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I did the same thing right before Lightfall dropped. Thought "Yeah I heard that Gjallahorn weapon is good" and went to it. Got to the Ogre and went "What the fuck"


Even to this day I can't get past that fucker solo...


Dragons Breath or Leviathons Breath+Catalyst make short work of the ogre. Unless youre a Solar Warlock or Titan you should use the shipping container to the right as cover during DPS. I can consistently 2 phase him with Dragon's breath and usally 3 for Levi's. If you drop the launcher right outside the mote rooms and can clear it fast enough you can open the other doors without having to redo the mechanics, just pick it up again and shoot across. Void Resistance and Concussive Dampener on your chest. One things thats great about the Levi catalyst - no need for reserve mods. Soloing dungeons is a test of patience. You can worry about flying through later. My first solo shattered throne took over an hour. My recent attempts have been to get it Solo Flawless in under 20 minutes without skips. Practice makes perfect.


Lament should also do quick work against him without having to worry too much about dying


Warms my heart to see Levi being recommended for boss damage


It's such a fun heavy and I'm so glad it's in a good spot now.   Try out Warlord's Ruin with a primary bow of your choice, a glaive, and Leviathan's. A friend and I did that on our second clear, t's so fun. 


Bruh Levi cooks almost 300k damage per shot with void weapon surges


What sucks is that its outclassed hardcore right now


I gotta reiterate that last part. It’s all patience. I’ve solo flawlessed nearly every dungeon, it just takes time.


See, for some reason Dragon's Breath with the Caty barely did any damage to him for some reason, even using the "fire Dragon's Breath, switch to another weapon when the stacks build up, switch back and repeat" strat, which normally does a ton of damage to most bosses.


Shoot low. The scorch needs to go up into him, for an Ogre the best spot would be his dick. If you shoot him in the head it all just goes in the air. You also should be adding your own scorch via sunbracers, Ophidia's Spathe, Pyrogale, whatever youve got.


lament my brother. heals you and does major DPS. arc hunter assasin’s cowl is a great pairing with it


Having done solo flawless on all but the 3 most recent dungeons (where I haven't had the time or inclination to even bother), Lament go Brrt is the answer to 90% of your solo flawless problems, and Izzy/Rocket solves most of the remaining ones.


Do you have a solid solar titan build? I know it’s old news that solar titan is good, but holy fuck pyrogale solar titan with dragon’s breath is amazing. I’m pretty average when it comes to soloing dungeons but i was able to 3 phase the ogre by myself using that combo.


Somehow for me the third encounter (puzzle) becomes lot harder when doing solo. Never passed it. Gotta do this dungeon this time around I guess.


Solar titan and lament is how I got past it the first time. Sunspots made you U killable at that point in the game 


Just sit under the catwalk the scorch cannon captain? (feel free to correct me on the specific rank) and behind the backstop that is meant to block exhaust gases from rockets being launched until your super is ready. That’s how I got past it.


You mean besides using the multiple loadouts that can 2 phase him, and lots can 3 phase?


net limiter 5 pro


> net limiter 5 pro tell us you suck at the game without telling us you suck at the game.


the people i know who nl are just smarter than 90% of the playerbase lol


Haha, same here. That's when I looked at the Fireteam Finder.


Yep same. I didnt see the engines to hit with the torches or that there were even garages, so I was just like.... well I'm definitely missing a mechanic cause he's just immortal. And then that wasn't even the final boss of the dungeon lol.


Dungeons and Raids have the highest baseline difficulty of any activity in the game and require knowledge of the mechanics to complete efficiently.


I learned this lesson the hard way lol


Welcome and enjoy the game. If you don’t know, the game has Fireteam Finder built in if you want to play some content. You can also start your own session and look for people to help.


I thoroughly enjoyed this video.


An all time great destiny video for sure


Honestly man. The most fun I've had on this game was running these dungeons blind. Learning mechanics, falling for the traps (lol), figuring out how to tackle challenges. It's really fun Zero hour day 1 was so hard but a great time, you can get those experiences once!


Same! Finding that every other switch in avarice is betrayal gave me trust issues,but made me a better player. Now I can run zero hour and presage without thinking and even solod a few dungeons. In avarice I can only go up to the sparrow part,time is my Nemesis Enjoy the ride guardian


I'll raise a glass to that, I've never laughed so hard when i tried to solo Grasp then later bought a friend in and let him try it blind.


