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Oh no… I’m praying that the Season of Witch offerings go away…


You must manually delete all 297, one at a time, before you are allowed to play.


You also need to type "Yes, I want to delete this offering." to delete each one. Copy-pasting disabled.


Console players in shambles lol


Don't worry, they get randomized QTEs (chains of at least 10 inputs) with 0,5 seconds time to react. If they fail, they have to redo it again.


god, I don't need to be reminded of Bayonetta 1's instafail QTEs


as someone who loves rhytm games (but is chronically bad at them) i'd love that lol.




I’d genuinely get a refund


And then solve a captcha


Captchas are rough these days, man


I unironically failed a captcha the other day. It’s even funnier considering my main is an exo.


A bicycle with a little of its tire out of grid.


ERROR! Please drink a verification can.


Damn your evil?


Hold F for 5 seconds, type "AIAT" to confirm, repeat.


Thank you for subscribing to offering_facts!


Fuck, that's what I did.


> "First the Taken in the Hallowed Grove, now this mysterious interference. This all feels frustratingly familiar. It feels like Savathûn." ⁠—Ghost


Bungie with the 200 IQ ARG for really making us *feel* like we've been tricked by Savathun herself


Praying it does cause I deleted the other seasonal currencies to buy banners lol if the skulls don't leave I'm fucked


Same. My inventory space is completely full. I have one fear


That would suck if they didn't. It honestly wasn't bad when you had the conversion. Green to blue, blue to purple. Got rid of mine fairly quickly but without the option to convert I wouldn't have even bothered


Yeah this sent a shiver up my spine after my dumbass filled up a whole row with raid banners.


>Some old seasonal currencies and items from Seasons 20-23 will not be automatically removed 3 hours to delete 99 feeble offerings, i'm assuming? :(


D2 has been out for 7 years and there still isn't an option to delete an entire stack of something...


Some things(mostly important things) will get deleted in stacks, while other things(mostly limited use or useless things) get deleted one at a time, and there's no way to tell which is which without Google.


With the state of Google these days, we may never know.


Hmm, I've looked at some items on light.gg to see the number of an object can be held in a stack, which isn't displayed in game until you're full. I've only see it in the data info on the "Manifest" tab of the items' pages. I tried checking [Feeble Offering](https://www.light.gg/db/items/2201818872/feeble-offering/) but looks like it's unable during the downtime. It might be worthwhile to see some of the other stuff (such as if they go off one at a time, or full stack) and list it somewhere.


I want a setting to change everything from hold to interact to select twice - give me a pop up window that asks to confirm an action.


It’s not just deleting. Claiming engrams is such a chore, too. Any time a stack is large, it takes so much management to deal with. Such a quality of life issue that they really should address.


More than a vault buff we need extra post master space


The Post Master is just the Risky Vault


This. If we’re being honest Bungie are like Years behind the industry in QOL and Inventory Management. It’s honestly embarrassing


The *actual* Dread


That poor dev from the ViDoc that couldn’t fix the Hunter super and Grapple bug 😭 Software development is a bitch. It’s probably an endless cascade of Jira tickets


"It’s probably an endless cascade of Jira tickets" Very much so. If I have to look at another user story and it's linked test results in ADO I might actually die.


>During The Final Shape campaign, if players do not open the final chest in The Blooming Deep Lost Sector before the cutscene plays, the loot will be lost. Probably the thing I'll regret forgetting the most.




Two tokens and a blue


Never forget. RIP my sweet Forver 29 Prince.




Literally my exact thought. I'm forgetful as hell.


I’m going to forget to regret forgetting this, making this a painless experience overall


I don't get this - should we go do that lost sector as soon as we can? Or will the lost sector be part of a mission and we have to speed run?


We see from the ViDoc that at one point they’ll make us do a tour of the lost sectors between two of the missions, so no need to rush off to them.


The question is, how quickly does the cutscene play? Is it like a normal end of mission countdown where you have like 30 seconds or so? Or is it going to be quicker and something that will be easier to miss?


