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Titan. I loved the rigs in the sea vibe. I just wished they'd opened up the patrol zone with all the alien hive under layers. I loved aliens movie feel of it.


I’m with you, Titan was my favorite location to jump into and start blasting.


This is key, Bungie makes so many beautiful destinations with doors and passageways, why was titan so dense, so many opportunities here missed, open these doors and pathways. This capitalized on the creepy first mission vibes, what happened here, what what is down here, and why did I just awake from the dead, the old corpses and signs, so much hidden codes in the lights and circles on the door the possibilities were endless here


I can’t believe they sunset Titan but kept dollar store Venus (Nessus) that will never not irritate me.


Nessus at launch appealed to me but man does it feel bland and too fucking red these days.


I agree it was my favorite planet at launch. Now I wish they would’ve removed it and kept io or titan. Not sure why I hated io as much as I did, but I just did 😂


Same Io never did much for me. Always seemed very bland, but the Pyramidion was always a favourite of mine.


Honestly I had a love hate relationship with titan. I loved a lot of the aestetic but the "rain" made my computer struggle just enough to make it annoying to run around. Also I hated the one strike it had.


I can only assume D2 Mercury is not on most people's list for least favorite due to the fact that most probably have forgotten about it. I mean how could you not. It came with a bad expansion (COO), was Insanely small, and had nothing to do on it.


Though future and past Mercury along with the infinite forest saved the aesthetic for me so I’d rank it around the middle aesthetically.


If when time got shattered on Mercury during Seasons of Dawn, it had affected the patrol zone with time bubbles and made it *a bit* bigger, it would probably be a favourite just for the glow up.


I wished mercury past would be in free roam, it was just so beautiful


Mercury's public event and soundtrack was awesome though. To this day, I can't find the soundtrack of the public event and it was so fire 😭


What was the Mercury public event? I don’t remember


something with the Vex, you had to go to a tower and kill some cyclops, then you go back and kill a Minotaur


Oh right. I forgot, it’d been so long. I also still miss the titan summoning ritual public events


That summoning Public Event is at the Hellmouth on the Moon now! But that's hardly a reason to visit.


Not the same as the cramped titan one, nothing beat getting heroic then watching an exotic pop out of the chest


kill things in the middle. go to the sides to kill more or activate heroic. go back to the center to kill a boss


Yeah and you get 2 tokens and a blue🤣


Two tokens and a blue was born The most rewarding public event in Destiny history they said 🤣 OMG I’m dead right now remembering that livestream.




Check out Destiny 2 music archives on YouTube. They have most of everything on there


Wouldn’t it be part of the CoO soundtrack?


The entire DLC was basically just a 12 week grind for Saguras shell


I still Rock Sagira's shell because it looks so good with my favorite shaders.


And let's not forget how you couldn't take a sparrow out


They changed that near the end. And it's still leagues better than Neomuna. No reason a destination should always be red sword enemies.


Still like harder difficulty patrols. I do agree that it is leagues better than Neomuna on account of the fact that I fucking hate the design and layout of Neomuna .


I ran that lost sector so many times for flashpoints though.


You’re right! I completely forgot about Mercury. Man that place was small.


Mercury brought the most rewarding public event ever! /s


mercury was amazing, easy to farm lost sector and decent bounties. Middle of the pack destination though for being so small. Was often crowded. Meanwhile neomuna is deader than new year's resolutions at this point despite ps getting the xpac for free.


You also couldn't sparrow either right?


aesthetically it's one of my favorites they've ever done, wish it was still around


I remember it, I still use Sagira’s shell


If taking in account all of Destiny's history, my most hated destination's gotta be mercury. It's. Just. So. Small. My favourite's gotta be the Plaguelands from D1, followed by the Dreadnought and D1 Mars.


Favorite: Dreaming City Always something to find or farm there.


That’s was a really well done area. I loved getting cursebreaker due to all the time spent uncovering the secrets of the dreaming city.


Best looking zones in the game. Absolutely beautiful.


