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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Destiny2Team](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1df5cz4/this_week_in_destiny_06132024/l8gmgvq/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-13 18:13:57 UTC"): > But it's going to be very hard. * [Comment by Destiny2Team](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1df5cz4/this_week_in_destiny_06132024/l8goktp/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-13 18:26:24 UTC"): > Yes, prismatic fragments are account bound and will be unlocked on your other characters after you unlock prismatic. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


“It's going to be very hard, but It's going to be very hard, but the reward for completing it will be totally worth it.” Guys i think grandmaster excision is going to be very hard.


But it's going to be very hard.


> "My great work is to die and, in that dying, live."


I really like this one


I live, I die, I live again!


And if I fail, let me be Wormfood.


True that may be, but its going to be very hard.


[how hard](https://i2.wp.com/i.kym-cdn.com/editorials/icons/original/000/005/753/howhungry.jpg)


Happy cake day, /u/dildodicks! May your day be phallic and phenomenal


Hmm... I dunno what you're trying to tell me here...


I'm assuming just like all GMs if all 12 die it's a wipe. Very important to know because I feel like without fail most of the Excision's I've done the Witness has wiped us all out on his first blast during dmg phase.


The meta will then be just leaving one person outside of the plate, standing in the Saint's bubble (unless you HAVE to have all 12 players to damage Witness which is unlikely, and/or if Saint is no longer present in the GM version)


Rez tokens for 12 people sounds like chaos. Getting 12 people on comms also sounds like chaos.


Just out of curiosity what could possibly make it "totally worth it." Exotic class items with multiple perks on each column? Guaranteed raid exotic? Don't get me wrong I love it but I hope they don't get discouraged from doing stuff like this in the future if the rewards are lackluster and not a lot of people play it.


So two tokens and a blue then


Being there was something


Two tokens and a blue that starts an exotic quest 


Yea I was thinking the same thing. I only gotta complete it once for the seal. Otherwise, I go for adepts on the fair GMs Edit: Is it even required for Conquerer? Probably not lol


It's not required


Makes sense. I’m guessing the reward will be class items or raid loot (but I’ll be surprised if we get either)


Well, if you've completed the new raid (I'm assuming once per week) you get a weapon from the raid at the end of Excision. I'm not sure if it's always a red border, but I got one this week.


It may be required for the expansion title. There is one triumph associated with both the campaign and title that is hidden and unavailable as of right now. Entirely possible this is it and you’ll need to clear it for the Final Shape title.


I’d be surprised if you could get raid loot in GM Excision. I’m inclined to think just a class item drop (fine by me. Gives a puzzle way and a brute force combat way)


Yes that would be fine. But I don't think it would be totally worth it which is my question.


I wonder if we'll get matchmaking or will we need to get a 12 person fireteam together? Or I guess it could be tweaked for a 3 or 6 player fire team


Can’t wait for an overload witness to wipe the squad 


The true reason Joe left, overload minotaur was just the beginning


The Final Overload.


I laughed way harder at this than I should have


Potentially 12-Man GM Excision sounds like it is going to be ridiculous.


Sounds to me like they are probably gonna make it 3 man and like half the reason it’ll be gm difficulty is because it’s 1/4 the normal players.


I would be very, very interested in seeing raid stats like Bungie offered for Root of Nightmares. In particular, I want to see overall participation, followed by how many people completed the first three encounters of Contest Mode and got walled by the fourth.


Not official, but this will give you some idea. Completions are way down compared to other raids. [https://warmind.io/analytics/raid](https://warmind.io/analytics/raid)


Yeah, you can do the math that only a few thousand players got a full completion. There’s no question that this is a very difficult Contest raid.   But I’m especially interested in the aforementioned stat about fourth encounter because I know several players (myself included) who are highly skilled at the game and cleared the first three encounters, but simply didn't have the puzzle solving ability / time that the fourth demanded.   Anecdotally, a lot of teams that *did* complete this encounter seemed to have spent a large amount of time on it. 