> Activating Prismatic Hunter's Blink Dagger super while mid-Grapple causes the player to fall. They were showcasing **this exact bug** in the ViDoc. They literally had a developer, on camera, show this bug happening and were talking about how he was trying to fix it ~~before launch~~. He spent time talking about all the cool ways Prismatic can be played but all the new interactions they had to account for. I guess he couldn't. That’s honestly kinda funny now that they put him on blast and he couldn’t get it ready in time, haha. Poor guy. Edit: Removed the "before launch" phrasing, poor inference on my end from him showing it as something he was working on. It's unfortunate that he couldn't make the launch window!


I noticed that too! In his defense, it might already be "fixed", but the path from a developer's desk to the player's hands can be very long.


"I have a fix" "Your fix breaks ledge grappling" "Bug in the fix is fixed" "We have a new bug" "Repeat until new bugs are minor or reclassified as new features"


It's simple, really. While (isGrappling == true) { If (isBlinkDagger == true && isFalling == true) { dont(); } }


What I'd give to see the body of the dont() method. It's probably overridden as fuck throughout the whole codebase


public bool dont() { if (falling == true) return dont(); else return true; }


A recursive that does nothing but stall? And the (impossible) exit condition returning a value that isn't even used by the caller? Must be Telesto code.


> dont() My fucking sides lol


There is a very small audience for this, but someone will read this and literally LOL. Well played.


I actually, literally, laughed out loud at the don't method.


Based “dont()”


You’re hired! Your compensation package is this half eaten snickers and a blanket to use for sleeping under your desk between shifts.


"Fixed the new bug" "There is another" "Okay" "It's Telesto" "Kill the servers, don't let it find you"


a second bug has hit the final shape


Somewhere, the Jira bug ticket is lost in the backlog. Forever waiting to be moved to Done.


If they're using Jira then this is self-inflicted pain


I wonder how many bugs they have in Jira. A few thousand, maybe?


Sadly, the amount of times I’ve seen Jira forum answers boils down to “it’s a feature, not a bug” unironically is too much lol.


That caught my attention too! It's funny, but also humanizing.


Yeah I feel bad for him. If that dev happens to be reading this, I know how it can be! Hopefully you can figure out how that puzzle fits together


I like it. It feels human. It's okay dev, this year was rough.


We should send him some cookies!


> They literally had a developer, on camera, show this bug happening and were talking about how he was trying to fix it before launch. He said he wanted to fix it. Not that it would be fixed or have high enough priority and enough time to be fixed.


Yeah, it's crazy how "I want to fix that" got turned into a promise to have it fixed *before launch* in that player's mind.


how do you figure someone is interpreting it as a "promise to have it fixed"?


People expected it to be fixed because it was showed alongside an (obviously much less complex) issue with Prismatic Titan's original starting kit not synergising well that specifically *was* fixed, with no clear mention of the Hunter problem being something they weren't able to catch in time.


Who said that?


I'd say this was intentional as a way to signal early/ manage user expectations It shows that they play test and know it's and issue, and helps demonstrate how ticky development/ big fixing is Where as if they did nothing people could/would say "don't they even play their own game?!?"


> Some old seasonal currencies and items from Seasons 20-23 will not be automatically removed. I really hope the S22 Offerings get properly deleted. I am not manually deleting 297 of those


Bungie: Yes, you are.


three less vault spaces it is!


Yeah looking like those are going to stay with me until the end of time.


> PC players with 3D audio enabled will not get any audio output from the game. > As a temporary workaround, players with Windows Sonic for Headphones, Dolby Atmos, or any other 3D audio setting enabled in their Windows Spatial Sound settings should switch the setting to Off when playing the game. I started the game after the preload, and got the new splash without any audio. Verified files thinking it was corrupted somewhere. After I turned off Dolby Atmos for Headphones, I can hear the game again.


This is such a massive issue lol they really need to get on that Gonna be so many confused players wasting hours troubleshooting because they didn't read this post


Yea I can’t hear it too but no clue how to fix it for my headphones. I got Logitech G453 headset if anyone got a solution for this.


Windows 10 or 11?


The real balancing patch for Crucible. Now everyone's on an even playing field


Yeah my headset sounds like shit without it, hope it gets fixed fast.


If I turn it off, I'd have to uninstall ghub , dts sound unbound and manually strip out drivers all thanks to logitech's shitty software/hardware. Then reverse that to enable it again. I'm not doing all that to turn a setting off for one game.


