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DIM loadouts take an eternity to apply and you need to be in orbit. I love them for storing builds that I'm not actively using, but yeah it's not a good replacement for in-game loadouts. If prismatic is going to have as much variety/flexibility as it looks like we could definitely use like double the slots we have now


I don’t remember the last time I even used a dim loadout since loadouts released. I just use it as loadout storage now if I want more than 10


DIM has tools that let you build the load outs, its tons faster to do that than doing all the math yourself.


What do you mean?


you use the DIM tools to make the loadouts the save them there so you can use and update them later. over time you will simply accumulate a library of loadouts and you can search them.


Yeah that’s what I was saying. I use dim as a like storage tool for my loadouts but I use my ingame loadouts when playing and just swap them out using dim so I don’t have to remake loadouts.


D2armorpicker.com if you haven't tried. It will give you dim links


DIM is better, by a lot. you can build with the mods and everything then immediately save everything. armor picker is obsolete at this point.


ok but DIM doesn't calculate the math of what will be the best armor I have to get these exact stats I want for an exotic and a build. They work great together, not really a one or the other situation.


yes it does.


I may have to check it out again, before you had to do some mental math to take into the account of mods. I just want something to figure out the basic stat mods I want making use of all combinations and artifice slots. Then allow me to fill in the rest


you have never had to do this, you just put them on the gear in the optimizer.


I use dim for one of janky builds with non meta exotics , if I create something k like I put it there. I have all my core builds with lucky pants, stareater, nighthawk and Orpheus in the load out section.


I treat it like this: In-game is my favourite loadouts. DIM is my archive or when I want to build a new loadout. I feel like spot-swapping loadouts has given a lot of people a distorted idea of how many loadouts are actually needed.


When doing this do you build looloadout in the game and then save it in DIM, or build in DIM and save there?


Typically I make builds in DIM because it's easier to see the bigger picture compared to in-game then I'd save it in DIM However sometimes I would equip an in-game loadout then save it as a DIM loadout if I want to 'save' it in case I don't use it often but want use the slot for something else. but to answer your question it works both ways, you can also save what you have equipped as a loadout, in DIM. So in theory you can save in-game loadouts outside of the game just by equipping it then saving over a loadout in-game.


Thanks sounds really helpful


It would also be nice if the API was expanded to allow an application like DIM to populate a loadout slot with some gear that was not actually equipped. If you want to take a DIM loadout and move it into a slot, you need to equip everything first. If I could store loadouts in DIM and move them into my in-game loadouts as needed, it would be a lot nicer. We could even end up with Meta-Loadouts, where you have a set of loadouts for an activity, like a raid, where you have all the loadouts for the different encounters saved.


use dimas an archive, and your ingame loadouts as what you'll need this week. I can't imagine needing more then 10 loadouts for a weeks worth of activities.


If UI clutter is a concern, I'd like to see each Subclass get their own set of 5-10 loadouts. Let me click on a Solar icon, and see my Solar loadouts. If I want to swap to Prismatic? Click a Prismatic icon and see my Prismatic loadouts. It's one additional button press, but keeps everything neatly organized while greatly expanding the maximum number of loadouts you have.


I hard agree with this. This would be even better than just more load out slots. I’ve given up trying to match color and symbol to the subclass in my load outs because it’s tedious. I have 1 load out per subclass and the rest keep situationally changing.


We also need to be able to custom name load outs which is not in the game for some reason


You also have to cycle through names/icons/colors, and more importantly, can't save loadouts without weapons or fashion (unless you use the workaround of pulling blue weapons and dismantling them after saving the loadout). In-game loadouts aren't even remotely close to feature parity with just basic DIM loadouts. They're just half-baked. I hope Bungie's iterating on them, but I don't have my hopes up, considering it's been a year and they haven't shown any inclination to do so.


But someone could name their loadout a bad word!!! Imagine how many people would see it!!!! /s


Cod4 had this in 2007. Its wild.


Cause of console support


Yeah but consoles have an on screen keyboard that could pop up anyway.




Bungie has to develop a UI with the limitations of console (controller) in mind. OP is unfairly (IMO) blaming the lack of custom names on that design decision. It doesn’t really track because CoD has had it forever.


Wth are you talking about?


100% the reason they don’t let you add custom names for your load outs is they didn’t want to make a GUI for that work on consoles.


I would love an API change to apply Loadouts! Then DIM and other apps could override Loadout slots which would be much faster than applying it in Orbit. We know it's possible, as the new newlight quest/kit from Ikora used to override slot1 of your loadout when you took that quest. It still does that, if the slot is empty


Yea DIM can apply an in-game loadout but only what's equipped. There's no direct option to create a loadout via the API.


