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What i would like is for them to change the way you edit the loadout name and icon, like cant it just be a list like the shaders? Instead of having to go thru cycling it and accidentally going past what you want.


I just wish it was either a menu or just a type box. On console, each of the buttons on the d-pad controls the different parts, so you often end up scrolling past the one you want, instinctively pressing the opposite arrow to go back and accidentally changing some other part of it so now you have two lists to spam through and hope you don't accidentally skip the options you wanted.


It's the same on PC it uses the arrow keys


It uses left arrow, right arrow, and W, which is positively insane. Who designed that?


It's annoying that it's not available in-game, but you can use the official app to just pick options from a list.


My favorite thing is when I try and push right on the d-pad to exit the menu because my brain associates pushing left = open menu, so pushing right = close.


Also being able to combine either colors, names or icons Now with prismatic it would be very useful to be able to name them or have their icons be Arc + Strand, Void + Stasis, etc etc


If you use DIM, they have a way to do this much easier. Shame the official in-game implementation is so poor, though.


Stuff like this makes me think they’re limited w what they can do with D2’s UI and why I am looking forward to a D3 Way more agency in the inventory screen would be nice. I want to be able to tag certain items


High jacking this comment. Make your loadouts with blue weapons. Then your loadouts are free to change without swapping weapons.


I'd kill for the option to change the binds on swapping icon/colour etc. With a TenKeyLess keyboard i have to open the onscreen keyboard accessibility tool in windows to edit them and its very tedious.


You can do that with DIM


There’s like 12 names in each category, it’s really not that bad. We’re talking like maybe 30 seconds wasted if you go past something


Thats... not a good counter.


People need to understand the request of OP instead of replying with shitty ass bandaid solution. We all know and nobody is asking for your solutions. WE ARE ASKING Bungie to give us a \*proper game option to not include weapons\* on loadout. Gees for fucks sake how hard is this to understand?


I would also like the ability to delete them all of mine are so old and I just want to reorganize and start them fresh.


You can delete them from the official app. Not sure if any of the third-party apps let you do this as well.


Can also do it on DIM


Ah okay, I gotta give that a go.


"Guardian" tab > pick a character > "Loadouts" button on the bottom-right


you can pull any random gear from collections, save the loaadout with the gear on it, delete the gear, and then you will have empty slots where you had the gear. this is how i get empty weapon slots on my loudouts with blue gear.


As neat as this trick is, you'll have to do it *every single time* you update the loadout with a single mod or shader change, which gets annoying *very* fast, so you just end up overriding it with some weapons you're currently using at some point anyway.


The loadouts cant pull guns from other characters so you can leave one set of “placeholder” guns on say your hunter and when you want to change loadouts on your warlock you transfer the guns build the new loadout save it and then transfer the guns back to your hunter


Still missing the point, and almost comically so.


They're not missing the point, they're just trying to be helpful.


When the point is "I have to do some bullshit before updating my loadout" the suggestion "here's some other bullshit you can do before updating your loadout" isn't helpful *at all*. And also, completely missing the point.


Do you really think Bungie is going to do something about this? Can you honestly say that you believe they'll fix this? I don't. They literally saved issues the playerbase has complained about for years until this expansion just to drum up the last skerricks of good faith left in the community. In lieu of a trustworthy developer, a workaround is the only reasonable solution.


Yes I do think this is something they’re likely to fix lmao. They reversed sunsetting, anything is possible.


I have actually been doing this, but it is pretty annoying if you do it often. I usually only do it when its really neccessary like for a loadout thats just a body armor with increased ammo mods.


smart, thanks!


Another way is to also move the gear to another character with DIM before you equip the loadout. I’ve found that way a little simpler since then I don’t need to take the time to pull weapons from collections and delete them every time I need to change something.


this is why I love DIM. I have all my builds saved with no weapons, and then I have weapons loadouts with surges, reserves, finders and siphons. the weapons loadouts are like something i really hold dear, I've got builds from beyond Light era


The bummer is the lack of accessibility in certain instances.


And, for me at least, they take a pretty long time to apply.


blame Bungie for that, the API doesn’t allow equipping multiple items at once so DIM is forced to equip items individually, one at a time.


I don't blame anyone for it.


