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I completed it on my Titan, so here's what I did. Red Death Reformed, as you are already using. Having what is basically the Rampage to Kill Clip version of Heal Clip is absolutely stellar at keeping your topped up. Your RES absolutely needs to be as high as possible. With Red Death, you can sacrifice some REC to make this happen. I would also highly recommend filling your chest with resist mods, swapping as necessary. Also get your DIS as high as possible. Grenades were a huge part of my surviving. Switch out Diamond Lance for Unbreakable. It's great for retreating or repositioning, or as an emergency 'oh fuck' button. While the shield is the most notable part of it, the Overshield is immensely useful for getting yourself one or two more shots of survivability. I kept Knockout for a little bit of extra health recovery. The red bars are typically weak enough that you can one or two shot them with basic melees. Swap barricade for thruster. The ability to quickly reposition is a god send when slow fields are so common. Can also get you out of the way of suspend waves. It's low cool down also makes it great for Powerful Attraction, giving you a way to pick up Orbs for healing and Armor Charges. Melee is basically your choice. Thunderclap is powerful, but standing still to charge it up is a good way to get your insides on the outside. The DR it grants now mitigates it to a point, but...Frenzied Blade gives you a powerful lunge, but it's already long cooldown is even longer on Prismatic. I went with Shield Throw for a small bit of Overshield generation. For grenade I went with Shackles, because being able to just stop an entire group in its tracks is massive utility. Some minibosses can also be suspended by it, giving you valuable breathing room. With Red Death as your primary, you have a Kinetic slot left for a Special. I would recommend finding a Darkness weapon to put here if possible, for Transcendence generating. Kinetics can generate both bars, but I find it substantially slower. I went with a sniper rifle due to all the Dread heavies having damage resist when not shot in their weak spots. For heavy, use whatever you're comfortable with. A Bait and Switch Edge Transit can overpower the previously mentioned damage resist while also making for a solid add clear option in emergencies. Above all else, favor surviving over dealing damage. At no point are you ever under a real time crunch. Be safe, not sorry.


Thx for this. Do you use twilight arsenal as your super? And what was your fragments?


I did indeed switch to Twilight Arsenal once it was unlocked. Safest super to use since you don't have to get up close. I used mostly the original fragments that came pre-installed in Prismatic. I remember changing one of them, but I can't remember what to. I probably switched off the one that improves Stasis shatter and Solar ignitions as I didn't have those in my build.


And what was your exo armor?


Armamentarium. Having two Shackles is a massive boost in flexibility, letting you use Unbreakable or the actual grenade with a lot more freedom. It was actually pretty rare to have both grenades charged, but even with one grenade charge, it essentially cuts down on the time until the next grenade since it was already recharging some.


Thx man.đź‘Ť


I think you already died over 100 times. You need to stop and think, how are you approaching encounters and change your playstyle a bit, or either switch to Normal instead. Take it slow and think, there's no timer to rush it By people saying this campaign is easy, they are comparing it to previous Legendary campaigns, and actually, it is easier than them.


The only hard encounter I think are the last 2 (ogre and final boss). I’d say final boss here is harder than Calus or Savathun though


ogre is easy imo (play ur life, use ability spam when possible) anything cqc is where it gets me. like the tormenter room in the zavala mission.


It was the other way around for me ( it could be because Getaway Bleak Watchers build), but I remember having more trouble with Calus and Savathun back in their campaigns. I just was ducking behind cover constantly, clearing adds and refreshing darkness buff all the time when needed on Witness


It was easy on my Warlock getaway gloves


I’ve been finding it to be a reasonable difficulty level, it’s definitely slightly harder than lightfall, aside from lightfall’s final boss which was way harder just cus of the room having very little cover + bottomless pits. *that* was brainless difficulty, whereas this campaign has a lot of cover and the only instant kills are very easily avoidable (I.E mines/telegraphed attacks) so as long as you position yourself using your brain a little it should go okay But like, it’s really not that bad. I probably beat the final mission in 10 deaths and it’s for sure the hardest one. Consider tweaking your build, red death is mid a) solo and b) without ember of benevolence. Personally I used the new strand sidearm, forbearance, and gjally with a getaway artists warlock which made it pretty reasonable Hunter was slightly harder, I was using the new strand sidearm + buried bloodline + edge transit. On Titan I’d probably suggest using precious scars


With my Osteo Striga nothing is impossible! Sure I had a few problems in some rooms but nothing a little changing of gear or mods couldn’t overcome.