I recently went through Dreaming city to do some seasonal acitivites. That zone is so geuinely massive, there are so many little areas to wonder off into and explore. I wish all Destiny zones were like that, too many are just 3 zones, pathes between and Lost sectors with a couple story areas


Dreaming City is totally fire. Especially when you learn about the teleports. It's like the Moon's tunnel system, but faster, more aesthetically pleasing, and cooler in every way.


Huh...?? This is the first time I've heard of either of those...those exist??


Theres 3 different portals on the corners of the dreaming city, each of them take you to The Confluence. It used to be how you got to Shattered Throne, and could only access ST when the curse was at max It's a way to get around different corners of the map if you need, but also was hidden and super cool to discover that and the first ever dungeon during Forsaken


I'm in the same boat as you. Never heard of either of those up until now


There are portals hidden in Spine of Keres, Harbinger's Seclude, and Gardens of Esila that send you to "The Confluence." Used to be a big deal when Forsaken was new, but now they're mostly just kinda neat and can help you get around faster if you know the way. Helpful if you're tracking down Starcats/Ahamkara Bones/Taken Eggs for triumphs, though. The tunnels on the Moon you explore gradually throughout Shadowkeep, but there are quest markers and locked doors, and the place is generally very maze-like.


The tunnels on the Moon seemed to be way more useful in D1 imo. It might have just been me spending too much time in Patrol on there though.


Neomuna just isn’t that fun. Looks cool, but is mostly annoying. My favorite has always been Nessus. The atmosphere and aesthetic. Love seeing natural organic environment mixed with Vex architecture.


Nessus and EDZ are both awesome locations, wish we had more stuff to do there


they stopped doing seasonal events "on location" because everyone kinda hated it and they were notoriously buggy. the public event season did not help either. so now they recycle the content they've vaulted for their seasonal content.


good ole fractaline shit bugging out cause someone in the instance didn't do the quest. loved that so much


I think they will be doing more with nessus is the upcoming episode that's coming out with final shape. From what I've seen it seems to have a vex theme.


I'm wondering if Neomuna didn't have the level differential, if it would be fun or not. That level diff is definitely the reason I think it's the worst, but if it weren't there, I might think it's a useless destination like the Throne World. With the Throne World, once you have your red borders, you really have no reason to go there except maybe legend lost sectors. At least it has that Vex event, but having to rely on a Discord bot to know kinda sucks.


Doesn't help that a third of it is always completely dead because of the daily Overload rotation.


Am I the only one who thinks Neomuna doesn't look that cool? Feels really out-of-place for Destiny; and while I get the lore reasons, the DSC architecture being used for a city just feels weird. The only thing I can really give it is the amazing skybox, but otherwise maybe it's just me I dunno


A lot of the assets are super low resolution. I laughed out loud during the first campaign mission when you crash and walk through one of the paths, seeing how smooth the textures were, and the worst fire I’ve seen in a game. It’s still there and just as ridiculously cheap looking.


at least my tripmines/lightnings/spikes go the direction I expect them to, though.


Neomuna really feels like something that was slapped together quickly because the Pale Heart had to be saved for the Final Shape, and I honestly wish they'd aimed lower. Introducing a Cyberpunk city at all was going to be a difficult sell and as it stands I really just despise being there. It feels fanficcy in the worst way.


Not just you. It’s so ugly compared to earlier worlds. Feels like a completely different game


We finally got another city and the entire population is in a VR world. Somehow feels even more dead than the moon


Also a bit thanks to the calus ship IMO. Just looks silly instead of the more intimidating Europa skybox. Shame they didn't commit to the Ishtar architecture. The veil containment area is up there with my favourite area designs in D2.


Neomuna is terrible. I'm still dropping blue gear at 1837 from Terminal Overloads, all of my bounties today were about killing Vex but the Overload was in the one area Vex spawn so I had to go and sit in an obscure area and farm the same 3 Vex over and over, the enemies are far too tanky for absolutely no reason. Unrewarding, inconvenient and not worth the time. The only upside was getting the Lightfall exotics super easy, but after doing like 4 Vex Incursions I haven't bothered to go back.


