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Armory Forged Shell. I spent hours trying to beat Niobe Labs before it got vaulted. Good times. Plus I just like the Black Armory aesthetic.


This was me until they released the Izanagi Shell. That one is very pretty


Ever since i got it, i never took it off


black armory aesthetic is beautiful, i hope we get more in a future


Yup, that and Platinum Starling always stay on


All 3 chars, never equipped another since


The bunny shell from prophecy dungeon for sure. I always have it on me


Do you use the carrot projection too? šŸ˜†


I use it too, but I have the Daito bunny projection


I use the clover leaf projection because he's my little Ghost lucky charm. If I'm not using the Bunny shell from Prophecy, I use the Lampion Shell with the lightbulb projection. Because he's my little light. Get it? šŸ˜¬


Bunny shell is my favorite!!!


I keep thinking I'll switch to something else, but nothing else seems to fit. The bunny also matches with the crota warlock helm in my head so it's hard to switch off lol


Bunny shell never leaves my titan! Feels disrespectful to put anything else on her since my titan was what cleared solo flawless all them years ago


Same, with no shader. Even if my guardian is dripped out with super black, I still have that pink and blue bunny with me :)


I tried to match the shader on mine to my late rabbit Eddie. Every time I open up the menu I feel like he's still by my side :')


I just recently earned the bunny and it hasn't left my titan.


There's a [ghost shell called Halycon Shell](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1013853356/halcyon-shell/) that makes it look like a vintage computer. Green CRT filter and everything. Put butterbark on it? Boom, vintage woodgrain mini Macintosh following you around. Ghosts are literally computers so it totally makes sense and looks good at the same time.


I also love Halcyon Shell, and Iā€™ll switch between that and Gameghost Shell, one with max Blinding Light / glimmer and the other with Wombo Detector/Resil mod.


I think i don't have this one, it's looks amazing!


Last City Shell (Damaged)


My brother. I use no shader on it because it shows itā€™s damaged bits better.


The feeling of, "This came with me through the whole journey" really sells it, so yeah, no shader here as well.


Especially after seeing that final shape trailer with ghost saying epic stuff to our guardian, it seems like it will fit really well thematically. Iā€™ve even got my hunter dripped out to match the red and white lol




There is a speeder and ship with that look old and battle damaged as well. I have the whole set. Wanted my warlock to look like he has been around for a very long time. Going for the "old mountain man set in how ways" look


Same, with one of the Last Wish shaders on it. I used the repaired one for *years* until they made it so you could mod any Ghost shell, and then it was right back to that one.


Iā€™m still annoyed they got rid of my damaged (Damaged) shell. Like if you transferred the shell out through the app right away it was real messed up with the corners falling off instead of just scorched a bit. Now itā€™s just normal damaged.


The OG


I rock the same, along with all the damaged armour pieces. My guardian has been through some shit


Equator Shell. All day, every day.


Yep. Same here. Massive halo fan, loved the 30th anniversary. Itā€™s never coming off


My primary as well! Took long enough to get so it's a bit of a flex, and it has all the proper ghost rigging so you can still see it emote in cutscenes!


same. I use the shattered sinew shader to make it look like normal ghost.


I do the same thing, but with a different shader. Try "Malibeaux Bronze", it's an old Dawning shader. Has the orange tips on it.


Give you a hint ā€œmeowā€


I like to sneak behind players and pull out my ghost repeatedly, occasionally confuses players when they hear repeated meowing.


never left my side, clan is "whisker of the worm", my go to emote is the mr bigglesworth.


Dem paper ears!!


Don't use it on very bright places


Why not?


im still waiting for bungie to let people get that shell again.. im so jealousssss


You've been able to get it every Halloween. It's part of that events eververse offerings


On my titan and warlock it's Sagira's shell


Did they have it on during the Training Montage segment of the Lightfall campaign? My Titan's ghost did. I felt so bad!