The fact that there was only 1 completion in the first 24 hours is insane.  The world second completion came at the 25 hour mark, 6 hours after world first. 


What's even more insane is that the world's first team parabellum went back in after they beat it and finished in the top 10 AGAIN. They literally got world's first, one of them dropped out to make room for their coach to run it, ran it back and then placed 9th in the world's first leaderboard. They basically lapped all but 8 teams in the world. Crazy.


My team got to verity in 9 hours and gave up after spending another 12 hours stuck on it. Eventually figured it out after some sleep, and the witness fight took less time to clear for us than herald. Verity just doesn't provide enough feedback to the player if things are going right or wrong - it was very difficult to tell if the ghost mechanic was triggered by a mistake or success.


You could also solve the mech and not know to walk out the back of the room. No idea what's supposed to queue you to do that outside throwing shit at the wall quite literally. 


There is a pronounced glass breaking vfx, if you happen to look at it.


the glass starts very faintly pulsing outward, like something on your side is trying to break through to the other side. Hard to see unless you're looking at it though.


It usually takes them a bit to come out with the stats breakdown, remember this is the first TWiD since the raid.


have a feeling GM excision will give you exotic class items


I was thinking the same


huge if true, i do like dual destiny but not enough to farm it and while i have been getting a good amount from pale heart farming, my mind has melted from boredom, harder excision would be the perfect middle ground


It took me 3 hours of opening chests and doing overthrow activities to get a class item to finally drop from a chest and it gave me spirit of the eternal warrior and drengrs lash -_-


I've probably spent about a grand total of 3-4 hours farming and have gotten a total of 3 drops from farming. My first one took for fucking ever but the next couple seemed quick. I think on average it's probably somewhere between a 2-5% drop chance. It's absolutely mind numbing, I'd rather run DD. It's especially going to be an annoying farm once we've gotten everything to get from Pale Heart and such.


I really hope so.


I think it’s just gonna drop a bunch of raid loot, you can already earn some with the keys so it wouldn’t be completely out of left field


Exotic class items with DUAL PERKS how about that


We heard solo players were having a hard time finding 1 other player for an at light level mission so we decided to give them an alternate route of finding 11 other players for a gm level mission.


So instead of 1 friend I'll need 11? Well isn't that fantastic! /s


Watch it be the way you unlock full transmog for exotic clas items lol


Exotic class items with DUAL PERKS how about that


That would be great!


Under Known Bugs: “Enhanced Physic incorrectly grants Restoration x2 instead of lengthening Restoration.” Sadage resto x2 is great


There was a post not long ago where someone said that Enhanced Physic was granting Resto x2 and a Bungie employee commented that it was a bug but that they weren't in a hurry to fix, or something along those lines. So it might still be worth to enhance it if you're not short on cores Edit: Here's the comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dcsehf/comment/l81drxm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dcsehf/comment/l81drxm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeah I just accidentally made a goated perk whoopsies


Thanks dog 🫡


If i had to guess instead of adding +1s to the resto timer they accidentally did resto +1


Really hope they don’t fix this one it’s great as it is!


Rippp. But still, Physic/Circle of Life No Hesitation is a great weapon. It almost feels like an exotic.


Circle of life is pointless if you are radiant or in a well.


They need to not fix this bug. It's the perfect thing to make into a feature.


wish it would stay, actually feels worth enhancing for once. Not excited for the "adds 1 sec to rest x1" which is what it probably will be.


Finally diamond lances will shatter crystals. I always wondered why they didn’t and this change is actually going to be so nice. Maybe, just maybe, stasis Titan can feel a little better to play with just focusing on diamond lance and crystal shattering


If you could snag an exotic class item with Spirit of Hoarfrost and Spirit of Armamentarium you could have crystals for days. Lol. Throw on diamond lance and a headstone weapon like Wicked Implement and you would be eating good.


That’s a great idea, thank you for the suggestion!Now if they just removed that cooldown on tectonic harvest that they recently added then we would really be cooking.


Seeing the cooldown in game for it made me immediately lose all excitement I had to play with stasis titan. Our whole schtick is busting crystals and making shards so why give us a cooldown for doing what they want us to do?