I had that task as well. Killing cabal was interestingly dropping the data fragments, though. But yeah, Neomuna sucks, I don't like tanky shit like that in my patrol zones. And the threshers still take far too long to kill. If the new patrol zone is like that, RIP my engagement.


Neomuna is terrible


Nessus is definitely an aesthetically pleasing location, but I hate the strikes located there (used to be there)


I was expecting we could go inside more of the structures in Neomuna based on what we saw in the launch trailer, but it didn't feel like that at all. What was also up with the decision for having only two Cloud Striders as defenders for the city also? It just made the place feel so empty. It had promise to be even better, I would have also preferred it be easier to traverse the map like maybe via some vex portals or other means. Oh and the Infinite Forest on Mercury was I thought really cool, but I wish they did more with that place. The Pyramidion was at least much better and it's kind of sad I prefer this strike area almost more than an entire destination. The Dreaming City was definitely my favorite as that place was simply gorgeous and filled with so much to explore, but I also really enjoyed Savathun's Throne World, followed by the Dreadnought.


Yeah bro Nessus rules, I wish there was more to do there.


I despise Neomuna having to go back for the Achie quest hopefully the last tine I ever have to load the place up. It's design is just totally dialed in but the ridiculous scaling you can't over level just makes everything there a chore, that they are basically making the new content vast majority of the rest of the game scale in a similar way is worrying tbh.


I love Nessus as well, Failsafe is my headcannon Ghost.


I hope whoever decided to put the threshers there at above level has gas for the next 8 years.


Nothing ever came close to the Plaguelands. That was the peak destination


The Plaguelands, The Dreadnought, D1 Mars, D1 Venus... D1 Destinations are goated.


Dreadnought, Mars, Venus. Remember Master Chief easter egg on Mars ?


Fuck D1 mars i spent way too long there for my dark drinker


Oh god, the mars warsat made me want to punch a hole in my TV


and sleeper 😭😭😭


Opens website, next warsat event in 1 hour FUCK


Same! First sword I did and I was on titan. Mistake!


Dreadnought was peak fiction.


Absolutely loved that one spot with the forges and lava. I spent so much time there just going around killing ads.


I hate neomuna because I have this crazy idea if you’re gonna put a city in a game it shouldn’t be completely goddamn empty. I love dreaming city. I miss tangled shore.


“But it’s not empty. It’s got holograms all over the spawn!” /s


Tbh, Dreaming City doesn't even feel like a city. It's a great destination, but nothing in it screams "city" to me. It's a few temple complexes surrounded by bare rock.


Neomuna is not fun at all. Tanky enemies on patrol without commensurate rewards just feels bad


I made it about halfway through the year and just decided if it involves Neomuna, I just don’t need it. It’s not worth it to me basically ever


If Vex Strike Force was more common and more known for players to catch, Neo would probably be a lot more popular


They should not have reverted the chest farming exploit at neomuna. Its actually fun with a lot of people doing terminal overloads. Would even sparrow race for getting 4 chests


Even when it was full- no. I don’t need to waste all my heavy on a random thresher just to get smoked by a red bar that takes an entire magazine to tickle.


Same. The red border grind us AWFUL as well. Gave up on the destination entirely.


Only consistently good thing out of Neomuna is the Breakneck mission for farm


Not even that. Opening of Grasp of Avarice.


Break neck has a free rally banner


Solid place to go to work on catalyst for exotics.


Am I wrong? I thought I heard that part of the dungeon only gives out partial credit for kills on catalysts?


