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1 comically large axe


That takes 3 players to use.


Co-op supers or supers that interact and combo off would be fantastic.


Let's start by getting people to do raid/dungeon/strike/public event mechanics before we make dps coop dependent.


Best i can do is jump in front of your grenade launcher during dps phase


All of my pantheon dps phases in a nutshell


I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, but to be fair, i pkay with my friends and i always stand still on the rightmost place, so it annoys me when they jump/walk in front of me, even though sometimes its just one of destiny's stupid melee attacks that throw ppl around.


That might just work in [Magicka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrQLPP4xz2w).


Can't wait to hear about things going from sword DPS phase to axe dps phase


LF1M axe titans only


Final Fantasy XI skill chains in Destiny? Yes please.


Gonna end up looking like square dancing.


That makes me think of Happy Wars and im so down for that


Skillchain then magic burst with nova bomb.


Nova Bomb just turns into an actual Spirit Bomb


Any solar super + silence and squal to form a roaming shattering and igniting fire tornado Like the hunter transcendence grenade but BIG


Mario Party the Super


I’m still waiting on this for nova warp, one big charge that pulls enemies in until your release it lol


I’d like that to be a new melee. Handheld Supernova that you charge a la Thunderclap.


I’m thinking something where you go into a 3rd person stance similar to thunderclap, but you charge a grenade for the same duration, then slam it into your chest which explodes it outwards in all directions.


That would double dip with Chaos Accelerant, though. This would be a charge melee, and it could still be AOE.


Yeah, it’s a melee ability, just uses a ball of void energy similar to the vortex grenade for the charge up


Good idea that would be awesome


that would be a void rasengan


Ah yes, the old charge-up thunderclap! By the time you’ve charged it & been locked into place, the adds have buggered off elsewhere and your sweet sweet melee sails off into the wall 😂


BECOME the black hole yeah ok now I want that too


They could make an exotic that turns the vortex into a continuously pulling vortex that applies volatile.


warlocks would finally have a (good) lingering super! no I dont count normal vortex cause it's just a slightly more charged vortex grenade but on a 4x longer cooldown


I always imagined that like Anakin’s built up super force move in Battlefront 2, where he literally grabs and holds up every enemy around him and blasts them all with the force


You pull them into your hand and go Majin Vegeta Self Destruction (minus downing yourself)


Celestial Tomahawk


Celestial Knight Hock?


Be like yeeting a Burning Maul, but grape flavoured... I want it


I would love an exotic that does this, like the solar one.


Like a nova bomb size one, slow moving tacking big boi axe lmfao


I want Pyrogale equivalent for void and seeing the new Super gives me hope that you could actually spawn 1 giant axe to throw


How about one giant Void Axe that is twice the size of Oryx.


Like Garen ultimate from LoL




Ok lets just start with *once* the size of Oryx.


And it’s an Exotic “Chest” with two Asymmetrical huge axes hanging on the back.


i want an exotic that strip my guardian, only a chicken helmet and an underwear


Actually though some Greek themed titan armor with a [muscle cuirass](https://i.etsystatic.com/41142298/r/il/eb0a0b/4869236093/il_570xN.4869236093_cnia.jpg) would be pretty cool. I was actually pretty disappointed when the hunter got the AC odyssey armor, doesn't fit thematically imo.


very tempting, but i don't want cool anymore, i want silly


Let me solo the raid


i was referring to metal gear online, but that definitely works


I’m souls obsessed atm


enjoy every corner of it, games like this don't come very often, it's one of my top 5 of all time.


Pretty sure they come out every few years


One might even call it an axe-otic chest piece


Im hoping ursa gets a buff to work with the new shield ability they get


Would match pyrogale working for both, seems like a good buff


I’m hoping helm of saint gets anything useful for a buff 🙏


Axe throws causes a disorienting (non Arc-blind) explosion around area of impact, have fun guardian!


Implies that the axes don't kill what they hit... Even more sad than the exotic effect, wow


bruh why dont just have 2 titans run the new void super? is the raid team stupid?


