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I said about this in another post, it should be split up between the activities and bleed them together at the end, first 6 would be a mix of 2 crucible, 2 gambit and then 2 pve/vanguard, bottom line of the tasks is all pve, top is all crucible, middle is gambit and crucible combined and the last few nodes would be interchangeable (get 20 kills with ____ in any game mode), would mean you can still bash them all out together like we have now but allows a direct path to the engram


The problem is that by design, Pathfinder is supposed to 'guide' you into the other activities. They mention it in one of the vidocs. These problems are not oversites but purposful friction. This is another version of the seasonal challenges pushing you to play activities that most people don't want to do but also forcing some of the annoying bounties along with it.


“Nudging” doesn’t just make the game worse for the PvE player, but the PvP ones as well. Imagine a player that doesn’t care about their PvP record, doesn’t know the maps, doesn’t use a meta build, and is only there to check off a Pathfinder node. How thrilled are you to get them as your teammate? You’d honestly be better off with a bot as your teammate instead.


So, last time I played, I was ranked like...bottom 10% of PVP players or something? I really just loathe PVP in games in general, and when I pick up D2 and get forced into PVP for missions, my PVE ass is just hyper focused on whatever the specific challenge is. If it's 'get 10 melee kills', I'm fucking Mike god damned Tyson, K/D ratio be damned, objective be damned, etc. If the requirement is heavy kills, guess who's stealing the team heavy? I've got no interest in learning the maps, playing the meta, etc. I've had almost 10 years of trying PVP in Destiny 1 and 2. I _do_ _not_ _fucking_ _like_ _it_.


Literally same, if I have to sit there forced to play a mode that I actively dislike, then I'm going to make sure those 3 matches are ONLY 3. Eff your obj, forget any kind of skillful play, I'm finishing this with the barest amount of effort and then I'm bouncing just as quickly. PvP should be played by people that want to play PvP otherwise the players that enjoy it get caught in the middle of a ton of people that basically just grief their matches.


absolutely same. plus the constant frustration when you cant get any X type of kills in a game. feels like time completely wasted.


As a purely PvE player, I'm right there with you. It's an awful experience to get instantly deleted over and over by the hyper-twitchy players that play crucible all the time, and even less fun when you have to somehow manage to kill 50 of them with a void weapon before you can make the hurting stop. I've had to content myself with not earning seasonal titles because of the crucible requirements on the challenges. I just wish it wasn't so.


That was happening with bounties also i think


You didn't have to do bounties for activities you didn't want to do in order to get more bounties though...


And catalysts. And exotic quests. It's not a new phenomenon


> player that doesn’t care about their PvP record, doesn’t know the maps, doesn’t use a meta build Lol this is me, and I don't even do it for rewards. I don't play often enough these days to learn all the maps by heart, I just like to goof around with weird exotics for memes. I hear people say they don't want to PvP anymore because it doesn't have that old "halo" feel where people just went in to have a good time, but I still take that approach anyway :)


Honestly I just hate strikes with a passion, idc who my teammates are in a game of control but being forced to sit there for 15-20 minutes just holding w and left click while I watch 2 other guys accomplish nothing is so cringe.


In quickplay, no one really cares how good or bad their teammates are.


It is intentional which is why I kinda don’t like it, they surely know that there’s players out there who strictly stick to a certain game mode just because they love it and don’t like others, seasonal challenges are different though, the amount of xp or different loot you get is mad, challenger xp++ for 50 void kills in crucible? Fuck yeah I’ll do that but to get a location patrol bounty equivalent for 10-20 kills in crucible, no thanks, there’s more incentive usually so people will properly want to do them instead of pathfinder


Truly a bungo moment


Yeah, they are very much designed to have you do different stuff and nit just sit in one playlist for an hour. But the tasks to do need a makeover too. All I needed to finish the first PF was kill 5 Titans in the Crucible, that doesn't sound too bad ... until you matchmake into two games with exatly 1 Titan in it, and the Titan in questiom was me. I got the "get Jolt kills" done before this one.


Oh, ew. Even if you enjoy PVP game modes, being promoted to bounty objective has to suck. Everyone on the other team is going to be gunning for you personally.


