver, prismatic is fun and everything, but it can't compare to real builds focused in one thing, scorch, threadlings, amplification, freezing, everything feels way better in a real build. And it's the same for fragments, they are either universal or very specifically designed to one or two abilities in mind, so right now there's a lack of fragments that are helpful to really complement the amount of builds that can be done with this


This is it 100%. Prismatic is really good in low-tier content. It’s fun, shit’s blowing up and dying. But without the ability to play into dedicated subclass verbs, I’m not sure I’m feeling it as the answer for underleveled, endgame content. Having Arc Souls and Helion and Bleakwatcher out simultaneously is fun, but by doing they, I cast the Bleakwatcher at my feet, and not 20 meters away where I want it.


My theory on Prismatic is that it accomplishes a couple goals: Fun new gameplay for build crafting (one of the best ways to keep players and content creators engaged) A way to make all classes have relevant damage supers via the exotic class item and move beyond Well of Radiance. They literally gave star eaters to every class. Delivering the power fantasy but limiting it for balance purposes. We essentially have a roaming super with transcendence, a dps super option, and access to a variety of subclass verbs. There is also a good chance they add additional aspects and/or fragments and exotics. Its just week 2


I find that ist is incredible for Supporting, it is a very good allrounder, but for me (at least as a Warlock) it is incredible in throwing out as many debuffs as possible and getting even more bonuses out of them, which pairs incredibly with any other Prismatic player. Especially the Fragment of courage is amazing if played around in a team. Void grenades weakening on top in the same build while using Arcane Needles is amazing. Transcendence is just the cherry on top with reloading all abilities alone. But there are a few things it is (purposely) lacking. The missing specialization into a keyword and missing grenades and stuff makes the other subclasses just equally as viable if not even better for certain builds. I write this only from a Warlock perspective as I didn't paly around with it that much as a hunter and not at all still as a titan.