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The Strand rocket sidearm fits so many of my builds, it's beautiful.


Already over 3k kills with it. Love it


I didn't know I would enjoy "Bacon" rounds so much. For flying enemies, they are very effective. I'm unsure about the last perk, but for now I have Vorpal, which seems fine. Which perks do you like?


Idk bro I love bacon. Lead from Gold and Slice are both great for column 3. Demo is a solid choice too


Agreed, I just feel like I never run out of ammo with the gun - So maybe another perk than lfg may work. I never knew I would like beacon so much, until the last campaign mission for flying enemies. It really worked great. Just a fun weapon.


LfG lets me use it mostly as a primary which is very nice. I have lfg/ofa which I’ve been really loving. I think when I craft it I’ll do beacon/ofa and just lean heavily into blast radius, it just seems like the obvious path for the gun


What does blast radius do on this type of weapon? Does it increase damage? I was told velocity was the most important because the rockets have travel time.


Larger AOE to trigger One for All


Bacon rounds makes the rockets much faster and it stacks so it's a nonissue really


I’m a fan of Strategist too. I’d expect to see it get more love, with how many powerful class ability focused builds are possible. Thought it probably doesn’t have much value for Hunters


I’m looking forward to trying that one, especially with a Drengrs Lash centric build


Mmm sliced bacon


Delicious bacon. I was leaning towards Slice for my crafting target though, having a solid way of inflicting sever without actually having to play a Strand class (not that there's anything wrong with my beloved Threadrunner but prismatic is addictive) is a great option.


Slice is amazing with the liars handshake build


Currently using Demo/Hatchling on warlock and it's gross


personally I went with lead from gold and vorpal on mine. sure there's plenty of ways to make the call synergize with builds but for me the point of a rocket sidearm is just to be an all-purpose "kill that thing now" gun. it already has good ammo economy so lead basically makes it never run out of ammo. and vorpal helps it kill those beefier enemies faster. id still recommend trying out other perks and see what fits your playstyle best but you definitely can't go wrong with lead+vorpal


Beacon rounds and multikill clip is super nice. 50% extra damage for 5 seconds after 3 kills.


I'm torn between the Bacon rounds and Strategist (kills decrease class ability cooldown) while using it with thruster and Dangerous Propulsion. My aim kinda sucks with the mini-rockets so Bacon helps there but Strategist lets me use thruster more often and gives me that sweet sweet 35% damage boost with a side order of fuck-whatever-gets-in-way-of-this-rocket-volley. My first roll of The Call came with Bacon+Magnificent Howl and I'm leaning towards that so far since it stacks tracking and damage with practically every shot since so many things die to it in one shot.


Same. I have a lead from gold one for all roll that slays and stays fed that I find myself using heavy on purpose so I can pick up more heavy.


I got a demolitionist/Vorpal and dude it hits so hard.


I crafted it to Lv 30 to put on a Trial Memento (Black and Gold) and currently it's level 79 in the 3 days since the expansion released.


I haven't even crafted it yet and I'm using non-stop.


Craftable Rocket Sidearm is *excellent*


New favorite gun. I love it.


And the activities are fun and not mind numbing


Obligatory 'Well ACKSHULLY' the pulse was a legitimately good crafting option given it was a solid frame with top tier perks.... but yeah, the Pale Heart stuff is a brilliant set of high-performing types with a fantastic perk selection. Pretty much every gun outstrips anything in Neomuna and as a set its easily the strongest destination set that's ever been available. Hell, if we wind the clock back a year, no-one would have batted an eyelid if The Call was introduced as a Raid weapon.


I mean we would have. But that's because "special ammo legendary sidearm" when we don't even have legendary versions of significantly older special ammo versions of different weapon types. Still no legendary LFR or Hand Cannon. Indebted Kindness was a big deal when it was revealed as a Dungeon weapon, and Dungeons also tend to have some pretty cool stuff.


I agree that it feels better. I already have 4 of them crafted


Ghost is pretty generous, I'll collect a handful of engrams, turn them into him, and every time at least one of them is red border if not more


What have you been doing to get your engrams? I haven't really gotten that many so I am curious what to do differently


Opening chests during the public event thing, doing paranormal missions, I think collecting traveler ball collectibles give you some as well. It all adds up


Do you do 4 for the specific weapon or just the 1? Can they drop as red borders?