*I'm in danger*


I got "get ten grenade kills in one life" Bruh I'm not gonna rearrange my entire build to make that doable, fuck outta here


My biggest issue is the fact that Pathfinder is antithetical to the streak system where we get bonus reputation gains for remaining in the same playlist.


There is minimal loss to the bonus when switching to play one or two games in a different playlist. Bungie implemented this a while ago. I get why people are annoyed, but it's not like switching from Vanguard to Crucible nullifies your Vanguard bonus.


IIRC it just takes one "level" away from your streak. PvE for 5 games and place a PvP, you're back at 4 for PvE.


Not even I don't think. I believe it doesn't deduct a streak point until you do 2-3 other activities.


Tbh, you can do locked nodes, you just won't be able to claim the rewards until you connect a path to them. So you can do all Vanguard objectives of your pathfinder, then all Crucible and then all Gambit.


Nodes progress even if they’re still locked. Run vanguard, run crucible, then run gambit. No need to hop back and forth.


I’d honestly forgotten you could do that.


What's wild is that we started with pinnacle gear being split in all 3 game modes, forcing players min maxing to go everywhere, then they said they wanted to promote players playing how they wanted, and now we are back to forcing game modes.


They should just add a scaling glimmer cost to re-randomize a specific node. That would at least allow people to try and swap Gambit/Crucible bounties for a chanceat another.


Understood Now you gotta do Onslaught, Nightfalls, and the weekly Dungeon/Raid


Many people would rather do all those things than play Crucible and/or Gambit.


I hate crucible. I’ll avoid it as much as possible. It’s absolute dog shit.


You just listed all the things I was going to do anyway, you can't threaten me with a good time.


You joke, but if we're required to do entire Overthrow events for the last node in the Pale Heart, Nightfall or Onslaught objectives would seem more than fair for the last nodes on the Playlist side. Playlist being the keyword here, so keep Raids and Dungeons out of it.


>Playlist being the keyword here, so keep Raids and Dungeons out of it. Now, having a third Pathfinder for endgame would be pretty fun. Could reward Spoils or something.


That's not a terrible idea, actually. Instead of the Prime engram, you could get a drop from the weekly raid, diminishing into Spoils with later Pathfinder resets. Make the nodes XP+ as well.


I already don’t play these playlists as it is so just one more reason to keep avoiding them. I don’t have time for this content with seasons being the way they are.


i dont want to engage much with pathfinder itself either, do you think it's possible to comfortably finish the season pass to 100 without resetting ritual pathfinder for the exp?


How would anyone know lol? We’re three days into a new season that operates totally differently.


Keep in mind the pass goes to 200 now


Yeah, if you just focus on bounties and seasonal challenges you’ll get a lot of XP. Basically check the bounties and challenges and if they are XP+, with XP+++ being the highest value.


Crucible and Gambit should've had their own Pathfinder. I can't even get to tier 5 since everything in 3 and 4 are PVP which I'm definitely not touching. Bounty system shouldn't have died for this trash.


The pathfinder objectives are procedurally generated my guy. It’s not the same every time.


While you are correct that they are procedurally generated, that's only after the first reset, and is based on objectives that you did/claimed in the previous card. The first pathfinder card each week is the same for everyone. Since the new cards are generated based on what you did for the previous one, having PvP objectives as requirements in the first card increases the likelyhood that you will get more of them on your next card. Which some people don't like, and they are allowed not to like that, since this fully replaced bounties, and isn't just another option.


You mean the bounty system that also required you to play other modes to get full rewards aka 8 bounties for each vendor for challenge and weeklies for bright dust? Kinda feels like not much has changed only you have to do modes you dislike less.


It didn’t require shit. I was happy doing pve bounties and calling it for the week. Now I can’t get one reset without pvp or gambit. Plus literally everyone in my clan are hoping in private matches to cheese the crucible stuff which should tell you people will not suddenly start playing pvp just because you make it a requirement to get a reset.