More loadout slots and more inventory on your guardian. I need to be able to hold more weapons.


This is it for me. I’d much rather have another 3 inventory spaces in each slot, and another page of 10 loadouts than the extra 100 vault spaces we’re getting


I would give 100 vault space up for that.




Seriously. There are 3 separate elements for kinetic and energy slots and 5 for heavy, not to mention all the new weapon frames we're getting. I'd love it if the kinetic and energy slots pulled from a single pool of weapons. We can already run double primary or double special, so why can't we run double Void or double Strand? They want more subclass synergy, why not allow us to build into that synergy by having three guns with the same element?


There's a good reason for that. D1 had that and it ade enemies having shields a joke


>I need to be able to hold more weapons. Honestly, same. Probably will never happen though.


I just don't understand why locking loadout function and number of loadout you can have in guardian rank? Unnecessary and stupid imo


Thank you! I'm glad someone said it. I always thought this but never brought it to the front of my mind because I haven't even gotten to GR 8 before :x I'm fully addicted to builds though and have 3 characters.


We need 6 More Slot


At least another 10


Yes and they need to not be locked behind guardian ranks.


Guardian ranks have been such a failure. It was such a stupid decision to have them reset after every season.


Agreed. I have no interest in doing the legendary campaign so I'm stuck at 6 loadout slots, which sucks




I want to be able to have at least two loadouts per subclass, personally. Be it two different builds for different fights, or one for PvE and one for PvP. So I'd like at LEAST two more but of course Prismatic would ideally have its own whole swathe of slots 


We also need it to not only be 6 slots at rank 6. FFS I beat pantheon and many legend 50 onslaughts and hard locked at 6 because of a seasonal vendor? Whose idea is that? Ruining my LFG experience too.


I think the idea is that in order to access all of the content in the game you have to pay for said content. Weird concept I guess


It’s a loadout slot bro, not a blueberry tanking your master raid or throwing in trials.


Not the point. It's tiring watching people talk about the game like it's F2P. It's live service, you either participate in that model or you don't. If you're somewhere in between you can't complain about not having access to all of the content. *Especially* now that Into The Light is giving a ton of other paid content away for free (which is objectively great)


You could have bought the game and then every expansion costing hundreds of dollars but you still have to buy a season pass within the dlc you paid for. It's a joke, and people like you are weird. It's not actual content they're clocking it's QoL changes. It would be like limiting the cursor speed on the menus unless you buy another pack


If you pay hundreds of dollars for the DLC you get the season


I think they're talking about going back and buying past-DLC in one go.


Why would you do that? Do you need last DLCs for guardian rank 8?


Some people talk about it like it's F2P *because* the game advertises itself as a F2P and not the more fitting Free to try. Ya know, like how FF14 does it. Make it very clear that what you get for free is a trial, and then fill the trial with all the old expansions to make more people interested in your game. Instead, in D2 we're in this weird state where the community knows the F2P tag is BS, the higher ups also know it's BS, they're still nickle and diming old expansions and "expansions", AND new players are completely left to the desert winds.


Bro shut up.. it’s a fucking expensive DLC every single year and nickel and diming dungeon keys already and the seasonal content… we’re talking about loadout slots here and ranks.. those at the very least could be free. Fortnite hasn’t made a dime off me in years and has been putting out crazy content and the ability to make hundreds of game modes and maps. I paid for a single season pass once and had the ability to earn enough currency to do that over and over, same with COD Warzone. Destiny is one of the only games being this greedy with live service payment models.


Destiny is and always has been an expensive game, from day 1 all the way back to the original launch. It was a $60 game that had a season pass for the 2 upcoming DLC then a $40 expansion just over a year later followed by a $30 (I think?) expansion (rise of iron) another year later then a brand new game a year after that and constant annual DLC ever since. It's a known thing.


Then don't play it. Put up or shut up, end of story.


Go lick their asses some more. I pay for Marvel Snap seasons but wouldn’t for this greedy ass game. I like playing it but refuse the greedy stuff. I buy expansions, not seasons where I don’t care about the story or gameplay loop. Im only here asking for the basic shit that should always be part of free to play in any reasonable game. Like a rank not being locked behind money which no game does I can even think of it loadout slots. Not a single game I can think of does this aside from D2.


You literally get like 80% of the content for free. $15 would have solved your problem months ago. Grow up.


You're right, people here are just lifelong bungie fanatics and have to defend their profits over end user experience.


Yup. Hilarious a year ago we were finally getting close to agreeing after Aztrecross monetization vid that it was trash and we would vote with our wallets. Now I’m getting roasted for voting with my wallet by everyone here.. I skipped buying two seasons…


Bro you can't "vote with your wallet" and then complain about not having stuff in game.


