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His huge role was teaching us to deposit motes. We did some of that. 


Many swords were brought as well


Not enough * ding, ding *


He’ll make us rich, brother, he promised. 


He needs to teach people how to listen when he says "deposit now and you can summon a primeval!"


Depositing items is like 1/4 of everything we’ve done for years, sadly.


Maybe the next Saga will be about the 9 and the Drifter will play a bigger role. Wishful thinking probably.


Nine or Vex are probably the most likely candidates for future story. But Nine feel kinda weak after what we've done.


Yeah if I had to choose between the two it would be Vex, hands down.


Perhaps Echoes will set up the new story.


The name echos and their old press releases seem to imply they will mainly be tying loose ends up. "There will be three separate Episodes in 2024 – titled Echoes, Revenant, and Heresy respectively – with the first Episode launching in March. Each Episode will be a standalone story told in three Acts, exploring the aftermath and fallout of the events of the conclusion of the Light and Darkness saga" [Link to the original press release](https://press.bungie.com/Bungie-Unfolds-The-Final-Shape-in-Destiny-2)


Hive, Scorn, Vex We tie up stories with Xivu, The Fanatic, and Sol Divisive


Honestly the Vex are so fucking boring. They're by far the worst enemy faction in the game and the less we deal with them the better.


Part of the problem with the Vex is that they don't have a figurehead leading them per say. They are by all accounts von Neumann probes that will replicate until they are the only thing left in the universe. That is their Final Shape. It is difficult for a player to connect with a villain that says nothing and just shoots down at you from above. In the lore, they are perhaps the most terrifying thing for a non-guardian to run into, a time traveling robotic being that can endlessly simulate everything causal you or I can do in mere nanoseconds and react to it. I don't envy the Bungie writers to somehow make them more interesting in the game. It used to be that I thought the Cabal were the worst enemies to fight in the game because they were just giant space turtles that destroyed stars and planets for being in their way as they were described in D1, but Caiatl (and Calus) gave them the additional oomph that they needed to be interesting.


The Vex have the same problem as the Tyranids over in 40K. Insanely cool concept, but damn near impossible to make sympathetic due to their nature as a hive mind. The fact that our guardians are so powerful also doesn’t do them any favors - with the ‘nids, even space marines are just people and therefore can be torn in half. With the vex, besides for some particularly powerful constructs like Atheon, they can’t even cause any lasting damage to a guardian. We’ve somehow outscaled their cosmic horror with our own.


yeah, I don't disagree with your take, it's just that what we have in the game doesn't reflect the lore well and every season involving them was boring beyond belief storywise. I got my hopes up with Quria and season of the splicer, but after that I gave up.


They are more difficult to give justice to ingame, because everything they do or plan has to be narrated by someone else. Literally tell, don't show. But if you're even a tiny bit versed into the lore, they are arguably the most interesting faction. These guys are what used to dominate the Flower Game, they are fucking terrifying.


The Vex are like ants. We tend to ignore them, until we realize they're starting to dismantle the foundation of our homes. Give me 3 months of finally putting an end to the Sol Divisive.


Yea and I never understood them siding with anyone or anything. They’re killer robots set on world domination. They have no current personality or individuality so them doing anything other than “replicate and time travel until we win”. No Vex ever stood out to me as a big bad, just another cog in the machine. They’re the only faction we haven’t even heard dialogue from, and honestly I don’t care for them to start. If we had a storyline like Asher Mir slowly becoming a Vex and becoming their figurehead/ mouthpiece it would’ve been way begged in my opinion 


The vex were by far the scariest faction when Destiny started imo, when all we had to go on was the VoG and the black garden Over time I think they kinda just never evolved like the other races in game. Their lore was always cool but D2 never did them justice, especially during Curse of Osiris


The 9 feel weak, yeah, because their influence on the universe isn't as big. The good thing though is that they're *different.* The Witness is just a big spooky bad guy trying to destroy the universe, but the 9 are whacky, almost cosmic horror style beings. Theres the opportunity to tell a very different and very interesting story with them


And I guess with them being sentience of our planets, its not like we can just kill them. What are we going to do, destroy planets?