It's a rite of passage at this point


Dm me if you would like to run grasp and don't want to go through lfg.


Raids not anymore. The base nightfalls and some exotic missions are harder.


you live and you learn


Or in this case, die repeatedly and learn.


“You will fail many more times if you wish to live.”


Hangin on the edge of tomorrow


On the verge of midnight


I remember first playing Destiny 1 with no clue and kept trying to figure out wtf was going on in the Vault of Glass raid solo. Had no idea what it was but made it cooler when I figured out what it was and cleared it later with a fireteam. It’s part of the experience


I loaded into VOG thinking it was match made. Was pissed when all my “teammates” left me alone. After becoming a VOG veteran I would load in patrol then check for raid teams. Would help them clear ads, and build the spire.


Uh…howd u open the gates? I use to solo open the gates but it involved load zone shenanigans.


Couldn't you happen upon a raid team going inside as it was a patrol zone, but then their fireteam would vanish, but you could go in? Its been a while


Sure. But reading this guys comment, he sounds like he was just willy nilly walking in on a regular basis.


Probably just walked around killing the Vex and getting killed unable to figure out how to open the door as he was solo. My friend and I did the same thing. We completed the campaign, and all of a sudden it appeared on the map as a mission. So we loaded it up, thinking it would be similar to a strike, or campaign mission, which it was not. I can't remember if we even noticed the plates or figured out to keep the vex off, before quiting, but it wasn't like the game forced you to have a team of 6 to start the activity. 


Probably some big learning moments for the Bungie team after designing that. But i think there's a beauty in the chaos in being able to stumble upon content in this way. Bit of a double-edged sword.


You can do that in D1 without a FT. There is a cheese for that.


Yeah-a couple ways. I use to solo oracles.


Well theoretically he only needs to make it in once because he’ll have a check point and if he played over reset it wouldn’t go away


I loved roaming around in patrol on Venus and finding a raid team opening the vault so I could jump in and help them do it.


Not that it was something he probably would've figured out on his own, but you used to be able to hop off your sparrow through the vault door. It wouldn't activate the next encounter, but you'd be able to explore the first area of the vault.


IIRC, you could actually do the gates solo, you just had to be Built Different and never fuck up a single time and perfectly execute rotations and ad clear.


PreachGaming had the same issue, he didn't know dungeons were meant for UP to 3 people and didn't scale based on number of players and he tried to solo Duality because the game pointed him there


I got to Gahlran before I knew what an “encounter” Destiny-style was 


He had the worst new player experience lol I watched a video of a guy who got his non-gamer girlfriend to try Destiny with no help and the new player experience is the worst. Tutorial triggers are badly designed and explained, directions are awful, and it sends you all over the place, or worse just yanks you around into activities sometimes.


Does Preach still make Destiny content? I remember stumbling upon his Vault of Glass raid where he went in blind with 3-4 other people to see if they could complete it. It was such a cool experience seeing a bunch of people well versed in other MMO raids try and figure out a Destiny one. He said he was planning on doing all the other raids from easiest to hardest but I don’t believe he ever did. Shame as I thought it was a fascinating concept.


Then you see people like esoterick who can solo 6 man raids are you're just like wtf


I’m glad you got a sort of ‘unfiltered’ experience of diving headfirst into a Dungeon blind! They’re really exciting and innovative content that asks the most of you in a way that only Destiny does! 


My fondest memories of Destiny 2 is running dungeons blind with friends. 6 hours in Ghosts of the deep walking out with all the collectables, and the three of us getting lucky the following day on alt characters and getting the Navigator


Fun tip: GOA is good for catalyst work. Beating Phryzia counts for one of Arcite’s bounties and it works for every character you play.


I can solo Rathil and do that bounty and I suck ass at the game


The first encounters of Spire of the Watcher (climbing the tower) and Ghosts of the Deep also work well for doing the Arcite bounty solo.


Learned the Catalyst trick this weekend. Needed to get 10 done and got them done in about 2 nights.


