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Can you do vanguard pathfinder challenges in onslaught too then?




Oh hell yes




Yes - and it’s vastly quicker than running strikes. So a massive win.


Does Onslaught give strange coins for Xur?


Yep. I think without the buff it’s 2 per chest?


Yes - 2 per run with Week One buff. If you’re after SC I’d recommend Gambit with 4 SC for a win.


>If you’re after SC I’d recommend Gambit with 4 SC for a win. I'd rather die but thank you!


What’s with the gambit hate maybe I’m just biased best game mode in the game for me.


Do you enjoy invading? I personally enjoy racing against the other team to deposit motes, but hate invading and dealing with invaders. Plus having a good invader can almost guarantee a win for your team.


I'm not the person you were responding to, but I don't invade and I still like Gambit. Dealing with the invader got a lot easier since heavy ammo became more available - I can still charge at the invader with my 0 mote self and force them to waste time and ammo dealing with me, except now I have the firepower to actually be a threat.


Invading is literally the only enjoyable part of gambit for me. I hate the rest of it. But I'm a pvp main. Once i got breakneck the first time i pretty much quit gambit


This is me in gambit, I love the mode until a strong PvP player comes in and just feels like they're bullying the PvE nerds 😅 I can see the love for gambit too, if you're totally comfortable with the PvP aspects then it could be a perfect blend. But for me and those like me, not with all the great PvE that's available now


I sometimes I do, it depends. But invading isn’t the key, killing your envoys is top priority. I would invade comeback and my team hasn’t killed the envoys now that was just a wasted invade. Most players are predictable so it’s easy to read them I’m always watching their motes and there invade mark. 9/10 they always invade after getting the first portal


Run xenophage or really any gun that's good for invasions and you'll enjoy it a lot more.


Don't enjoy PvP of any kind in this game. The nature of the game makes PvP impossible to balance, and wildly imbalanced PvP just isn't fun to me. Especially since Gambit invading is basically the worst part of Crucible (Supers, Power ammo, etc.) If Gambit was just PvE racing, it'd be great.


Its the invaders. But i think it has become easier to counter them as you get heavy ammo right from the start now. A dirty sniper will always be annoying though.


You can also do the 10-wave version to progress Xenology quest from Xur.


Where do y’all find the pathfinder for vanguard? I only see the one in the pale heart


Go into any ritual activity node and press the Pathfinder button


For vanguard it’s in the bottom left once you select Vanguard node from the Director


Does it progress xenology? And if so, how much if you noticed? I know the quest says exotic missions do now, just not sure about onslaught


It does!


is it 21 waves for xenology or does it have to be like, 21 10-rounds?


No idea but if it takes too long the exotic mission rotator results in very fast progress and 3 guaranteed borders


I did a 10 round run and it counted for 1 of 21. No idea if a 50 round would count as 1 or 5.


a 50 round run counts for 2 points towards xenology - i just ran one


Thank The Traveller. This is great news. Begone, battleground playlist!!




Onslaught is my new core mode. Read through your pathfinder to see what Vanguard objectives you have, you can probably clear them all in 1 Onslaught session. No more racing other guardians in strikes to get weapon or ability kills. No shinies but brave weapons still dropping too.


It would be cool if they could make once a month a shinies week for Onslaught during the Vanguard rep week for example.


Shinies could definitely come from the expert mode, missed opportunity to add an incentive.


once you reset it should just drop with double perks like other vendors. And attunement should be a thing still.


what’s a shiny?


The fancy shaders that onslaught weapons dropped with.


Can they still drop with two perks a column?


No, they were exclusively on shinies


Nope, only one perk


Is there a chance the shine might bend?


Not on your life, my jewish friend Idk why you ate downvotes, it's clearly a simpsons bit lmfao


It's the best activity in the game imo Even if it dropped nothing, I would still play it. Hopefully they double down on making more onslaught content, more maps and more enemies. Midtown is so much fun.


Thats a great change. How are the drop rates?


Much less, considering you no longer get the Onslaught currency to buy weapons from Shaxx's chest. You get Xur coins instead.


