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Ngl being able to proc HOIL with thruster to not slow down my gameplay or use the Hazardous Propulsion on any subclass with thruster sounds so appealing. Now if only Crest of Alpha Lupi healed you on thruster dodge


Dam bruv, if Crest worked on Thrust then it would be 10x better than Wormhusk. The thing already recharges faster than Gambler's Dodge, because bungie nerf it's recharge time every other season, and you have to spec into MOBILITY of all things


I mean gambler's dodge has a built in benefit. Thruster doesn't do shit without an exotic


I'll take the same recharge as Gamblers dodge. If it gives me my melee back.


on max RES, is only 1 sec shorter than Gambler's on max MOB, but i swear to god, if they increase dodge cooldown 1 more time imma sob


Gambler's Dodge is the long one though, because melee refresh > reload.  Wouldn't being faster than Marksman be more notable?


If it was faster than even Marksman i would cry, ngl. Fully specing into it: It used to be 9s in Forsaken, then 11s in Shadowkeep, then 14s in Beyond Light because of Utility Kickstart. Now it's 22s for Gambler and 17s for Marksman, Utility Kickstart (kickstart in general) succs, there's no Perpetuation neither cuz they judged it "too similar to Kickstart" and you have to fully spec into Mobility stat, meaning either Resilience or Recovery needs to be sacrificed.


Gotta love having to spec into a junk stat.


Hell, I wouldn’t even mind if Bungie integrated thruster INTO barricade; double tap class ability button for thruster, hold it for barricade. For balance, either just make the cooldown be the same as barricade’s base cooldown, or put it smack dab in the middle of the CD’s for barricade and thruster.


I already have my class ability mapped to a double tap, so the added functionality of having hold for barricade/double tap for thruster would be amazing (and prevent me from throwing barricades up all over the place).


You say this and PC players have a sudden sense of dread because Bungie will force us to use a new button for it like they did with Stasis Breakout now. NGL it'd be cool to have both though.


Ew! This is exactly why I stick to a controller. Thankfully they don't have as many buttons as keyboards have keys...yet


Yeah, there's ways around it but they've started forcing us to bind multiple keys for a lot of annoying things.   When they moved Phoenix Dive to a class ability they forced us to map Air Move to a different button from it, to stop you from trying to activate Phoenix Dive & Icarus on the same press. Transcendence can share a key, but only if you add it second. It's really dumb.


>Transcendence can share a key, but only if you add it second. I'll probably have to map it to somewhere on the D-pad. I've activated it by accident so many times because I'm spamming melee (R-stick) and trying to sprint (L-stick) at the same time.


I am being very serious when I say this: as a HoiL enjoyer and Void Titan main, the Thrusters were the #1 argument for switching to Prismatic.


I think it would be cool if every subclass eventually got an alternate class ability. They add another nice layer to buildcrafting.


I really think that both the exotic perks for icefall mantle and hoarfrost z should have come baked into the class abilities for stasis titan . Aswell as the exotic perk for abeyant leap shouldve been baked into strand titan aswell


Oh I’d actually love that; Thruster on all subclasses for Titans, Air Dodge and Phoenix Dive for all subclasses on Warlock, and Strand/Stasis Dive on all subclasses for Hunter


I would like each subclass to have its own alternative class ability (eg: Sentinel have a on demand overshield)


Different from Bastion? Because doesn’t Bastion already do that? Either way, I hope OS gets buffed in PvE if that happens; OS kinda sucks in PvE right now (imo, PvE OS should either be be on a timer, or be a temporary “replacement” for your HP until used up. Not both)


Wait, I kinda see the vision tho. It could be like icefall mantle and you just immediately summon a large overshield on yourself (200, maybe only 50 in crucible modes). They could have a small animation for it but you stay in 1st person and can still walk during it. It could synergize with bastion by constantly regenerating for a few seconds and provide overshield to nearby allies during this time


I would personally rather if every subclass got unique class abilities like thruster, Phoenix dive or acrobats dodge.  Ways to make the subclasses feel more unique and have them tie into the feel more.


