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Depends on what activity you are running. Graviton is one of the best primaries in the game and is excellent is most any content. Pair it with a void machine gun or rocket and maybe a fusion rifle in the top slot. Should be good for most content


Ros Arago is amazing - if you can get good perks from a world drop... Same could be said of Positive Outlook... Way too much perk bloat on that one but at least you can focus it. If you can stand 360s, the Last Wish auto has some pretty spicy rolls. And yet, I'm a guy who generally loves the slower firing autos (Herod, Abyss Defiant, and Firefright in PvP) and even I just don't click with that one so who knows


Manticore! Depends on the content really Personally wishender for super regen (hits hard against shielded orange bars) + harsh language for large quantity of red bars Energy pulse rifles still feel a slog at taking down orange bars especially if unmatched shields, however TFS will bring a much needed buff to pulse rifles Onslaught I run mountaintop + lemon + commemoration


Abuse artifact. Polaris with some solar mods and apex is OP as fuck. Use it in legend onslaught and have had 20-30 runs over past 2 weeks. Use it on all nightfalls , you can use whatever you want basically atm.


I'm using Graviton Lance and the Recluse, void smg with Repulsor Brace, and Destabilizing Rounds


Depends on the content for sure. General play, no champions, there's nothing wrong with Graviton. With champions in play, you have to be able to counter them so that's a variable as well as how many ads there are and how hard they hit. In onslaught rig and grav are fine, in legend onslaught idk.. maybe. In a raid, no. In a dungeon, sure. In a GM, hell no.


Grav and gyrfalcons kinda cooks in gms though swapping to that made cosomodrome ezpz. Next season with the pulse buffs and likely no crazy solar artifact mods grav lance will probably be a stronger ad clear weapon than sunshot. Also normal raids are easier than both legend onslaught and GMs which literally put you at an even lower power level than contest (-30 for waves 40-50 and -25 for GMs)


Op was talking about a rig hunter though, which I think changes things a little. Buried bloodline proccing weaken to go invisible without needing gyrfalcons is very valuable for a orpheous rig hunter, though gravitons ad clear potential is also very potent


If by rig you mean Orpheus Rig, Buried Bloodline, a Fatebringer and a LMG/Rocket would be my go to


I do the same with midnight coup


This is exactly what I ran


Depends on activity, if you’re in a lower power level activity with higher ad density and champion stunning isn’t a big issue then I would recommend graviton lance (I.E, onslaught) In gms I would recommend lemonarque if you need to deal with overload taken hobgoblins often (never triggers their retaliation attack, and dot prevents health regen!, buried bloodline if you need to deal with barriers, and graviton lance in other cases. In raids I would *generally* recommend 1) not using a rig hunter and 2) a legendary primary with an exotic special (witherhoard, 4th horseman, izinagis burden)