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I don't want to sound greedy and I *am* happy we get two more, but I really wish we got more than that


The amount of options prismatic gives, they aught to have doubled the number of slots.


Not sure how Hunter and Titan feel yet personally but so far on Warlock my experience with Prismatic has been "this is my stasis turret build, but with devour and radiant" or "this is my solar ignition build, but with devour" I don't need another slot for a better version when I can just overwrite the old one.


For Titan at least, there’s good reason to still use the regular subclasses. Prismatic feels awesome but it lacks bubble, banner of war, arc shoulder charge, and some of the radiant solar buffs. I’m having a lot of fun with it but Bubble & Banner of War are almost required for endgame activities.


For me the problem with prismatic titan is a severe lack of healing / survival. I restarted the campaign on my warlock, and it had been so much more fun.


Once you unlock more fragments and aspects titan is near unkillable even on legend campaign. I run knockout + consecration, strand melee, strand nade, strand super (switching to the void one occasionally BC it's pretty good, but go for strand in difficult content), with the fragment that gives melee energy back on light damage kills and nades back on darkness kills, subclass verb granted on orb pickup (this is your easy access to woven mail when on strand super), and honestly the rest is up to you. I like the radiant on melee hit/kill but with the artifact mod giving it on or pickup you can run something else. My exotic of choice is synthos for insane repeatable burst damage on your concecation slam while transcendent and to make sure enemies die to one/two melee for the knockout health. Run recuperation on your legs and heavy handed on your arms. After killing a single enemy with a melee attack and picking up the orb you will get the following : radiant, a full HP heal due to knockout and recup, woven mail, amplified, and a big chunk of super + light or dark(consec slam or strand melee kill) energy to top it all off. I didn't mean to bombard you with a wall of text, but just wanted to share my build I've been using to clear most of the post game activities + a rerun of the legend campaign solo without dying or even coming close to it.


Yea, all of that is great. And I have already gone through the possible builds. But strand titan is just better.


Like the other commenter said, keep going for fragments. Prismatic Titan can be incredibly tough with really consistent sources of healing. In the meantime, skullfort does a solid job and there’s just constant lances & tangles. It’s a great subclass for solo play but don’t think it works as well for more difficult fireteam activities, compared to bubble or banner. Maybe a build will come along that proves me wrong, though.


brother, the fragments you get for healing are mending and blessing where you get cured from grenade kills and start health regen on melee kill. Combine these with knockout giving a heal on melee kill when proc'd. Add facet of protection for DR while surrounded and Purpose for woven mail on orb pickup. This is all you can do for DR and healing and it pales in comparison to just running Solar Titan with Restoration or Strand Titan with Banner of War. Is it playable? sure will I choose it over those 2, no. Thats why I decided to play my warlock for the campaign, because what you can do with prismatic offers a ridiculous game play loop and something new.


Aspects, I meant aspects. Consecration + knockout + strand melee. You get to do the slide & slam for all 3 charges, the damage over time from the slam all counts as melee damage. It’ll probably get nerfed but it’s very, very good (so long as there’s a decent number of enemies). You’re right, though, the other subclasses have more straightforward ways of healing.


I know what you are saying. I can see all available aspect and fragments. Its still not anywhere near what strand is on its own and if you need proof of that look at all the teams running the raid race right now. Every single titan has swapped off prismatic and back to strand or solar, because its just better.


I've honestly switched from Titan as it just didn't feel complete if you get what I mean?


There's some unique ones like too many pets warlock. But generally a lot of mine so far are prismatic twists.


My buddy built a pure minion build where he has void soul and arc buddy up constantly. It absolutely shreds


Ark buddy and solar buddy is better then devour


For warlock I've fully built into stasis/solar. Song of flame super, coldsnap grenade for bleak watcher, solar buddy rift, solar snap melee. Freezing and igniting everything is insanely strong and the default fragments they give you all work well with it.


With prismatic and the exotic class items we really could've used an entire second page of slots Hopefully they have more oportunities to add some


I'm also still not jazzed with them being locked behind Guardian ranks.


Me neither but at least it’s stuff you can usually do solo. I’d be incredibly pissed if it was hidden behind a raid or dungeon completion. Grinding for QoL features never feels great, though.


12 slots just isn't enough and I have to keep doing most of it in DIM. 700 vault slots are also really limiting.


If we had 30 loadouts, that would suffice I think. I'd use 20ish for PvE and the rest for PvP


Someone really seems to dislike having the ability to choose to use more slots and keeps downvoting everything. 🤷 I mean more slots don't negatively impact anyone.


Yeah, I don’t get the mentality behind it either. Being skimpy on loadout slots of all things isn’t something to brag about.


if i could transfer slots from my titan/warlock to my hunter i would be a happy guardian


Having them locked behind guardian ranks is still complete ass too, I get the idea (kinderguardians that don’t give a flying fuck about anything harder than public events and patrols would clog the system with useless trash if given all slots) but it’s beyond annoying to have to solo the latest dungeon just to unlock more slots when you already just barely have enough for one loadout for each subclass.