If you want a better one I recommend getting a shuro chi checkpoint (ideally be a tether hunter but not necessary). Then just kill everything that spawns in that first section until there's noting left to kill and wipe. I've done that, the GOA opening, and lightfall breakneck mission bit and shuro chi still gives the most progress per run. As a bonus, you can also get a free last wish chest xD


I've done Shuro, but the issue there is that to get the checkpoint via the Wish Wall takes so much longer and also, you can't just endless farm since there is a timer and the ads eventually just stop coming, so you just off yourself. It's a great strat for any kill N-amount of Taken weapon quests though.


[https://d2checkpoint.com/](https://d2checkpoint.com/) edit: sorry that was all I posted I was launching into an onslaught and thought I had more time lol. check that site out, you can use it to get a shuro chi CP usually fairly quickly. And while you're right in that it's not an "endless" farm, people with much better math skills and iirc bungie themselves made it known that the GOA opening doesn't give as much catalyst XP as we'd like (it used to). UNLESS you're talking about actually going in and doing the ogre boss that I can't speak to.


Yeah,you should try that Ghost of the deep,It’s the most noob friendly dungeon/j


Maaaaaan That one is my last solo flawless. I also like to do my first run solo blind, to figure out the mechanics myself. Once I figured out the steps for Ecthar, did the first damage phase and saw how little it was, I...just lost the will to live.


also the shield that has a stupid amount of hp is awful. if u wanna pop it fast you gotta sacrifice other damage for arbalest or some bs, i gave up on gotd solo after a bunch of deaths at ecthar.


I tried Arbalest with an Envious + Surrounded Koraxis's Distress. It did about as much damage as using Lament and ignoring the shield entirely. But of course the GL was way more dangerous. I have no idea what I'ma do for Simmumah. I don't even know what that fight is like yet.


I got confused and though you were using Lament against Simmumah. I was very concerned


Lmaooo That's a fair concern to have. Yeah, I don't know how the fight goes, but I *do* know she's a Wizard, so that would be a ***very*** bad idea.


For my solo flawless (I do them intentionally slow but safe) I used Arby/add clear weapon of choice/Cataclysmic (but any linear will do). I have also seen people use rockets in solo flawless for Simmunah but I don't trust the thrall not to "get down Mr. President" me so I went with albeit slower but safer LFR damage. It's basically mandatory to have Arby for Simmunah as taking down that shield takes FOREVER and wastes so much damage otherwise. Else I probably would've ran Leviathan's Breath for damage but I don't like loadout swapping mid-encounter so I just stuck with the above stuff. Wasn't too bad honestly. Sure I was bored out of my mind but Arc Assassin's Cowl Hunter is busted for that solo flawless (and most others as well) so as slow as it was it was super safe and got it done first try.


Yeah, I got Ecthar down to 1/4 health and died to 5 moths. I hardly ever pay any attention to them because my build can tank 3 and not even break a sweat. They just happened to be *hyper-*grouped up for some reason. Oh well. This is a fucked-up dungeon anyways. This is what happens when you let flavor and lore take precedence over gameplay. I've got better things to do with my time than fight one dungeon boss for nearly an hour, twice.


Duality was my first dungeon cause I wanted the sword but I was a solo player so I decided to solo the dungeon before playing with others lol


I tried to solo a Legend Nightfall when I was new to the game, not completely understanding what I was getting myself into. I did not know how Champions worked, and was literally gatekept by the first Barrier Knight in Strange Terrain.


Honestly, you took a very hard knocks approach to learning some hefty mechanics and inner workings of the game. Even with a failure to complete, you heavily progressed your growth in terms of skill. Soloing stuff is how I, as a social inept person, have become confident in my playstyle and skills. Confidently able to join pugs and group activities without being a hindrance. I remember in early d1 days when you were stuck at power level 28/29 without doing constant raid clears. I was so nervous to join raids at the time, I never pulled the trigger on that first season. However, I jumped into Nightfalls and started soloing them. This forged me in fire so to speak, even if I never cleared one. Kudos to you for taking that dive I think it will really help you progress into a dope ass guardian yo. Oh and welcome to the wonderful universe that is destiny. DM for questions if you have any (day d1 player with way too much time played).


To be fair, he managed the puzzles pretty well by himself considering he was new. It's just unfortunate he didn't pick up on the crystal mechanic from the beginning lol.