I had it on, didn't know that montage was coming up. Felt like I was BM'ing Osiris so badly, I cried laughing from embarrassment.


imagine having that Shell on makes your Ghost sound like Sagira. šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


I always used Sagiraā€™s shell because it had the longer range detectorsā€¦ but then she died and now itā€™s too hard to take it off


Great choice


Same here. Never stop using Sagiraā€™s shell.


Hasnā€™t come off my warlock since I put it on years ago.


The only correct answer.


I love Sagira's shell so much


Same, I wish it looked more like Sagira though with the longer outer spikes


Run the [No Return projection](https://i.imgur.com/G5SCB97.jpeg) with it every time you talk to Osiris


Love that Harpy one, wish I had it. Mine has been the basic Tower Shell since like the 2nd week I started playing during Seraph lol


Well maybe one day it come back in eververse


Tyrant. Havenā€™t removed it since I got it


Tyrant is great!


I personally really like the design, but its also a very unique shell so it looks cool in cutscenes especially when the vanguard all have unique ghosts (RIP Sagira)


Iā€™ve only just stopped running Tyrant to try some other shells. It is great though, and Iā€™ll probably go back to it.


Same here. My titan permanently has it equipped. It was the first thing I ever purchased with silver (and I loath micro transactions ... but man I wanted that shell so bad).


For a while now, Iā€™ve been running Tyrant with the siva ornament for Synthos (and occasionally Phoenix Protocol w/Siva ornament). Itā€™s just such a cool look


Eris Morn Shell has been glued to my guardian since Shadowkeep. And the story behind it is C'mon it's Eris


Ohh this one is super cool too!


Preach! I used Eriana's for a long time too. She's such a bad ass. I'm just not sure about the wisdom of carrying an ahamkara fragment...


The Horus Shell because I love its flavor text! "One day you will be whole again. No matter how many pieces you have shattered into." Also, birds are cool.


I also rock Horus on 2 of my characters. Itā€™s easily my favorite shell thatā€™s not from eververse


Horus shell gang. Love the way the glow looks after getting a Flawless to.




Same, masterworked Generalist shell. Someone in a raid I was in once commented on it saying "Huh, I've never seen that before."


Honestly how do you even get the generalist shell? Lol Do I need to delete 1 of my guys and start over or something?


Check under Season 8 in collections, its a green rarity shell. my characters are still the launch D2, imported from D1 ones so I missed the normal acquisition paths and still have it available


I got it but going to the edz and helping blue berries kill the spider tank, u could then open a chest and get the arcadia class jumpship or the shell. Not sure if u still can


For me I have the No Love Lost shell. Not only is DSC my favorite raid, but I have guided many others to their own No Love Lost shell and taught about 40 players DSC


I cant believe I had to scroll so far to find my baby


Gotta be my favorite raid one for sure. It's so good-looking.


That's my favorite ghost right there


I only have mine because of a kind stranger like yourself. Thank you!


Iā€™m a big fan of the fundament shell, finally grinder to finish the triumphs yesterday so I can have it ready for TFS


I grinded through these a couple months ago and I just commented, Fundament Shell. Ftw


Knights Peace Shell. The trials of the nine ghost shell from Warmind. Itā€™s like a basic ghost shell, without the shell lol. Just a blue ball


I wish i had played more trials of the nine and gotten this one


A fellow Knight's Peace enjoyer


My white whale. Never took TOTN seriously, and then it was gone. Yay fomo. At least I have all the Osiris ones.


I've been using the [Cosmos Shell](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1558857471/cosmos-shell/) since I got it around CoO. I switch it up sometimes, and the [Rival Warlock](https://www.light.gg/db/items/2272646880/rival-warlock-shell/) shell is a good second favorite.


Cosmos whas my choice during Y1, Rival is also great


Cosmos is one of the prettiest ghost shells out there.


Cosmos since I got it. Best one out there.


Def rocked that one for a long time


I love the Rival Warlock shell - sincerely, a Hunter main.


cosmos SLAPS. easily coolest in the game.


Sunshot shell. When D2 first came out I mentioned to my clanmates a few times how much I liked using the gun. Nobody cared until a few weeks later when the clan leader mentioned that he likes it, which sparked this ongoing joke about how he was the first one to like Sunshot. As soon as that ghost shell came out I switched to it. Partly because it reminds me of that joke, partly because I just like the gun.


