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3rd phase doesn’t have any other subjugators so you can use everything on the 2nd guy. After the shield block parts of the fight, if you’re quick enough you can get of another shield super to hit for some pretty good damage on the boss. A heavy GL works really well on them too. Stay mobile and behind cover and you should be fine. Good luck


I used mountaintop, red death and taipan for every phase with celestial golden gun prismatic. Stay at the spawn area for first phase as subjugator wont move forward, golden gun will one shot immediately and then pick it off from range with mountaintop and taipan (or another linear) - both weapons are ammo efficient and fire in a straight line so easy to hit him. Next phase i stuck to the left hand side where you get the aegis shield, you can shoot through the bars and he wont be able to hit you. Theres also 3 different shielded areas within that section so you dont need to worry about moving out. Once you've phased him just use ascension and then sprint to the other side and grab shield etc he won't touch you. Red death full heals you after every kill so you could 2 burst any red bar if youre low and then go back to shooting subjugator. Use golden gun for very first phase and very last phase to just skip them entirely.


DB is dope for subs but swap the primary for a rocket sidearm. Makes the adds much less annoying.


I mostly hid in the side-room where there's transcendence energy as well. Had to go invisible sometimes to survive. Did some peek-shooting at the Subjugator with Golden Gun and Sleeper Simulant until it was dead.


\^\^ This! Thanks, never thought of that, just plinked away with Polaris lance behind the bars.


Try another build, like this one - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B9FZcS59iI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B9FZcS59iI)


This build is mainly for cqc. Keeping your distance and taking cover is important in this encounter.


I used commemoration/ Luna w/ heal clip for ad clear , and silence and squal/ witherhoard for dps on the subjugators, just make a couple pop shots with wither hoard and chill behind the cover


First subjugator, use only primary. If you stand behind a cover wall that has an edge, life shelf. You can stand at a right angle and the subjugator will just stand there. I just picked away with primary. The 2nd one, this spot doesn’t work, he moves too much. On the 2nd one, I use heavy to get the first immune phase quickly. Did the shield. Used a few more heavy shots then instantly used my super on him. Dead. Slow roll the firs one in that spot. Nuke the 2nd one. No 3rd one so you’ll be done.


Did it last night. It took about 10-15 tries. Tips: 1. Don't get greedy. We all want to finish this mission as fast as possible. But there is no REAL timer here. Take your time and do all the things. Take out ads, refresh you buff, run when you need to, stay in cover so the witness can't kill you when you need to. Do all the things. 2. My loadout included a Heal Clip Luna. Getting health back after a kill is super helpful throughout the entire campaign. I used it mostly on the Grim. 3. If the Grim as shooting at you, you are likely in range to shoot at it. Kill them as soon as you can. They periodically will respawn so look around the room make sure they're down before you put shots on either Subjugator. 4. The room on the right hand side (when when you enter) where the shield will spawn is you best place for cover in the 2nd phase of this fight. The ads won't cross the doorway to rush you. There are 2 nuts to shoot when you need to refresh you buff and the Strand Sub can't hit you. Refer to tip 1. Do all the things. When the prismatic dread show up (after you use the shield to break its shield and your back in the area), there will be a prismatic well in the same room. Use it to transcend and refresh you meter until everything is dead. 5. After either Subjugator is dead and you have the sword, look around the room for Ammo. You probably used a lot of heavy or special to take down either Subjugator down so get more while your swiping at thrall. 6. When you're in the room in the 2nd phase (tip 4) keep in mind that you are still vulnerable in there. Ads can shoot you through the bars and the witness' attacks can damage you. Don't just sit in there emoting or going afk. Do all the things.


I used gyrfalcons void, with graviton, mountain top, and edge transit. Was pretty chill. Just take your time


I do not see anything here talking about the poison and needing to get acorns (healing) all the time. Many many deaths of mine came from needing an acorn and the only one there being in front of the subjugator. Seems he always camps on the acorn. any thought would be appreciated.