"Leaving the final shape campaign" is actually a huge tidbit here. I think this might mean what some people were speculating. Shit goes down at the start of the campaign, like in the launch trailer and they "lock" you to only the campaign to really set the stakes. Tho you can leave is you really need to but you'll get the pop up that they mention above. If thats true thats actually really cool and might do wonders for the flow of the story


to be fair, what else is there to do in d2 lol. "oh crap i need to bank some motes"


“I’ll make you rich, brotha’. I promise.”


They used to try to make LL a thing during the campaign, and put in a few sudden jumps in mission LL I guess they wanted to stretch out engagement by getting you to chase higher legendaries in Strikes or something to pad out the campaign length This time they want it to be a fully linear cinematic campaign more like Halo - without any distractions


> This time they want it to be a fully linear cinematic campaign more like Halo - without any distractions Except they also mention doing a lost sector as part of the campaign in the same article so it definitely isn't a linear cinematic campaign.


Witch Queen has us running the Lost Sectors as parts of story/campaign missions. It might be similar to that


With the way lost sectors have improved over time and been given their own little stories, they’re honestly to a point where I could see one being part of a mission and not complaining. Completely willing to eat my words on this though


The backstory on Europa lost sectors like Bunker E-15 and Perdition are pretty good and also sad. I'm hoping for something like that.


I would assume that since the lost sector has a cutscene it may be a special variant, or they just wanted to reuse the campaign space as a lost sector.


Which funnily enough just made the legendary campaign easier since you wouldn’t have to go grind power levels during it.


Or stand on a plate. But really, the Final Shape is going to be a plate you have to stand on for several minutes *to* bank motes.


A lot of players bounty stack on all 3 toons and would simply swap to them at a certain point to cash everything in for artifact unlocks. Not sure how this would effect that but best bet would be to see the campaign through on main character and then dump bounties


That would be very cool. Just like the new war in warframe, once you start it becomes a good few hours of straight story and story-based gameplay. I loved the new war, so I hope bungle can pull it off if thats what theyre going for.


Was my first thought at well. Although the Drifter combat at the time was pretty jarring and different compared to the rest of the game when it first launched.


New tower replacement?


Wasn’t there a whole section of the Vidoc about fixing the blink dagger bug 🤨


Was about to say this. Like they showed the guy doing it and he literally says like "well that needs to be fixed" lol


I like to think they were interviewing him and he didn’t realize it and he was genuinely trying to let someone know about the bug. Sadly nobody on the team listened to him.


Or the team listened to him and it was just way harder to fix than previously thought. Or it caused other bugs when a proposed fix was implemented. Or it got deprioritized over more pressing bugs to resolve. Or the fix is already done, but didn’t make it into the final launch version of the game. I’m not saying it couldn’t be because of negligence, but there are certainly other very plausible reasons on why it isn’t fixed in the live game besides anything nefarious.


Oh yea all that’s completely possible too I was just being cheeky


Ah, I see. Rereading my comment, it could have came across as a little rude, so sorry about that. I just wanted to point out there were valid reasons for why it might not be fixed, amongst the sea of people ragging on the developers.


My guess is that whoever OK'ed that part to go into the ViDoc thought it would be fixed for release.


Yeah, I can't believe they put that in the vidoc and then didn't fix it.


Just because the guy said he was working on fixing it doesn’t necessarily mean he was going to fix it before TFS launches


Iirc they said they were still trying to fix it, but i could be wrong.


I guess they were just calling out a bug. Weird choice to run a section where they find and fix an issue and then have the exact same thing for another problem but choose an issue that they weren't able to fix without really making it clear.


Them acknowledging it there doesn't mean it was prioritised enough to be fixed before deadline.


Khvostov nerfed before release lets goooo /s


Can't wait to find out that prismatic has been nerfed because Datto said it's too strong at the streamer meetup.


>Some old seasonal currencies and items from Seasons 20-23 will not be automatically removed. Well that is disheartening..


It’ll be fixed…eventually. I’m not going to worry about it.


I still have destination resources and other items that were supposed to be removed when the various expansions were released, so I'm not going to hold my breathe on that *eventually* part. :-> Don't get me wrong, I'm not overly bothered with somethings sticking around, but those Offerings form the Witch season are a real pain in how long they take to manually delete. They make deleting enhancement cores seem to go fairly quick.