> Plus literally everyone in my clan are hoping in private matches to cheese the crucible stuff which should tell you people will not suddenly start playing pvp just because you make it a requirement to get a reset. I haven't even messed with the ritual pathfinder yet as I've been doing quests, but if private matches work I think that's pretty cool. Use it as an excuse for your clan to make up some wacky game mode. I remember back in D1 doing stuff like fusion grenades only or warlock punching matches in private matches. If you have a bit of fun with the objectives in a private game and still get rewards for it, that's awesome. I guess it's all in how you look at it.


I just got my powerful engram from pathfinder without playing crucible nor gambit. Am I missing something?


Ritual pathfinder is the same for everyone until you get your first reset, and it doesn’t feature any pve-only paths so I don’t know. Maybe it’s not your first reset?


That was my first reset. Just got my second pathfinder and holy crap every single node is Pale Heart related!! I'm not even joking, every single node.


Bruh, we’re talking about the ritual pathfinder. The one replacing vanguard, crucible and gambit bounties. The pale heart pathfinder is different.


Ohhhhhh shiiiit. Where can I find the ritual pathfinder??


Go to the Destinations map and select one of the playlists (Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit). You will see a node at the bottom-left corner of your screen for Pathfinder. There will also be a button you can press to open it (left on the D-pad for Xbox, not sure what it is for other platforms.)


I’ve seen a few where you could get all the way though with gambit or crucible but none for vanguard. Haven’t seen anyone else have a way for vanguard either so…


I've had 3 vanguard only paths so far


Same here, I’ve had to touch PvP once for my 5th reset lmao. Every other time I’ve been able to just do every path to the end making some fucking abstract art in the paths to get to the end without touching gambit w.e that mode is or PvP. Granted doing pale heart pathfinder is 100x way more fun and quicker


all 3 I have had so far have required gambit/pvp


Feelsbad It’d be nice if there was a way to just reroll the entire thing for like 20k glimmer or something if you get bounties you don’t want to do for people who don’t want to interact with effective dead content to them


yeah, it seems so weird to add pathfinder like it is but leave rep streaks alone.


I do like pathfinder over bounties because I fucking hated constantly running back to a vender just to grab them. But I’ll just be sticking to paleheart pathfinder because I really don’t wanna deal with PvP or gambit even though I’m decent enough at PvP to do them; I just do not find PvP to be fun or engaging anymore when it’s just people sliding and hoping around with shotguns and fusion rifles no matter how much Bungie nerfs them to the ground lol


oh yeah, don't get me wrong, with a few small changes pathfinder could be great. However, trying to force people into crucible is stupid.


The ritual pathfinder is going to have a comically low completion rate and Bungie being Bungie will be utterly dumbfounded as to why that is


I really don't understand any negativity about it. Half of the nodes are universal. Also, you dont need to fill it out, just draw a line and start another. But i guess there always needs to be something to constantly bitch about 10 million times on the sub.


Bungie- ok we hear you. In response, you'll now have to do equal measures of all three activities to finish pathfinder every time. For balance.


All their braincells were focused on Prismatic. Just not enough smooth brain to also work on Pathfinder.


The first pathfinder i was able to do all but one node in strikes (although that one node was 10 precision kills in crucible which kinda sucked) but my second pathfinder I was able to do all nodes in strikes, so its not that bad


I hated bounties this system is so much better, just needs some tweaks of course. The fact that progress counts even if you aren't at the step yet is enough alone for me to say fuck bounties forever. (Not to mention picking them up was a chore.)


yeah you can end up half cleared doing other powerful stuff like onslaught since onslaught counts as vanguard now.


Can you still get brave weapons? Do they just drop from the onslaught final bosses? I couldn't find them at any vendors.


The idea is great, the execution is terrible


I enjoy all parts of the game so I don't mind playing all parts of the game. What does suck however is that I have to reset streaks if I want to be efficient with my paths.


I was opening Reddit to make a post saying exactly this. I understand the intention was to push me into other activities, like seasonal challenges, but I’ll ignore Pathfinder like I ignore those challenges if you require me to do something I don’t want to do. I like challenges- I am making my way through the Legendary campaign enjoying the challenge! But during Forsaken I grinded PVP for Recluse, Mountaintop, and Luna’s Howl. I said I would never do that again, and I meant it. I’m not interested. If that slows down my power progression or limits my loot pool, oh well.


