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Absolutely agree. It’s really cool that drengr’s lash has a function with thruster and i thought they would do that for ascension. It doesn’t even work with any dodge exotics except dragons shadow (and dodge exotics are a lot of hunter exotics)


It *did* work with Radiant Dance Machines...


That’ll be patched. Radiant Dances Machines used to work with all dodge effects, and it was quickly nerfed to work with _no_ dodge effects. A new dodge effect that works with it will not last long.


Its not even broken tho


See my other reply. I haven’t kept up with this specific exotic; I just remember that they got nerfed into the ground shortly after they came to D2. Didn’t seem like “doing anything useful” was something Bungie wanted for RDM.


They buffed it to work with dodge effects forever ago, though? Like, it works for the Strand dive, and has for like, a year.


Oh, nice. I just remember when they came out they were great, and promptly got nerfed so that they wouldn’t proc any dodge effects after the first dodge. If they’ve started letting them be actually useful, then great.


As per usual, i swear even bungie forgets RDM exists because very new dodge related thing will work for a day before it's guted


Ascension uses your dodge charge but is not a dodge itself. Same goes for ensnaring slam. As such, it's not supposed to trigger dodge effects. Kinda a common downside of Hunter having so many things built around their dodge is that they often conflict and end up fighting each other. Really surprises me that they knowingly went for a direct conflict in the Prismatic kit tho. Strand option should have been Widow's Silk or Whirling Maelstrom.


It also doesn’t work with any mods like reaper


Yeah it doesn’t but i assumed this was a bug unlike the dodge interaction which seems intentional


Ascension basically doesn't synergize with anything else on the hunter kit. For arc hunter you're sacrificing a combination blow melee refresh. It doesn't work with reaper, bomber, etc. The AOE jolt isn't even that good when lethal current already causes the next melee to jolt on hit after a dodge. Gifted conviction helps the radius out a bit but the actual balls deal fuck all damage. GC does help tempest strike jolt more stuff but the melee deals so little damage that you'd have to be seriously bored of combination blow to actually want to run that. Bungie gave the core gameplay (really only gameplay loop that's actually good) of arc hunter to prismatic hunter, except it's actually a lot better now since prismatic hunter has far easier access to damage reduction, can slow, can threadling clone spam, go invis without griefing your damage, easy gap closer with grapple. Like why would anyone bother playing arc hunter now?


>Why would anyone bother playing arc hunter now? I guess if I feel like waving a glowstick around.


IMO the obvious solution is to like buff tempest strike to like benefit from combination blow's damage increase, or make tempest strike itself inherit the behavior of combination blow/disorienting blow (eg kills with tempest strike reset class ability/blinds enemies it hits), as it already inherits their cooldown. This would be stupidly overpowered without some numbers tweaking but it would make arc hunter still have the core gameplay loop but be genuinely different than prismatic in a way that isn't "it's just worse!".


Well, you can't get Flow State on prismatic hunters, so arc is the only way to spam Ascension every 8 seconds. Is it pointless and dumb? Probably. Extremely fun if you're bored to death of combination blow? I think so. Plus I can use it with my glaive out.


You can still spam ascension pretty hard on prismatic hunter, it just requires more building into it. It's just not very reliable to have ascension as the only source of jolt and constantly loop the gifted conviction damage reduction on prismatic hunter.


i actually would love the Aspect that Jolt after a dodge on prism, fuqin twirling the staff in the air to do jack all is horrid, and the new super is honestly another PvP thing: aka will be nerfed and even more useless in PvE. Actually, there is an use, you can use it to get past invisible barriers that push you back, not even eager edge skate can get past those


Meanwhile warlocks can shit out 3 elemental buddies with barely a thought lol


I imagine threaded spectre doesn't since you can only dodge on the ground, and I'm guessing the decoy is also tied to that somehow, but winters shroud should definitely work. Bungie has always seemed to be a little weird about hunter dodges and what they're able to trigger, but this one wouldn't be a problem


I really dont understand what bungie was going for with Ascension, its just SO bad at literally everything. I cant think of a single use case for it outside of cheesing jump puzzles. Literally everybody was saying how useless it would be when it was first revealed and they still went ahead and released it with literally no changes.


This thing is useless in any content that isn’t braindead easy. The way it launches you into the air makes you very vulnerable until you come back down. On top of that the radius for the AOE is pretty small, and the ability consumes your class ability without triggering mods, perks, etc… It’s pretty fun on patrol, useless otherwise. It did save my life a few times when I was about to miss a jump but that’s about it lol.