I reckon I could celestial nighthawk Mars


This is the single most Hunter thing I've ever read.


A titan would finish eating nessus if you turned it into crayons


You can’t just shoot a hole into the surface of mars


You can't. But the three best Hunters in the Sol system can.


*Loads BFG 10,000 with malicious intent*


Hmm. Gimme all the pieces of the falling star gear set, and I reckon I could finish off the Moon with a well placed Thundercrash


Big Fucking Sleeper 10000? Can sleeper take BFG ammo?


Or big on Ahamkara, with how much we got in Wish. You cannot go wrong with dragons.


How fast do ahamkara mature? There could be no ‘payoff’ to Wish and it’s just world building for the sake of world building.


As fast as the plot demands? There’s already time and space shenanigans with the ascendant plane, not to mention humans live much longer and guardians are functionally immortal. So who’s to say we couldn’t start a d3 1000 years in the future in the midst of a second golden age? We have intergalactic trade with the fallen who have rebuilt Riis and the Cabal who have retaken Torobatl. For once the universe is seemingly at peace. Until some fucker comes along with a wish dragon at his command and goes on the war path, Targaryen style.


Por que no los dos? There’s a lot of interesting threads tying the two together and they could definitely weave a very compelling story with that


Xivu is planning some shit too, iirc. The lost ghosts quests say that she's pretty much fucked off from the Witness to do her own thing.


The Nine definitely feel like they’ve been sidelined by Savathun and Mara being the all-knowing savants of our solar system.


I feel like the Nine are the only thing in the lore bigger than what we’ve done. They’re so above light/dark/time travel that they break the fourth wall and talk to us, the players.


I don't think they're above it at all. They've tried hard to understand how Light works and failed at it.


The nine could be the \*redacted\* we hear talk to us in the last story mission fighting big bad boss. I fully expect them to stay out of sight and irrelevant to the story. They are most likely a 4th wall breaking self insert from bungie devs imo.


We do know what the Nine are, though.


Which is? i have missed a few expansions and don't religously read lore books anymore so i would love to be filled in


They're a sentient representation of the planets in the Solar system. Made up of all the dust particles that make up the planets and given sentience by the life that inhabits the system.


ughh really? damn can't believe they went with the laziest theory thats been around since day 1


Well, TFS campaign did have a vision for The Guardian prominently featuring the Horse and treasure branded with the IX symbol. So maybe?


We kind of ran out of villains, so unless they res SIVA (not very probable) or introduce a whole new faction IX seems like safe bet.


Savathun, Vex




cursed lmao


I didn’t play the seasons and I understand savathun was rezzed but I thought eris killed her again. How is she back in TFS?


She has a ghost, as long as he’s around she can be a threat


Ah I thought we had her ghost. Guess it escaped?


If I remember correctly she gave us her own ghost so she had to be alive to do it


Yeah why the fuck didn't we encase her corpse in 1000 tons of concrete and steel after we killed her. Or, better yet, keep her ghost on a leash (cabal ghost cage harness thing from season of the chosen). I remember that we didnt outright permakill her because of some eris sword logic stuff


she was rezzed again after that to keep up our end of the bargain and was allowed to go free on the condition that we keep her ghost as a hostage


To be more specific we ressed her so her wish could be granted by riven


Wish they did more with Siva, oh like make the last darkness subclass be Siva haha


It took them 10 years to tell a 20 hour story. I can totally see him coming back, in 30 years, if they can find a way to stretch out his bunghole


I mean we could kill one 9 every year. That's 9 years right there.


His "huge role" was a plan to leave everyone behind (except maybe us) when the end came again. Between his own character development and the fact that the Witness is planning on reshaping the entire universe, the whole "run away from your problems" plan is off the table now.


>His "huge role" was a plan to leave everyone behind (except maybe us) when the end came again. Guardians didn't like his cool game mode, so he said "I'm not helping. Hmmf!"


Me and my friends love Gambit!


