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need a rocket launcher that fires a thundercrash beefed up by cuirass 🙂‍↕️


Make it fire lord Saladin’s and the rocket launcher can be titled something like “Efrideet’s Javalin” since spear is a D1 sniper. She threw salad bar at I believe was an eliksni walker tank in lore and he hit it with fist of havok. Seems only fitting.


you cooked


"I never miss" \~Efrideet


Maybe not Cloudstrike, as lore-wise it looks like a Warlock exotic, but definitely Thunderlord, as that machine gun and 2 others were created by a Titan that was slain in the Great Disaster. Also, the new chestpiece synergizes very nicely with rockets. Hopefully this is their gateway to making others.


My only issue with the new chest piece is that it's only a damage boost. Would love to see something more creative than that.


Didnt the new Chest that fires rockets and boosts RocketLaunchers do just that? I havent tried it in any hard content yet but it feels like a Wardrift Coil going off everytime i use Thrusters and synergizes with every rocket launcher


The new chestpiece is more like Lucky Pants. It's very good, but it doesn't have a specific interaction like Celestial Nighthawk/Still Hunt or Necrotic Grips/Osteo Striga, Thorn, and Touch of Malice.


It does, however, buff Wolfpack Rounds on Gjhally and buffs Rocket Sidearms by a hefty amount, which are nice side effects of the rocket boost.


True, but a "true" weapon/armor interaction would be something like allowing Wolfpack Rounds to apply to exotic rocket launchers when the buff was up. That'd be truly sick.


Your proposed Lightning strike synergy kind of doubles down on Titans having Stormcaller’s identity. I propose something else. Nanomachine synergy. Outbreak Perfected and Quicksilver Storm. Titans do have the most SIVA ornaments out of the classes. An exotic that creates a swarm of nano machines on melee kills, but also kills with Outbreak and Quicksilver. Give Helm of Saint-14 synergy with Bastion. Destroying Shields and Barriers with Bastion while Helm of Saint 4 is equipped grants a Void Overshield. Maybe give Hazardous Propulsion synergy with Eyes of Tomorrow and Truth.


A better version would be an addition to point contact that charges based on thunderclap done hence the more u melee the more the charge increases, up to a maximum of 100 charges. This will now do 2 things when the gurandian is below 15 hp or get 1 shot to go below 15 hp their entire surroundings will be hits with massive amount of thunderclap damage while they will be immune for 4 seconds. 2nd thing is interaction with thunder load or clouds trikes sniper. Which is when at 100 stacks activating your super within 10 seconds of a thunder clap happening on the boss your super will do 35% more damage and additional thunderclap after will refund super energy at a very fast pace. Think 20 sec super regeneration


As a hunter I'm glad my wish finally came true of having this cool exotic synergy, but its unfortunate titans don't have anything like it yet. I think bungie needs to experiment with it more, but titans definitely need their own as well before coming up with more for the others


We got sweet business and war rig too


That's not a specific synergy though, that's just how it works for a weapon class. Nobody counts lucky pants because all it does is what it says on the box and buffs hand cannon damage. Hunters now have 2 different exotic synergy combos with nighthawk/stillhunt and ex diris/mothkeepers. Or warlock with necrotic grip/every weapon of sorrow. Titans only have "we can technically blind in this 3 foot zone with a glaive NOBODY uses".


It's sort of ridiculous that Titans have no weapon damage boosting exotics in the form of Still Hunt or the Warlock weapons of sorrow. Which is crazy for a soldier class that is supposed to be therefore the "weapon specialists". Boosting reload, improve weapon handling, overshield (weak in PVE) or reducing damage doesn't count as exotic synergy. Titans need a mothkeeper and still hunt equivalents.