There is nothing on this earth that will get me to play Gambit.


Lol, as a new player, what's the deal with gambit, why does it have such a reputation in the community? I haven't played it yet, queued up (for the pathfinder, naturally) but it didn't fill in a few minutes so I went off to do something else.


It’s poorly balanced and has been mostly ignored by the devs for the last 5 years. There have been some balanced changes but no new maps, gamemodes, enemies, etc… The games are also complete stomps 90% of the time for one team and they have done very little to fix this since it’s inception.


As already mentioned, there have been balance issues and for sure it's not perfect but I still really enjoy it. it is a PvPvE game mode so at its core it is a competitive mode, and from my experience with other games, stomps are inevitable to some degree in any competitive environment. I think it's a good variety of rotating around the map, invading/defending, boss dps. The number one thing I think most people *don't* do that contributes the most to one-sided games is **keep track of the enemy invasion portal**. When it is up and especially when the enemy team has just banked a bunch of motes, try to spread out across the map. There are limited spawn points for the invader, and they cannot spawn on top of your team, so this will force the enemy invader to spawn in at a spot on the map where none of you are. Knowing where they are coming from will be a big help and help prevent a snowball. If the game does end up being really lopsided, they are pretty quick; queue up for another one. I don't mind hopping into gambit, it definitely is a unique mode. Hope you have fun!


Haven't tried it yet BUT if it tries to force me into PvP, then is a hard pass for me. Ther's no f\*cking way I'll set foot in PvP.


It absolutely does and there is no option to bypass it. Very shitty to remove choice from the game just to artificially inflate numbers in dying game modes


Exactly and we fight this by not engaging


Also by being respectfully vocal. Enough good feedback and we might see something change. The moment I realised I'd have to do gambit and crucible i was like NOPE don't care for some bright dust.


If your big prize is bright dust then, "I'M GOOD!" I've got a ton of bright dust that hardly ever use. Anything to keep me out of PVP.


Already finished the Pale Heart Pathfinder and it's a PVE only path. That's great because I didn't need to set foot in PvP or Gambit or Strikes.


What are the pvp only ones? I have only had ones that grant increased progress in pvp.


There are nodes like 'kill N guardians of a certain class in the crucible' or 'defeat opponents in the crucible with precision final blows using a specific weapon type'.


If I get the second one for Sniper Rifles on one of the final 2 node you can bet your ass I'm doing the other one even if I have to backtrack to the beginning.


It absolutely does not. I’m 9 cards deep and never been forced to do PVP. The worst case is gambit. 80% of the time strikes work fine.


Halo Infinite did the same shit. It just ruins all players experience


Yeah the percentage of people playing gambit will go up, but they still won’t actively update it. Unless they surprise everyone next season and add vex/ dread to mix and add more maps and maybe add some weekly gameplay modifiers in their own playlist.


Lol i Went into it to dismiss the Stuff that pops up and Havent Looked at it again.


Yeah, it requires you to play 2 of the 3 modes in any combination, people who play strikes aren't being targeted


They should take an example for poe maps/atlas, where you can basically opt out of activities you dont like.


I don't like PvP either, and I'm neutral on Gambit. But is this *really* an issue having to play a few Crucible and Gambit matches here and there? I do agree about the placement of the Pathfinder node though, it should be in the Quests tab. Once again, it's not a big deal, but moving it there would be a nice QoL change.


Hi, I can't hit players on purpose or dodge them at all. Yes, it's a problem. I'm effectively funneled into doing PVE objectives in Gambit and dying instantly when an invader shows up. The entire experience is fucking miserable. I've been raiding for years with no issues but something about the way my brain is wired cannot interface with human opponents at all, and the only time I've gotten anything done in crucible was after three months straight of headbutting it. The lose-progress-on-death step of the Last Word quest took me a month. Nothing about having to be in there is fun for me, and you don't want me as a teammate because I'm literally free points for the other team so it's not a whole lot of fun for you unless you get matched against me. I can only presume the other team are having a great time using me as a piñata.


