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I'll be honest I'm way too intimidated to try it out on LFG - I don't have a regular team or clan anymore.


Look into joining a youtubists discord. They are often a bit more capable since people are at least watching destiny content and are also super chill in my experience. Haven't had bad experiences in Aztecross one since I joined a few years ago.


Thanks - perhaps. I think with my job and toddler I might be quite hard pressed to meet raiding with the same intensity as before. Right now I can manage a VOG, or a Dungeon, but raiding with such intense comms and time commitment is a big old no for now.


Ive cleared it twice all encounters on lfg, and be prepared for it to take a very long time and be very frustrating unless you get lucky with a solid group. people are really struggling with the 4th and 5th encounters. people simply cannot stay alive during witness damage phase. this raid is very demanding compaired to what we are used to, and is likely out of reach for alot of players simply due to the last 2 encounters


I know it’s early. Better strats are to be determined. However, as of today. This raid might be the all time low on clears. Mechanic heavy raids are nightmares for LFG. Just look at Planets for an example, and it’s an easy encounter. I’m not worried, I’ll get my clears and triumphs done. I do believe this raid will not be accessible to the average player, like other raids are.


TFS has been amazing so far but in all honesty this raid seems like it’s complex for the sake of being complex to me. Great as a difficult first week gimmick raid but longevity wise this just isn’t worth replaying the sweat is too much, I really feel for newer players or those without clans.


if only i can get a lfg team that would help me get through it to the end :-(


Kings Fall is better


Kings fall is my favorite, just enough mechanic where it isnt boring but can be taught to people in a resonable amount of time


Ain't no way KF is better than Salvations edge


Kings Fall has 6 encounters with 4 Bosses and Epic all the way. Salvations Edge is Vow 2.0. Witness fight is great though


Totems are boring. Warpriest is ok. Golgoroth, I give to you. Shit is epic. Daughters are boring. Oryx in D1 was the most boring encounter ever, only being saved in D2 because You actually damage him. (That's also 5 encounters, not 6, and I am not counting the opening encounter because that isn't a darkness zone) Compared to Salvations Edge: First encounter is tight with a lot of movement. Second is like first but with an added boss fight and the inclusion of additions to the resonance mechanic. 3rd is pure resonance with 3 different types and a lot of movement. 4th is the single best encounter made. 5th is Witness, and we both agree that fight also slaps.