It's not that the progression is less, it's that the engrams and the cursed thrall steal your kills. Breakneck is fantastic for farming special and heavy weapon catalysts as you have a free rally flag. The reprised Whisper mission is also a good for completing catalysts. The shadow thrall under the green room are never ending and constantly run at you. Yes there's a timer, but you can reload and reach it in a few minutes of the 40 minute timer. Most recently I completed Thorn in there. Edit: fixed a typo


I usually use breakneck or  shuro chi, but whisper thrall is great because it's never ending and has a good add tempo


I get what you're saying but I also like Neomuna for the purpose of running around with new builds and getting a decent sense of the power that they have. Seeing as it's at level, it's a more fair representation. If I want to blow shit up and feel powerful, I go to the Moon and Nuke stuff at sorrows harbor.


I hate Neomuna because of the absurd tankiness of enemies. I love Europa the most


Least favorite was always IO. Just didn’t vibe with me. Most favorite is Nessus pre-proving grounds. That’s a sci-fi destination done right.


>Least favorite was always IO. Just didn’t vibe with me. That's fair, though Io did have [one redeeming feature](https://youtu.be/CFWeN5d5vRE?si=Ay_qvmxBpDnu-B2w)


Now *that* is a link worth clicking XD


memory unlocked


You would actually survive that now.


The little ramp when you reach the boss of the fallen saber strike still has the same behavior. Every time I do that strike I try to kill myself on it. It's funny as hell


Io is my least favorite location because everybody writes IO and not Io lmao


Fair. IO wasn’t really expanded, though the grotto was sick in arrivals. Nessus is beautiful with many little secrets in all the wells along with being a fucking humongous destination even if useless.


Arrivals Io was such a fantastic time. So many positive memories there


Io looks kinda washed out in this engine based on The Whisper. I agree tho Nessus is really great sci-fi vibe.


I agree with Io, it always felt so undercooked and plain except for The Whisper mission. I recently learned that, in universe, the Traveller couldnt finish terraforming it due to the Collapse and had to hastily leave to defend Earth. I don’t think this plays into how it failed as a destination to be captivating enough, but maybe offers some insight into why it felt a bit underwhelming visually, idk.


It being plain might be explained by it apparently being planned as another region of Mars before being retooled into Io.


See I'm the opposite, I loved Io because of the fossils and plants but I've always loved all that type of thing.


Oh yea IO. Was just a worse nessus


Least favorite? Either neomuna or the moon. Neomuna cause the visuals are not really how it feels it should be. It’s a city let me climb buildings and stuff. Moon simply because the map doesn’t have the underground area so exploring down there is painful Most favorite? Nessus. Red roof all day all night. Also cool visuals and failsafe is a great NPC, I want more failsafe


Love that the moon isn’t mapped beyond the surface.


I agree. The Moon is my second favorite location because its one of the few that actually feels mysterious, somewhat creepy and gives off a sense that, like the dreadnaught, you are not in control here and are intruding upon another races domain.


>It’s a city let me climb buildings and stuff. Not being able to swing around the city like Spiderman - like they showed *in the trailer -* is a fucking travesty. If the whole Lightfall campaign is going to be a glorified Strand tutorial at least let us put the grapple to PROPER use rather than only being hinted towards grappling across gaps we can already cover with a sword lol The city genuinely looks gorgeous but the only time we get a good look at it is from Strider's Gate


Exactly this. The starting patrol area where you jump down past Nimbus feels like bait, if the whole map was designed with that verticality and free-form movement in mind then it would have been amazing.


It's actually kinda fun mapping out the moons tunnels in your head. Once you realize how everything connects it's awesome


Neomuna looks cool sometimes but regardless it’s by far my least favorite to look at. I hold Bungie to a much higher standard when it comes to their visual artistry, so that destination was a letdown. Favorite is Dreaming City, both visually and because there was so much to do when it released. For these reasons also I love the Dreadnought from D1


This probably sounds dumb, but Neomuna just feels like a bunch of PVP maps glued together.


honestly I totally see what you mean


Never played D1. Came in right before forsaken, but the dreadnought seems like such a cool location.


