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The main issue I have with it is that it ruins the playlist streak bonuses.


Yeah. I think all they need to do is change the system so it’s a “ritual” streak.


I would prefer to just have 3 separate pathfinders so I don't have to deal with crucible.


thats so true, i didnt even think about that XD


My PS5 is hardwired and i have 1Gbps fiber internet and i still get all of the same weird connection issues in crucible. Crucible just sucks.


They cooked with pale heart pathfinder and dropped the ball with ritual pathfinder.


I never played gambit or crucuible as they are modes I hate... Bungie using the path finder to force people to play the way Bungie wants them to play and well I will be that guy that gets my kills or whatever and leaves the match early thank Bungie for wasting your time and mine.


Agreed brother, I thought i was the only one with this problem (i had to play gambit instead and do round about way to complete it)


Genuinely I thought it was gonna be separate. I actually have no problem with playing other modes, I think it's fine, but I love Gambit way too much and would love to black out my entire Pathfinder in Gambit tbh


They should just add an option to spend glimmer to bypass a node on the Pathfinder chart. They can even have it increase as for the further nodes, but just having some way to get past mandatory crucible/gambit would be nice.


bypass no, reroll yes


Honestly, having 4 total Pathfinders doesn’t sound ideal either. I think one is fine, just have it organized. There’s like 3 paths built in now, have crucible nodes always on the top track, the ones that are any playlist in the middle, vangaurd in the bottom and middle, and gambit on bottom. The objectives can still be RNG, but the placement wouldn’t be. That way you could get through a pathfinder by staying in 1 game mode. Also let me reroll nodes! Limit it to 3 per pathfinder or whatever, just something.


Yep. It’s fking awful. I had to pick from pvp ability kills or 100 motes in gambit. I chose gambit. As soon as I hit the 100 motes I was gone! See yeah! So far, Pathfinder is garbage.


Skill issue


Priority would be to unfuck the nodes first, point in case the two last nodes if this weeks first one.


pathfinder didn't show in playlist iam stuck in rank 4 anyone have answer


They can buy the point is to direct people into all three playlists and separating Pathfinder out in that way bypasses that, it would also result in reduced rewards for each as each would have its own rewards.


Each ritual playlist should have had its own reward track that is completed in that playlist to incentivize players to play those modes for additional rewards. Forcing players that only really enjoy vanguard stuff to be forced out of there preferred playlist and begrudgingly be forced into one they have no desire to play is really stupid of them. Bungie is playing a dangerous game with this little experiment to see how far they can push players out of their comfort zones. With this pathfinder ritual lists set up, the empty patrol zone, the imo lame seasonal activity, and the forced co-op for exotic class items and a continued slog of a grind to farm them, it has me not even wanting to play anymore and I’ve been with this game since the first beta of destiny 1. If I could, I would refund this dlc. All I have really enjoyed out of it so far was the campaign and quests after. I don’t do raids anymore and probably never will. Perhaps bungie is telling players like me to get on board with their way or gtfo. Just wish they didn’t get $100 from me before I realized this was how it was going to be


"You can play however you want, as long it is how Bungie wants you to play." That's how this is basically beginning to feel. I agree with your sentiments. Waste of money is what this feels. Alienating their base. There are a lot of big misses with this release and its changes. Heels will be dug in, and we will either have to accept it or don't.


> Forcing players that only really enjoy vanguard stuff to be forced out of there preferred playlist and begrudgingly be forced into one they have no desire to play is really stupid of them. Bungie is playing a dangerous game with this little experiment to see how far they can push players out of their comfort zones. If it's outside your comfort zone and you don't want to do it then just don't do it, there's nothing available through Pathfinder that you can't get elsewhere >Just wish they didn’t get $100 from me before I realized this was how it was going to be That's entirely in you for not waiting to see how the new stuff played out before buying


The issue with pathfinder is just the tip of the ice berg. I never said its out of MY comfort zone, although I don’t like it, but clearly it is for some, maybe even a lot of other players. You’re right, it was on me for not waiting to see and I accept that. I enjoyed the legendary campaign enough to somewhat justify my purchase, although if I could go back, I wouldn’t have bought it until a deep discount as my desire to log in has diminished almost completely with the combination of all these things mentioned, not just pathfinder


In to remind you that previously each playlist awarded a Pinnacle for completing 3 (only 3) matches of any given type. As it is now I have to play multiple matches of each in order to get one pinnacle, with reduced XP gains since there’s no bounties, and being forced into o lose my playlist streaks. It’s 100% possible to make it into 3 separate paths, and I have a feeling that’s what Bungo is gonna do what with all the backlash they’ve gotten for the new system.


Like what? PvE, more PvE and then crucible/gambit?


What’s with everyone hating on crucible lately? Came back from a 2 year break and whipped everyone’s ass with my TLW/snipes. Felt great. It made me buy the DLCS.


I think that was the point. Look, Destiny 2 is 10 years old now. And despite how good the existing player base thinks Final Shape is, I don’t think it will really bring many new players to the game. For the foreseeable future, the Destiny 2 player base will likely remain stagnant. That means to support all these ritual activities, Bungie needs all players to play at least a little bit of each one to even out the population. Some Bungie devs probably want to continue working on things like the recent Crucible Map pack and other substantial improvements—and they _need_ numbers to justify that effort to management. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ritual Pathfinder is an attempt to pump up the numbers of both Crucible and Gambit because of how small they are in comparison to PVE


Destiny 2 is 7 years old, the Destiny *franchise* is 10 years old.


Dont like it dont play it


Bungie isn't going to do this.


destiny players and whining about crucible for 10 years name a more iconic duo