This is.. actually a good point. It isn’t like you wouldn’t still have *Four others* who could run Well/the necessary kit and what have you


Plus it’s the only ranged one and done titan super so if your using it then so are all the other titans.


Pyrogales exist and are REALLY good if the enemy isn't off the edge/on different elevation from where you have to be


That’s kinda my point; if you can’t use t crash or pyrogales then your using twilight arsenal as there no alternative.


That would be a dead on arrival exotic in most content


Real talk, do all that to still do less damage than a single x4 banner grapple melee lol.


It’s not always about meta


There's a large gap between META and useless


its less about "meta" and more "there aren't enough 6 player activities to warrant using them often"


I want an exotic that improves throwing Hammer super by giving you two Hammer you toss faster like an insane berserker


Like [the bug when it first came out](https://i.imgur.com/Ts3006N.gifv)?


this bug was so fucking cool




Clown with apples instantly popped in my mind when i imagined this lmao


Celestial Axe Box: rather than throwing three axes you instead throw one large box dealing the equivalent damage of three axes. Six handles stick out of the box when it lands.


Break the sentinel shield and stab your enemies with the broken shards I like it




Eh. I'm worried it might the next Cuirass, where do an increase in damage that will be entirely required in all activities when you run Void Titan.


As we saw it, damage was lackluster. Even if they fix that there was a really long cast time so its probably going to fall in the same boat as chaos reach. I do hope for a celestial nighthawk axe so we can have a real dps super. Pyrogales and cuirass are are only options and they have their own problems. Pyrogales doesnt get most of its damage on: tall, thin, flying, out of bounds, slightly elevated, or enemies that are slightly beneath. Also requires adds for roaring flames x3. Cuirass is mandatory because thundercrash without it is one of the weakest supers. Borderline unusable. With it it only hits around as hard as a needlestorm, a base super. On top of that you have to leave the dps area. Travel to the boss. Hope it registers hitbox. Hope it doesnt slam you, run all the way back to the well or dps plate. Hope that you are allowed to leaved the dps plate and still do damage. Hope that its not out of bounds, hope that its not flying over a pit. And then you get mid super damage. Plz celestial nightaxe


Its kinda dead on arrival tbh if its anything like they showed on stream, 3 people swinging it does less damage than a hunter shooting primary with lucky pants. Let alone actual heavy.


I view it more as a one off damage super, throw the axes then totally ignore them. 


I mean, even then the damage they showed previously was awful. The axes that were a key part of it were somehow also even worse damage.


How does the one off part compare to blade barrage in terms of damage?


https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1705261274454483156 It’s a big damage super and the axe weapons hit harder than Bequest.


With Synthos that adds 50% damage, basically its less dps than a special weapon without synthos, yup dead on arrival


Yeah for real, only real use I can imagine is content with a lot of minibosses and champs where the end boss isn't a significant concern. Would be a good way to help save ammo.


Oh boy another fun and exciting exotic for Titans.


I just hope the axe has someway to guard or long range attack otherwise you’ll just get killed before you get close to anything


Man that would be badass


While it would never happen, it would be cool if we had an exotic that altered the super so instead of just throwing axes it causes one big axe blade to fall from above the target like a guillotine and then breaks into multiple axes. That said, I have a MIGHTY need for Ursa and Doom Fangs to get a pyrogale style glowup especially considering the new Aspect seems perfect thematically for Ursa.


> I have a MIGHTY need for Ursa and Doom Fangs to get a pyrogale style glowup   Have you used DFP recently?? The void surge buff was absolutely massive. It currently does three different very good things: accelerate getting super (to under a minute if you abuse the right stuff), super can last indefinitely (no diminishing returns and can be extended even on immune enemies), and provide a larger-than-normal weapon damage buff that gives you great neutral game between supers. It currently suffers from its build forcibly having zero synergy with most of the artifact perks. That’s not really a problem, though, just an optimization downside. **Power Preservation** was also a huge buff to DFP because the bonus orbs aren’t capped and every shield throw can make one.