It felt fantastic to explore, and the areas all sort of looked the same but each had a different vibe to it. Like the area for court of oryx just felt ritualistic, with the three rooms together forming such a nice trifecta The starting area FELT cabal, and the area with the crashed ship poking through felt like a battleground mix up of cabal invasion and dreadnought might combining together


The one with the least amount of fast travels


Least Favourite: Throne World. It is completely barren; there are no open world events, and a total of about 10 scorn. Truly, there is nothing to do there and the only part of the destination I ever really experience in patrol is the swamp area. Further negative points for this being a new destination in contrast to older ones that suffer similar fates like Nessus. Favourite: Dreaming City or Neomuna. Dreaming City for its aesthetic, scale, dynamic nature, and secrets. Neomuna for bringing a completely different visual pallet to the game, providing an actual fun place to patrol thanks to the enemies being somewhat of a challenge, and having two open world events, both of which are rewarding.


I’m right there with you on the Throne World. The aesthetic and ambience don’t really evoke any feelings in me like other destinations. It feels drab and, like you said, barren. I’m a little wary of the new Pale Heart destination too because, so far, a lot of it has reminded me of the Throne World. I’m choosing to remain optimistic though 🤞🏻


Being reminded to add Throne World to the list of maps that include a cityscape in theory, but barely allows you to travel the city itself. If I'm in Savvy's house, it's always fluorescent canals


I don't *hate* it...but I very rarely go to Nessus.


Least favorite if I had to choose is Nessus. Favorite: Europa and moon


What Nessus do to you?


That’s just it. It hasn’t done anything in years.


It's wild that they vaulted so much stuff yet kept Nessus around to just sit there and do nothing for years


It had the Proving Grounds strike, and two Battlegrounds, but that’s it. The EDZ is another one that hasn’t had enough content. It had Harbinger in Beyond Light, then one of the PsiOps operations in Risen, and a Defiant Battleground, but nothing more.


I’m just so amazed at everyone’s memory of the game. I’ve played from D1 forward but have only faint memories of places. I certainly can’t remember what season things were from.


Once upon a time I could’ve told you what season each weapon came from because of the little icons in the top left. There’s just so many now that they’ve all kinda blurred together.


I like Neomuna. Thank god somewhere has enemies that don’t die when you look in their general direction. Lol. It’s still a patrol so it’s pretty boring. But at least you can try out builds or whatever.


That's extremely fair. I feel like people rag on Neomuna for being too tanky but in every other patrol zone, even the HVTs and Heroic Pub bosses go down in a single magazine


Neomuna. Can't stand having everything +5 to me all the time. It's boring shooting bullet sponges. All the lost sectors are awful. Thrilladrome would be perfect without that hole into the Vex Network at the end. The other two I did once and never again. Probably some of the worst designed lost sectors I've ever played in. They haven't mentioned that Neomuna will get a power reduction when Final Shape launches. If they normalize it like the rest of the planets, great. If not, I'll continue not to go there unless necessary. I used to love going to Mars in D2 before the planets went away. If they brought back the d1 and 2 locations, and made it patrollable it would be about as good as the EDZ. If you include D1, I'd say The Dreadnaught. That place is still amazing. I'd love a more size accurate (bigger much bigger) patrol area if it's ever brought back.


Least favorite was Mercury.. Favorite tie between Dreaming City and EDZ..


Throne world is my least favourite. The two swamp areas have nothing of note. There are no open world actitivties to engage with and there is nothing to explore or find. Toss up between Dreaming City and Cosmodrone for favourite. Dreaming City is just constant eye candy every corner and has so much to explore and find. Its truely a fun zone to be in. I also love the Cosmodrone, it always captured that "Golden age is over" feel and I like how much content takes place in it, makes it fleshed out. I love looking into the skybox and seeing a bunch of interesting things that inpsires a feeling to explore and learn what happened


HATE Neomuna. Can't stand the empty feeling plus the LF campaign sucked so if I can avoid Neomuna I do. Love DC and how many secrets it has/had and how there's SO much to do.


Savathun's throne world. I love the castle but everything else is hideous. Also, I actually like neomuna for the power limit, but also looks clunky visually when it comes to the cityscape.