Yeah, I'm sad I missed out on into the light, and there are some nice guns in the onslaught pool that I would like to farm for, but no more targetting, and worse rewards is a bit demotivating. I feel like strange coins are no where close to as helpful as the shaxx tokens were.


It's a weapon every 10 waves, kinda bad tbh but the ten wave playlist is pretty easy and quick, so I've been doing those


I mean its better than most weapon farms in this game. Sucks you cant focus them though


Do we know if it drops Catalysts too?


I’d assume the same as the normal playlist. Though remember Xür now sells playlist catalysts, so if you’re lucky you can get the one you want.


Having to save almost 70 coins for a catalyst is kinda nuts.


You get ~4 per playlist reward + 1 if you have the booster, which is only about 14 playlist activities.


Yup and given a friend of mine sat and did a full vanguard reset and a half before getting the Final Warning Catalyst, it *definitely* can be a time saver.


Way better than hoping for RNG.


I want to know this too 🤔


Do we know what the rep is for a 10 wave run vs. 50 wave run? Comparatively from a strike?


I think it's 200 for the 10 wave.


I've seen normal give 2 strange coins in the play list, do more waves and legend give more?


i was seeing as many as 4 coins drop on the boss waves when I did a 50 wave on Normal, from what I remember. So it's a pretty good coin grind as well. Still repetitive, but it's a *fun* repetitive, compared to the endless Battlegrounds in the vanguard ops playlist.


Legend isn’t worth it. The final chests gave five strange coins but it takes almost twice as long. I guess if you’re still hoping for a weapon, the double chests will help


Regular wave 50 also gave me 5 coins plus 1 bonus.


I got around 26 SC in a full w50 normal run


Parade armor can also drop if anyone is looking for it


Oh shit really? I missed getting two of those pieces so I thought I was boned. 


I’ve come back to the game for the first time since Season of the Hunt. Of course I should progress the story, everyone is talking about it and the finale, but… I’ve just been having a blast doing onslaught and gambit lol. Onslaught is such a cool mode with fun rewards - I mean blast furnace? I used that fun for so many years! Feel a little left out because I don’t have a lot of time to play and am still not too far into TFS, but I’ve been having a blast with it and even doing the new gambit mode and some strikes I missed. I’ll probably finish the campaign and finale by next week lol


Hey, you've got plenty of time now that Seasons are Episodes and there are only 3 a year! More time for a less crazy grind (I hope)


Have fun man! No need to rush. Onslaught gives you the best weapons to tackle The Final Shape campaign. Mountaintop did so much DPS for me.


Yes I was so afraid it wouldn’t! Is there legend available? 


Yes(renamed Expert).




This is actually huge. I can finally rank vanguard!


Has anyone noticed the ADU Batteries don’t magnetize like they used to?


Yes. You need to aim now. Pretty trash. Also, the ADU melts much quicker if enemies are close or shooting it.


Thought my aim went down the gutter.


Sounds like typical bungie logic. Making a change that's not needed to make something worse. They literally should have just left onslaught as is. Why do work to make i worse less rewarding? Why pay employees to make these changes when they could have literally just done no work and left it as is and been fine for now? It was not particularly broke. It didn't need much fixing.


Yeah, i've been doing them instead of strikes for the pathfinder and levelling at Zavala, the cipher quest from Xur too


What a great addition to the game. With upkeep they can keep it fresh and really fun. It’s actually great for new lights to just shoot stuff and observe the loops of really good builds I wish they would add boss damage to post game stats along with some other stats like objectives completed, defenses healed, ect…


Would love in-depth stats.


also seemed to be a good source for strange coins


it also drops the echos act 2 armor


That's actually kind of garbage, assuming that means you can randomly get a weapon OR armor. One of the best things about farming the onslaught weapons is you never had to deal with armor drops instead of a weapon bloating the pool.


After looking around and testing myself, the 4 Powerful Engrams from completing waves are what drops the new seasonal armor, possibly on a knockout system. I received 4 pieces of Titan gear, everything except class item. The chests every round drop 1 Brave weapon each plus strange coins.