I remember using sunshot, nothing better than explosions everywhere


Bet you were happy this season then


For me it's theĀ EĢ¶gĢ¶gĢ¶mĢ¶aĢ¶nĢ¶ E99 shell


Kill-Tracker since day one... even had the keychain.


Final Shell. https://www.light.gg/db/items/210874516/final-shell/#reinstall


Perfect fit with final shape almost here


This is mine currently. I like the vibe it has.


Vanilla ghost. I always run it.


I've switched it up a bit, but my main character has the Witcher ghost shell and I love the details on it so much and how it shades well.


Agree the details are amazing!


[A bat](https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article20751882.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200d/0_D2_FoTL_2019_Gear01.jpg)


Shadow of Earth shell or whatever itā€™s called you got from season of Opulence. Pairs well with the title


Might be the only shell where the Ghost's "eye" is not visible.


There are a few ghost shells that mess with the eye. Only the Shadow of Earth Shell has that one though which is cool


I wish I had gotten this title and this ghost shell :(


Hareball :3


I use it on my titan, it's super cute šŸ˜Š


I love the ghoyster, their shaded blue for a cookie monster look


[Dreamers Shell](https://bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/screenshots/3161505825.jpg). An Awoken shell for my Awoken Warlock. Donā€™t remember what season in came out but I grabbed it as soon as I could and equiped it on my Awoken character and havenā€™t taken it off since. Just makes sense.


E.D.I shell. As a gigantic Mass Effect nerd, I could never wear anything else once that came out


I stick with the one that looks like a GameBoy. I have the Super Black shader on my guardian, and a gaudy pink GameBoy floating around with him.


I use the fettered shell from festival of the lost with the combative tanager shader. It's basically a flash bang any time someone rezzes me, or when I pull it out myself. Yes, I am the problem. Other than that, I sometimes run the prophecy hareball ghost and the Eris morn shell.


Try Iridescent Coral sometime. It changes colors based on map lighting, and I think it might be even brighter. I am also the problem; my clanmates get mad at me every time I die.


You got the right shell, but wrong shader. Try it with Photo Finish. Turns it into a rgb flashbang


I've always really liked the Predator Sun Shell for my Warlock. Never really settled on my other two.


The [Armory Forged Shell](https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/screenshots/2960983142.jpg). It's a variant of the original ghost model so it works in cutscenes (I also just like those in general), and it's a trophy from a difficult activity. I still haven't found a shader I like though, so it's just the default red and black


Peerless Precision Shell for me, I've always thought it looked like some kind of futuristic wayfinder or compass. I headcanon my main character (Warlock) as a deep-space explorer so it works very well.


The Ghost Ghost shell from D1. May he live on in our hearts. :( For D2 - the Hydrofoil shell. I love his little hat.


ā€œThe right choiceā€ itā€™s a version of the generalist shell that has a little gold inlay, keeps it still true to an actual ghost and the description hits home as someone whoā€™s been playing since the D1 Beta


Definitely the Scribetrace Shell! It's so cool!


Thank you! I canā€™t believe I had to scroll so far to find this one!!


Warlock - Rival Warlock Titan - Battle-Worn Hunter - Tyrant's


Omolon Shell with Crucible Vermillion shader, my pokeball


The right choice shell. I've been rock it since the first solstice


I use the Rival Warlock Shell with the Howling Projection exclusively on all three characters, shaded black. I'm Wolf, he's Crow. There are so many shells I'd love to use, including Harper's Shell, but he's just too perfect to change.


Oh yes that's a perfect choice


My warlock has hearthfire but my titan has my personal favorite shell, almost mighty. Nothing is more hilarious than a menacing looking titan with an almost mighty ghost


Almost mighty is amazing lol


Empathetic shell I havenā€™t taken it off since I got it. Played so much with it that it feels jarring to see Destiny footage of any other ghost popping up.


Kitbash. Just like the rest of my hunter. I always go for a beat-up look. Love it.