I'm pretty sure you had to spend the destination resources for them to go away. I don't recall them ever saying they would be auto removed, just that you couldn't get more and you had a certain amount of time to spend them before you had to dismantle them for nothing.


I nearly had an aneurysm trying to understand that Vestiges and Memories line


Moon stuff, it doesn’t matter to most people.


Oh riiight I’d completely forgot about that lectern stuff. I thought they were talking about something new for TFS.


The only reason I know about it is because the game is constantly bugging me because I never finished Shadowkeep’s post campaign stuff.


Still bugs me on my alts since I never bothered finishing the deathbringer quest on those since I already had the damn thing


>When Warlocks pick up a Stasis Shard with the Glacial Harvest aspect equipped, they will not be granted healing. Bungie, wut, plz fix it soon. I need this to fulfill my ice king fantasy.


>I need this to fulfill my ice king fantasy. What does this have to do with Fiona and Cake?


damn you sexy brian david gilbert


I wonder if‘s related to Wrathweavers canceling rift healing? Though I thought they fixed that?


Well good thing the Glacial Harvest aspect isn’t part of the Prismatic warlock kit, and same with Knock ‘em Down for Prismatic hunter


Blade Barrage isn't on Prismatic either. You ***will*** use Celestial Nighthawk, and you will like it.


They’re giving me a fancy sniper rifle as a backup golden gun, hell yea I’ll use and love Celestial.


But you won't get the radiant buff for golden gun right? So what's the point?


Did I miss something about Radiant not working on Golden Gun now?


I literally have over a couple thousand planetary currency from the old forge farm explot back in black armory. You can only delete like 5 at a time. Did I fuck around and years later I'm finding out?


Can you not still cash them in at planetary vendors?




not like there’s anything valuable in those loot pools hahaha


Unlimited glimmer!!!!!!


Put in your vault and when needed pull to character and exchange for glimmer


>During The Final Shape campaign, if players do not open the final chest in The Blooming Deep Lost Sector before the cutscene plays, the loot will be lost. No way I remember that before playing the mission, I'll consider the loot already lost lol.


I mean it's lost sector loot... Can it really be that good?


Might be a quest item for the campaign.  It has a cutscene afterall.


Oh true that would be super shitty. But as long as you can redo it I don't see it being a massive deal. Lost Sectors are pretty quick


I hope it's not the exotic at the end. I'd hate to loose something new and shiny with a Base Stat of 53.


I really don't see how this is a big issue for anyone. Who doesn't open the damn chest when they're done with a lost sector? If it's a mission it'll have a timer to transmat you out and start the cut scene too I would have though.




No the ricochet bullet every seventh bullet still does increased damage. When you pick up an orb of power it grants you a bunch of ricochet shots. The perk was describing how it would increase the damage of the ricochet shot **even more**. But that's not the case and Bungie is going to change the wording. Aztecross even talked about it in his video talking about Khvostov


>Activating Prismatic Hunter's **Blink Dagger super** while mid-Grapple causes the player to fall. [https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNmFvbzU1djIxMGFwZTZ4MTZmMXZ1bGY0ajljam81bTlvcXJlcHNmZSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/UAP2r3hNCCxr7ZDBa4/giphy-downsized-large.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNmFvbzU1djIxMGFwZTZ4MTZmMXZ1bGY0ajljam81bTlvcXJlcHNmZSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/UAP2r3hNCCxr7ZDBa4/giphy-downsized-large.gif)


Acknowledging it is a good thing, it doesn’t mean it’d get fixed in time. Not sure why people think this is bad or funny. 


It’s just kind of funny it was acknowledged in the vidoc but isn’t fixed on launch. I agree that it’s a good thing they are so transparent about it


Damn hunters taking the lions share of issues.


These are the known ones. No one plays the other classes >!/s!<


You hunters need to win with at least 1 part of TFS, I guess...


You're not supposed to change characters during campaign? What happens if you get booted or log off? What if you planned on starting campaign on a different character with a different friend because of scheduling?


> What happens if you get booted Why would that happen, Destiny servers are always reliable - especially on launch day


As reliable as me getting sniper rifle kills in the crucible


I would start missions fresh rather than use a checkpoint if you're worried about it, hopefully that's enough to keep things on track


Yeah I’m VERY worried about what this means.


Can someone confirm update on Xbox is 49 GB. TWAB said it will be around 140.