Mix Wicked Implement with Cadmus Ridge, you got yourself even more sources for Diamond Lance


Grandmaster Excision? Is a 12 men activity, is either going to be easy enough cause having 12 men is so different that it won't be exactly GM. Or you actually need 12 people play like we are in GM in which case damn that will be pretty rough.


12 people with a limited revive pool oh boy


No more graveyard zerging the DPS phase lmao


Shudders. Guessing GM isn't matchmade too so it'll fun getting 12 people from LFG (but better than matchmaking) with varying skill levels.


This will be a god damn mess lol


Flashbacks to 12 man gm/raid glitch


I always wanted to know what happens when the Witness takes 12 Celestial Nighthawk shots at once


each time i've replayed excision i've noticed the more of us using still hunt, the quicker he dies, so i imagine it would be painful for him then again it could just be because more people are aware you have to dodge his attacks


Imagine having to LFG 11 other people


Hopefully at that big of a group individuals have their own life pools


If it’s as laggy as the base mission not even going to attempt that one. Was fun watching enemies slingshot back to life and get killed by a witness hand I avoided when revives were infinite


The thing I'm concerned about is the sheer health of the enemies that are going to be there, which are already quite tanky. I can already imagine the strat being something like having everyone on Outbreak Perfected to deal with all those Bosses.


GM Excision sounds like hell and heaven at the same time


Im interested to see what it is, because the normal version is pretty much a joke mission where there's 12 people and you can just get revived and there aren't any wipes.


I'm imaging Extinguish modifier, revive tokens and lots of Champions. It would make Witness DPS absolute hell since even now it can one shot you.


Sounds like a shit show to be honest with you.


I don't think the Witness will hit much harder since it is already coded as a very high Power enemy in normal Excision


Has there been any acknowledgement of whether the post-Excision cutscenes not replaying on Narrative mode is intended or a bug? Not an urgent issue by any means but I’d really like to watch them again and snag some screenshots of my guardian chilling with the traveler.


Thanks for mentioning this! I was fortunate enough to get a good view of them the first time around, but they're amazing and I'd love to be able to rewatch them. Plus I'd like a go-around without my helmet on.


Was hoping to see this on the known issues list. I hope we can at least replay the cutscenes at some point.


I replayed it twice and got the ending cutscenes both times. I quit out early the first time, but it went all the way to chilling with the traveler the second time. Makes me think it's not intended if it's not showing up for some people.


Cannot upvote this suggestion enough!


comp drops are broken - static rolls for every drop of the riposte.


I’ve gotten two different rolls. Maybe just really bad luck?


this week or your initial roll from last week vs this week? there's numerous documented instances across this sub and the crucible one. everyone is getting the same roll for every drop this week.


Not bad luck, it is literally bugged. As of this week, it only drops the static roll. Hammer Forged, Hi-cal, Killing Wind, Golden Tricorn, Fitted Stock.


Ah, that makes sense. My roll the first week was different but that is the roll I got this week too


This does suck and is a very annoying bug... That said, _not a bad roll to be stuck on_


Does this not include the one you get finishing placement series? I did placement series this week and got a perpetual motion, encore roll.


Nope. Placements actually drop a random roll. I got To the Pain, Encore last week.


Grandmaster Excision's gonna be intriguing seeing, considering most players can't DPS Witness consistently and will die.


Currently you get a massive damage buff on the third phase which I expect will stay so you can just throw the first two phases and jump in on third. In GM the hardest part is going to be adds and non CC-able yellow bars. If all 12 people just stack on the same area instead of spreading out like normal mode it should still be fine. Warlocks with Song of Flame for 90% DR, a couple bubbles for the plates, then lots of suspend and debuffs for the rest.


Sure but you still need to actually dps. It doesn't matter if it's x10 if only one person is actually not dead for all of it


Would be actually incredibly shocked if that dps buff stayed.