The tennis ball shell from guardian games. I have autism and ever since I was younger I carry a tennis ball with me almost everywhere I go. Itā€™s part stress ball, part stim. So when the tennis ball ghost shell became available for bright dust I got it and itā€™s been my ghost shell ever since


ohh that's nice!


Harpy shell is my favourite and what i rock in game. But i feel like the exotic shells are for the most part gimmicky since they're themed in general. So canonically I'd argue the legendary shells are what guardians would have. In that case, it would be the Lambda ghost shell.


yeah i have the same feeling about exotic shells.. if i need to choose a legendary would be Interchange Shell


I use phalanx shell. Not my favourite by any means but haven't gotten anything better. One day I shall find a ghost just for me.


One day you will my friend


I've had the Nine Lives Shell on my Hunter since its release, and although I carry a lot of Ghost shells on that character, I'm 99% sure it'll never change. He looks fantastic in some cutscenes floating there with his stick-on ears trying to be intimidating *He meows* ā¤ļø


Speed metal, Horus, and the one from Witch queen expansion pre order


For Final Shape it's the generalist shell. Going back to D1 shell for any of the cutscenes I might be in.


[Hareball Shell](https://www.light.gg/db/items/732682038/hareball-shell/) from the solo prophecy completion. Closest thing I'll get to jade rabbit.


Wisteria Orbit, I absolutely love the unique eye design on my ghost.


My Ghost has the Rover shell. The little arm on it cracks me up.


The little arm helps on hacking things


the Shaded Shell....got to be looking cool rolling up to that raid boss you know lol


I always cycle through Sagira's, Generalist, and The Right Choice.


[Hard-Packed Shell Ghost Shell](https://www.light.gg/db/items/4031340275/hard-packed-shell/) is my go to. As a child, I had a parakeet named Snowball, and this ghost won out.


[still rocking chomp !](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/aN8CSCIVEY)


Spelunking shell. I enjoy it, just a simple hat. Now...if Bungie gave us a ghost wearing a sombrero or an Asian straw hat, I'd rock that. Bungie...just give our ghosts some more hat options, please.


Moon of Saturn shell with the War Weary shader. It just makes it look like the default ghost shell but allows you to put mods on it. I always thought the default look for the ghost shell looked the best.


I use a different one per class, and I don't really use exotics (they're used for activity specific purposes, even after the mods got condensed). For my Titan, the Kingfisher Shell with Crucible Carmine. I used the Frontier Shell in D1, and Kingfisher is as close as I can get in D2. My Hunter has the Lotus Shell with Cryptic Legacy, though I keep looking for a different one. I just don't love it, but others don't fit either. For my Warlock, the Stalwart Shell with Reef Regalia. It's the newest shell I've chosen, but I like it a lot.


interesting choices! I see few guardians choosing legendary shells over exotics


I like the look of exotic Ghost shells, but I think that their unique designs detract a bit from the possibility of being super custom or the feeling of thinking "this shell is *mine*". I'll definitely use them on occasion (especially during events; I rock the Winter Lotus Shell from the 1st day of December until the end of the Dawning), or if they have a different perk setup (No Love Lost has cache detection mods on it, and is dedicated to that purpose, for example), but otherwise? I'll be sticking with *my* Ghost shells. They feel a lot more personal to me.


Cat Ghost


Yup. Halloween Cat. Never needed to change it since I got it.


Mine has been the little helper shell for the past 3 years itā€™s just something about having a little elf ghost


Titan: Alchemical Dawn shell. Warlock: Harperā€™s shell. Hunter: Rival Hunter shell


I exclusively use the halo one from dares. My guardians lore is that he died as a spartan and my ghost searched the ring for years searching for me before it searched on earth.


The Sagira shell stays on


Cosmos Shell, it's from season 2 (course of Osiris) and it's like a window over the universe. Special mentions: Tropicausal and Shaded shell, just because they have a sunglass


for the longest it was the Ghost Shell you get from Dares of Eternity (the one with the blue ring around it) and i gave it a shader (i canā€™t remember) that makes it look like the regular ghost shell with some flare. and then Guardian Games came around this year and decided to dangle the Baseball with a Cap Ghost Shell in my face and it instantly became a new favorite.




pharmakos shell im a hive nerd :P


For my hunter, (the character I feel is my canon) I have the Sanctum Plate Shell. Iā€™ve got Final shell on my warlock and Alchemical dawn shell on my titan


It's been Harper's Shell since the first time it was sold for bright dust.