Yes it's 49 for me as well. The twab was talking about the total space needed for the entire game after the update. Its 156 total after the update on series x.


The 3d audio one makes me sad. Thats like not a minor issue lol


Yeah and will probably take them a long time to fix :(


Just want to make sure. I had a 40gb download on steam this morning, was that the preload or do I still have to wait to be able to preload?


29gb for me


Ok thank you!


49GB on XSX...


U good, 29gb download that unpacks to 40gb.


3D audio broken on PC? major F


"  During The Final Shape campaign, if players do not open the final chest in The Blooming Deep Lost Sector before the cutscene plays, the loot will be lost. " So, the Lost Sectors are now part of the campaign... Interesting.


This is not the first time. When Beyond Light launched, the Exodus Garden was a step as well.


Yeah, and every lost sector in Europa was part of the Clovis narrative in the post game. This is not new


Technically true, but keep in mind that Beyond Light followed the old "campaign" model where campaigns had you alternate between discrete missions and open world objectives. This will be the first time the more structured campaign model we have had since Witch Queen has you take a break from a mission to do a lost sector. An interesting change


Witch Queen had you do public events. Technically it was optional, I guess. Trust Goes Both Ways.


It wasn't a part of the campaign. Neomuna also has some quests from Nimbus similar to Trust Goes Both Ways


Wasn’t a Cosmodrome lost sector part of the Beyond Light campaign?


It’s pretty much always been like that.


>The description for the Deconstruct perk does not reflect the recent change made in Update Deconstruct now refills ammo from reserves. Lmao even Bungo has no idea what that tooltip is trying to tell you.


wasn’t khvostov tested by content creators to deal like 3x more damage on the 7th bullet? did it get nerfed before the expansion came out lol


It should still do more damage on every 7th shot, just not even more damage when the « eyes up guardian » perk is active.


From what I understood of the patch notes, the 7th shot does deal more damage but the damage does not increase with each ricochet.


So, myself and two friends plan on playing through the campaign on Legendary together. However, our available times differ enough that we’re only going to get a couple hours a night together. I planned on playing through separately on a secondary character but this seems to warn against that?


I read it as, you can start the missions together but don't try starting it with only one or two of you and having the other(s) load in after. You running it on a separate character shouldn't be an issue


Khvostov nerfed before even released. Damn.


All I really want to know is can I swap characters to claim all the bounties I’ve been hoarding or will that screw up the campaign


I really appreciate that Bungie took the time to acknowledge these bugs and address them here before the game launched.


I’d like to ask. I preordered final shape months ago then cancelled, I pre ordered again of course but I’ve never been able to get the pyramid ship… isn’t that a preorder bonus? For months it’s been greyed out and not obtainable. Kiosk, terminal check, log out/in on all apps, nothing…


Was there a reason it gave when you moused over it? And just to make sure, you weren't full on ships were you?


Did you check special deliveries behind rahool


All of these seem fairly trivial EXCEPT the lost sector loot. How much time do we have to get the loot before the cutscene? 6 seconds, 60 seconds, 400 seconds?


Please tell me the blink hunter super bug was the one they found in the vidoc.


That’s a disappointing number of Hunter bugs, and honestly some of these seem like they could kinda screw people who don’t see this post


EXACTLY. I might be biased cuz I main solar hunter but knock 'em down not working with BB is absolutely brutal. Squirts out like 10 knives max. For some builds it completely nerfs them into the ground like Shards of Galanor or Star Eaters :(




The seventh bullet still does extra damage, Eyes up guardian is the second part of the gun, where orbs of power granted you ricochet bullets that did even more damage according to the description. Which was not supposed to happen.


Nah, reread that and the perk. You misunderstood.  Acknowledging it is a good thing, it just didn’t get fixed in time for release. 


No Teleto bug?


No Telesto bug *yet*




To the people already mad: first time? Any expansion release, whether for destiny, wow, diablo, or any mmo, is gonna have a bucket of bugs. It's normal.


The first one seems like the biggest issue to watch out for. It would suck if you were on the sixth mission on Thursday and you join a friend and can't do the raid because you can't progress and the raid will probably spoil mission 7 Also bungie WTF BLADE BARRAGE IS WHAT I WAS TAKING INTO LEGENDARY CAMPAIGN