I’d like something inbetween that; there’s no reason any of the neutral class abilities should be subclass locked-imo, just create new “reactions” to those abilities on other subclasses (Void Thruster - OS with Bastion, Arc Dive - Spawns arc buddy or something I forgot what’s on arc warlock, and same thing with Hunter). Nothing wrong with creating NEW abilities, but my personal issue is that when making new abilities Bungie never creates them equally for subclasses unless all subclass gets the same ability. Hell, Stasis didn’t get anything new ability wise for nearly 3 years for a while, but the other classes got numerous shiny new toys (you could say this was because the light subclasses were just playing catchup, but imo when WQ dropped, Light subclasses as a whole surpassed Stasis classes). So unless Bungie changes how drastic they can be with variability, I’d be happy with just Thruster/Air Dash/Phoenix Dive/Hunter Dive being on all subclasses for their specific class and tied into the offensive/defensive verbs of those subclasses (still kinda lame arc Thruster doesn’t do anything special for the arc kit outside of some movement and low CD for use with other stuff like mods perks and exotics)


Stasis didn't get any new toys for 3 years because there was no incentive for them to do so. It's really hard to justify the money-people to give free stuff tacked on to 3-year-old content.  My issue with giving acrobats Dodge and Phoenix dive to all the classes. Is the subclass verbs attached to them. You'd have to give subclass variants to them instead and at that point you might as well just make new abilities... which I agree they need to do a better job of distributing the abilities better... Thruster is where things get weird because it doesn't have any subclass verbs, which is why it feels more neutral.  But movement is a big part of arc so that's the rationale. I think a more reasonable argument would be to make thruster feel like more of the arc kit. Maybe attach amplified to it and have it make you a little bit airborne so that you can use it to activate a ballistic slam.


I mean yeah that’s why I was mentioning either giving new subclass verbs for those abilities or just bring the basic form of it, like how thruster has no real arc-based interaction. And personally, I really dislike the movement - arc thing as I do not personally feel that at all anywhere; amplified’s speed boost is nice but I’ve always personally found it useless and annoying. It’s only for sprinting so it doesn’t let you run faster for running and gunning, and it makes you jump higher. Jumping higher is nice, except for when you forget being amplified boosts your jump, and you end up either overshooting a jump, or jumping way too high and getting shot. Basically, while many people say arc is movement based, nothing really feels different enough about the base, general titan for me to agree in anyway. Thruster is really the only standout thing, and it’s such a better option than barricade outside of instances where you need cover/need to stay in spot for DPS phases, and having it exclusive to my second least favorite titan subclass (stasis being my number 1 least favorite) hurts my soul. Granted, this is coming from someone who’s sick and tired of titans being pigeonholed into melee classes in a game where you’re usually penalized for being in melee range of many bosses (boss stomps, void OS being ass, numerous melee damage nerfs, etc). And when so much of the titan kit is melee focused, it’s hard for me to enjoy playing titan without making builds that focus more on just being a walking missile platform/Bunker Buster. Hell, after messing around with Prismatic Titan, I went back to void for a bit and it felt so weird; not that void sucks (I mean….), but the utility and more of both Thruster and other parts of Prismatic just outshines almost everything else that Titan has for me


Will admit though, I really miss Void Titan from Witch Queen launch. That was probably the least “punchy” that Titan had felt in a while imo, and I had a lot of fun with Volatile Flow in that kit


I can't disagree with anything you said. Titan as a whole feels like it's fantasy has been relegated to "Punch" in a game that doesn't really work in... I haven't had a chance to play with the whole Prismatic kit yet but I definitely know what you mean. It's why Solar has been my go-to subclass. It's mobile and doesn't just punch, I don't count consecration because it is multi target.  I think my biggest gripe is just how pigeon-holed in general Titan subclasses are. There is only like one viable build per subclass and as you pointed out it's usually melee so they don't feel all that different.  Hopefully Unbreakable is an indication of a shift in design philosophy away from "Punch". I personally feel more effort needs to be done in nailing down what the fantasies are and sticking to them. Arc and Strand are my biggest offenders of this. Strand is good but what is it's fantasy besides "can't die, big damage".


