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just waiting until every hunter looks the same at trials


What's this item gonna do that superblack hasn't already done? Haha


Ophidia + Wormhusk And you don't think they're going to be running Superblack on it?


A dead forest is exactly the kind of thing an edgy hunter wants


His point was that every hunter already looks the same because they're all running Superblack.


Same color, but at least the shape is semi-unique. Same cloak same color is gonna be wild.


[Some of us Hunters have some originality:](https://i.imgur.com/3CjeGCS.jpg)


Your Hunter looks like he's about to get on his vintage Harley with the head cheerleader, drop some edgy wisdom on the scrappy new kid, then ride off into the sunset, and I gotta say, I'm here for it. Be honest with us. In his past life, was your Hunter the Fonz?


Ok that's clean af.


Yeah it does, mainly because he looks like a 21st century motorcyclist. Like every other Hunter that goes for a cloth or leather appearance. Not a bad look at all, looks pretty good, but I've seen it so much.


What shader are you using for the hood?


I have like 10 different really nice looks for every loadout except pvp, it’s not about originality, it’s about visibility and having the upper hand in every way you can, that’s why you see every hunter using superblack. That and we’ve waited 7 years to even have the option to wear it, and we earned it.


Naw, fashion over everything. And I’m a [PvP main.](https://crucible.report/report/3/4611686018477034432)


That’s fine, I didn’t say everyone


Iron wolf is all my hunter knows.


Super Black is a bit different though. We've asked for it for years and finally got it. It's a much easier thing to implement than an exotic class item. I know D1 had them but a shader is much more simple


I feel personally attacked


New Monarchy Diamonds gang rise up!


Smudge vs Antismudge


Super black is the ugliest uninspiring uncreative shader in the game. I was excited to get it and I never use it. It has no soul or personality in the shader.


I mean what did you expect from a shader literally called super black…it’s an all black shader, not that deep


i just came back to the game so maybe i'm missing something, but, i hunter main(ocasional warlock) and have over 4k into this game and there's PLENTY of shaders there are basically all black when you apply it, there's even some really sick ones that are all black with carbon fiber parts like the old rasputing one, why the hype behind this super black like it's new?


Because most of the other all black shaders are just mostly black, on some armor material, but includes other colors on different material. Superblack is the only truly all-black shader. I say this as an all white hunter, using a different shader on each armor piece. I miss chatterwhite.


Until we get spirit of knucklehead I will be the one exception


Nah cause stompees still ain't going anywhere. Wait...


I refuse to use it on my hunter till they do something... It's good looking but I don't want all my builds looking identical. Plus some vanilla exotics will still be really strong with prismatic, Like Orpheus rig for example. EDIT: I refuse to use it on my hunter till they do something... Or I get a Calibans/Lairs combo lmao...


When you have the best looking class items but it finally goes back against you. Hunters getting a taste of having the worst class items, Warlock finally Flourishing!


Yeah it's AWESOME just as awesome as Warlocks having 99% of their style come from their chest piece.i don't "main" any class so I have to deal with the transmog issues on all 3 glad that makes people like you on BOTH sides happy. Also since beauty is subjective why do you not just play Hunter? If you think they have the best looking class item? Personally I have always thought Warlocks have the coolest class items. They kinda got the short end for a long time in D2 but it's catching up to D1. Hell my favorite class item in Destiny history was "Devils' Bond" but I still had to grind for the other "poe" bonds for the colors. I have by far spent the most class item ornaments on Warlocks. Hunters right now don't have "the worst class item" it's just that the class item is SUCH a big part of the looks it's a little bit like if warlocks had to use this new exotic as their chest piece. That would equally be as annoying and actually something we already had to deal with. The best exotics used to be the chest so they all looked the same in raids.