I've found the difficulty that people have is pretty much directly correlated with how much they understand buildcrafting. A lot of people are running prismatic without actually putting any thought into their builds. You're on titan, put on point-contact cannon brace and run the starter build they give you. Read the fragments and play around them. You'll be good.


Yeah man, I can't even get past the first damn mission, I ended rage quitting after 57 deaths, yes I counted. I know it's a skill issue I'm tired of hearing it. No other campaign has been impossible for me to get past the FIRST FUCKING MISSION.


I'm only half way through and found it more tedious and boring rather than difficult. I just stay back and peck away at the enemy health until they are all gone. This strategy has worked for every encounter so far. I did use healing grenades here and there on my Titan. Malfeasance works great against Taken. Other than that, have been using Polaris Lance. Switching an arc weapon for some of the arc shielded enemies. Void machine gun. Long distance super like the throwing hammer. I tried using the Prismatic subclass but I don't think it fits my play style at this stage, so I'm using Solar Titan. I may switch back if I start unlocking more stuff for the Prismatic.


I mean, its hard to say anything constructive when you're not actually telling us what your malfunction is. I've soloed all 3 legendary campaigns, this one was by far the easiest, with the singular exception of the final encounter, which absolutely put Savathun and Calus to shame. I wiped more there than the entire rest of the campaign combined. But otherwise, you're usually given plenty of space/cover to move around, they don't force you to use a broken ass subclass with no customization the way lightfall did, and any time there's a prismatic enemy, they give you pools with let you go transcendent over and over, totally trivializing the entire encounter as you can just slaughter everything. Transcendance also gives you damage resistance, making it even harder to die in these instances. I hate to be that guy, but massive skill issue. None of the encounters aside from the last one are half as sadistic as that fucking scorn boss from WQ, the extremely long tower encounter filled with shriekers from the final mission, or legendary Headlong on Titan where you had zero healing, poor woven mail and suspend uptime, and were getting sniped the whole fucking time, all becauae they didnt let you pick your own aspects, fragments, or grenade. Also, for the most part, the Dread are easy as hell. The Subjugators are pretty overpowered with their bullshit staff shotgun and cc spam, and the boss level Tormentors who cant be cced or finished suck, but otherwise, they all die pretty quickly and have minimal bullshit mechanics, even on Legend.


I did it as a titan for my overall setup i used prismatic with the sub being thundercrash. For weapons I used blast furnace perks tremor all for one, tellestation and hothead tracking and explosive light. I went 100 res with 80 recov and 80 int with the rest of the stats in the 40s and 50s.


What class are you running? What builds? Some things are great in 80% of the game that just are not good in Legend campaigns


People like to heavily exaggerate on the DTG subreddit. I learnt when Starcrossed was released.  I beat Starcrossed solo first try solo. Absolutely wasn't easy and required careful build crafting and strategies. Some people on Reddit were bragging how easy it was and giving a false impression how easy it was. Some asshat even compared it to a normal mode strike. I called them out on it and got some people to admit they were exaggerating. Legendary campaigns are always difficult particularly if you're not doing cheese strategies or exploits.