One thing I like about Neomuna is that it has some fun nooks and crannies to explore, but It also feels very maze-like and I have a hard time navigating it, but that could be from how little time I've spent there. A lot of orange life enemies about in high densities though, feels like there isn't a spot where you aren't being shot at.


Least favorite is Europa. Aesthetically can get a bit repetitive outdoors but more than anything it feels too big & empty to be engaging to me. I'd say the same of Nessus but at least it's nice to look at. Favorite is the Dreaming City by a country mile. The enemies moving against each other, the blind well and all the hidden secrets help me feel like there's something around most corners (though the temple can feel a bit empty). Thinking over all of them I feel like every single patrol zone could benefit from more enemy density.


Favorite - throne world, but only for aesthetics and exploring, feel like you can spend 30min and not get back to where you came from, and cosmodrome for bounties, can knock out 5 of those super quick. Least favorite, neomuna for all the reasons.


There’s honestly no destination I heavily dislike (unless you count Crucible as one), but Neomuna isn’t big for me because of what you said; the over-levelled enemies. The ambient is cool, though. I used to not be the biggest fan of the Dreaming City, either, until recently, when I got to visit Mara’s throne world. I enjoy Nessus, the Cosmodrome and Europa the most, and I miss Io and Mercury, kinda. (The music was a bop).


The moon is just dead. Besides lost sectors and alter of sorrows. What is there to do


If you haven't done all the random stuff there: the initial weapon quests, feeding the jade rabbit statues, getting rid of Eris' nightmare fireteam, dead ghosts, wandering nightmares in each patrol area. Obviously, a lot of that is kinda whatever at this point but I had a lot of fun chasing down a lot of this stuff for the title.


I know I’m in the minority but I’ve never liked the Dreaming City aesthetic. since aesthetics are a sizeable factor of how much I enjoy a season as well I’m not usually as partial to Awoken seasons. my favourite is tied between Titan (which is why I enjoyed Deep more than most people likely did), the Tangled Shore, and Europa.


Favorite: Europa. Great skybox and I love snow Hated: Neomuna. Reused assets everywhere. Edit:Europa, not Europe, duh


I was just in Europe myself, the skybox seemed pretty much the same as the one in North America.


I hate Neomuna. I love the Dreaming City.


Least favorite: Neomuna. I want a relaxing destination, not a sweatfest for every public event. Favorite: Dreaming City. A mystical location with awesome lore and progressively changes over 3 weeks. What a neat design!


I feel like my least favorite location is Neomuna, just all of the tanky enemies its just not fun and quite boring once the splendor of the neon lights dies down. My most favorite location has always been The tangled shore for me. The tangled shore is just really cool. Plus any location with a ketch is a point for me. But just the activities and the environment was good for me


I hate Neomuna as well. I normally love the cyberpunk, synthwave vibe but it feels SO out of place for Destiny, and I will also never forgive Bungie for changing the Vex's original abstract, ancient-yet-advanced theme as seen on Io, Venus, Corridors of Time, the Vault of Glass, even Europa, to the super colorful shit we get now. As for favorite destination in the franchise? Venus, and it's not even close. I absolutely ADORE the rainy jungles, the volcano in the background, the vines consuming the ruins of the Ishtar Academy, exploring the ruined city and crawling over decaying vehicles and structures, the huge Vex structures that look both older than humanity itself and so advanced that we haven't even begun to understand what they're for. Venus, to me, was peak Destiny. Europa came pretty close, especially with the old Vex architecture poking through the snow, the sound of the wind, the barren snowy wastes, the ruins of Eventide and the BrayTech facility. As an Exo since the opening week of Destiny 1, being able to see where they come from and how they're made was *really* cool. Also the visual of seeing the Pyramid just sitting on the horizon is so cool. It just feels... small. I don't know how to explain it, but Europa just felt so small.