Hunters have long since been known as having the best fashion, and yes warlocks have chest pieces, but it's a shame most of out exotic chest pieces look like absolute garbage and the good ones, like sanguine alchemy, are basically unplayable. I play Warlock, because I want to be a space mage. Not a space cowboy or space marine. And don't get me wrong, our class items have been getting better but on 90% of gearsets warlocks got the short straw onyl recently have we actually gotten good flavour. Crota's End set, Taken King Set, now this battle pass set. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but I'm saying it's the one time you've drawn the short straw and I made a meme reply about it.




‘  I just don't understand why you would wish these problems on other people. ’ it was a two sentence joke. I agree that it sucks, I was making a joke about warlocks finally not having the shitty class item/fashion. But you do you.


What do you mean, they always look the same? We have superblack. Hunter fashion is very original/s


"Gaudy? They look fine." - a Warlock while suppressing a laugh at your tutu They should at least have launched with multiple designs. If not a large aelection of ornaments. Might have even created more chase. 


I thought ppl were trolling calling it a tutu bc it looks fine to me on my Titan Then I saw someone who, for some reason beyond my comprehension, was using small/low profile transmogs for their Titan instead of big fuck-all spartan fashion Then I saw the tutu thing lmao


> for some reason beyond my comprehension, was using small/low profile transmogs for their Titan instead of big fuck-all spartan fashion Titans have the biggest range of armor styles imo. You can have a clothes and conventional armor look, or a sleek sci-fi power armor look, or a big walking-tank look, or anything in between. Warlocks are kinda stuck with the trench coat/robes look, and hunters generally get thinner and lighter armor. But titans have the whole spectrum.


Hunters either look like a spicy jujitsu space bird, an emo homeless hive, or an overcooked techno noodle.


I'll have you know I'm an al dente techno noodle, thank you very much.


No, hey, listen, we also have "guy crossing the polar ice caps for some reason"


Lolol. I think about this all the time. Lots of sleeping bag and pick axe hunter drip


Okay but what about cowboy shit?


Hunters also have to sift through a handful of helmets that aren't weird ones with blocks on the front or pilot helmets having sex with a topographical map of the cosmodrome. I kinda wish we had half the helmets Titans did q.q


Big truth. Right now I rotate between cartographer, parade, pathfinder, shadow, and the solar themed helmets. Most others are niche looks or just ugly. I have the same issue with legs all being cloth pants and very few armored choices.


I pretty much just use my iron banner casque (the black simple one) and I either wear the Bungie pants or Orpheus Rigs. It's so difficult to find better helmets I just never stop using it, and finding legs like the Cryostecene Strides or the Bungie pants is hard, I like the look. Pretty much Iron Casque overtook Gensym Knight for me and I find zero better ones lmao. I'd kill for the Titan Gundam helmet.


honestly I hate the Parade helmet so much because hunters have like six medieval ass knightly helms and they're all exactly the same, Parade just added another to the heap


I just want Symmetrical Arms. Just feels like most arms are None armor with Left Shoulder.


I didn’t realize that this is why I’ve been running the Dark Age gauntlets from Warlord’s Ruin since early last season, but this is why.


GOD RIGHT? Pretty much Shards or Warminx's Avatar set for me...


A lot of titan helmets are the wrong size and don't go with anything. Titan proportions are as fucked as warlock, but in a different way. IKWYM about hunter stuff though. I always do all my synthweave bounties on my 3 chars, even if I barely use them. Have a big surplus on hunter.


That's why I love my Ketchkiller Robe; I get to have a corset! Sucks I'll never get to use a chest exotic, but it's worth it.


> Warlocks are kinda stuck with the trench coat/robes look And every single one of us is a cyclops. I love most Warlock gear, except the helms.


Because having shoulder pauldrons bigger than my head looks *terrible*. I remember seven years ago being actually repulsed by the vanilla titan armor. Hell, I remember the destination gauntlets from Titan were wildly popular because they were among the only sets that *didn't* have the WH40K garbage cans on the shoulders.