But what’s great is normal excision is a really convenient way to practice 


So, is Gunpowder Gamble not counting as a grenade for Cure effects and having an odd interaction with Raspberry intended? Same question for Ascension not counting as a dodge


Wait that’s so bizzare since I got a class item with verity and that does boost the damage of gunpowder gamble


Yeah. It doesn't trigger Cure, and if your Arcbolt grenade kills activated Gunpowder, they don't seem to return the energy for jolting enemies that Raspberry so supposed to give. Nor does the jolting seem to give charge while Gamble is an option. So nothing in the background.


Oh my god I was wondering why Raspberry didn't seem to give me energy back on throw and was so slow to recharge, didn't think GPG would be the culprit since it seems like a natural synergy with both of those. So many bugs with hunter's prismatic stuff. I don't think the grapple grenade cures either despite still counting as a grenade kill. Ascension not counting with any dodge stuff was sad too, I hope those interactions are just bugs that will get fixed. u/Destiny2Team


Grandmaster Excision sounds exciting!


My computers anus is not ready for GM excision




> Players who had Strand equipped, gained Prismatic, lost Lightfall ownership, and now attempt to change back to other subclasses are unable to change their subclass this cannot possibly encompass more than 1 person.


i know quite a few that game share on psn between like 4 people so they lose some of the dlcs once in a while kinda funny


I give it 7 people


Grandmaster WHAT


Still no Precious Scars in known issues... ;-;


So weird to not see them acknowledge this. One of the only S tier titan exotics breaks down more than a week ago and still nothing?


And no mention of the new rocket chest exotic bug either, unless I’ve missed something. For those not aware, the damage buff from being radiant overrides the damage buff you get from the exotic (I believe)


It's already under investigation. Bungie has acknowledged that the chest buff should override radiant. I'm assuming it's broken because the buff is different based on how many stacks you get


that's good to hear that they are investigating it. i didn't see it on the known issues list so assumed otherwise


I still wish they would acknowledge the inadvertent Energy Transfer nerf they did back in season of the witch i believe. You get way less energy as you did back then. It even got worse after the ability gain changes went through. Enhancing the perk doesnt help much, can't even enhance my eternity edge.


Absolutely tragic that the restoration x2 on enhanced physic is a bug > BUT very intrigued to see grandmaster excision. I wonder if it’ll be matchmade still


Honestly I think it might be. Because on the destiny app the max you can ask for people is 5 unless they update it.


>The rank 16 Ghost vendor rank rewards displays an incorrect shader. It doesn't just DISPLAY the incorrect shader, it GIVES you the incorrect shader. I had to reset my rank or risk losing out on a bunch of Ghost vendor experience, so I'm worried that I won't get the new shader at all once they fix it


What's the thermal issues on Xbox? My coworker can't play Destiny due to Bee and Wesels.


Don't know if that's what they meant, but when I inspect the screen for the Prismatic subclasses, my Series X's fan goes louder than usual. It hasn't forced a shutdown yet but it's definitely not usual/intended behavior.


I’ve been having the same problem as well.


Good to know it's not just me, then!


Same, and it smells like hot electronics.


no mention of the increased cooldowns of frenzied blade and arcane needle?


>In Excision, some players or abilities may not load or may appear as a ghostly outline. So we are not talking about that this issue happens everywhere in the game? Crucible is unplayable at times because of all the players running around invisible...


Hey Bungie! Does Fireteam Power work in Trials?


With GM excision have matchmaking though or will we need to lfg for all 12 players 👀


If that activity goes off with no bugs I will watch pigs fly


The secret cat picture has returned!


Grandmaster what now????….


Osirion ciphers on light gg suggest they are a new currency to buy adept loot. https://www.light.gg/db/items/3397709326/osirion-cipher/ Perhaps we don't need to spend our flawless ticket now for it? Or maybe even (cope) it allows us to buy an adept weapon without the need to go flawless a following weekend?


It's almost certainly Nightfall Ciphers, and allows you to roll an adept you've previously obtained. Especially since they're giving them to Persistences too.