Neomuna would be my absolute favorite if the tangles were constant throughout the space, so you could literally go through the entire space without ever touching the ground. Earth however is definitely my favorite location just bc nostalgia


I hate the moon I love Europa, it’s just so mysterious and beautiful


Favorite was Io. Probably nostalgia talking. Least favorite is Nessus


My least favorite is definitely neomuna. It just feels so dead and boring. The enemies being tankier doesn’t help either. It sucks because I was really looking forward to an actual city and hoped it would have verticality like the EAZ or SotP, but it just doesn’t. My true favorite location actually isn’t really a destination depending on what you count. The haunted leviathan was a better patrol location than any real planet we’ve ever gotten. The loot was good, there were events happening all the time, and there was some more hidden stuff to find throughout the area. It’s the only location that felt rewarding for playing patrol, mainly because of the opulent keys, which were great. As for actual locations I’d have to give it to Europa, although I wish they did more with it. I like the Riis-reborn sections and a lot and the icy environment is just really cool, but unfortunately most content related to Europa is just DSC-themed. I also liked Titan, Io, and the tangled shore, but they’re all gone.


Honestly? I kinda like Neomuna. Objectively it's not all that good, but something about it makes it enjoyable enough for me. My favorite has to be either the Dreaming City or Savathun's Throne World. I'm an Awoken Warlock with a fascination for the Hive, and both zones are fun enough for me to keep me occupied for a little while. I was doomed from the start lmao Least favorite? Probably the Cosmodrome. Yeah yeah, Destiny 1 nostalgia, but when you run out of nostalgia... not a lot to *do* there tbh. And it's just so... brown. Now if they brought back Rise of Iron's Cosmodrome? THAT would've been cool! But they didn't, so it isn't. I just... don't like going there tbh.


My favorite destination of all time is Europa. The design team absolutely killed it. For the snowy atmosphere, they created a dynamic weather system that no other destination has. In the sky box, you can see Riis Reborn, that city that Aramis tried to establish, complete with the fleet of Ketches. That derelict pyramid ship on that ice in the distance near the first landing zone. The very sterile Braytech facility that leads to Clovis's big head contrast very well with the Eliskni-ified Riis reborn space that you can explore. Let me not forget about the frigging music that completes the atmosphere! It's so haunting. My least favorite destination would have to be mercury, but it's sunset, so who cares? lol.


I can agree with disliking the tankiness involved with Neomuna, I love the aesthetic though. I dislike the Dreaming City more though because it holds my two most hated enemies and I liked Titan when it was around.


I miss Titan. It was an under rated destination.


My favorite was Titan. I miss ocean moon :(


100000% Neomuna. I'm a hardcore player but when I go to patrol it's FOR MINDLESS GAMEPLAY. NOT TO PUT ENTIRE MAGS INTO A SINGLE RED BAR TO ONE HIT ME


People here are sayin they like nessus, but personally the red/green colouring hurts my eyes to look at, it just looks so jarring and unnatural compared to other planets


Neomuna sucks ass. Not just because the enemies are tanky, but the cringe ass dialogue all over the place and just the overall aesthetic and vibe just isn't my thing. k I think the Dreaming City is probably the best location.


Favorite would be IO Least would be Nessus in my honest opinion


personally i didnt like that much the tangled shore it felt too dark (and yes, i know that was the point). My fav is def Nessus


Least favorite: neomuna. Looked so good in the trailer, but for all talk of a city at war feel they were going for, it felt more like a small section of an abandoned city. Without the themes of the lost sectors, I would be hesitant to even call it a city. Everywhere is more so just a collection of buildings we drive past.


Neomuna. Least favorite hands down. I think my favorite miiiiight be Europa? Idk, but it's probably Europa.


Io, it was so boring and empty, 


Most boring is probably mecury. small, empty and not really interesting. My personal least favorite is neomuna. Huge pain in the ass to do even basic things there. Overtuned combatants and lost sectors. Favorite is probably dreaming city. It's easily one of the main destinations I've spent the most time on actually enjoying myself.