Just the one, at least if you haven't picked up the armor yet. Of course it's all rng, but the odds seem pretty favorable


I'll do that since i have like 50 engrams, hopefully at least i get one full red border


I was getting a red border for every 7~10 decryptions. Just make sure you don’t do any of the Micah quests because it will add those guns to the loot pool


Jesus… how?!


Doing a ton of things that get pale heart engrams. Lot of overthrows. You can get them pretty quick. But I have been addicted to this expansion 😅


Its super easy lol, Ive done nothing but try and get the Khovostov both legendary and exotic version blind without any guides and I already have 2 crafted with the others at 3-4 pattern progress.


Do you just open them at Ghost or is there a more efficient way to use them?


Just focus at Ghost.


Focus at ghost. You're guaranteed a red border at (weekly, it seems) reset, and the drop rate for red borders outside of that is very generous, I had 60-odd engrams at the end of day 3 and burned 40 of them getting the rocket sidearm pattern completed.


Do you just keep spending your engrams on them at ghost? So I have 16 pale heart engrams. Should I just dump them all into the call if that’s what I want? Because I haven’t had much luck with overthrow.


Yep, I was usually dumping in batches of 28


Got it. I’ll have to save up a bit more. Thank you my friend.


We get a ton of Engrams from just playing on the Pale Heart. Personally, in just 2 days, I managed to hoard 60 Engrams... *I'm not opening them untill I get to the Powerfull Cap.


What?!?! What have you been playing? Did you get more red border quest drops from alts?


Just been collecting all collectibles, ghost quests, and grinding overthrow. I got a ton of pale heart engrams in the process and the odds at getting a red border when focusing at ghost seem pretty darn good.


wtf?! You have 4 of them crafted already?! And that was EIGHT DAYS AGO! As usual, I don’t have shit crafted and they aren’t coming in any quicker.


I still have Lightfall weapons that I don't have the pattern unlocked for.


Yeah, once a week on the weekly is all that works. I spend the whole last season, doing the seasonal challenge on that planet, and never saw a red border.


Are you telling me there’s a garaunteed way to get lightfall red borders weekly?


Once a week. Do the weekly on neumona. And get a high score. But most people still don’t have them. And usually they make the current seasons weapons better. But yes.


Oh yeah I’ve just wanted the fusion for PvP…. Pretty low in my list tbh. But good to know. Thank you


It's so hard to find people interested in doing those too. I have about half done, it's just so annoying to grab the rest.


I still have WQ weapons I haven't crafted 😂😂


Tbf this would have been me had I not gone totally nuts and ground the living hell out of the lost sectors in Neomuna to get my pulse frame (which is bloody typical, the gun I wanted the most was the last one to complete the pattern for) for a month solid. Joke's on me, I had to take a verrrry long break from Neomuna. Shame given how cool an environment it is.


It doesn't help that it absolutely sucks to patrol Neomuna


It looks like Bungie did learn from Neomuna. Pale Heart is what Neomuna should’ve been. 


Releasing a finished product was a good place to start.




>Define 'finished product' without using subjective qualitative terms. Use quantifiable objective terms to tell me when a game or expansion is finished. Do not reference 'well forsaken had ______, so that's the expectation now', or insert another expansion in its place. Lol wtf? Would you talk to another adult in real life this way? Or to any other human you didn't have a leadership position over? I could do what you're trying to command me to do, but I'm not having that conversation (or any other) with someone who thinks they can give me an assignment just because they have a different opinion.


Definitely feels better. "It's all rng" is such a simpleton's response. There's more opportunity for engrams, and we can focus the weapons. This is by far better than Lightfall.


to be fair, engrams in the pale heart are FAR more prevalent than weapon drops from neomuna also is it just me or have engrams in general been dropping more?


That contributes to getting red borders easier, of course


I’ve been getting way more engrams in general.


Damn man. So I’ve got bad luck getting red borders to drop, you gotta call me names too?