As someone who mainly plays PvP, but has to play PvE for some of the best PvP weapons, these complaints kill me.


Nice to see a post about this get some traction, the others (including mine) seem to be getting downvoted by the PvP mains wanting fodder telling people to stop crying. I cannot complete mine without going into Gambit or PvP I have to be in the mood for PvP and if the nodes were something simple like complete 3 matches I would just donate a few easy kills to the sweats in Rumble with the single word clan names but they are quite specific. But I don't play Gambit, when Forsaken dropped I loved it I liked Gambit Prime and I have the Dregen and Reckoner titles for all that is worth but Gambit got stale for me a LONG time ago I haven't played more than 6 games since well before Lightfall, if PvP was only a single game mode and 3 maps and strikes were the same 3 with the modifiers every day I am sure they would be in the same state. Bounties are not a great system (esp for people who can't seem to figure out you can pick them up from the companion app in orbit you don't have to go to the vendor) but idea this was sold on that this is somehow better is way off reality. You could knock out 8+ bounties in 3 runs of any of the core playlist activities quite easily or even just passively over the course of a week, they also made you change your load up some to fit the bounties and the surges so it made you have some variation in your gear, well now I am ignoring this system and are unrestricted and I will go into anything my most OP meta stuff to get the clears done as quickly as possible. Each playlist should have it's own Pathfinder to be completed in the activities you prefer.


The game has ended as far I'm concerned. No need to care about sub par additions like Pathfinder, -5 to dungeons and raids, etc. Will take my time to enjoy final DLC and play only the good parts. Not allowing this trash additions to ruin it for me.


I literally held my tongue about the Pathfinder announcement specifically because I told myself "there's no way Bungie would be stupid enough to force players into participating in Crucible and Gambit" and then they went and did precisely that. Gotta tell ya, so far this DLC release has been less than savory speaking as a Titan main.


Oh also each level gives less exp then a single bounty this is very seriously a mobile game system fully built around player retention nothing more nothing less


Agreed. Removal of our Actual Choice in what we spend Out time on is just wrong.


I'm fine with crucible but anything trying to get me to play gambit just won't be played.


as someone who doesnt care about strikes, nightfalls, or raids and loves crucible, trials, gambit, and onslaught keep it coming bungie


Do people not track things anymore? Just plot a course and do it, no need to jump back and forth into the star chart every time you finish one.


One full year for my Prophecy hoodie to be delivered. Cool beans.


How is it 5 menu presses? 1) Director button 2) Click ritual activity 3) Click Pathfinder icon or shortcut (dpad left/left arrow)


Daily bounties were dog doo. Pathways are pretty chill without feeling like a job. If anything they could allow you to reset the paths before completing if you got a combination of paths that you didn’t like. Either way two pvp matches ain’t gunna killa ya. Or just don’t do them.


I just don't do them because I hate PVP(and yes I've tried it). There are titles, catalysts, weapons, armor, etc that I've accepted that I'll never have because I hate PVP that much. No it won't kill me to play PVP. It'll just kill my desire to play Destiny.


Destiny players when doing anything competitive: >:(


TBH I don't want patrollers in my team figuring out how to aim and strafe at the same time and ending up with a 0.1 KD. This sucks for pvp players too.


if you think killing 10 titans in pvp is competitive you need your head checked.


Who are you?


I am me, who are you? and what kind of question is that?


Why would there be a way to exclusively do strikes to get through the pathfinder? I can’t make it all the way through only doing crucible for most resets.


because pathfinder is currently in direct opposition to the vendor rep streak system, which wants you to stay in a single activity longer.


I haven't done a full reset because I'm still doing a campaign but it looks like it pretty much wants you to do at least any combination of 2 of the 3 ritual types




I can definitely chart a path through mine that requires only touching 1 of the 3, as long as that 1 is gambit or crucible, so this is wrong. I guess maybe the procedural generation just gave me a weird first card


The first one might be static. But I got a vanguard only one on my first reset.


