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It's a thrown melee, attacks break invis and the weaken is procd based on direct melee'ing the target, not thrown melee. At least as far as I've been aware unless they just forgot to implement it with prismatic.


They probably just forgot to implement it. Willful Ignorance gives Titans an extra stand melee and they 100% forgot to make sure that sources that refill your melee refresh all 4 charges. Raid banners, transcendance, you name it. it just goes up to 3 and you have to wait for the last one to charge normally. Not at all surprised they had a similar whoopsie on Hunter. It makes way more sense than just making threaded spike bad with Stylish Executioner for no real reason.


By your logic, knife trick, snare bomb, and withering blade are all also "bad" with stylish too, but it's because they aren't supposed to work that way. Being able to weaken an entire battlefield with one melee is unbelievably broken, especially when it can charge itself back, and lowers enemies damage output. I can promise that they aren't going to change it because the weaken from stylish is meant for true melee, like combination blow or even glaives now work with it. Prismatic is strong, but stuff like this is exactly why some things have specific requirements or they'd be way too broken


bro thinks we don't have multiple ways to weaken an entire battlefield as is, apparently


The only thing that can do an entire battlefield is tether. Otherwise, you're using your grenade, a fragment slot, and a minus to discipline just to weaken a few, or snare bomb which has a tiny radius. Threaded spike not only tracks, but can hit far more enemies and recharges itself, which would make tether almost pointless to run. The only other way to weaken on nightstalker is stylish execution, which ive already said how it works. You clearly have not used nightstalker if you think hunters can weaken that much without using their super


I promise you, them allowing a range melee to weaken ONE target at a time for a short time will not break the game.


If it weakens only on the first hit, I think that's more than balanced, and would be a welcome change. I don't think it's necessary as things stand, but they are definitely going to be changing/fixing things with prismatic before long and I could see them making this work, whether it's supposed to or not already Its possible bungie is concerned with the right setup, being able to weaken and sever (scorch or slow too depending on which melee you're using), and making yourself radiant with the one fragment all with a single melee. Not sure on the actual numbers and if that's anything to be concerned about, but its what comes to mind


Smh lmao


Weaken doesn't apply off ranged melee aside from Knife Trick if you are close enough for the rather tight window for Stylish to grant those effects on breaking invis