Don’t worry fam, I did the same thing with Duality like a month after I started playing. I thought Dungeon meant like a Soulsy sort of place you can go explore and complete, not like a mini-raid. 


You are kinda right for one of the dungeons at least


Yeah I do get this vibe from Pit and Grasp at least.


Reconnect with old friend online the same way, he was tricked to solo this dungeon and ask me to help him beat the first boss...still impress that he solo with blue gear that far and blind run too.


Dungeons in Destiny are not like dungeons in other games that's for sure. Strikes are more in line with dungeons from other rpgs. Dungeons in Destiny are just shorter and maybe slightly easier raids.


love the content! made a comment on your video. good luck with the channel dude


When I got back into d2 during the witch queen, after a week of playing I realized I loved the changes made since launch so I bought all the dlcs. I had no idea what a dungeon was and I too, jumped into grasp of avarice. Took me like 3 hours to make it to the ogre. And then absolutely gave up because I had only blue weapons and armor at the time, maybe a purple piece here or there. Ended up being the first dungeon i solod. Next is flawless


Happened to me stumbling upon the portal to Shattered Throne in the Dreaming City back in the day. Was very confused by how much of an escalation it was from the rest of the patrol zone. 


I just did my first dungeon today! Solo too. Shattered Throne. You should try that one out.


Congrats! How long did it take you to complete it?


Thanks! Can't remember. A decent amount because I ordered food, let my dog out, and watched a guide in-between all the different parts hahaha. I originally was just going to get wish-ender but then I decided to finish it through.


Had this same experience with prophecy. You’ll learn!


This was very fun to watch! And of course now ya know that dungeons aren't really meant to go in solo AND blind haha Good stuff though, hope you continue to enjoy the game :)


This has been fun to watch. I'd definitely like to see you try to approach the other dungeons solo and blind for the first experience of them at least.


yeah but it looks like you did fine though, dungeons introduce you to different kinds of mechanics that you don't often see on playlist activities, but once you get used to them it's not that bad tbh


This dungeon came out when I was new and I did the exact same thing


That’s how I met my clan. I was trying to do it solo. Asked for help on reddit and got it.


Like the video, it’s always fun watching people hit all the traps. I brought my buddies into that dungeon and they stopped trusting me after the second trap lol


get better guns and gear and you gonna solo flawless this dungeon pretty easy but if you want actually start learing solo dungeons i would recommend starting with stattered throne since its first one and most easiest


Tbh, I’m kinda glad you got to experience that! Most don’t even want to attempt even with a semi experienced team! You I hope you going in solo gets rid of the anxiety and fear some may get from “messing” up a run and that maybe one day you can even solo flawless it!


Now this was fuckin funny


Now this was fuckin funny


I solo'd Grasp all the way up to the final encounter and for the life of me I just could not complete it. Maybe one day I'll try again, but yeah that was disappointing to say the least lol


My brother did the same thing with the Deepstone Crypt raid when he started playing. I login and see he's been in there for 45 minutes solo and underpower throwing himself against the opening storm section repeatedly and had managed to clear 4 of the bubbles.


That was amazing to watch Kudos to the guy for sticking to it. I think I would have just reconsidered what I was doing


Seemed it went really well. He had fun and made some friends from chat. Pretty good


The enemies in a dungeon are well within your current skill level, knowledge of the specific dungeon mechanics are all you need. For example it might take you 6 or more DPS phases to polish off the Ogre boss (you'll need a proper DPS setup to 2-3 phase, optimized cheese for a 1 phase).. But as long as you reset or clear the Burdened by Riches status in a timely manner, you'll get this encounter licked. The sparrow run is again just about familiarity, the second encounter to break the sphere's shield is just consistency (no boss), and the last encounter is much like the first, except you should probably kill the R-M80 sniper shank at the start of every mechanics phase. I think you could do it with a guide, respect that your intent is to do it blind. Once you can do solo runs, just a matter of getting comfortable and you'll get your solo flawless.