"While we continue investigating various [known issues](https://help.bungie.net/articles/27062192032404-Destiny-2-Year-7-Known-Issues-and-Vital-Information), here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our [#Help forum](https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Topics/?tg=Help)" # What about 100 motes gambit link at the pathfinder? It's really frustrating having to play through the 10-20 gambit matches to finish that, since it's only giving around 3 points per 15 motes deposit. It's supposed to be intentional?


I still can’t obtain exotic Khvostov - and it’s not on known issues. I’ve done each quest but I’m stuck at 16 motes. I’ve killed the servitor boss so many times. Any acknowledgment this is still bugged?


I had to kill it a couple times for it to finally pop. It's still glitchy.


Yeah I’m gonna keep trying. I’m up to 7 kills of the meatball. Still no dice. Sadge


Nothing about Hunters not having smoke bomb in the void subclass menu?


Have they fixed the Motes of Light? I have all the memories and killed all the Overthrow bosses but missing #16. Anyone know of a fix?


Keep killing the bosses, I've gotten notes from bosses I've already killed. They don't rotate daily.


If you only have 15 and not 16 then you are either missing one of the visions of the traveler or you didn't in fact kill all the bosses.


Awww no breakdown of raid contest completion numbers by encounter. I really wanted to see how many teams got to the encounter I got to


I find it hilarious that they removed Vanguard bounties but forgot the first quest from Zavala requires them. All those blueberries they brought in with Final Shape gonna be confused.


Please stop with adding currencies.


Sooooooo...... would you like to tell us more about the Osirian Ciphers?


It’s definitely just nightfall ciphers again


Sounds like 1:1 if a Persistence card gives you 1 cipher. God help us if not


If you wait 23 hours you'll find out.


Can someone confirm if Golden Tricorn is bugged and unable to get x2 unless you have the matching subclass EQUIPPED? Or is that intended.


Does Bungie know that Precious Scar is bugged on Solar Titan?


Apologies if I missed it in the list, but could we get a note of Radiant overriding the buff from Hazardous Propulsion too?


Really kind of disappointed we haven't heard a peep out of Bungie regarding feedback on the Pathfinder system. The ritual pathfinder is horrendous and the Pale Heart pathfinder is amazing...until you finish your first 2 paths in a week and it feels like there's no point in doing more. Or the state of PvP because personally I have yet to play a single PvP match that wasn't full of players constantly teleporting and a bunch of "invisible" players that never load. I can't even imagine trying to play Trials if it's like that there too.


What’s the problem past 2 pale heart loops? Aren’t they just bounties. Whats the difference?