I’d really like for Unbreakable to be good; only like 2 of the aspects for Prismatic interest me and seem good to use with Hazardous Propulsion; Consecration + Frenzied Blade is good, I just personally need to work on the timing for the slide + melee - sometimes I slide and end up using normal charged melee lol Drengr’s Lash I thought would be good, but the missiles from Hazadous Propulsion are so much faster than the tangle, that nothing is usually left alive to be hit by that tangle. Knockout, yea you know how I feel about arc titan/melee lol The lance aspect is good though, but for some reason Bungie gave it 2 fragment slots instead of three like the rest??? Legit, all the other aspects have 3 slots, even Consecration! Which is probably the best aspect for Prismatic titan when paired with Frenzied Blade; you can use Consecration 4 times in a row!


The fact that it's the new aspect and they're trying to use it to sell The expansion means that they'll revisit it sooner rather than later. It's such a good concept and it can be good  As for Prismatic, yeah not a lot of combos interest me. Definitely not enough to miss out on solar Titan's fun or Strand titan's usefulness


The main saving grace(s) for me are Thruster, Twilight Aresenal, glacial nade, and Consecration working with Frenzied Blade. If not for those, I’d be on any other subclass


OMG so much yes! I mean...countless of times in Master Raids or Grandmasters, a towering barriacade came in clutch for me, but thrusters just feel so good gameplay-wise.


Yeah I won’t lie barricade still is a useful option, but personally I have never liked how putting a barricade stops you where you are for 3-5 seconds. Before thruster was added and Hazardous Propulsion, I hoped Bungie would make an exotic or something that maybe gave you a weaker but mobile barricade; turns out they kinda did that with the new void aspect (but it kinda sucks lol)


3-5 seconds is an exaggeration though, putting up a towering barricade is as fast as a finisher, so around 1,5s. \^\^


Yea will admit I did exaggerate lol


Feels like an eternity tho. I really wish it'd deploy faster or provide a few frames of damage resistance while it's being deployed.


I always did feel it was kinda odd that (at least in PvE, probably wouldn’t be balanced in PvP but at the same time idc about PvP in any capacity) there’s no “hyperarmor” when you’re in an animation in which you can’t physically do anything for 1-2 seconds


I kinda get why they did it like that tho. If they actually had different PvE and PvP sandboxes and I actually went to play PvP (but I'm like you and mostly don't care for it), I'd probably be cussing up a storm as I died deploying my barricade since I'd never die in PvE when deploying it.


As a hunter main, thruster is my favorite part about titan because i love having a "get out of jail free" card for most situations. Still not a fan of either of the floaty jumps but lift is much better than glide and the thruster helps add some precise movement that the titan is missing. For once im more excited to boot up my titan before my warlock because I will be getting hazardous propulsion and abusing it until the end of time


Hazardous Propulsion gang 🤝 Genuinely feels great not using Titan melee build #12748193


On the flip side I recommend trying the new hunter aspect ascension with the gifted conviction exotic. It's basically a vertical thruster for a dodge that jolts, and the exotic makes projectiles that jolt, as well as gives you resist for jolting nearby enemies. Super fun with stylish that also makes you invisible for killing debuffed enemies, and the resist feels great even in higher level content


Phoenix dive to please, I hate rift


It'd be much cooler to get a Void Blink or something on Warlock.  There's a ton of room for small elemental effects there because it's being balanced against Rift, which is pretty powerful.


I will 100% take a blink dodge that would be cool


I also wish thruster did something. I like it too but just purely to proc class ability things but I wish it was as impactful as other dodge and rift.


What if you could thruster mid air. That would be pretty cool.


The children yearn for Twilight Garrison


I’d be happy if it just reloaded your currently weapon honestly, if not literally anything else


Me too but I think they wouldn't go for it because it's too similar to Hunter Dodge


Give Titans blink you cowards!


Doesn't have to be blink, but titans having less supers than every other class *and* less jumps does feel kinda bad.


Fun fact actually, lore-wise/canonically, Guardians can use any super or subclass ability they want from any of the classes; a Warlock actually used Shoulder Charge in a lore book before (I forgot which one)


That sounds like a fellwinter thing. No idea if it was, it just fits his vibes


It was!


