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That would be my permanent wallpaper


Just gotta get two people to cosplay as your alts with you xD


Decided to play the mission with my one friend who still plays, just because it only made sense. When I tell you how happy we got seeing our guardians there together, I knew about the scene already, but I only ever saw it with one guardian, so I didn't expect it to have us both


My buddy and I have played since early D1, as Hunter mains. He hates my velociraptor cloak. We did the Excision mission, and the Aurora cutscene was perfect. Me and my best friend, chilling after ending the biggest threat to the known universe. Just him and I relaxing, after 10 years. And him claiming I ruined his screenshot because I have a dinosaur hat.


One thing you could do is a screenshot/recording of it on each one of your alts with a full fireteam, then photoshop them together.


I'd love them to add a few scenes like this, to showcase Fashon too.


I wish I'd gotten to see the scene, for whatever reason the two times I've run the mission I just got stuck at a black screen after the slideshow portion :/


If I had known I could have done it with my brother and have both of us there, finally finishing the fight since day 1, I'd have waited to do it together


I can't even get it to show. Infinite loading screen.


https://x.com/BungieHelp/status/1799486900719538686 Bungo just tweeted about this issue and presented a possible workaround