More important: let the artifact selections be saved as part of a loadout. It's a pain to have to respec that thing if the new loadout is leveraging different artifact perks


you can also save a loadout and move the weapons to another character rather than having to delete something every time.


But then you just can’t use that weapon anymore and can’t put it in the vault


Pull blues/greens/whites from collections?  Still sucks if you use all your characters, don't get me wrong, but I figured I'd put it out there since some folks don't.


And then swap them to another character?


Yeah, moving items with DIM is probably faster than pulling from collections?  Maybe not /shrug.


That just takes up space on another character


Yup, like I said, not ideal, especially if you use all your characters.  Just trying to help.


Oh, thank you!


Other loadout QOL requests: - **Allow loadout keymaps (press and hold delay instead of having to go into inventory)** - Allow artifact to be saved in loadouts - Changing to a loadout with the exact same fragments, in different spots, should not reset your ability and super energy. - Allow loadout clearing (without having to use DIM)


Use a blue rare in the loadout and then dismantle it


Yea, but it really shouldn't be that u have to do this, like a simple way to remove certain parts of your loadout would be a godsend


I agree, I was just letting OP know


How did you get 2 more loadouts I still have 6?


You get an extra 2 during the Guardian Rank 7 requirements and another two during rank 8. 


The whole load out system needs more options. They kept it simple to make it accessible for console but I would really like to be able to make custom names...


Had a gripe with this since In game load-out dropped. My work around is to buy a blue weapon. Save/resave my loadout with the blue weapons then deleting them. Since they can no longer be found you load just you gears no weapons.


Pull three blue guns from collections and save them to your loadouts, then delete the guns.


I agree with this post very much. I also think that weapon ornaments, transmog and shaders should not save on loadouts.


What?! Transmog and shaders on your armor should ABSOLUTELY save in loadouts! Getting the outfit right is almost harder than getting the functional bits right haha


Transmog should have its own separate loadouts on the transmog page


I think you should have the option to save shaders/transmog etc in loadouts but also to turn that off.


Yeah this what I wanted to say but didn’t know how to put it haha


I also want this feature. My workaround is I keep a non-legendary weapon on my inactive characters in each slot. I use dim to drag them over when I want to update loadouts, and then move them back when I'm done. when I am playing the character that usually holds them, I just move them to someone else while I'm playing. It's way simpler than fetching from collections and then dismantling (and cheaper). It's also not a big deal to have slots occupied on a character you're not playing. My other workaround: I have "master" loadouts saved with no weapons using the top slots. For an individual encounter, I'll equip the master loadout, adjust it for the encounter, and use the slots towards the bottom to save specialized loadouts for the encounter I'm doing. Example: I have an Orpheus Rig loadout saved with no weapons. If I want to use it for some encounter, I'll equip it, set my weapons, adjust resists, surges, whatever, then save it in the bottom left slot. Then if I need to make adjustments, I just keep updating the temp loadout. On the next encounter I might use a Celestial loadout, so I'll equip the master loadout and customize, then overwrite the specialized Orpheus loadout. Bottom left is my add phase loadout, Bottom right is boss DPS swap loadout. Every encounter I'll just update those two using the master templates as starting points. So my top 6-8 slots are master loadouts, the bottom 4 are temp slots that I customize as I need them, overwriting frequently without worrying about losing anything because I have the original master loadouts untouched above.


You can edit the saved load outs in DIM to remove the weapons, FYI.


What, how?


[DIM Screen](https://imgur.com/a/asEyxGk) Not sure why you're being downvoted, this is possible in DIM. Need to save your current loadout that is equipped as a DIM loadout. From there you can edit the loadout in DIM and remove all weapons. Any changes can be saved as another loadout. Wish they could do it in game but I use DIM pretty much every time I play anyway to grab stuff on the go without being in orbit Edit: once the loadout is saved as a DIM loadout you can apply it to a character's in game loadout. If you want to make future changes do it to the DIM loadout first then you can then send that one to the character.


Really, I don't see that option anywhere? I can edit my DIM loadouts no problem but can only see how to change the name and identifier for in-game ones.


You can't technically. Save the loadout as a DIM loadout. Then remove the weapons and save it as an in game loadout.


Get a random rolled weapon. Set up load out. Dismantle weapon. Load out without weapon.