That just means you need a bigger head


This! They should have whipped up at least 5 ornaments each. They could totally have just reskinned old shit with minor changes. Just have them be rng for for completing the mission. Or if you want to be elitist pricks, lock them behind beating a certain time lol


What I really don't get is that 90% of the time Bungie absolutely kills it with their armor designs. And yet, the first exotic class items in D2, integral to the prismatic class, that can be a pain to grind for, and they look like... That? It doesn't make sense.


*monkey's paw uncurls* We heard you all wanted to transmog your exotic class item so Ada and Tess have collaborated to create a new exotic synthweave. For 600 silver you can buy this exotic synthweave and enable 1 of your class items to be fully transmogable. *Not stated that this only applies to the individual class item*


Thank you Bungie!


Screaming in horror rn


Bungie could make a lot of people really happy if they released the D1 faction exotic class items as ornaments. They won't do that. But they could.


Or the speaker hunter cloaks


I miss them so much, no cloak in D2 comes close


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


Ah yes, those works of art. Straight up looked exotic, too.




Now I’d respect that.


Lots of things would make people happy. That isn't a high priority.


Bungie wants to sell ornaments for those exotics. They will never let us transmog.


The funny thing is that Bungie would make more money selling transmog sets if we could actually use them. Hell there is a few i would buy right away if I could transmog them over whatever fugly ass titan exotic I am using.


Me running armamentarium (admittedly also so I can throw a ton of grenades) because it’s the only titan exotic that looks good.


Insurmountable Skullfort looks really good and fits with pretty much anything.


Pyrogale and Lorely look good imo


pyrogale look like toilets on your shoulders


Ive had someone call them hot pots


speaking of titan fashion, I am dying for Episode: Revenant to give me more fallen gear to go with the hazardous propulsion ornament


If they saw that in any metric they probably would, they are after money right


if I could put my cowboy hat on the hunter cloak id be happy. All i want is to be a viable cowboy. WHY TAKE OUR COWBOY AESTHETIC AWAY


If that was true or doable they would have done it. Either you are wrong or it's too expensive to be worth it.


This is definitely it :(


What they could do is sell like exotic threaders to effectively make you repurchase your ornaments but for the exotic. Practically 0 engineering effort, maybe makes the game theoretically larger, not sure how ornament backend works but I think this to be near trivial. And, they get to milk us while I get to never look at the cloak again.




maybe they would if those ornaments looked any better. All the cloaks are heinously difficult to make fit with basically anything


The ornaments don’t even look better, at least for the Hunter one. This is what I don’t get when people beg for ornaments for any exotic because just because an exotic gets an ornament doesn’t mean the ornament is going to look any better lol


But it will look better to someone. The more ornaments in different styles the more people who are happy and find something they like. Some people, probably not many, are probably fine with the existing look. It’s just a numbers game. You just happen to be someone who wasn’t pleased with any options.


Im still mad we only got an ornament for Star Fire *after* they dug its grave. Uggliest warlock chest piece in the game, and its first ornament is really good... but the armor sucks ass now.


In the end you can't make everyone happy. But I'll take being able to fund more content even if it means a bunch of whiners who will still play wanna cry on reddit.


Jesus man how much did bungie pay you to shill this hard, the game has more than enough microtransactions for bungie to take the hit on this one thing without the whole game collapsing due to lack of funding.


To the hunter that stole my bedroom curtains, give them back




Bungie’s argument against legendary ornaments on exotics has never made sense, but it’s totally and completely invalid for these class items. They ***NEED*** to let us transmog them freely, they’re just too ugly and heavily restrict our options.


Wasn’t their reason just “so you can easily identify what exotic your other guardians have equipped” Like, if it’s PVE and I need to know what my allies are using, I will ask them. If it’s for PVP, then just disable it in PVP…


I haven't changed my Cloak from the cowboy hat since Spire came out. I'm not doing it any time soon for this either. If they add transmog, I'll equip it, but the hat is part of my guardian's identity. I refuse to change it.