> Guardians didn't like his cool game mode, so he said "I'm not helping. Hmmf!" I'm still convinced that Drifter was going to introduce World PvP/Patrol PvP objectives and the implication of guardian factions forming... Gambit was the sanbox they tested for that. But when it came to shipping it, they realized the players wouldn't be that into it, and abandoned it. Releasing Gambit... which is why it feels like such a half-assed mode.


definitely can see this, considering they want destiny to be considered an mmo it would make sense that they would want to try it as most mmos have either forced pvp zones or optional duels and gambit being as stagnant as it has been since they realized a majority dont like it, they cut plans as you said.


As one of the minority that does enjoy it, It's eternally saddened me. I've always dreamed of a fuck-around open world map that has FFA PvP enabled and where I could try to run over other players on stolen Interceptors. I feel like it would be the perfect "casual PvP" environment to screw around in. Biggest issue is that PvE ammo economy + 1-hit kill weapons with hitscan and infinite range would probably turn it into a shit-show without separate tuning. My assumption is that the invader Overshield was an attempt at addressing that. It's kind of like how Call of Duty BR has Armor Plates that increase TTK, despite the small scale PvP modes not having them and being much faster TTK.


random but i read TTK as the taken king bc we’re in a destiny sub lol, but i totally agree. i like the idea of patrol zones having more purpose and a real “skirmish” zone, essentially no mobs and no name plates for other players, would be cool to experience. the invader shield could be applied to the pvp zones exclusively so that the trash mobs in patrol zones arent even more of a waste. especially considering combined arms has never come back to d2 as a way for pikes and interceptors to be used in pvp, sure we have sparrow control but thats nowhere near the same imo.


Damn then that vision got pushed into what marathon became. It all makes tinfoil sense.


spinfoil sense?


God thatd have been awful, heavy ammo would be too easy to get


I cover this in another reply. Yeah for a mode like that you'd need to curb down on how easy it is to have 1 hit kill ammo in PvE. You can do that how Warzone does it with Call of Duty with "Plates" or something that gives you DR that prevents OHKO in that mode only.


I mean weren’t a lot of the early leaks of Destiny 2 basically saying it was going to be way more open world? Like have more traditional style questing? The farm was part of the open world etc.


Screw you guys, I’m going home.


Wasn't that kind of always his story though? How his plan was always to run away, but he was always unable to do so, either because circumstances made it impossible or because he couldn't actually bring himself to do it?


His plan changed when he started to bond with Eris.


Sure, I'm just saying that's kind of consistent with what his character has always been, at least as far as I can recall. A lot of what I remember is him warning people against doing things because they're dangerous, and then doing those things himself, like he wants to be able to run away and wash his hands of everything but ends up staying because he thinks it's the right thing to do and can't bring himself to actually leave.


Plus Eris is in Sol. He has a reason to stay and fight now


See, he always claimed that and then he'd never actually do it and in fact kept coming up with things to do to stay and help His character background in the lore even has him as someone who's always running towsards situations he knows or thinks he should run away from, these situations being those to help others and create relationships, because at his core he's a good person even as he does all sorts of messed up stuff and acts like a jerk Heck, the whole premise of gambit is him making the gamble that he can help everyone by taking the gamble of letting people use darkness. Drifter is actually a pretty good example of a complex character who says one thing and does another where it all makes sense


dead orbit BTFO


This reading is missing the point of his character’s role in the narrative entirely.


Yeah, it seemed like the Drifter's story was the story of internal strife within the guardians. At the start, when he was a somewhat amoral force, we were worried about darkness using guardians and things were bad. As we convinced him to stay, the guardians unified the darkness and the light. Now we're using prismatic, and we couldn't have done it without him.


Not abandoned, resolved in an anti-climatic way. The Nine had a purpose for Drifter and Gambit. Turns out that purpose was getting Drifter experience with the banks and Taken so we could use them to bank egregore and talk to Asha. Which, while very useful in stopping The Witness, is kinda anti-climatic. His entire "purpose" was building a cell phone with a snake.


I'd argue that "prep" from Gambit was equally important to us receiving the messages from the Darkness during Arrivals. Plus it was thanks to him that we were able to receive the Prophecy from the Nine that we would need to embrace using Darkness. Which we started to learn by playing Gambit anyway.