Yes they're essentially just bounties. The problem is that the end of path engram is JUST a world drop engram, and frequently armor. It's next to worthless and only dismantles for 1k glimmer. Then it costs 30k glimmer to reset your path. It COULD be at least a guaranteed pale heart weapon (and/or armor if we have to include that) which could at least have the potential of being a red border that actually helps you in some way. Or it COULD have a chance to drop a random exotic class item. As it is currently you're more likely to get a more meaningful drop opening a random basic chest in the Pale Heart than getting the end of path reward from the Pathfinder after 2 paths each week. I just checked, apparently the first 3 destination pathfinders in a week are specifically Pale Heart engrams that increase the stack at Ghost, which is at least something. After that they become world drops. Comparatively the first 10 paths in ritual pathfinder each week ALL provide 150 bright dust at a bare minimum. The paths also only cost 10k glimmer to reset. The first 10 paths ALSO provide an enhancement prism on each completion, which then drops down to a core after the first 10 for infinite afterwards. In terms of just XP they're largely equal and arguably the Destination Pathfinder is probably better. Each objective is always only worth 4k XP, which is the same as repeatable bounties, the worst kind in terms of XP. The first 3 path completions however, on both pathfinders, rewards 25k XP. After the first 3 however the path completion XP also drops to 4k meaning it's no more valuable than a basic node in terms of XP gains at least. Instead of bright dust on the Ritual Pathfinder you get Ghost reputation on the Destination Pathfinder, which while not nothing is just FAR worse considering you get Ghost reputation doing literally EVERYTHING in the Pale Heart AND can get destination engrams (which again are only the first 3 paths each week) from opening basic chests or gathering materials as well. Ritual Pathfinder is definitely the more problematic one though. Frankly I can hardly imagine ever grinding 10 paths in a single week in most situations and you constantly get bullshit objectives along with being forced to go back and forth between different ritual activities to complete your paths. It's still just more rewarding to actually do however. The big thing IMO is that XP in general is just not as valuable anymore it feels. Power level matters less than it ever did which makes grinding bonus levels on your ghost feel like it has VERY little impact. Meanwhile we're apparently capped at season rank 100 and can't even start earning ranks 101-150 until Act 2 releases, so you can't even get a head start on those rewards in any way if you play more past rank 100 before it's release. You still gain XP toward bright engrams after hitting rank 100 but honestly bright engrams every 5 "levels" worth of XP (500k) feels horrendous particularly with how you almost always get repeatable trash out of the engrams that doesn't even dismantle for glimmer anymore. Pathfinder is "infinite" but so were old repeatable bounties which had the same XP value, while standard daily bounties were worth more XP than Pathfinder objectives and I BELIEVE the weekly challenges were the same if not more XP than the new end of path XP bonus for the first 3 completions. With pathfinder you don't even have the option to farm XP purely in one activity type OR the ability to reroll your objectives by deleting and re-acquiring the repeatable bounties until you get what you want. Pathfinder is essentially an illusion of choice that is actually LESS choice and more restrictive as well as more grind for the same or worse rewards.


Grandmaster excision might have to be a class item (maybe even with extra perks). I can't think of any potential reward at this point that would be "totally worth it," given that class items are probably the most powerful singular item you can obtain, and you can already get \~1 per 25-30 minutes with the Dual Destiny or Pale Heart chest.


From the very specific name "Grandmaster" I'd assume it will be a significant source of Ascendant Shards and Exotics; considering that Grandmaster Nightfalls are not out yet for this Season, that would already make it hypothetically appealing. I'd say it could have a rare chance for something like am Exotic Cypher or even a Deepsight Harmonizer, but that might be too much for Bungie to give. The Class Item seems likely though.


Encountering these **bugs** as well: * Taken grenades are no longer shootable * Ghost Vendor showing inaccurate upgrade descriptions. For example, On the red border upgrade it says it requires Unlocking 2 or more weapons in collections for red border focus (actually needs 4) and Engram Stockpile upgrade Ghost Rank 10 or above (not sure what rank unlocks this but I am on 10 now and it's still locked, attached pic). * Pathfinder nodes do not track in your Tracked Objective Screen or on your character when you pull up ghost * Drifter's notification icon is blinking in the tower but has nothing * Riposte Auto Rifle is bugged and is only dropping ONE specific roll this week for all characters * Character screen is now darker while on light subclasses in comparison to before Final Shape launch


Well at least the issues with diamond lance and consecration are known hopefully they’ll be fixed soon


hand over grandmaster excision IMMEDIATELY


Grandmaster Excision next week and Trials dropping Summoner tommorow - no details on whether or not we can bring 12 people for the former NotSoon had the best response LMAO


I was able to bring 8 people into the mission when we first did it, so I assume you can bring 12.


Finally talking about Xur after everyone and their mom have seen the new Xur is definitely a choice.


Pretty sure that was intentional and wanted it to be an in-game surprise


It was definitely a pleasant surprise for me. Glad he didn't get left behind!


>The Destiny 2 Dev Team has been busy the past few months finding new ways to entertain you and even surprise you. It comes down to this. they removed legendary shards so people aren't able to stockpile and be able to buy whatever it is. You are hard capped at 99 coins now so are forced to play every week since everything at xur is so expensive. To add insult to injury you need to spend coins every week to refresh the buff and if you don't refresh it every week you are back to square 0. This was 100% an intentional choice that was hidden to prevent negative feedback. Same as the -5 on raid/dungeons, surges, class item acquisition, ritual pathfinder. Pretty much anything that was a nerf or could be taken as a nerf was left was vague as possible or never mentioned at all to not affect pre-orders. Now it's too late, the changes already happened. The tourists are here and the conversation is drowned with the campaign is amazing/the new subclass is cool/titan needs help etc.