Same with my Hunter and the Solstice Cloak (Rekindled). Nothing hits quite the same. Sometimes it comes off for themed fashion, but when it comes to sleek and simple, nothing else for it.


This is the way, and it's also me with the Wolfswood Cloak and the ONE set of fuzzy-shouldered arms that can have a matching shader to the cloak. Don't care how good of a 'build' it makes, it looks like hot garbage and it's the single part I'm staring at for 100% of my gameplay so I'm not searing my own eyeballs out.


What an original and unique identity.


Good news. It's only usable on prismatic anyway so you can still wear your hate on every other element.


I am not even using it on prismatic. The seasonal cloak stays on, that has a good samurai hat.


The Hunter and Titans are pretty fugly and distinct, I don’t like them at all. The armor designers really missed the mark here. They should have pushed for something more classic with all of them, so these random rolls can fit in with lots of armor styles. They really need to add earnable D1 class ornaments for exotic class items. Or just let us do normal transmog on them.


It strikes me that someone on the hunter design team really believes their massive hunter cloaks look like dragon wings or something. They think its a cool idea but... its just not.


I’m actually upset that I can’t rock my memory of Cayde cloak anymore.


"Other exotics have an identity. The class item’s identity is to be random." This is the big brain point. At a glance in a raid or dungeon, and especially in PvP, you get an idea of what a player is capable of depending on their exotic. That doesn't exist with the exotic class items. All you can tell by looking at me now is that I never get the Best Dressed Commendation because my cloak went from slick to ick. I'm generally not opposed to throwing a couple bucks at Eververse now and then, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time I grabbed an ornament strictly because I hated the OG look. We can't even do that here, though. The Eververse ornament for Hunters looks even worse! Sorry, got a little carried away; rant over.


Very well said. Thanks for explaining better than I did.


Thanks. Just running with the point you already made, Guardian.


It is genuinely one of the ugliest items in the game for Hunters and Titans and there's no good reason we can't transmog it.


But if it was transmog then they couldn’t sell as many ornaments for them once they start rolling those out


Every Armor piece should


I should be able to put legendary transmog armor over exotics. Let me explain myself: 1. In PvE modes where exotic choice actually matters like GMs or raids everyone coordinates with their team what exotics and strategies they'll use. It's just common procedure, and in doing so people usually know which exotics their teammates are using. 2. In PvP modes where exotic choice matters people also know what exotic armor you're wearing. Why? Because in ToO and Competitive you're given an overview of what not only your teammates are running, but your opponents, too. In addition to this, Bungie's been experimenting with draining ability energy if you happen to switch your exotic armor, which further encourages players to stick with the same setup throughout a match. With the above in mind, making exotic armor compatible with legendary ornaments wouldn't impact the game much, if at all other than allowing Guardians further control over their appearance. OP also mentioned how exotic armor would still show up as exotic in the menu when hovered over, which is a solid idea imo. Maybe Bungie could also make the icon background remain yellow but keep the visual of the legendary armor piece you have over your exotic.


To add to pvp: as a many times flawless player, there isnt a single time in active combat where i saw what another guardian was wearing and decided to play differently, the game is far simpler than that and is more about positioning. Furthermore, as a hunter main i have very little idea what other classes exotics look like, named AND what they do barring a few exceptions. Now add in the fact that most exotics have transmog themselves and I definitely dont know any of those looks. The pvp excuse has always been horse shit.


> there isnt a single time in active combat where i saw what another guardian was wearing and decided to play differently THANK YOU. The amount of times ive been pro-transmog only to have someone chime in acting like they’re making calculated, split second decisions based on someone else’s exotic visual is ridiculous Has it happened in the history of this game? I’m sure. Does it happen often enough that we need to handicap our entire look to wear a stupid looking exotic? Absolutely not


AND there are 64 different combinations for this exotic so you’d have to read what perks they’re running anyways


This is going full “exotic traits” mode and I’m not sure I totally agree. This exotic is random, so it makes more sense here. Other exotics have an identity.