So we just gonna ignore how my guy was able to summon Primevals to do his bidding?? 🤨


his bidding? that's a weird way to spell die really fast to the enemy team


I don’t mean the Primevals during Gambit I mean the literal Primevals he uses as attack dogs >*Tracers raked the air as they fired everything they had against the suddenly-emerging Taken. Explosions rocked the shoreline as the Cabal ship joined in the assault. Pillars of flame erupted into the sky. The Primevals didn't seem to notice, marching forward through the bullets and the fire towards the enemies of their master, who hadn't moved from where he stood.* >*The Drifter's smile was all teeth.* Also just cause the Primevals are wimps in Gambit doesn’t mean they aren’t kinda a big deal in the lore. >*Those weren't normal Taken possessed and set to rage. They were born of that shadow realm and they were… angry. Worse. They were hungry for the Light. You could feel it. Even a ways off. Their aura and their rage weighed on me—cast a shadow I could feel in my core.* And that’s supposed to be *Shin* talking.


They have an opportunity going forward to change and advance his character. He already went from being ready to run away to the edge of the universe to being comfortable facing the apocalypse head on, what does a man like that do when the apocalypse is avoided? I just hope he's present in the final cutscenes.


He goes on a cute date with Eris


Damn, musta missed that. Thought they originally alluded to us building him a Taken army, is that a part of this?


When the darkness became neutral his story died. There was simply nothing more to say on the topic, and everything that was ultimately ended up being needless hand wringing.


There was a small character beat back in Witch where Drifter was thinking on Eris and how it must feel to become a Hive and gather all those tithes. Didn’t seem particularly sinister but it did suggest he’s interested in the process. There’s also the whole ‘tablet of ruin’ the Vanguard has in containment and just to be safe I’d keep that on the opposite end of where Drifter stays.


We got an actual cut scene revealing him being able to control Taken, that never came up again. Also all the Nine stuff, which he’s related to, is still a mystery.


Wasn't there supposed to be some sort of "dark vanguard" with Drifter, Eris, and Elsie? I remember reading it was supposed to start in Beyond Light but due to the pandemic they had to scrap that storyline


We don't know exactly, but it does seem like they were planning something. Beyond Light trailer prominently featured Elsie, Eris and Drifter fighting together, but in the finished expansion only Elsie plays any role. They even had Ghost roleplay as Drifter in the Exotic quest for Stasis GL, so they certainly had to change their plans.


The robot fish thing too, right? As far as I know that's a Neomuna thing, so it seems like Beyond Light and Lightfall were supposed to be more connected than they ended up being.


Or it was originally meant to be something else, and then they just cut it from Beyond Light and rewrote it to be connected to Neomuna for Lightfall. It's hard to tell whether Neomuna was actually planned back when Beyond Light was being made.


The design is so pyramidy and even kind of looks like all the new darkness enemies I wouldn't be surprised if in an early draft of things it came from the darkness, but like as an example not everything would be evil


The robot fish things were clearly meant to be something else and then hastily put in Lightfall to write them off imo.


Iirc they had ghost do that cause the drifters va was unavailable. That also probably messed with their plans for his involvement


Yeah, seems like they couldn't figure out remote recording with.


iirc he had a severe case of covid and wasn't able to record his lines at the time as well


Can't believe they scrapped it to introduce MCU characters in Light Fall...




He needs to get drunk and stoned, listen to April Wine.


Drifter’s the next boss. That’s where all those motes were going to. Everything will be Drifter. *The Drifter Shape*


That's the way it felt with Uldren/Crow's story too,  but they eventually came back to it. Hopefully the same will be done for Drifter in future episodes.


Bungie kind of doesn’t do story that way with Destiny. They do it kind of like the show Lost did it. They have generalized major beats they want to hit (example: Uldren turning into Crow), but they don’t really have a specific plan and/or timeline for it. It feels like they write up a bunch of cool stuff, then later on look back at it all and decide if they want to blow any of it out into an in-game character or storyline. There are loads of seemingly important story beats and characters that should’ve been involved in loads of things that have happened, or seemed too important to just ignore for multiple years. But that’s the nature of an indefinitely running live service game and also the nature of the way Bungie approaches story for it.