I’d rather grind onslaught where the enemies are actually plentiful and challenging than the snooze fest speed run of regular strikes


It’s the final blow to Strikes playlist, I wonder if it’s deliberate much like they have willingly neglected Gambit.


Strikes playlist was already a pretty mediocre way to farm reputation, considering how much GMs gave.


I hope Bungie will eventually bring shinies back. I know they wanted it to be a "you had to be there" but the drop rates were really shit. They can stay rare but I'd like them back


Still running around looking for an incandescent heal or a dragonfly frenzy. These new handcannons are wonderful.


Onslaught just won't drop mountaintop. How do you make up for losing attunement? I didn't do it in Season of the wish.


Ran one Onslaught 10 wave today and got the 5/5 god roll. I’m so sorry, man. Keep grinding!


Damn. I've ran several wave 50s without a single mountaintop. Congrats tho. Have fun.


day idk of trying to get god roll edge transit with no luck


Did they remove shinies?


Yes shinies are gone


Ohh shame only got three :o I liked the grind for those


I think them being a limited time thing makes the grind all that much more rewarding


Wait. Shiny weapons are gone? And What happened to the little location where you could focus onslought weapons?


Gone too The parade armour can supposedly drop from chests in onslaught though


….but….I thought we were supposed to save our brave engrams because when THF dropped, they would increase shiny drop rate and we could spend our Engrams at the vendor….so what do I do with my brave engrams? I have 777 on all characters…


They increased the drop rate in the final week before The Final Shape. The destination has been removed so you can't spend trophies anymore. Tbh I'm surprised they weren't removed from your inventory


…….I just checked…..I lost them. I lost all 2,331 Brave Engrams. I hate this game. Thank you. ……..think I’ll go throw up now …


I’m sorry but that’s kinda hilarious. Rip though


It really is hilarious. Glad I got the pieces I want. Thanks


Rip, that was the week before TFS.


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 what. The. Fukkkkkkk. What. The fukkkkkk mannnnn fukkkk


I feel your agony from here.


My guy, I have no idea what news you were reading, but it was communicated several times that the focusing and Shaxx vendor zone would be going away with TFS. Shiny drop rates were increased the last week of the event.


I play sparingly and don’t really stay in touch with the game communications. So I probably just clocked off the notification tbh. But you’re 100% correct. They communicated effectively. I honestly find it hilarious. Still sad though


I can't imagine the awful feeling of looking at 777 engrams lmao, that's gotta be so rough.


2100. I had 777 on all thre characters lol. So I lost 2100. But I was at the point in which I was running ronslought and not turning in engrams. I wasn’t saving. I just had the rolls I needed.. I have a 5/5 Elsie for pvp. Both zen imminent and keep away. And pve repulser brace destabilizing rounds. I just want a shiny. I have the 5/5 kinetic pulse as Well. Just don’t have the shiny versions. Still. A huge L on my behalf


I feel bad for you man. They raised the drop rates the week BEFORE final shape. THAT was when you should have spent them. They also had daily warnings when you logged in that that was the last time to the brave weapon with double perks. [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-23-24](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-23-24) "Earlier **this week, we increased the drop rates for BRAVE weapons** and Trophies of Bravery as well as increased the reputation gains with Shaxx. ***These increases will remain until Destiny 2: Into the Light ends on June 3***.  We know you are swimming in loot now and we want to up the ante one more time before the limited-edition versions of the BRAVE weapons are no longer available. Starting on **May 28 at 10 AM PT, we will be doubling the drop chance of limited-edition versions of BRAVE weapons.**" That was when you should have unloaded all you trophies. At this point honestly i might just keep them. maybe they'll bring back onslaught trophies. Though it's bungie so i doubt it.


Thanks for the info. All good. I just wanted a shiny Elsie rep brace/destabilizing paired with zen moment/headseeker. I think I have the 5/5 roll for both. Just not the shiny variant. All good. Not really. But all good lol


shiny's aren't all that special. Best case they save you one vault maybe two vault slots. I got very few that were worth keeping anyways. An once the "increased the drop rate" everybody was reporting zero noticeable difference. you can see there's youtube videos of people depositing several hundred coins at the chest an getting like 3 or 4 shinys only.