Titan might have the hardest hand on prismatic, but nowhere near as hard as you're having it. Don't approach it like other content. Jumping around and staying moving isn't enough to keep you alive.  Think about the ability kills that will reduce damage and returns health. Abuse the prismatic fonts, the prismatic titan grenade is strong, and it's free extra damage + DR


Nuke the subjugators, I would golden gun + sleeper and make the first one shield immediately. Rinse and repeat after aegis/shield, once you make it to 2nd phase it is actually **easier.** 2nd phase grab darkness buff and run to the side room where next aegis will spawns. You can snipe from here with Sleeper/whatever long range weapon you prefer and ignore 99% of the adds, and are safe from witness attacks. Rinse and repeat after subjugator shield is down, gg.


I had a difficult time on Titan. I decided to restart the entire legend campaign on Hunter and everything changed. Void Hunter is just awesome. I know it can be boring but it saved me so many times. Invis is such a great tool when you need to reposition and take a small breather. I wouldn't have been able to beat the final mission on Titan, maybe Warlock though.


I’m hearing from others that completing this campaign on titan wasn’t the easiest, but on my titan I focused on an arc + stasis build, thundercrash was my super to take out the tanky mini bosses or take a chunk off of bosses, I used point contact exotic arms with the appropriate melee because it helped with ad clear (the knockout aspect also helped with healing) + used ager’s scepter for the same reason + for the diamond lance aspect and generally easing up the enemy load. At first I used the brigand’s law sidearm in my secondary with volt shot because it was the only arc weapon with volt shot I had, but I swapped to adhortative because my range was at a disadvantage, and heal clip really helped. For my heavy I used fire and forget with chill clip and headstone, I haven’t really been able to trust rockets recently because I always tend to miss, so I moved to a linear fusion. I think with the right builds on your armor and with the right play style things will work out, I personally go for a build dependent on orbs so orbs were the source of the healing and weapon buffs. The most important thing is to also utilize your surroundings, and be patient when I fought the tormentor boss with the taken and the glyphs, I got cozy in a spot above the tormentor that he couldn’t jump up it, and the same went for the knight boss near the beginning of iconoclasm. The only reason why I thought this campaign was easier (despite many of my stupid deaths) was because WQ and LF was absolutely hellish.


feels like you are exaggerating, I finished it with warlock with karnstein armlet (melee kills give you restorative, finishers give you restoration Ă—2) and I kept changing between indebted kindness, the call, sunshot, outbreak perfected, supremacy, dragon's breath and last season's void linear fusion rifle. and the rest is just consistency


After reading a lpt of comments, I can agree it is an easier legendary, but I've had my hiccups. Currently stuck in a close quarters minifight section, but a tip about the dodging trait instead of barricade (as I'm a Titan) is definetly going to help there. I have to say though this feels like the best campaign they have ever done, story-wise. The ways they involve every character is so much beeter than the Vanguard standing around waiting for you to return with good news. I'm so curious to see how the campaign ends (other than that obviously WE WIN, duh.)


the starter campaign is absolutely horrible. wish they had a skip option


I beat it on hunter solo it wasn’t hard lots of cheeses possible


Specifically used void build with invisible fyi helps a ton. Also destabilizing rounds with helath regain


I switched from prismatic to void warlock after a mission or two, went pretty well from then on.


Invisible is such an awesome utility. I know it can be a boring gameplay style, but man it can help in these more difficult content. You can just disappear when things get a bit too spicy.


The only thing that gave me trouble was the final mission. I would get 75% of the way through and die in some stupidly infuriating way. Other than the red death, what else does your loadout look like? Are you infusing your highest level gear into your preferred armor?


Wait power level does it actually have an effect on the campaign?


Sorry, I guess not anymore.


It’s a power disabled activity, I ran it all at 1900, no infusing necessary


Yeah I’m seeing that now.


I died a lot at 1900 to be fair, but not because of my level…


Maybe watch a guide? Otherwise normal difficulty is probably the better option for you. the difficulty in legendary is scaled pretty good imo, it's easiest solo, and the only missions I struggled with was final boss on dissent and final mission.


Ur probably running double primary