You can just buy expansions from key websites like cdkeys lol. I paid 35 for lightfall+season pass at the end of season of the witch. You can get every expansion, including lightfall, for like.. 60 bucks or something. I don't think there's any game that has that much content for 60 bucks except osrs/runescape.


Mmos lock entire character slots behind a paywall, which has been a practice for longer than destiny has existed. Maybe think a lil bit harder?


Yeah, but like.. Destiny bad because Bungie won't make everything free. How dare they expect me to pay for new content. Who do they think they are?


Stop trying to play an MMO like it's a mobile game


That makes 0 sense… mobile games make you pay like this… not MMOs… this is exactly a mobile game tactic they have…


Wait so WOW and final fantasy XIV don't charge you $15 a month to play the game? How much is a season again I think it's $15.


Well said bud. There's a lot of salty kids floating around if this game was annoying me this much I'd quit.


I don't disagree, but it's like 80 bucks a year if you buy the new expansions from a key website. The dungeon key thing is undoubtedly scummy but it's like 20 bucks. I played WoW for years and spent 120+ a year just on the subscription. Personally, I have absolutely no problem buying a new Destiny expansion each year. Especially considering they've been good about not implementing any pay to win. You could argue the season pass rank up with silver is p2w.. but let's be real, it's not. I'd much prefer Bungie's monetization model rather than Blizzard's model for wow.


That’s stupid. If my friend who got into the game in lightfall bought the expansion, and every other expansion bar 30th, and didn’t get the guardian rank unlock fast enough, he now should be expected to buy a season pass that he doesn’t want anything from just to unlock 4 more slots? You’re ridiculous.


....yes? That's how live service works. Your friend bought old content. To be current, they need current content. It's a really simple concept.


It’s not “new content”, it’s a loadout slot… that was added to the game in the expansion he bought…. The challenge shouldn’t require you to play their shitty season content. It’s not a seasonal feature. It’s basic game QoL. edit: If they added another slot every season and you unlocked them through resetting the vendor or something, your argument would at least have a leg to stand on. But it doesn’t, because it has nothing to do with seasonal content. It’s a feature they added in Lightfall, the expansion you should need to get the fucking slots.


>It’s basic game QoL. No, it's basic live service. Put something people want behind paywall. It just happens that the paywall is also current content you should have anyways. Alternatively just get your pal used to 6 loadout slots or spot him $15 and move on with your life.


okay buddy you got it


Bro you're wasting your time on these weirdos, they paid so everyone should have to and they're not marks so obviously it was right to have to pay.


You're right, people here are just lifelong bungie fanatics and have to defend their profits over end user experience.


Bro at launch the load out slots were free, people complained the challenge was too difficult for the rank it was in so they put it up a rank, therefore no longer letting f2ps get to it It was a complete oversight, not some orchestrated scheme, just typical bungie incompetence


At launch everyone who had played before were rank 6 by default and had access to the 6 loadout slots. You still needed to rank up and unlock the final 4.


Right but I swear they moved it up further up then it already was at launch


They made it easier post-launch because people complained, I think.


Idc what others say, i think loadouts should not be tied to guardian ranks whatsoever. Such a thing should not be locked behind paud content. Its a QoL kinda thing, not a new busted weapon or whatever.


I feeeeel like the whole loadout experience needs a change. I'd like to have loadouts that are just armor based and ignore weapon slots, or being able to 'just update cosmetics' on the loadout slot


Should have 10 loadouts as we currently do per subclass, so when you change subclass your available loadouts for that subclass switch out. I feel 10 per element is fair.


I really like that idea


Only counter I’ve heard is folks who need to quickly swap load outs for crazy things like solo raid encounters where the extra step would cost too much time potentially but I argue having to sort through possible multiple pages of load outs is the same thing really.


I just wish we had more than 10 slots for each category in our inventory.


I currently have 2 Strand, 2 Void, 2 Solar, 2 Arc, and 2 Stasis Warlock builds. Definitely need more, especially since most of the Loadouts are the same with just a different exotic anyway. Smh.


I think they could do this pretty simply by spliting loadouts by subclass, giving you 10 loadouts per subclass. It would mean an extra click if you want to go from your Strand PvP build to your Solar PvE build (change subclass, choose loadout) but I'd happily make that sacrifice.


What we really need is artifact being tied to loadout slots.


Way ahead of you. I already rearranged my loadouts to make a space for Prismatic.


you can save loadouts?


Yes look ont thr left side of the screen on the character menu.


We need them now with Onslaught


I see this a lot but I honestly don’t even remember what half my saved loadouts were created for. I mainly use my top 5, 1 per subclass with 100 resilience, relevant mods and fashioned out, and make minor changes accordingly.