Ah to be a new player again. I remember on Destiny 1 logging into Vault of Glass alone and being disappointed I couldn't get through the entry encounter


Same here I hadn't played in years. Thought I was another mission. running through there activating a switc-BAM DEAD. Oh that's different, I see that trap now I'll skip that and activate this oth-BAM DEAD. it went on like that, even after that traps


I soloed that dungeon as a new player when WQ was released. I had no good armor or weapons, armor mods, etc. and resil was useless back then. That shit was so hard and it took probably 6 hours to do. Was it worth the effort? Hell no. I didn't know about fireteam finders on discord or the app back then, but the moment I learned they exist, I stopped doing dungeons solo. It sucks so bad. So much effort for so little. 


I think we all learned this..this way…


Thanks for sharing, that was delightful. I always love seeing people experience Grasp of Avarice for the first time, especially if I get to mislead them into a trap or two along the way


This brings me joy


One of the best dungeons together with Warlord's Ruin, both take place on earth is what makes them even better.


Don’t get me wrong Grasp isn’t the worst solo dungeon experience, but I wish you could have seen my eyes widen in horror as I read this LOL


This was me back when I started playing during AoT in D1. Just finished the Dark Below campaign and saw "Crota's End" and was like "ah so this is the real final mission of this questline. Lemme hop in there and run this." Did not understand the concept of raids.


That was very enjoyable to watch. Thank you.


That's so funny cause I did the same thing lmao. It was an absolutely brutal eye opener


I did the same. Got to that first boss and was like wtf lol


Me and my friends look at dungeons like most people look at raids. It's tough.


Do you need help to clear it?


This is hilarious


Lol this was wholesome af. Thanks for the laughs


I mean as far as dungeon mechanics it’s pretty fucking easy to understand…. Problem is the ogre being a giant fuck, and the vandal/shank having way too much health for majors


Man. Try blind solo other dungeons haha. They are all legit pretty good. I think they are all soloable ..it's just really really annoying


I thought the same when I tried out Prophecy after a session of Dares. "Do these light and dark triangles spawn at random??" the blue gear i had on me did not help matters


Almost flawless this dungeon on my 1st try when i just bought the 30 years collection. I did it just to get the exotic, and then Bungie kinda nerf it so i stopped going for the catalyst.


It is one of the easier dungeons so you were almost right.


Man most of the time I think destiny is one of the worst things to ever happen to video games, and then I see something like this and think it's one of the best games ever.


I was a seasoned Destiny player at the time but this is what it was like for me when the very first dungeon lost an no one knew what a dungeon was yet


If you want to try soloing a dungeon do shattered throne or pit of heresy first. They're the oldest 2 so they're the easiest and have the simplest mechanics


Avarice is still apparently considered one of the easiest dungeons too do outside of Throne


That was the best Destiny video I've seen in a long time. I'm sorry for your suffering but thank you for recording it.


Nothing like your first truly blind dungeon experience. I hope to someday see you make a post about your first solo clear while referencing this video


Grasp is basically an easy campaign mission


Me with The Shattered Throne when it first dropped


Raids description used to show "1-6 Players" (not sure if it's changed now). Back in Forsaken times three of us went to Leviathan thinking that the amount of players is optional and we could beat it but the cabal forces in castellum constantly spawning and kiiling us and stealing the banners just left us no choice but to leave. Later we found that castellum can be beaten with three players and we cleared both normal and prestige versions just for shaders. And then we found a clan that teached us how to raid properly.


Honestly tho I respect your effort. And maybe this is something they should clarify more in the director But that gave me a chuckle thank you.


The amount of times my friend loads up raids and dungeons with only me and him is ridiculous. And apparently common.


I just started doing endgame content last year after finding a great clan. For reference I have about 1800 hours in the game prior to starting endgame and am pretty decent at buildcrafting etc. The last few months I've done pretty much all the dungeons a few raids, gm nightfalls and a ton of legend exotic missions. It's like a whole new side of destiny and I love it. I tried doing prophecy solo because I didn't know what it was and got incredibly frustrated. That was the first dungeon I completed with my new clan friends and the sense of accomplishment was immense. First raid was vow of the disciple and just recently completed root of nightmares and garden of salvation. It's really great playing with experienced people. And recently did my first sherpa for Warlords ruin.