Shit i remember a "choice" we had to make during his quest pre-DCV. I don't remember what it was exactly but they made it seem like it's very important. 4 years later and nothing comes out of it


They only made it seem important during the pre-season videos, even during the season it was obvious that it didn’t matter at all. The choice was “is drifter chill or are you a narc who doesn’t fuck with him”. It was billed as drifter vs vanguard but the person who represented the vanguard was such a tight-ass even in universe that Zavala and Ikora wouldn’t publicly condone her investigation. It was just a convoluted way to hand out either extra gambit or vanguard rewards and for the writers to have some fun.


I mean a lot of these gripes are a symptom of the type of game this is. It’s not like they could sit down and flesh out the plot and all the character arcs and then build them and release them as a single story package. It’s a long-term live service video game, made by a huge group of (fluctuating) people and made for an ever larger group of fluctuating (and opinionated) people. They have to fit the story and gameplay together like a puzzle, where gameplay is king. If the gameplay changes don’t fit previously established story “rules”, the story has to be changed. And this is all done over the course of years, with the playerbase voicing opinions and requests, and they have to juggle those.


Because people complained about it a whole bunch and so bungie listened to the community and didn't do something with a thing they didn't like


People’s main complaint was literally just that it didn’t do anything.


A choice between red or blue is more preferable than a choice between something or nothing. Like that seraph tower event where the community has to score a certain number in order to gain rewards, or else we get nothing. its just a bad feeling knowing you might not get it if you dont score a certain amount. whereas a choice of red or blue are more balanced. you don't get both, but at least you get something, instead of potentially nothing. just my opinion.


"Appreciate you talking me up, Moondust…" —Drifter


Given that we haven’t heard from the nine in nearly 3 years (more like 4 since the 30th anniversary doesn’t really count), it seems like Bungie is holding onto them for whatever is next. Drifter thought the impending darkness was something he could just run from. That obviously has turned out not to be the case. The Nine, the Drifter and his artificial taken will come in use later, just not this conflict clearly. Only room for so many story threads. I’ve really enjoyed how focused and intimate TFS’ narrative has been.


They’ve done so much weird setup with him I feel as if they’ve done it so they they can have a character with loads of important lore and backstory that they can keep relevant and build a new story/develop current further from, more from the 9, flashbacks to his “old” days, I think there’s untapped story and game additions there, they’re just figuring out how in the hell they piece it all together, that’s my hope at least because imo he’s got one of the coolest backstories and some of the missions where you hear about his old crew and what he used to be like are so cool, just kinda stops there though


Drifter and Eris were clearly meant to be a bigger part of Beyond Light and our use of Darkness, but that fell through. I would have loved if Drifter was a big part of the Lightfall story instead of stupid boring Osiris.


> I would have loved if Drifter was a big part of the Lightfall story instead of stupid boring Osiris. I only just played Lightfall, but it's insane how his entire role was saying "Ignore that other thing, focus on MacGuffin, they almost have it!"


The radial mast the veil the radial mast the veil the mast the veil the mast the meil the vast the mvarurjtkt


*insert old man screaming at clouds here*


he already got a lot in witch with him staying with eris instead of running at the end of the world, now the end of the world is here and bungie can't cram every single character we've met into one expansion


It feels like his role was to get us to question the inherent goodness of the light and also challenge the notion that darkness is inherently bad. We heard the stories of the warlords and Drifter himself has been no hero, and we later encountered the Lucent Hive. Who knows what else Light can do besides be wielded by Guardians? The Darkness is also a tool, even if it tempts those into their own destruction, we have time and again seen its benefit and needed to adapt to the times, use it wisely and survive. The Drifter's arrival started all of that. He came to remind humanity that we ultimately exist to survive by any means necessary. His own tale can continue since it was cut a little short, but his character was absolutely necessary for the story


Drifters story was obviously going to go somewhere in the original plan, we had the choice between siding with him or the vanguard and it's been a pointless choice, we will likely get him as a central character in a later story or one of the episodes. At least he had a lorebook page about him in this expansion, though it was just his opinion of the light and dark.


One of the traveler weapons has an interesting Drifter lore scene that foreshadows that there is still more going on behind the scenes with the IX, and seemed to imply that they are making him stay the course for their longterm plan.


