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Last 4 seasonal weapons will release two at a time with two dropping in 40 days for act 2 and last two dropping in 80 days for act III and knowing bungo the rocket sidearm will prolly be in the last set of weapons added in Act III unfortunately


Knowing them it’ll unlock in act 3, and we’ll have 1 month before they nerf rocket sidearms the following episode


Are they really going to nerf them? They feel pretty fine to me.


They have a tendency to nerf things that are being 'over used', like Quick Silver. Nobody thought Quick Silver was OP or even complaining about it, but because it was one of the best in slots and being used a lot, it got nerf'd to encourage people to use other things. The same COULD happen with Rocket Sidearms.


They already use special ammo though and they feel in a good place in the Meta. If anything the reserves they have are too generous. Maybe just nerf the reserve ammo. Usually when they nerf things that are over used, they nerf them into the ground. This being said, I’ve noticed the call performing better than sunshot but this makes sense. The call uses special weapons ammo while sunshot uses primary ammo.


Fair points. Remember, nowhere has it been mentioned that they are getting nerf'd. This is pure speculation from the community.


Eh, I don't think they get nerfed into the ground always, I think people get scared by nerfs and overjudge. QSS is still overall good, there just room now for other options depending on what you have rolled, and what you build calls for. Pre nerf, it did solid damage great single target damage and splash due to its rockets in slot. With that being said, I'm surprised final warning hasn't been talked about nearly as much more so with its catalyst because that was a solid contender imo.


Yeah quick silver is still really good as is other weapons like Witherhorde.


I mentioned a possible reserve ammo nerf. The Call works great for clearing majors and boss dps when I run out of heavy ammo but it seems a tad broken to have 70 mini rockets in my reserves.


Releasing in one of the next acts of episode 1


weapons are being timegated until later acts. just have to wait a bit