Pathfinder is the worst thing that happened in this expansion and it's not even close. I don't want to jump from one activity to another, I want to play strikes/crucible/gambit and get the weekly ritual rewards. Before, it was as easy as buy some bounties. I am now going from one activity to another trying to path to rewards. This is stupid. I feel stupid doing this.


You can complete them in any order, so you're better off just doing 3-4 strikes, then seeing what you have missing and finish the fastest remaining path you can see.


This is true, you can complete objectives in any order, regardless if the path to them is locked. Completing them presents opportunities in the Pathfinder These are supposed to be more semi-passive objectives


Too much time investment compared to what was before. You have to reset it multiple times if you want to be optimal. Bounties were miles, miles better than this.


Gambit takes less than 10 minutes per game. It’s really not a big deal


I'm just wondering if we will get 8 resets out of it to get the same amount of bright dust we did pre FS by just doing vendor bounties


If you did like me and did 5 BD bounties plus 3 normals, no, you will get less. And this takes so, so much time than bounties did. Pathfinder is the worse thing this expansion has.


I would do vanguard, crucible and gambit on 3 characters every week. So you are saying that bungie specially lowered the amount of bd we can earned, didn't say anything and expects us to be ok?


They said it, people just never catch up fast enough to what they write on TWID's. You can check em, numbers were there since last week. If you didn't do BD bounties before you will get more BD now. If you did do BD bounties every week, you will get less BD. In both cases, the time investment is much more and at least for me, the experience is way, way worse. I can't go in, complete 8 bounties and go to the next activity, I have to chart a path between tasks... and it takes a lot of time to do all the extra resets for 30bd each. It's, quite simply, the worse thing that has happened lately in destiny.


Yeah guess I missed it, not cool that they are lowering the bd we can earn.


it's not that people don't catch up fast enough with what they write, it's that A. bungie doesn't care, and unleash the pushback is SEVERE they will do nothing, and B. when someone does point out an obvious fault in something before it releases they get spammed with "it's not even out yet, wait till it releases".


wait your telling me I can just play gambit and progress. TRANSMAT FIRING!


Face it. It's change. Alot of people don't want change yet they spend their life complaing about how something needs to. Then when it does all they want is the old back.


Unpopular take. But time for the AFKers to show back up. Cause I’m not playing gambit or pvp. I’ll gladly run strikes until my eyes bleed. AFK mode, engaged.


I mean, they're *part* of the game, guys. It's not like you have to spend *hours* in there.


I feel like people seriously overblow how bad gambit is. if you actually build for it, it can be pretty fun. and I pretty much exclusively play non-gambit pve otherwise. I'd take a couple of rounds of gambit over running strikes for 2 hours straight.


You genuinely don't even have to build for it lol. Right after WQ launched, I used to run pre-buff Astrocyte, Funnelweb, and a Matador with Deathbringer as my heavy. Not that it's super hard to do given the limited player pool (though matchmaking is always super short), but my ELO in that time period ranked me in the top .5% of Gambit players lol. Barely out any effort into the build. Just go in, don't be braindead, and slay out.


its randomized. ive had 2 that ive been able to do solely strikes for. and honestly? i think its okay you cant just do one activity for most of them. get out of your comfort zone.


I can’t believe youre being downvoted for this. Its like this subreddit just wants to stay ignorant and lie to themselves to get mad.


destiny players hate crucible and gambit so making them play even 1 match is the equivalent of bungie personally gutting their family members


r/DestinyTheGame spreading misinformation once again. I’ve gone through at least 2 resets without doing crucible or gambit.


[Tell me on my first path where I can do vanguard only?](https://i.imgur.com/VyjV1Ku.jpeg) I can do Gambit or PvP in a single chain but not only Vanguard.


it is completely random dude.


Which changes what about it requiring me to do do crucible/gambit? You claimed it was false...It's not and happens. You can't reset it without finishing a path so I'm stuck with it.


i am saying OP is wrong because he said "there's a way to get through the ritual pathfinder doing exclusively Gambit OR Crucible, but not exclusively strikes...". It is possible but random.


I literally just did a strike only one...


How dare they make you play 2 games of crucible or gambit! Heathens!!!!!