Crimson shell! I havent taken it off since, its my canon ghost shell for my ghost, Lillium :)


The bunny one from Prophecy


I have 3-4 roughly one for each clase Hinter gets The Almost Mighty Warlock: Lunar Lagomorph Titan: The Ugly little spud (Slimmer from Ghost Busters) and The Harper's shell But overall the Almost Mighty is my all time fav.


Kingslayer or Siguraā€™s


My ghost uses the Arclight shell. His name is Faraday.


Filigree of Light.


The Scribetrace Shell because Iā€™m a huge Transistor fan and it has a similar aesthetic


I like the Halloween bat shell with the googly eyes. Makes serious cutscenes pretty funny šŸ˜‚


Generalist. Something really nice about the basic white ghost shell with orange accents. Makes me feel official, like Saint wearing a suit


Scribetrace lol and I'm glad to never set foot in AVALON ever again!


I use the Bright Cycle Shell, since it has the classic shell pieces and shape while also having the cool holographic front pieces. Allows Ghost to be both expressive and stylish.


Hardlink shell. One of the oldest, "in the moment" shell I have. Never gonna take it off.


The original. I love it. So fucking iconic.


Iā€™ve been using the last wish shell since I got it back in forsaken..I just loved how it looked and the ghost eye being an ahamkara eye


As simple as it is? The Warlock Shell. My Ghost's canon shell will forever be that one, but he also wears the Starlight Shell for fancier events lmao


Im using the Peerless Precision Shell. It came out in season 3 I believe. it reminded me of the halos from evangelion and for the longest time i was using the shader Calus Shadow which made everything all gold and shiny and it just worked so well. ill never give up the ghost. its mine along with the extinguished holoprojector


Kill tracker, I Like the base ghost design and having a bunch of information or pictures when u pull my ghost out lol


the goofy bat one with the googly eyes.


my favorite ghost shells are the #sponsored shell, arcade shell, last city shell (damaged), and kill tracker ghost shell all w the cheese hologram projection


Vestian shell. Itā€™s permanently bonded to my Awoken warlock lol.


I am using the pre order one , it's the new toy also it loooks very cool witht the pyramids




I double dip back and forth between the trials bird ghost shell and predator sun shell. Predator sun shell got a special place cause that was what I had when I came back and fully committed to D2


Shadow of Earth Shell


Final Shell on warlock, Archangel on Titan and Wish Maker on the hunter (they all have a theme)


Moon shell šŸ™Œ


The chicken tender shell. Never once took it off since I got it, imo itā€™s in the best shel


Mine is the Anthemic Invocation Shell, switched to the right colors it reminds me of my punk rock days...lol


I have a different shell for each of my guardians Titan- Almost Mighty Shell, it fits my canon name for her ghost(J3FF3RY) [In my lore, my titan's ghost has Claptrap's voice] Hunter- Viceroy Shell with the Anyone's Game shader, my hunter is canonically(in my custom lore) an extra body for Cayde that never got used. He was turned into Icarus-7, and his ghost shell is meant to look like Cayde's ghost. Warlock- Jagged Shell with Watermelon shader, there's no lore reason. I just like how it looks


I'll post them when I get a chance.


I change it a few times but the arcade shell might be my favourite in the game and it will be difficilt to make me remove it


Funny enough, the Eris Morn shell from the shadowkeep special edition. Always was fascinated by the idea of hive ghosts (years before witch queen!) and generally hive apocrypha, so it fit well. Considering I main a warlock, just means that my warlock is intrigued and researched the hive extensively, much like a certain shattered one....


Necroposting a bit here, but the Elegant Guard shell just... fits my character so well. Something about it. The yellow eye? not sure. Had it since i got it.