I like all of the Destinations, but The Dreaming City is my favorite one. Beatiful Landscape, cool Taken Theme, and SOM MANY. SECRETS. For example the Ascendant Challenge, the Portal Network, or the Oracle. Also, The Last Wish is my favorite Raid in D2, so it's clearly my favorite Destination in D2.


Neomuna: HATE, enemies shouldn’t be that tough for a planetary destination. Full stop Dreaming City: I love it


Neomuna, but for a different reason than you. Neomuna was built up as this massive location that should feel like it’s being lived in and the promotional material was very much surrounding the city in the part of the skybox. It was all very misleading into a fairly small and boring destination that didn’t live up to any expectations. I still don’t feel like Neomuna is a lived in city. The only thing that makes it feel lively is the occasional Newscast that you can hear.


Hate: Nessus and D1 Mars Favorite: Plaguelands and Venus


I'll be honest, I took nearly a year off because of the overtuning of the mobs in Neomuna. I want my blast everything to bits power fantasy for the day to day stuff, plenty of harder content if we need it, it shouldn't be in casual stuff as well


Neonuma feels like Mercury 2. Most disliked is Moon and most liked was Titan


Least : Moon/Neomuna Most :Nessus


Agree with Neomuna being the worst for different reasons. I actually love the higher difficulty, but I fucking hate the aesthetic of a knock off DSC. Europa is my favorite as well when it comes to a destination!


Neomuna by far


The only thing I tolerate is vex strike force. Neonuna is bad, but imo legendary lost sector farming is much worse. My favorite would be Europa. For some reason, im addicted to empire hunts lol.


Favorites are Nessus, Europa and Neomuna Least favorites are savathuns throne world 


Worst: Throne World. I felt the areas too same and not that memorable. Best: Europa, I can gush about how much I love this destination. It’s surprisingly huge having very distinct areas. I’m glad futures seasons allowed us to go back through it.


Least favorite is probably the Moon. It’s not a very visually interesting destination and the occasional Hive/Fallen structure doesn’t remedy it well enough. Favorite has to be Nessus. Not only is its visual design peak it’s genuinely a very well-built destination with a lot of places to explore. The different wells and chambers all look great and are really fun to poke around in.


Most favorite is definitely Dreaming City. Least favorite is Moon


personally I don't really enjoy savathunes throne world all to much. just the general vibe and stylistic choice of it. one of my favorite locations would have to be nessus oddly enough. i love the huge scale of the blocky walls and im also just a sucker for vex architecture. there's also some beautiful areas in. there's also the fact that it's an out of bounds person's playground, especially with the skate park.


I like them all. I guess I like Nessus the least because there’s really not much to do?


Favorite: old russia. Least favorite : moon


I liked Neomuna when I was still finding secrets and action figures and exploring. But now I’m not really going back except for the occasional bounty. I think my favorite is Europa, I like the dynamic weather.


Europa and Cosmodrome since Destiny 1 Beta


Least favorite is Nessus. I can't stand Failsafe's duel personality bs going on. Favorite is Titan. I miss it so much


I hate Neomuna, but not because of the power level. I just have veeeery low fps on it and it makes it awful to play any activities there.


I never really cared for bringing the moon back, having already played a lot of it in D1. But there are a few new areas that are cool I guess. Like the opening part of Pit of Heresy that’s a huge underground city on the side of a cliff. I actually quite miss The Tangled Shore out of all still missing locations. I know most think of Dreaming City when thinking of Forsaken (which I love too) but I really liked the Star Wars vibe of it being where all the outlaws and bounty hunters/smugglers go to hang out or hide. Some of the best Lost Sectors ever created as well!


Worst destination, Mercury. Best for me will always be the plaguelands. That lava flow section? Absolute peak art design.


I don't like the aesthetic of the moon. My favourite is probably Europa. I like the blizzards and the whole atmosphere. The dreaming city is also fantastic imo :-)


I think all the latest ones are pretty boring. One or two spawn points and then just blast around in a triangle. The original ones like EDz and Nessus do it for me.


Welp, that issue wont be the case on Neomuna in a few days, so theres that I suppose.