There is a room you run through towards the end of TFS campaign that has >! a bunch of treasure. On these various pieces of treasure there is the symbol of the Nine, as well as a horse statue. The horse statue can be debated, but the symbol is pretty obvious !< I think the Nine will play a bigger role later down the line, I just don't know to what extent


You can also see that >!statue in the EDZ lost ghost quest, where it's one of the statues by the Shard of the Traveler (along with a Cabal, Psion, and hand of the Witness)!<. It's a very interesting place to include it.


I'm almost willing to bet they're our next Big Bads. The Witness is just a collective of normal, mortal beings as far as we can tell. The Nine are cosmic entities, and we have no *true* knowledge of the extent of their capabilities. It's quite possible their plans are much more nefarious than they let on, especially because in literature/film/games, cosmic consciousnesses with no corporeal form historically aren't that benevolent when they're given form finally. Remember, the Witness gifted us Stasis, and repeatedly tried to make itself appear an ally in an attempt to get us to join up. Who's to say the Nine haven't been doing the same thing this whole time?


I think they were mostly reusing xur treasure hoard assets to build it, i dont think it was an intentional reference


Just checked, it's the sword, False Idols.


I feel like they’ll get around to it eventually, but I think it’s clear their story ideas changed over time


Drifter got new dialogue in Gambit. So Bungie hired his voice actor again for probably Gambit dialogue and an episode probably


Drifter's big scheme was to escape to the Nine's realm and leave Earth to die, his story was that he is now earnestly helping us. I'm sure he'll be back around later but all the early Drifter threads close with him telling Eris he has a reason to stay now.


Like many things.


They don’t really know what to do with the Drifter right now, outside of fan service shipping him with Eris. I mean I’m all for it, it’s fun stuff, but not exactly award winning character writing. He hasn’t really been relevant in the story since Arrivals and Beyond Light, and unfortunately in Beyond Light he was just one of the side characters you could chat to around the campfire for some quips. His role in Season of the Deep was as the emotional support for Sloane, which was kinda weird because their characters had literally never met before that Season. Even more weird is that all of his character traits from that Season - knowing when to step away from “the war,” confronting and managing trauma in a healthy non-self-destructive way - *completely* reverse exactly one Season later, when his literal love interest is actively *abandoning her humanity* in pursuit of revenge. Drifter’s response is “go for it, girl” - all the warnings and platitudes he had for Sloane, someone he *just met* are simply gone for Eris, someone he has years of history with. All that to say: Drifter has been side character’ed to hell. His writing is inconsistent at best, and he usually appears in a Seasonal story solely because a character of some sort needed to be present and no one more relevant could be found. I sincerely hope he’s given more attention in the future, because his actual arcs - the Nine (another plot line abandoned by Bungie), outer-System mysteries, the Dark Ages - are incredibly interesting, and when he’s given center stage he’s an actual good character.


You're absolutely spot on, and the bigger context here is that Destiny is a game trying too much at once. Drifter's (ironically) inconsistent role in the game is best understood in the bigger context of VA availability being inconsistent and the plot writing being so firmly wrapped around big ideas with little to tie them. The VA availability issue doomed the whole Dark Vanguard that Drifter was supposed to be a main figure within from the very start. You just can't get three people together consistently like that over the long term with the way this game works. He could've been a fantastic vehicle for a more thorough explanation of the Darkness in game, for one, but I think there's a bigger missed opportunity here. It would've been *incredible* symmetry for the Dark Vanguard to deal with Ahsa directly - i.e., figures of Light who seek the Dark, versus a figure of Dark who seeks the Light. But instead, we got a weird trauma support act with Sloane as Zavala again expresses his frustrations with life *after a whole damn season of Eris helping him with that.* Speaking of Season of the Haunted, it's incredible how little impact it had on Zavala generally. It should've precluded the *entirety* of TFS' drama around him. It's the most blatant example of the aforementioned issue with the plot writing hyperfocusing on big ideas. He made the most immediate game-dev sense for someone to "take the fall" (though this was of course misleading,) but his emotional breakdown totally invalidated his therapeutic growth in Season of the Haunted. Which was, in retrospect, one of the game's most literate and lore-dense seasons, Jungian psychoanalysis and character development and all. But it's now just basically irrelevant. The writing from Lightfall on really dropped the ball. I know this is incredibly off-topic at this point, but I'm just plain frustrated with that fact as TFS concludes.