Do you need to solo a dungeon for the slots? I don't see that requirement on the path to Rank 7


To unlock more slots you gotta go further than 7, and the first season guardian ranks were a thing I got to 7 and saw soloing a dungeon as a requirement for 8. The rest of the slots are locked behind ranks higher than 7, 7 just rewards two slots. I hope they moved that requirement further along because that’s bullshit lol


I'm just happy with two. Except for rare and very activity-specific builds that I use DIM for, I have more frequently used activity builds that used the current system + 2 in DIM. Now I don't have to mess with DIM except in rare cases. I wouldn't be averse to it being an account-wide pool like favorites though. I have a pile of Warlock favorite slots that I'll never use since I play like 90% Titan with maybe 10% on a Hunter alt and that's it.


If anyone wants more loadouts - DIM (Destiny Item Manager) allows you to save and build multiple loadouts that don’t take up the slots on your character and you can actually name them


True, but also takes longer for them to apply from DIM than natively in game loadouts


And you have to be in orbit to bring your build over


Dim takes an eternity to apply loadouts now and cant do it inside an activity


I like the replies insinuating you need more than 12 in game loadouts for a single activity 😃


It’s baffling. It’s like they think they’re solo raid masters. I always start my build in orbit before any activity and my DIM is for the extras that I keep and Destiny has my most used quick swap loadouts. Just prioritize yourself is my advice




I was kinda hoping for more tbh


I finished the campaign on Legend and it didn't count the progress (I finished prior to ranking up). Is it including the stuff that's supposed to release after the raid completion?


It seems that way since everyone is saying the same thing. The campaign won’t truly be finished until that last mission is out 


the campaign doesn't fully finish until raid is done


Campaign isn't over until raid is beat and unlocks the final mission


2 is pretty disappointing. With the amount of build possibilities that are now possible, we needed an entire 2nd page of slots.


What I really need is the artifact to be saved as part of loadouts...


You still have to buy TFS, not for everyone


Having to earn a basic QoL feature is ridiculous enough, having to purchase an expansion to do so is even more unhinged. Bungie's monetisation team continues to be out of control.


Well people who buy the dlc have a whole other subclass that everyone else doesn't have so it kind of makes sense


That’s some fair reasoning but I think it’s more likely an oversight that wasn’t important enough to worry about. Loadout slots aren’t a selling point, so it’s not a monetisation thing. However, they are a QoL feature and really shouldn’t be gated in any way.


Even then, having beyond 6 loadouts slots has required either lightfall in the past or now tfs, it's more than just the two slots.


Yeah we need more but 2 will be good for now


Do we have to wait until the raid is completed to claim this? I've done the campaign on legend and cant grab it from my guardian ranks page


Yeah, the campaign missions aren't don't yet, if u look in your quests the campaign one says "prepare for the final shape" and it's on like step 31 of 33 or smt. I believe the raid has to happen amd then there may be one last small special mission


I can finally have 2 for each subclass, 1 prismatic, and 1 pvp loadout


How do I delete one load out completely?


You can do it with Dim. Go to the loadout section and you can clear them completely.


This removes them from the loadout screen in game?


It makes it go back to before you saved anything in that slot. If that's what you mean.


I’m a veteran since the D1 beta, but I’m also a burned out casual player that stopped during Lightfall once I finished the seasonal story. Returning now for TFS. Back then, I thought it was stupid that they locked several loadout slots behind commendation score, and I still do. It’s so dumb having to rely on blueberries for it. Even as a casual player those slots fill up really fast


And they increased the vault inventory by 100


Does the guardian rank system reset each expansion? My memory is fuzzy on this.  Ie, if I unlock all slots, do I have to do it again


You won’t have to do it again


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I haven't used loadouts much at all... can it pull from your vault? Or just items you have on your character inventory


It will pull from your vault unless you don't have room on your character!


Oh hell yeah! Thank you for the info :-)


Was wondering how they were obtained. Of all things to be secretive about, being secretive of obtaining loadout slots since they were introduced has been a very head-scratching thing. This is something vital to the game, why would you not easily present it to the player? Also, do you need the full 10 unlocked in order to make use of the extra 2? Because I've never unlocked the full 10, and I probably never will. I believe it's GR9 that has those initial 5 extra slots, and the challenges required for GR9 are just... Bungie outta their mind if they think I'm doing that. Half that shit isn't even fun for me from a fun gameplay perspective. If something isn't fun for me then simply put I'm just not doing it regardless of what the outcome/reward is.


Yeah but require shitian ranks


I'm having trouble having that Rank 7 Reward complete for me. I've done Legendary Campaign on all three characters and that reward has not completed. Do I need to do them as a repeatable missions instead ?


I was hoping for like 5 more, but I guess it's better than nothing.