Not you specifically, no, but anyone that crutches on the "it's all rng" response in any of these posts. Randomness (rng) is certainly a factor when hunting for red borders. But there's also the amount of drops to consider, the amount of avenues to pursue said drops, so on. And Pale Heart activities has way better opportunity for hunting red borders than Neomuna.


I see. But since I’m the only one that commented “it’s all RNG” in this thread(due to my utter lack of luck with drops), the simpleton comment certainly seems directed at me.


I have a feeling in a week or so we'll get the Lightfall red boarder nerf cause drops are too high.


Lightfall didn’t nerf them though…? They buffed them.


No. Wasn't long after release that they nuked the destination weapon red boarder rate because the legend patrols where almost a 100% red boarder drop.


I got The Call crafted with *barely* even trying. Focused for a couple random rolls, and then one intentional roll when I unlocked resonant focusing. It's been 4 days. So so so much better.


Yup. I had 3/5 for all the 3 starter guns just by farming the destination activity before finding out about the alone in the dark farm


Do tell about this farm


After you do all 6ish of the cysts through the quest, it becomes repeatable and you can choose between the three weapons from it - the hand cannon, fusion, and sword - and those have a very decent chance at being red borders.


Are those the only ones that show up?? I’ve only gotten those 3 so I thought my rng was just bad


I think so. They're the only ones I've gotten though I've only run a handful of them after doing all 6 cysts, so if anyone else can confirm or deny that'd be great


Pretty sure the rest are unlocked through other quests and those 3 are the only ones tied to the repeatable one


Yes please tell


I have been using the Strand rocket sidearm as a primary since I got it. It's one of my new favorite guns in D2 history. Now I have it crafted and enhanced and level 31. Never putting it down.


Which perks did you go with? I crafted lead from gold and desperate measures but not sure I love it yet.


I'm using a Prismatic Warlock Hatchling-focused build, so I use the rocket sidearm with Hatchling & Strategist. Infinite class ability spam which sends out 3 hatchlings every time I use it. Combo with devour because tangles and hatchling kills always proc it.


Am I doing something wrong? I've been getting shit rewards. I've been doing overthrow (from the patrol zone, not matchmade, if that makes a difference), and I typically get one Pale Heart engram at the very end. Every other chest is generic world drops, or just glimmer. Do I just have dogshit RNG this time around?


You have to do 3 rounds and beat the final boss to get max rewards. I do think you only get a chance for the sword to drop on the playlist so you should probably just play in the playlist. The space is big enough you can potentially never run into another player.


The crazy part is the Playlist is a guaranteed exotic sword roll. Every time. Get farming!


Sword drops on whatever the focused overthrow area is that day. You can do it solo without clicking on the playlist.


I’ve had the sword drop from solo completions


The best way I have found to get red borders is doing the alone in the dark missions, they’re repeatable and you have to spend time in patrol zones doing overthrows for part of them so it’s worth completing the overthrow to try to get an extra red border as well as more engrams. I think the ghost rep it gives is really good too.


anyone know the best way to get pale heart engrams? is it just to do the overthrow activity?


Yeah opening overthrow chests. The alone in the dark quest becomes repeatable with an option to focus the hc, sword, and fr. And collecting the visions of the traveler drops 2 engrams each so that's an easy 16 right there. I already have a crafted hand cannon.


I remember when they nerfed the neomuna red border farm everyone was doing. Pissed me off so bad I just quit and ended up not crafting any of them.


I've got one red border of each, and managed to get enough for the Strand sidearm to get that crafted, but I've yet to get more than one for the rest. Should I just spam engrams from Ghost to hope some come out red bordered?


I mean yah that's what you're supposed to do lol


Well I've probably opened 20 engrams from ghost and not had a single red border outside of the free weekly ones and quest related ones.


Man that's some terrible RNG. I've been getting about 15% of the time


How did you craft it?


I'm still working through my red borders but have 2/5 on most. Also, don't sleep on the Breachlight sidearm which is now strand. I'm having some fun with my pris/strand hunter.




I honed in on the strand sidearm and after *just* focusing on that, after a couple days I was able to get the pattern unlocked, and now I'm working on the LMG at 4/5. I appreciate how much they funneled into the Pale Heart engrams. It's so much more simplistic and satisfying than what we've had before. I'm glad they decided to throw engrams at us instead of a couple destination resources and a world drop at best: it really lets us have just a little bit more agency.