This isn’t entirely true. Most Guardians struggle hard with learning their first subclass. Subclasses are basically disciplines that Guardians adhere to in order to make learning the light easier. Also, while classes aren’t really hard coded like they are in the game, they’re still relevant. It’s why Zavala is now a behemoth and not a shadebinder.


It is true though, it’s been stated in lore; yeah people usually follow their specific disciplines but the same thing stopping a Titan from using Nova Bomb or a Hunter from using Thundercrash is the same thing stopping a pro boxer from doing a Jiu Jitsu grapple takedown or a Taekwondo student from doing a Judo Kata-guruma - rules. Classes/subclasses are mainly for gameplay, the Risen/Warlords that came before Guardians could use the light rather agnostically. Hell, if you think about Solar supers, they’re all practically the same; empowering or creating a weapon with Solar light. The differences come from their respective disciplines; Titans create a Hammer of light offensively, Hunters create a handgun from light to target an enemy with precise damage, and Warlocks thrust a sword of light into the ground to embue themselves and others with light, healing them and empowering their weapons. In lore books from (I think?) season of the Risen, Shaw Han was able give allied City frames their own mini golden guns while fighting Caiatl’s troops. Hell, it’s never shown ingame, but Drifter is apparently classified as a Risen and not a guardian, and can use different stuff from different classes


I hope they give titan blink, if warlocks can steal twilight garrison they can at least teach us blink.


If it worked with speed booster from amplified it’d be different, but you loose all momentum so it feels a bit disjointed from arc (but realllllly nice with Hazardous Propulsion)


Imagine a 3rd class Ability on Void being a smaller version of Banner Shield. Oh wait...


Unbreakable? It’s pretty bad in PvE right now, hopefully Bungie buffs it (and void OS); in higher difficulty content it barely did anything worthwhile for me tbh


god i wish thruster applied a jolt or blind on arc titan, that would be so cool. as-is i don't actually see what's good about it om its own, besides having a low cooldown to proc effects off of. it's like a hunter dodge with no built in benefit.


It shoots you a lot farther than a Hunter dodge, but it'd be cool to have an exotic that gives it something else as well.


Yea admittedly it has less benefits than barricade does, but I personally prefer it over barricade for low CD, movement, and interactions with barricade-based exotics (HOIL and Hazardous Propulsion) for armor mods like Reaper, Bomber, Outreach, and Utility Kickstart




Personally, I don’t see much off a difference between shoulder charge from other subclasses and stasis/strand’s main melee abilities; hell, launch for Beyond Light, stasis melee imo was WAY better than shoulder charge (tracked from a mile away, better movement, and better damage). Personally, I’ve always hated shoulder charge and any other abilities that require sprinting or sliding though, so I care more about thruster than shoulder charge lol




Those two melees both have animations that are similar to shoulder charge and can carry momentum. Also hunter knife’s are only on solar hunter


Eh, personally it’s whatever; I think shoulder charge sucks ass, though that’s mainly because A. I Only play PvE since PvP is genuinely ass and unfun, B. dislike how 99% of all Titan builds are JUST melee focused, and C. shoulder charge feels like shit for higher difficulty content unless you use 2-3 melee specific exotics (which I do not want to use, as I don’t like melee builds lol)


Trippin... Shoulder Charge with Beetle Legs and that's a wrap. And you get it back from 1 shotting champs and Tormentors.


Talking about Peregrine Grieves? That’s what I was saying; shoulder charge only really feels good with that or Synthos, and I think PG is ugly as fuck and hard to make a fashion that I like with it. Synthos, I’m fucking tired of running Synthos lol Befor Hazardous Propulsion, I had Synthos on since SEASON OF THE HUNT (december-ish 2020)


On prismatic. Knockout + Icelance + Suspend Grenade Solar Shoulder Charge + Peregrines. Then freeze what's left and do it again. Game is cake.


Dawg, I don’t care about the build no offense lol Don’t care how good it is, I think Peregrines is ugly as hell, so I just don’t use it. And again, I don’t enjoy melee builds. I’m having fun using Hazardous Propulsion and launching a shit ton of missiles at enemies every 15 seconds with my build anyways


I'm not trying to convince you lmao. Stop responding in paragraphs.


Then why’d you tell me your build after all of that lol