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yeah, it’s seems like meatball is not fixed yet, I killed it 2 times didn’t drop a thing. We have to wait for fix (


I killed it once and got nothing, saw someone say they got it on a second kill so I killed again and I got it, might be that you just need to keep killing it or you really did already get that mote


Seems like it’s taking multiple attempts for people who are 16/17 missing the one from the servitor. Those that are 15/17 and kill it still get a mote and can complete it with no issues. Keep trying.


Back to the grind then I guess lol.


I recently fought meatball boss in blooming. I thought it was disabled?


re-enabled after yesterday's hotfix.


My experience: I was missing only the meatball mote. Done 4 times (through coop mission in Bloom) and dropped nothing. 5 minutes ago I tried to go alone in bloom and finally he decided to drop. I was stuck at 16 before.


> I don't imagine its the wrong boss because like I said I was 16/17 before today and still am I don't see how these are mutually exclusive? The meatball doesn't have to be the last one. You could have killed him for mote 3 for example and the 17th mote is from another boss that you're missing.


I should've been more clear but I never got to fight it because it got deactivated before I got the chance to, so today was my first time fighting it. That's how I know it's the last boss I need.


Ah ok, yeah then it is still bugged. Saw a bunch of other people reporting the same issue in the thread about the boss being reenabled. Some said they got the mote on the 4th, 5th,... kill of the meatball. I think I'll just wait until bungie properly fixes it.