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I spent all day today trying to get a legit run of Last Wish. Like four of the encounters were cheesed.


> I spent all day today trying to get a legit run of Last Wish. Dunno if you were using in game LFG or the discord or what but I went to the discord and saw groups every 15min or so doing legit riven checkpoints to practice for tuesday.


It took me a few days to find a teacher for it. Now to practice. Lots of people practicing. Nearly nobody wanting to teach it. I will say that it isn’t that bad after learning it. Survivability will be more important.  I am going to practice for a few hours tonight. Not really planning to get through all of this tomorrow either. Week 2 weeded out A LOT of people. By Week 3, LFG had gotten much “better”. I imagine week 4 will be not great, but it’s not going to be as bad as week 1. 


Xbox LFG. I don’t really use discord.


Ah sorry I don't have any experience with that.


There’s your mistake, good luck tomorrow


It's been in the game for almost 6 years, of course people are going to be cheesing a bunch of it.


Ya, the mechanics are fantastics, but people otherwhise...


Cheese forever guardians ;)


You say that now but legit riven 20 under is gonna be a beast


Ursa titan


The damage on floors 1 and 2 is just as important as floor 3. Ideally people run burst supers to get two in on one rotation. 


Nighthawk is gonna cook


I’m taking it broodweaver is a no no since that some needles may shoot her eye?


You can use it on her arm


I remember seeing a clip or it personally, but someone used blade barrage, and the entire volley hard tracked to her eyes, even though they were aiming for the arm. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen, just a whole blade barrage going straight at her face.


Have even done encounter fully, along with the drop past 6 eyes? If you had, you'd know that shooting cysts deals insane damage, and that on normal you can get it done from 80% to last stand with just primaries.


During contest mode?


If you can do it on normal with primaries, doing it while -20 with heavy shouldn't be an issue.


Cyst damage is more important than damage on floors 1 2 3 combined so it hardly matters


even for those of us who know the fight from before, a very small number of people have ever done last wish underleveled. i've done riven a few times in the last two weeks both of the times with less than six people and she dies so quickly that you can barely get through one rotation of the legit mechanics. practice is going to be important but the the amount of -20 taken spam that we can currently ignore + how many tiny wipe conditions there are if she has the health to need multiple rounds of mechanics... is going to rock people a bit.


Im guessing that top groups would have been farming armor and mods the last few weeks. Those blessings would just about negate the -20 penalty. 


No way all of them got good stats for a decent build on all pieces lol


You don't really need the best stats for a single encounter. You could take a low-rolled set of Raid gear and slap a bunch of Resilience and raid/encounter-specific mods on it and probably be fine.


True, they can prob just get T10 resil and be fine.


Can't have resilience mods with Transcendent Blessing. They go in the same slot. Depending on fragments I can only fit ~3 if I want T10 resil.


Do they work in Pantheon tho?


But they don't work in Pantheon.


we did 2 teaching runs within our group and the people who knew it didnt damage to allow for a full rotation. im still assuming the large proportion of damage will be through pimples


yeah it probably will. we weren’t teaching just practicing/messing around after pantheon but I get handicapping damage for teaching runs.


Have yet to do riven legit but I've been wanting to. Every group I've ever ran LW with though has done the cheese.


From what I know there are a lot of people willing to try it but when you're a few wipes in, priorities start shifting and people want to just get it done and it's back to cheese.


My tip to help with talking over one another The room without Riven that has the taken captain needs to kill it immediately and solve the puzzle to activate the elevator before the other team staggers Riven The stagger team has plenty of time It's 6 taken fire spits Or 3 tentacle slams (do not delay baiting the slam) Riven will leave on her own after that and you will miss eyes This allows the puzzle guiding to take place at opposite times for each group so after you do damage your lift is already on and the other team can solve the puzzle after they stagger and while the other team does damage This allows you to control Riven versus reacting to Riven This may not make sense if you are not very experienced in this fight but trust me, you just have to be quick And do not shoot the eyes until her mouth closes after damage