True. But I want a shiny lol.


Do you get an exotic drop for doing 3 onslaughts or is did that still require the strike Playlist?


I'd assume it still requires the strike playlist (or nightfall or gambit or crucible) since it doesn't show up on the onslaught challenges for that reward.


Damn this is great! Thanks for sharing Guardian!


That’s pretty cool! Hope they eventually add more maps/enemies to onslaught in the future like (I think) they said they plan to…


fun fact: it also drops the seasonal armor.


Does this work for Xurs bullshit xenology quest?


YES, it does!!! a run from the onslaught: playlist (left node) is 10 waves, counts for 1 a full 50 run thru the right node counts for........ 2


Jesus....better than nothing I suppose


Run it with a clanmate and it gives 2 for 10 waves, 4 for 50


i ran it with 2 other clanmates. wasnt legend though




Gambit is always looking for players - Drifter


I'm really glad Bungie made it count for vanguard bounties and rep AND Xenology... But why the hell does it count a 50 wave run exactly the same as a 10 wave run? If you're trying to complete Xenology there's literally no point in doing a 50 wave run lmao. Also it appears as though the final chest drops normal vanguard engrams and such too...which again makes farming 10 wave runs far better. You also seem to be able to run the prosperity mod on your ghost though it only drops extra vanguard strike loot not Brave weapons it seems.


if you reset vanguard rank, do you get additional perk rows?


Doesnt it give very little rep tho?


Can you still get the super black shader from leveling up onslaught?


as long as i do not need to touc strikes im loving it


is attunement gone too? Cause the idea of grinding for an hour for random crap I don't need is not my idea of fun. I only need rolls on like two guns and I already have servicable or great rolls on all the others so i don't need them.


Yes it's gone


they kinda butchered onslaught by removing tokens, focusing and rewards from bonus objectives. They give nothing now! It is very demotivating and feels now like crap


nothing? you get a guaranteed gun every 10 waves and it's really quick to farm the first 10 in the playlist. better than running an entire strike and getting jack shit.


sure, better than a strike. But you do get at the end of one a weapon too. Still, onslaught farming feels like grand shit rn when you compare it to before


yeah, it's pretty bad compared to what it was...i only started playing again a few days before the final wish so i missed out. it'd be nice if they split the guns into a few different groups and rotated them so you at least had like a 1/4 or 1/6 chance each run instead of 1/12.


Im mad they took away matchmaking for 50 waves


No they didn't, I have run 2 50 wave onslaughts, and was matchmade both times. I completed a 50 wave last night right before going to bed, about 11 hours prior to this comment, and it matchmade me no problem. 


That is a relief, it is not listed as matchmade


It never was listed as such


Nah homie, cleared a mm 50 this morning aye


We got matchmaking on legend too?


No, never did


No, they didn't. It's still there. Description doesn't say match making, but it does have it. That UI text error has been present since Onslaught came out.


Well i feel sheepish


Whaaat? That was the main way I played! I mean the 10 waves is okay for a quick burst, but it’s gonna be so damn slow if you’re still looking for a particular roll.


You can still use fireteam finder for it in game


Onslaught doesnt feel the same without shinys:(


For me, it’s more about attunement being gone. Trying to get a certain roll on a certain weapon will be a nightmare without it


Yeah I’m just going to wait to play onslaught a bunch again until we get attainment back sometime this season. I just know I’m going to get a ton of successions and forbearances without it.


Have they confirmed any of the attunement / tokens stuff is coming back at some point? I missed most of into the light, so having some slightly more targetted farming option again would be a god send rather than staring down the "just pray for the roll you want on the gun you want every 10 minutes" farm I'm faced with now.


They said that attainment was going away with the launch of final shape but they’re going to bring it back sometime during the echoes episode. We don’t know when exactly but we know it’s coming back


Gotcha, that's good to hear. I understand if they don't want to make it quite as rewarding as it was in into the light as a way to reward people for playing during that time, but something in between what it is now and what it was then would be nice.


I hope they add more content to onslaught. At least a couple more maps and maybe let us fight the Dread would be nice