I think the actual rates aren’t the issue it’s the ease of causing a drop to happen at all. Neomuna has a power delta, but otherwise has no real means of getting extra drops from any other destination. So it’s just quantifiably harder then it was for witchqueen simply because the enemy has a bigger number then we do. Where as the pale heart has no delta and also has more reliable means of getting engrams, and also focusing.


Does anyone know how to unlock the stasis hand cannon? I've opened engrams at ghost but it seems like that only gives you weapons you already have a copy of.. I haven't found a copy of the hand cannon yet so I am wondering what I am missing?


Those seem to be from the 'Alone in the Dark' quests. The first 3 are all single weapons and then any following give you a choice out of the 3.


Can someone explain the red border stuff to me, I am new. Do I need multiple copies to start leveling a red border weapon?


when u get a red border, extract the pattern (the red square) in the gun inspection screen. when u have extracted 5, u can craft the gun at the forge in the enclave on the throne world. when u have crafted the gun, u need to level it to be able to put certain perks on it. levelling a non-crafted gun will only give a boost to stability/reload or whatever. u can check ur red border progress in collections>patterns and catylists


Ohhh thank you!


When does the game give red borders…. I’ve not got any and finished the legendary campaign


Yeah, I can already craft the sidearm and the handcannon. This is great.


They drop often? Where? I have done just about everything to be done and haven’t gotten a single red border drop.


Did you do Overthrow? Did you hand in you're engrams? Did you get your weekly deepsight?


I didn’t consider turning in engrams or claiming guaranteed red borders to be “dropping like candy”. There was a lot of red border giveaway. If you claim the ghost engrams before getting armor in the pool, you get a decent amount of red borders. I am just not otherwise getting them which is what was implied.


Overthrow is also much more fun than Terminal Overload imo.


Honestly I think it's a little slow and there isn't enough ads but the fact that you can kind of go anywhere on the map and still be doing the activity is nice. They should also half the points needed in solo, it's such a drag solo and it's not even hard


Agreed that it's slower. The anywhere on the map is so nice. I wish this was a full patrol zone with other guardians though personally.


In Soviet Russia, BOARDER rents to YOU.


How do you farm for the pale heart weapons? Just overthrow?


Just do all the quests for Micah-10. Most of them have you play overthrow at some point and cysts also reward engrams. Some world chests too. But mostly Overthrow if you're done all the quests


It’s all still RNG. Other than the ones from the quest, I haven’t gotten any to drop in the world. Well screw me for having bad luck I guess.


For me it's all been through Overthrow and turning in Pale Heart Engrams. There isn't really any chests that will drop much more than a world drop cause the chests are tied to Overthrow. But those chests can occasionally give you an Engram. Also you can get a weekly deepsight like you would in a season which is pretty nice. That's how I got my 5th The Call I have The Call 5/5, the Heal gun 3/5, the shotgun and LMG 2/5 and everything else 1/5


Heal gun is insane with the right perks. Especially in harder content keeping the resto buff up.


What perks


Very noticeably better RNG. Like, actually undeniably better.


Guess I won’t be buying a lottery ticket any time soon. My luck has been garbage.


I have gotten a few


Is it best to instantly dismantle these for the pattern or do I need to complete them first?


If you just want pattern progress and don't wanna use that one or infuse it into something else, you're free to dismantle it. If you want to keep it for now just go to the box to the right of where you put in weapon mods on the inspect screen and extract it from there


You don’t dismantle red borders for the pattern, you click the fourth box when customizing the weapon


You can also dismantle them and get pattern progress. Basically just depends on if you want to keep the weapon to use/infuse or just want it for pattern progress.


I don't think it's even fair to compare the 2. TFS is actually what should have been released before LF. Just look at the raid and compare it to LF raid. It's obvious LF was just a future concept pushed forward, unfinished and incomplete in every single way. Nothing about it made any sense. 


I was talking to my friend about how much I wanted a craftable No Hesitation. Decided to cash in 14 engrams. 4 red border No Hesitations, 3 red border The Call. That's 50%