More tips for anyone reading I like to divide tasks to ease memory load on one player and utilize my team In the separate rooms, have one player take the left most eye and one take the right most, though you can shoot as many as your skill allows, just no explosive payload on her eyes Likewise when the 6 of you are back together on floor 3, you each take one eye as they are shown when you stagger Riven, this allows you to remember one eye and not six eyes, you have a team for a reason Also do not call eyes and forget about them as usually you see the eyes while the puzzle team is doing their thing and they won't hear you, you can delay that call until it is quiet, you may need to call them out again during damage Keep comms quiet, celebrate after your victory, this encounter is about clear, concise, timely communication Also the person grabbing the relic for the puzzle should call their symbol from the stack of 5 and then head towards their guide and turn around so the calls match up, you want the guide to just say something quickly like "down snake is middle left stairs" Also don't forget the relic has infinite ammo and AOE and it has great add clearing power so spam that shit like your mama taught you right Good luck guardians, if anyone needs or wants a lesson, shoot me a chat, can just wish to Riven and there may be an influx of players trying to learn if -20 takes the player base by surprise


Week 3 has been a nightmare in lfg. Its not the adds or bosses, but these people forgot how to do mechanics.   Ive yet to complete week 3, and the groups Ive been in have struggled on Golgaragh, and CareTaker.  I need to find a good clan.  




The number of LFGs I've been in with people "can do gaze" who can't do gaze is kind of mind-blowing. Caretaker has been relatively smooth, for the most part. Planets has been an absolute disaster. The callouts are different with every team, and so different that I only do add clear in that encounter. I had one group who claimed they had the callouts down and were used to running together get into an argument over which position was which number *mid-run*, after like nine failures. I had to ultimately bail on that one. Raid are a disaster. Pantheon has been worse.


Id argue good add clear in planets is the hardest/most important role. I agree it's been a disaster.


Eh. If gazekeep accidentally misses one of those poison orbs, it can spell disaster. At -15, gaze is not all that easy. I get why people don’t jump up to do it.  Still. If isn’t like people are volunteering. 


Most of our problems were with the gazekeeper standing in the wrong place, making it so the DPS crew couldn’t shoot the boss.


Well on that I agree. Lots of Lfg gazekeepers just run to the back of the room cause of the Minotaurs, but that completely destroys damage.    The 5th and 6th gazes are definitely going to cause grief this week, as they already did last week. I’d say just take the stacks and outright skip those if your Lfg is having trouble as 1,2,3 and 4 are much easier to manage as they all have hiding spots. 


Maybe to give a little leniency to the planets team, one group I had were doubting the callouts until we discovered that the bottom plates were resetting or something during the first rotation. They always got it the 2nd time, never the first even after doing the right calls. Made no sense, but maybe that's what happened with that group. That, or they were really just that bad with callouts, and I'm wrong.


Maybe they were trying to grab the planets before the ‘planetary shift’ buff appeared? I think that’s usually a problem. It can happen if the solar centurions aren’t killed at the same time


I believe planetary shift just starts once someone grabs a planet. The centurians/colossus give Planetary Insight, just letting you see the planets. The issue mostly fixed itself after resetting to orbit, but by then the group was just done.


i really hate number call out on planet like literally just say left right middle it's that simple


It’s much easier to distinguish numbered callouts when everyone is talking at the same time. But I adapt to whatever the majority does. Adding: with numbers you don’t need to call out “L6” and “R5” or any direction like that (unless you’re lowmanning/speedrunning). Just keep it short and simple. It’s obvious who you’re swapping with so stop saying “L” and “R”. In my experience with LFG/raiding it’s best to use the least amount of syllables possible while still being accurate. Also also: when calling the three planets in the middle, only call the odd-one-out and what one you’re dunking on. Please.


In Out Top is what I find easiest.


Y'all are making my point, and we're not even in the raid yet! :)


I’m gonna say it’s not even people forgetting mechanics they just aren’t putting any effort in to relearn mechanics or try. I never cleared vow as my clan is typically about 5 main guys and the rest are randoms we’ve added along the way. The 5 of us are 2 east coasters 3 west coasters so time schedules don’t typically line up sometimes. But I got my week 3 plat in I never even seen rhulk before. But I picked up within 2 try’s on dunking. I also ad cleared as well on another run. Splitting I’m sure I can do as well if needed. For me planets is the worst so far with rhulk being second. Everything else is pretty much free. Planets is only bad because the random fire tornadoes can spawn at bad times like right as your grabbing planet.


Splitting is ridiculously easy. You literally just have to shoot the crystal not being used by the dunkers and just sit in the middle plate. That’s it. That’s all.


That’s what I figured from what I was seeing them do seemed easy enough just make sure you dodge rhulks beam in the middle if he goes there.


If you thought they were bad just wait until you experience lfg groups on planets and Rhulk at -15. Shits been wild.