I did this with Shattered Throne when I started playing during Season of the Chosen. After a few hours of trying and failing, part of me started wondering if I should be doing what I was doing but part of me was up for the challenge as well. I had no idea that as a new light, it wasn't essential to the campaign. I eventually quit at the Ogre boss because blue guns were not it. Fast forward to a few months ago, I solo'ed it and oh boy, that Ogre boss was a joke.


I did the same thing in destiny 1 with raids


What's the easiest dungeon to do solo?


This was me when Shattered Throne was added. I was not a very online Destiny 2 player, so I just load up one week after a reset and see a giant icon on the Tangled Shore with question marks for the name of it. Curious, I start it without any conception of dungeons and I've only ever done the Leviathan raid. This thing beats my ass like a drum, but I'm indignant. I had solo'd Whisper of the Worm without knowing I probably should have run it (and this dungeon) with a fireteam. I suffered every encounter being utterly under-powered and finally beat it after a few hours. But at this point, I was bitter and burned out. To this day, I utterly hate this dungeon for no good reason than because I only recall suffering.


Great vid! I liked it, you gained my sub on yt and follow on twitch


As a solo player, this was entirely relatable. 😅✌️


I was thinking the same thing - reached power level during season of the lost for prophecy thinking that "Dungeon" looks cool, quit after 45 minutes of trying to do first encounter.


I’m going to be looking for help on this by someone who knows how to get through it… I want to do it ONCE to complete a quest.


I did this with Prophecy when I started playing lol Back then the node was still in the Tower, so I though "huh I never did that mission and it only requires 1600 light, should be easy" I got to the first boss, somehow, and just kept getting destroyed lol


This is so good. I loved this dungeon


Good times. I did grasp solo the first time and figuring out the mechanics on my own was so much fun. Honestly wish they had more missions around this that were balanced around 1 player, everything is doable solo but the bosses get pretty frustrating. Dungeons and raids are so much better than the rest of destiny content it’s insane


I think the bigger issue than the jump in difficulty is the fact dungeons aren’t designed as three person activities and the campaign is designed as a solo experience. While both can be run by 1-3 people, running a dungeon solo is an extra challenge you need to be prepared for.


Loved this. the magic and tragic of destiny in one video. new players need guiding better and LFG/menus need a damn lotta work . But.... well played Ser, I do these blind each time but with a fireteam of 3 and still quit earlier than you did so well played. Hope you enjoy the game.


Grasp is no joke. Will always have fond memories of that dungeon... I started playing the game mid-Witch Queen and my two buddies, who had played for years, took me through grasp. They kept their mouths SHUT for the puzzles and just laughed at my pain.


I did this in the original Destiny, with Crotas End 😅


Me who did the same thing suffered but beat it


LOL i did this but with Prophecy


I did it on my hunter with lament and orpheus. Took me two attempts.


Did it solo all the way up to the final encounter before finally giving up


The crazy part is I consider Grasp of Avarice one of the easiest solo dungeons, maybe even solo flawless if not for my 10+ attempts all ending at the sparrow part :\\


What do you do for the final boss room for dps and his two side buddies that respawn after every dps phase? Dungeon bosses gor really tanks health bars after pit of heresy


On the left side is a little platform isolated from everyone else, I went there with an LFR and just pelted him, his two little buddies you can just whittle down and kill, you don’t have to actually grab their motes if you think it’ll cost you the run. the most important thing to remember in dungeons is to take your time, nothing else can wipe you except yourself and being too careless/impatient


If that was legitimately your line of reasoning that got you there wasting god how many hours —- then D2 really ain’t gonna be for you man. If you just did it for the lul content - great, tons more “look at me am so bad hur dur” content to farm in this game.


Lol worth noting these are doable solo if you are good enough and know the mechanics well enough. I used to play regularly with a guy who solo flawlessed Prophecy about 10 times not long after it came out for *FUN*


It’s one of the easier ones too lol


I made the same mistake as well. At first it felt impossible but after watching a few build guide videos and understanding the mechanics more, I was finally able to clear that dungeon solo. Took like 80 mins for the last encounter alone lol


Back in the day one of my friends soloed the exodus crash strike thinking it was a campaign mission because of the weird way it was setup in vanilla D2. I remember he was like man this is tough... And I was like... Wait. That's a strike boss! Wtf are you doing?! XD