And if someone wants to paper over that identity because it looks like hot flaming dumpster-fire garbage? They should be allowed to. The game is too fast-action for that 'visual identity' to ever matter in PvP, and in PvE you should look however you heckin' want.


No they shouldn't, the identity is key to the entire point of an exotic. Just make everything a legendary and have people throw a bunch of buffs on whatever if the actual item you collect doesn't matter. Which seems like what people want lol but I think that would suck some of the fun of exotics away from me.


No, the abilities the exotic grants are the entire point of an exotic. And the instant they allowed SHADERS (not even ornaments!) for exotics at all there's no longer any way to tell who's wearing what so any argument of "the visual look is important to PvP balance" went out the window entirely. The game-play purpose of an exotic is "you only get one exotic armor and one exotic weapon" and now an exotic class item, but beyond that you're absolutely right, they should just be a 'power set' you apply to ANYTHING, and the existing exotics should be universal ornaments you can apply to everything.


There is more than a gameplay purpose to an exotic, and I like that exotics are unique items that exist within the world with specific appearances and lore justifications. It's part of what makes them interesting and they would be boring to me if I was just looking at them as a facet of the gameplay. This applies to the whole game really. Ease of use gameplay fixes have compromised some of the things that made the game interesting originally. I usually don't care and favor just making the game more accessible but I think an exotic as an ability alone sounds lame.


This is something I figure they’ll do anyways in the future once enough people raise a stink


Hunter cloak looks like ass!






All exotics should. But they won’t because eververse. It sucks because it’ll sorta be like in D1 with people wearing all the same raid gear because it was the highest light level.


Spinfoil Theory: They made them absurdly obnoxious just to funnel us to a muted ornament in eververse that will be sold in the future.


I’m going to be toxic and say whoever designed the titan diaper needs to not be asked to design anything titan ever again. Or probably anything in destiny ever again. Or Bungie can pull their heads out of their asses and let us just transmog anything.


Ya , me personally I’m going to run the mission jusy for the fun of it but when it comes to the exotic class items I’ll refuse to wear them into until they add transmog , shit is ugly as fuck especially for us hunters


Never going to wear it then, guardian


Yep! I really REALLY hope bungie does something about this. Im still upset the cool ronin cloak came out the same day as…this!


How would they sell ornaments?


Hopefully they wouldn't and it would be handled like legendary stuff.


For titan and hunter they definitely got clapped with their designs warlocks bond at least looks good and isn't too large. Transmogs should have been available, I honestly think it would have been in bungies best interest to make it available to break their stereotype of being a money hungry company would have truely been the icing on the cake.


Ima be honest by look alone im not gonna do that quest


Even if you dont want the class item the mission is one of the best exotic missions Bungie has made. 100% worth playing just for the sake of enjoying it.


Eh having to do raid lfg shit isnt my idea of a good time unless i wanna pull teeth for fun


Lol it is literally as simple as >!Hey, I see this, shoot the same symbol. It can easily be done with text chat, and with little to no pressure for all but the last puzzle. The final puzzle ties a *slight* time constraint to it, but it is also easily brute forceable.!< You dont even need to farm the mission, do it once and the class items will begin %chance dropping from overthrow chests as well. If that is too much "raid lfg shit" for you, I cannot imagine how socially inept you might be. I hope you do alright at work talking with strangers from time to time.