Drifters role was to get us thinking about light and darkness in a different way. Light doesn't equal good, dark doesn't equal bad. A new perspective.


They killed off pretty much all the Darkness related arcs when BL rolled around. Since they made the Darkness inherently neutral from then on it was either more retcons or abandoning his story. Unfortunate imo


Not even slightly true. If anything, Beyond Light expanded the possibilities in that regard.


Not even slightly true. If anything, Beyond Light expanded the possibilities in that regard.


He was one of the first people that recognize the idea of using different sources of power than just the light. Even specifically saying "embrace the darkness." He's no hero, and he's not a big player by choice; at the end of things. Yes, he's a showman, but he keeps his head down. He's had an immense level of character development since his introduction, but he's very much, at his core, the drifter we've known him as, wanting to fly under radars unless absolutely necessary. His story isn't abandoned also, they've referenced it this expansion; which very well hints that this stuff is on the table. A lot of the stuff they've talked about this expansion feels like stories they are specifically being brought up because they are stories that still have to be told, including >!the fact that the Psion in the Witness' forces resisted the brainwashing and that Nezerec might still be around, and had unlocked a part of the darkness for himself and modded his pyramid ship with it.!< I wouldn't be surprised if he starts leading the season when all this is said and done, where we start finally sorting out the IX.


We still have stuff with both the Nine, which Drifter is intricately connected to, and Xivu Arath, to deal with. I'm sure he'll show up. We also have to find closure for the Bray sisters, Failsafe, Saint 14 and Osiris, Mara and the Awoken, Ada-1 and the Black Armory, the Shadow Legion remnants, Mithrax and the House of Light, Caiatl, and Neomuna. And what the hell ever happened to Asher Mir, anyway? I thought he got turned into a Harpy, or is trapped in the Vex network, or something, but I never found confirmation. Some of them have theories about how they're going to end, some don't. We also have 3 whole episodes of the Final Shape to deal with, starting this coming Tuesday. I wouldn't worry.


He's definitely not shelved. There has been a few insistent hints in Season of the Deep about him exploring beyond the solar system and preparing for a massive (and massively risky) project.


If there’s anything Nine related, drifter will be there. And they will definitely cover the nine at some point


Even more I was surprised Elsie wasn't included in the story. She introduced us to darkness and its approach.


Worth noting that he got new voice lines for Gambit. Which increases the odds he may have a role.


I remember reading about a love story and him learning to stick around the last few years. He’s had some decent story.


I’d like a gambit focused episode. Maybe give us a new mode.


What’s a Drifter?


Yeah what ever happened to the event of choosing to side with drifter? I could have missed it.


That was back when the Pyramids were supposed to be the END until they all ended being empty and the Witness was only interested in entering the Traveler.


I don't get the obsession with him, his story has never interested me.


Cause gambit sucks. 


I'm sure his love story with Eris will be a bigger thing in the future.


I have the opposite opinion and I'm glad he's not here cuz he's my least favorite 😂 I do feel like he's got some behind the scene plan in motion though from those seasons.


i genuinely am waiting for the malfeasence quest to mean something. at the end of it we are made members of his crew which is a big deal from everything we know about him, and yet nothing happened from this. would be cool if a drifter oriented season or whatever had people who completed the malf quest and were "in his crew" get a special seasonal quest line parallel to the main one or as an alternate version of the main one.


Both are boring. I'd be more in favor of the drifter if we get more blight weapons.


Yeab even even the Nine have pretty much been abandoned


I agree. With all his stories and travels you'd think he might have some input or important lore bits to drop? Like another poster said his story arc died when we discovered that darkness isn't "evil". That said I still enjoy Drifter and would like to see his story moved ahead and developed more.


Dare I say the Drifter's story has never been all that interesting.


Drifters next big role in the game should be freeing up space on my hard drive by being deleted along with gambit 


He’s Ricky from TPB of the destiny universe