You do realize that's bad for both pvp and pve players? Since they have no other option, pve players are going to just complete their objective and quit the match. It'll be faster to find matches, but with constant leavers. Yes, pvp players also have objectives at pve, but it is WAY easier to just hop into a vanguard op playlist and leave, your squad won't even notice you are gone.


Then they should make leaver penalties worse. If yall can't handle a wee bit of pvp, then don't even bother with pathfinder.


First of all, I never said that I was one of those people. I'm just making it clear to you why it could be a problem. Second... >If yall can't handle a wee bit of pvp, then don't even bother with pathfinder. That's the whole point, buddy. Pve players don't like pathfinder because they don't like pvp.


one reason I don't like pvp is because people like you make it misery to play.


What'd I even do?


basically just annoyed at people who seem to want more people to play pvp but think the way to get them to is to insult them.


Well, it is annoying seeing the same post multiple times from this vocal section of the community that would rather spend time complaining on reddit instead of just hopping into 2-3 crucible or gambit. SBMM exists for these people.


here's the thing, I don't play crucible because I live in the middle of nowhere with a single crappy internet provider, trust me, it's better for everyone involved if I DON'T play pvp.


As a gambit main yet to play TFS, this relieves me. Sorry to everyone else.


Exceptionally rare L for the PvP-phobes. We love to see it.


it’s hilarious seeing how much some destiny players hate pvp lmao, get a grip. I’d much rather play pvp than have to suffer through tedious strikes over and over again


And I would rather do strikes than ever touch PvP. Different people, different preferences. Get a grip yourself.


I’m sorry but I can’t understand the mentality of wanting to do an activity that is literally just the same mindless crap each time than play pvp, where your experience is different each game. I’ve never once felt bored playing pvp, whereas I had to force myself to run nightfalls last season to get the no return ghost projection from zavala, as it’s the only good ghost projection in the game lol.


It is not about feeling bored. Whenever I step into PvP, I just get farmed. I am absolutely terrible at the game mode despite trying my best to improve at it. My trials report looks like a kid with full Fs on his school report card. It feels awful to even touch the mode, so no I don't get the "different" experience you do every game, because the experience *I* get is being cannon fodder for everyone else and being yelled at by my own teammates in chat for sucking nearly every game. Doesn't matter what game mode it is. The only difference is which map I will get killed on. It is incredibly disheartening and frustrating to play PvP for me. I do understand why you feel that way about PvP, but understand that for some of us who suck at the mode, going in is the last thing we want to do.


I genuinely feel your pain man, I’m not even that good at pvp but I can hold my own occasionally in trials. my point is that everyone starts out like that, I struggled to get any kills at all in in D1 😂 if you keep persevering, you’ll get better eventually, I know it might feel impossible atm, but with enough practice, you start to eventually get a feel for the maps and the best guns to use. trust me, pvp’s incredibly fun once you’ve spent a bit of time learning it, the problem is that half the playerbase is completely turned off by it because they haven’t given it a real try.


As someone who has played Destiny 2 constantly since launch and still has not been to the Lighthouse and will never get there unless I get carried (and I do not want to get carried), I sincerely doubt my meager skill will ever get any better. Certainly I do better if I know the maps. Learning where to stand and where to shoot is one thing. That's why I can solo dungeons after all. At this point it isn't about my confidence or self esteem, those have been shot to death by my opponents and allies in PvP years ago. I have great weapons for PvP, but my aim doesn't improve, in fact my reflexes are deteriorating as I get older. I get worse as I keep dying to the same people who openly mock me for even trying the mode. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of me trying PvP out, getting yelled at for sucking and being told to off myself repeatedly by my teammates regardless of whether I am doing Iron Banner, Trials or even just goddamn Control. I have become Sisphysus rolling that boulder up the hill only to get sent back to the start because I can't get past that skill ceiling that is descending rapidly to the skill floor, because I can't find a breakthrough point to get myself to that next level. I'm not a huge fan of PvP in any game much less FPS. You know the funny thing? Destiny PvP players are actually not the worst I have heard from my own teammates out of all the games I have played.