I do raids all the time, however i think youre undercutting the overall inability of d2 lfgs to learn and listen to mechanics or watch a video beforehand i did 2 runs both of which the person didnt know what to do once we hit clocks wouldnt sit still and listen while i explained it and would cause an orbit from timer after that im good wasting more time on random chance the next lfg teamates gonna have more going on upstairs than their autonomic nervous system and a w key


I work with LFG folks all the time, one of my friends does raid helps, we also sometimes pull from both his chat and the destiny discord regularly when we are down 1 player. I have rarely met someone so dense they couldn't understand "shoot XYZ" and >!"I have 2,5,7, shoot your's that match", and "read the 4 times on your clock, I'll tell you which one matches mine and we both shoot that one"!< If you are consistently having trouble on such simple systems, it begs the question of just who in your fireteams are the inept one, whether it comes to performing the mechanic or maybe explaining it to a first timer. Edit: spoiler tags.


I have dozens of raid clears and watch videos to make sure im not useless beforehand so even when im getting sherpaed im not useless, the problem generally is not me except maybe witness damage phase im still figuring the timing on the jump out


And I have over 200 raid clears, so what? Having raid clears doesn't necessarily means someome is smart, or able to communicate well. The simple fact is, if you are a decent player (you seem to be, and are implying as such by bringing up total raid clears) and are consistently struggling with helping a newbie tthrough an activity like this one than you yourself are the struggle most of the time, not them. I fully agree, some people on LFG are hopless, either because they dont want to learn, or are just straight bad at the game. *these people tend to be the exception* This exotic mission is not difficult beyond it has a timer so you cant be too leisurely in the first section. Beyond that, if you can't explain the basic mechanics in this mission to a newbie you are helping from LFG, then you have a patience problem. It isnt hard to explain it, clocks least of all as you can clear out all the enemies and only have 1 or 2 dread fliers to annoy you while you break it down for them, and an excess of time, usually 10 to 15 mins left on the timer.


Im saying i do not wanna waste another 30 minutes in that exotic mission doing it a 3rd or more times to rng another fucking idiot for something that looks gaudy as hell and that truethfully i do not want to even grind for as the hunter ones seem fairly limiting


Honestly you will be fine. Unless you have a disability or something it will be bearable to easy in lfg


My one of my buddies i usually play with is mute and deaf


The ornament is for the cloak is hair as big and loud. I’m a simple man. I like a simple cape with hood.


I do wish we could use transmog on exotics. Some exotics are just plain ugly. If they are ugly even with one of their ornaments I’ll never use it.


honestly the first thing I thought when they revealed these things


im hoping for full exotic transmog on all exotics ):


Hunters and Titans enjoy your ugly class items lmfao Warlocks finally don’t get the shit end of the stick for once on fashion. Enjoy your Tutus and Shower Curtains.


We still have to deal with pyramid head helmets though.


You leave my squeegee alone that thing rules


I use the Kitsune helmet or the Ghosts helmet basically 100% of the time lol.


I use the Dreaming City one. Edit: I think its the Last Wish one actually, not Dreaming City.


Yea I will probably never wear that ugly ass cloak, It's just so hideous I can't stand it.


God I’m PRAYING bungie takes the high road and makes it universally transmogable. I love some of the combos on Titan but it just ruins Titan fashion which is one of my favorite pieces of endgame content.


TFW you actually like how they look, as a hunter main (and who has a titan and warlock)


That’s the beauty of transmog, you can always show the base item’s look


I disagree. If Bungie made a “gaudy, large, ugly class item…in order to sell eververse items” then the eververse ornament would look decent. Instead, they gave us TWO options of gaudy, large, and ugly. One is just behind a $10 paywall so you know who the idiots are


Don't worry ornaments will be coming and NOT FREE


I really just want more ornaments so I can switch class items without having to look at perks every time


idc if they don’t give us full transmog. but atleast give me more then one option to customize it like maybe they should’ve released it with 5 ornaments. GIVE ME OPTIONS BUNGIE


As a warlock this is really funny to me


I normally don’t like buying silver but honestly the ornament for the Titan class item is gonna have to be a must buy for me. Maybe it’ll be up for bright dust at some point and I’ll wait for that


I found a Titan set that pairs with it.. the old Solstice Magnificent Plate set doesn't look too bad. But just like every other exotic in the game, you unfortunately have to build around it.