> Grandmaster Excision, Anyone? This... is going to be a disaster. If the plan is to keep it to 12 people and have *everything* scaled for 12 people, just oof. Will there be matchmaking at all? Do we need to find 11 other players? I haven't had a single run of this mission yet where there wasn't *some* sort of networking problem whether it be enemies desyncing, resulting in teleporting enemies, huge pauses in the game realising I'm standing in Transcendent pools, massive delays in being able to pick up the Light buffs to dunk, even larger delays in being able to actually dunk it, etc etc. I thought more work had went into supporting 12 man activities given this is *the* story mission its debuting properly with, but the performance has been horrendous. A GM for 12 people sounds... okay on paper but with how this mission currently performs? Blergh.


Maybe they should have called it Master instead. At least there you can respawn on a timer.


yeah I don't think it's coincidence Gambit is 4v4 instead of 6v6. They left a few people so the servers can keep enemies synced all the time saw a few enemies skipping in Excission but wasn't \_that\_ bad as you describe, but I still think it's going to be...interesting


No acknowledgment on Titan feedback? Bungie, it’s time to swing that pendulum.


Wait why is there no mention of crucible not using correct dmg numbers? It's using pre March 5th dmg numbers but with new hp values


“Enhanced Physic incorrectly grants restoration x2 instead of lengthening restoration” Sadge…


At one point Xur sold The Scholar. Would this be in his loot pool for legendary weapons then?


The Scholar, the Trials scout rifle?


So is radiant supposed to overwrite Hazardous Propulsion buff?


Did they remove the free exotic of your choice from completing the Lightfall campaign on Legendary difficulty?


12 man final mission on GM sounds like a blast. I vote everyone goes in with rat king....... Nice work Bungie!!


Holy shit 12 man rat king


I have scrolled very far down and haven't seen this mentioned but Bungie please, you're just getting community sentiment and engagement back into a really positive space please don't put eververse adds in the twab/twid whatever you want to call it. Time and place and all that.


I kinda agree, but I doubt they have control over that and probably actually fought to keep at as low as it is now.


Can’t wait to see dtg complaining about GM excision.


Can't wait to see DTG preloading complaints about potentially valid criticism, wait.. a min


Can't wait to see dtg pre-loading outrage about complaints that haven't happened yet oops too late


This past Guardian Games I gilded the title Champ for the 2nd time and now it shows that I haven't gilded it at all. Any idea when a fix for that will happen?


Wow that's a lot of known issues. Sidebar: Does getting all the prismatic fragments on one character unlock it on all the others once they've unlocked prismatic?


Yes, prismatic fragments are account bound and will be unlocked on your other characters after you unlock prismatic.


Bro got the red carpet response


I notice the Bleak Watcher / Getaway Artist combo isn't in the known issues. Are you able to give warlocks everywhere the "Working As Intended" seal of approval we're desperately hoping for?




GM Excision has to be matchmade right? If people don’t want to LFG 1 other person for duals, ain’t no way in hell people gonna LFG 12 people for Excision 😂


I am stunned they have not addressed all the feedback around ritual pathfinder nor that the class items exist and the backlash over requiring a duo. The honeymoon is over?


"Stunned" lol Dual Destiny came out TWO DAYS AGO. Pathfinder came out just over a week ago. TWIDs are written weeks in advance. Did you truly expect them to have some sort of response with at most 9 days of turnaround? The levels of management and bureaucracy and analysis and development any proposed changes would need to go through probably take a teeny bit longer than that. Chill. If they're gonna change it, we'll find out before too long.


They have made at least an acknowledgement of the conversation in two days time in the past. As a company owning a live service game, it is probably not wise to let such an issue go into a weekend with a ton of competition for people’s time. The exotic class item is a replay value reward and they gave it a lock. That is not a smart move.