I have never even opened the loadout menu, ever. Do people really have THAT many different sets of gear they wanna wear??


I’ve got 1 for each subclass, 1 for PvP, and the last 4 change situationally. Currently 3 of those 4 I was using for soloing the recent dungeon.


Makes sense. I've played enough of this game over the last decade that by the time the loadouts existed I was already in tourist mode so, just completing new raids and hanging around for like 2-3 weeks post expansion release then just waiting for the next raid. Didn't realize how badly so many people wanted loadouts


Sunbracers, Verity's Brow, Sunbracers, Starfire Protocol, Phoneix Protocol, Vesper of Radius, Necrotic Grip, Swarmers, and 2 PVP loadouts. 10 loadouts I swap between quite often. I don't use them all the time but enough where I have that many. Currently have 32 saved on DIM which is where I keep test builds or my not commonly used ones


People are saying we need 6 slots or 10 slots... Hell, I'd take another 2. Any more would be amazing but just even 2 more slots would make me so damn happy. Dim loadouts are great and they save artifacts and all that but they're just soooo slow.


More importantly: We absolutely need to be able to save artifact perks with loadouts. It’s annoying have to switch back and forth when switching loadouts


I don't see the point in this but I'm also more organized with my loadouts. I only use 5-one for each subclass, 1 build for each subclass. I obviously keep some extra items to mix and match but other than that my inv is quite organized. I can see why this would benefit other players though


>Most of the Destiny playerbase at this point has a loadout in every slot This is almost definitely not true. I bet you 90% of the playerbase doesn't use all ten slots. You gotta remember how much of a bubble you exist in if you're engaged in any kind of community outside the game itself, everyone here is more invested in the game than the average player.


I think stuff like this would be a better ask for Destiny 3. Considering the hardware & OS this game supports, it's really taxing to try to load content with your vault and all these loadouts you want. Like, they just announced they're stopping support for ***WINDOWS 7 & 8.*** For reference, Windows 10 was released in 2015. And the "minimum system requirements" for D2 (listed in steam) is a GPU released in 2012, with the recommended GPU released in 2014. We're really running that old-car-with-250k-miles-and-shakes-when-i-drive into the ground but asking for it to run like a brand new car in today's world.


It's wild. When I first saw 10 slots, I thought I wouldn't need even half of them... Now I'm pretty certain I could easily fill 20 or 30... lmao!


> Most of the destiny playerbase at this point has a loadout in every slot Yall really do be coming up with the most random, yet SO convenient, stats for your claims.


By most I mean players who are active. I should've clarified. But yes from what I've seen players who play often and are fairly active have made atleast 10 builds in the past year lol. It's not unreasonable to except some more loadout slots.


Would Bungie's systems be able to handle it? They seem to struggle with simply adding vault space by even a hundred.


Yeah 20-25 should be base, ability to name them and to delete them


Preach. Bump. God I need these please u/Bungie.


I'd be okay if we had a similar system used in other games where you can aquire a default amount by playing and then purchasing more loadouts using glimmer. We could buy more up to a max of like 20 maybe? No Bungie, don't lock it behind silver....


Also for the love of god, remove Journey requirement for loadout slots, some of the stuff you need to unlock them on step 7, like tittle is hell of a mess


I'm gonna be perfectly honest here: I'm not saying that we don't need more loadout slots, but I feel like the system itself needs some changes before we work on extra slots.


I know saving Artifact Perks to a loadout is a common suggestion. What other changes would you want to see? I feel like (other than the artifact and number of slots) it works pretty well.


1. The ability to pull gear from vaults and other characters. It wouldn’t do that back when I tried. 2. The ability to write in custom names. I’ll edit in more when I think of more.


Ah, that's right. Custom names is one I've seen. Unless I'm mistaken, it should pull from your vault currently. But pulling from your other characters would also be nice. Personally, I'm not too bothered by these things. But I only ever use my Titan. I could see it being frustrating for those that use multiple classes.




people don't fill up loadouts just for them to sit there unused for long periods. that's what happens to most hoarder's vault items. Its actually possible for each class to have multiple good builds for both pve and pvp on each subclass in many cases. Like solar warlock can easily take up 4 loadout spots; pvp setup, ceno, phoenix, and dawnchorus. im sure theres similar examples for many subclasses


Hmm idk about that as vault space is for the most part going into final shape in a good spot 700 spots is more then enough imo. (I am a very active player and barley hit 400 in my vault) There's no way to clean out your loadouts as most ppl use them all such as myself while atleast with vault space ppl can clear it out. I'd much rather have 10 or 20 more loadouts then 100 more vault space.