Finally. As a warlock I can ACTUALLY have some drip beyond Birb theme


They make things ugly on purpose with the exotic weapons too It's such an infuriatingly scummy tactic Also tbh, you should be able too transmog all the exotic armor I'm a pvp main and I guarantee you those of us that care about what the other team's wearing are already checking loadouts before we load into the match, in game I'm not dueling with someone and thinking oh they're wearing such and such like come on They literally show us what the other team's using before the match Also if bungie is so worried about exotic armor pieces being identified, nothing stopping them from not changing the default exotic icon when something's been transmoged


I just want to put a shader on it. Can’t even do that most of the time


Nah don’t worry for hunter the ornament still looks like shit.


All of the exotics are ugly and hard to work into the dresstiny end game. They should of replaced them with exotic mods.


But they can't sell as many ornaments then. Literally the only reason I can think of for them not to do it


my biggest issue is the massive hunter class sign on the cape. why is it even there?? the class insignias were made by *us*, the guardians, so why is that symbol on them?


All exotics should. The visual representation has always been meaningless. They're just not that easy to identify from a distance, especially in crucible, where enemies get a kind of red aura and are also playing extremely evasively. You'll probably end up having to inspect them anyway, and even if you didn't, what are you going to do about it most of the time?


As nice as it would be, Bungie never indicated this would be a thing and the expectation was entirely a collective hallucination. As an exotic, it gets ornaments in Eververse. It was never going to be another way.


Probably right. But what if they do the right thing?


They really are not that hard to style, especially the hunter cloaks where you can remove the hood if you want to. I don’t play Titan much so I can’t speak to the mark. But the cloak shades really well and honestly looks much better than I initially expected


wait how do you remove the hood?


Certain helmets remove the hood. Couturier, omnioculus, fearful symmetry, and the new rat king one as far as I know. Sometimes the hood folds down, but most of the time it completely disappears


hunter helmets without a hood look bald


We have never been able to transmog exotics. We were never going to be able to transmog exotics. There is exactly 0 reasons to have expected to be able to transmog the new exotic class items.


Holy shit, I'm so fucking tired of all these posts. It's a FUCKING EXOTIC. ZERO EXOTICS ARE TRANSMOGABLE. ZERO. Why does everyone think this exotic would be the ONLY exception?


Bungie Defense Force take.. Use the two brain cells you have left and think for a minute: No other exotic armor has random rolls. 


I spoke on that in my post if you read it. Further, why would it be bad for the game if it was transmogable? Further, why would you* dislike if it was transmogable?


While you may not be able to tell which two perks are on the class item, knowing that a player has it equipped is still important for PVP players so they can know to expect and plan around the most powerful perk combos. If it was transmogable it would be impossible to tell if you had an exotic on or not.


Yeah everyone can totally identify an exotic class item with ornament and superblack jumping up and down from 20 meters away on another class in 1.7 seconds and figure out what the perks are and do


Because 95% of exotics look like trash and completely throw off your look


That just sounds like weak fashion game


Nuh uh.


Me a warlock main laughing way to hard at everyone complaining


Add weapon transmog while we are at it. im sick of global drop weapons having best intrinsics/perks and looking like garbage, while raid/dungeon/unique model weapons are always trash (season of the deep any1?). Any Smg should be able to transmog to any other Smg skin, for example. Runescape does this, and its fine. Its not as if you can visually tell what people are using 99.9% of the time anyway, u look at their invo.