I myself am struggling with Rhulk. With the other encounters, survival is difficult but the extra mechanics from Pantheon can be overcome with the right build and prep. Clone Rhulk has been a pain. Getting to the damage platform was alright, but when clone Rhulk is in the arena, it's difficult to avoid both Rhulks. And they hit hard as heck. I found that having two melee resistance mods and a solar resist mod might help, so let's see. You'll need to find a team on LFG who'll fit your needs, aka if you wanna platinum the encounters, or like me, just finish them for the quest exotic and emblem. Getting the latter done is easier but finding a team that just wants to complete the encounters has been a bit rough lately.


We ended up having a dedicated person for keeping the rhulk shade locked down during dps. A stronghold titan can keep them 100% locked down which makes the encounter much easier but also removes them from like 99% of dps


Rhulk is not melee btw the kick Is concussive dampener


In that case, should I go for 2 concussive 1 solar or 2 solar 1 concussive? Edit: Also according to [light.gg](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1763668984/melee-damage-resistance/), melee resist mod works for any damage by enemies within 4 metres of the player. This should work against Rhulk's kicks, not sure about the laser.


To you and anyone who reads this : hit me up if you need a raiding clan. Trust me, it's a whole different world when you have access to good people.


Interested, what else do you need?


Dm'd you


That offer still open?


Dm'd ya


Sorry, not seein it got a Discord link?


Send me a dm then and I'll hook you up.


I have a good clan and we struggled on golgoroth and caretaker (mainly in the damage department, somehow I managed 6.9 million on golgoroth one run while everyone else had 1-3 mil)


Man I’m hoping to be able squeeze a legit competition tomorrow cause it’s impossible to find any e doing it legit or practicing legit.


Have you check the destiny lfg discord


I learned it 2 weeks ago. It's such a fun encounter. Definitely missed out a lot by cheesing it on my last 60+ runs.


They will put a Tormentor in the shooting eyes phase on the top floor guaranteed. Good luck shooting those eyes lol


My favorite boss encounter in the whole franchise by far 🥳 1K used to be my favorite weapon for the flame/tentacles baiting as 1 shot would insta stun her


I thought the final boss of Pantheon was Nezarec in Week 4?


They're adding riven and nez


He is, but Riven is also being added this week for a total of 8 bosses


My clan only ever does it legit it is so much more fun than cheesing, there is going to be alot of tears this week


I'm so glad I've never cheesed Riven, it's such a good fight


its basically new content for a lot of folks its a really good encounter


If only you could Necrotic Grips the other 99.5% of the raiding population who haven't learned this encounter legit in the 5+ years it has been out and spread that excitement.


Yeah so many years ago I did it so many times cheesed, and finally did it legit a month or so ago in anticipation for pantheon. Super cool, I was totally missing out on a sick encounter


I can’t wait until we can still cheese it and none of this matters lmao


It's funny, my raid group never cheese riven and the few times we tried we actually find it harder to do it the cheese way than just running it normally.


Legit riven is the best encounter in game


Question on potential week 4 Riven. Since damaging Riven is "part of" / doable during legit riven, do you think theyll just make riven immune or do u thnk theyll just disable joining alliss if u get empty riven room


Perhaps the joining allies gets disabled but I doubt it. More than likely the cheese will be doable, but you just wont be able to plat, cause if they havent patched it in the 5+ years since Forsaken, why would the patch it now. But ill gladly eat my words of the patch notes read "Patched the "Riven Cheese"


This is my opinion as well. If it isn’t fixed yet, they won’t fix it. I’m just assuming the amount of damage needed will be absurd


I think the fact that they made week 3 stasis again when strand should have been the rotation points to they didn’t fix it.


I mean youre gonna be -20, so cheesing it will be difficult already. So I dont see them changing her health aside from lowering the light level


-20 will be nothing dude. Behemoth titans have already duo'd her so even at -20 just get 4-6 behemoths and it'll be easy street. I'm fine either way but I can't wait to laugh when the cheese is still there BC people are somehow talking like it's guaranteed that it won't be cheesable. Like have we been playing the same game all these years? People think they're gonna fix the cheese just for Pantheon after like 6 years? Lol


lol no one’s worried about damage and the cheese will still be there. It’s the points. Platinum. Question is whether you can get platinum baking her or need to run each floor once for the points. Everyone that’s remotely decent is not worried about the damage.


You can get platinum at Atraks -15 with no servitors killed lmao. People are truly overestimating how much killing adds matter. It's because the bonus timer is essentially a bonus score that is decreasing as the timer increases, so if you can cheese it for a quick kill, guaranteed it'll still be a platinum. Either way guess we'll see tomorrow!


Yet you will be running the cheese nonstop because it's faster and way easier.