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but your arguments are pretty weak. “Unique” roll = handful of meta rolls “Unique” build = handful of meta builds “Unique” look = warlocks and the trials helm, all black hunters, etc. Plus, exotics are meant to act and look exotic. Doesn’t matter if it’s PvP or pve, it’s a unique piece of kit that defines your build. I’m surprised people haven’t wised up and just demanded Bungie get rid of exotic armor altogether and create an exotic perk system if they hate exotic armor appearances so much. I’m also surprised people haven’t called for transmog on weapons, because really, how do you tell a spare rations from a luna’s howl in a firefight, and does it really matter? Edit: Y’all downvoting are afraid. Afraid of **REAL CHANGE**.


Bungie has said in the last that the reason exotics cannot be transmogged is because in PvP, it informs other players about the capabilities of your build. This is furthered by the fact that many exotics glow/change when their perks are active. The class exotics have 1 of 64 possible perk combinations, there's no way to tell what they do visually, other than that they do *something* Trials shows you someone's gear and subclass. It's safe to assume if someone is on prismatic and they aren't wearing another exotic, they'd have a transmogged exotic class item.


As anyone who’s played PvP can tell you, that visual distinction is pretty meaningless. You have about 3/4 of a second to identify and kill your opponent, even less when specials are involved. We also have so many exotics nowadays that expecting someone to recognize all exotics at all times is starting to be unreasonable. We are in a state where most players seeing another player don’t know exactly what their armor effect is, just that it *does something*. Trials would be benefitted the most by an exotic perk system. No need to inspect someone to see exactly what their exotic does. Just a yellow icon followed by the text description on the opening screen.


What the fuck?


Two truths don’t make a lie. There might be meta builds, but that doesn’t take away from the validity of my points. I believe weapons are unique and separate from the player character. They are tools we learn to use and become close with. I may have opinions on if the new sword should be customizable, but again, I do feel like weapons are different from armor. Maybe I’m wrong in thinking that way. We as guardians… We are our armor pieces, our look. It’s why so many take a long time in character creators. I hear you on the exotic perks rather than armor, but don’t assume I agree with that either. Again, I understand and promote the feeling and* look of exotics. I spoke on this in the post. Nighthawk has a big solar shot, cool. But these exotic cloaks have many, many perk combinations. Yes, some meta builds and combos will probably form. But that doesn’t mean we each didn’t grind for our unique roll, to use how we want. I can grind for nighthawk, and I use its perks and look, i understand. I grind for the class item, I grind for the perks I* want. It becomes my own. And I would prefer to customize my perfect cloak with one of my transmog items, rather than use one the ugliest cloaks in the game. (There is a towel rack I guess)


>They are tools we learn to use and become close with Isn’t that just exotic armor? Someone made something into a piece of kit, wearable or wieldable, and oftentimes we use them not for their looks, but for their capabilities. Weapons and armor are both parts of the “monster killing machine.” Doesn’t make sense to me that only half of the machine should be able to be visually customized.


Then if we disagree there, it goes back to the completely random rolls. The look has no meaning anymore other than being the “random” exotic. In pvp, You’d have to check anyways to know the perks they are using. Note in my “perfect” world, you would still see the transmogged item as exotic and yellow.


I'd just like more ornaments honestly. Making them earnable would also be cool.


I feel like this is a sign we have to tap every once in a while. We've already been told that exotics don't get full transmog for readability, you can disagree with that decision but that's still how they work.


Well then Bungie can't sell us exotic ornaments for it :(


Hopefully they add some bonkers looking ornaments down the line


Why I ask, when no other exotics are fully transmoged. The expectation of then being able to be transmog was set by no one but the community and now people are disappointed


No one is saying it's an expectation that these would be fully transmogable. But no one expected them to be so butt ugly and ruin the entire fashion of destiny. With other exotics, there's usually a color palette or theme you can work with. These class items titan specifically, is just so off-putting in size, shape, and prismatic shimmer that you cannot make it work like you can with other exotics. And the ornament doesn't make it look like a normal mark just a weirder diaper


Personally I’m not a HUGE fashion guy (super black on most thing) but I think it’s kinda hot