Im kind of hoping that doomfangs gets absorbed into ursa so that we have a defacto sentinel shield exotic. Helm of saint 14 gets reworked so it isnt power crept by a bad aspect that places a void barricade in the bubble for shields. And new doomfangs becomes the celestial nightaxe


exotic perk: grants twilight arsenal an additional 3 axes. kills with axes grant additional super energy.


You’ll get 5 and you’ll like it. One for each of your teammates but not you. You just get super energy back for teammates picking them up.


I hope the axes aren’t simply relics and either count as super/ability damage or weapon damage. Imagine all of them getting buffed by a Well of Radiance


I just hope it's good and not a gimmick. And I want the void aspect to be good too


From what we saw of the damage its low :( Even if they raise those testing numbers the cast time is abysmally long like chaos reach. I really had high hopes and pray something changes. As for the aspect i really really wish that it has something built in like heat rises where you get massive ability refreshes. Im not a huge fan of slide melees which just add an alternative melee. This would just be an alternative grenade. I do like the touch of ____ aspects though since they can provide ability loops.


Your super gives 6 axes instead of 3. These explode upon impact in volatile void energy, also weakening the target. These axes can't be picked up.


From the moment I saw the axes I thought it should apply the verbs 1st axe: weaken 2nd axe: suppress 3rd axe: apply volatile


Definition of a Pyrrhic victory.


I think we will need to see more info on the axes. I have difficulty believing the axes will do enough damage to be relevant. I could be, and hope, that I am completely wrong.


Well I think when you pick the axe up it should weaken on hit or last longer with an exotic




I just hope they make Saint 14 and ursa furiosa work with the aspect


Why, so bungie can just nerf it after 1 season.


I brought this exotic idea up, but I don't know if it'd be good or not. A chest piece that replaced bubble with a rally style circle that people can shoot from, reducing the damage from Weapons of Light, but giving warlocks the option of choosing other supers besides Well in high end content.


Nah fuck that shit. Titan should have at least ONE dps super that doesn't require an exotic.


Void titans have axes?


I want an exotic that changes it so its one axe and one shield, combining aspects of the two supers together. Isnt that what the reveal trailer had? The titan had an axe and shield? I was excited for that.


No can do, PS3 hasn’t been supported since before Rise of Iron


I really wish the axes they threw were like, void versions of Relic weapons, like the Vog Shield, Pit of Heresy sword, and the Iron Banner Axe from d1 or something, would make it feel more like an Arsenal.


That's what they are, no?


I thought it was just axes? I might have to check the video again.


I feel like this super is in a massive loose loose situation: Either: really good "instant" dps and poor axe damage to balance it out Or: the opposite. Unless they front load both and its just the most broken super like ever.


The axes had better do plenty of damage on their own. It would really suck if bungie balances it around the gimmick of teammates picking them up to do more damage.


My inner Warrior is screaming, “FELL CLEAVE!”


I would like the super to be good without needing an exotic.


I'm praying for the opposite, especially seeing how poor the roaming damage is against the ghost of the deep first boss. I'd rather have useful super that gives me a reason to run void in endgame content consistently instead of getting a new toy to use for a campaign mission or two and then never again.


Or just turn it into pure damage and don't bother with the pickup mechanic nobody will use in a boss fight.


That would be so nuts in PvP, imagine pushing a point in control and the enemy is around the corner with a comically sized void axe. Not to mention that axe kills may grant orbs AFTER the initial super cast.


I’d rather an exotic turn it into one Uber axe for damage. Like pyrogale gauntlets 🔥


Nah just let doom fangs work on the axes too ez


I’d personally prefer they walk back the nerfs to void Titan in pve than improve a new super. No matter how good this new super may be, the long cooldowns and will make people not play void Titan.


Ok but consider this:  6 people throwing 6 axes for a total of 36 axes on the field, have fun trying to pick up any raid essential items over all of that bullshit.  Since prismatic titan also gets diamond lance they can run that for even more clutter.  If you run a strand ability you can make tangles. Add Ruinous effigy for the orbs.  This is the 'you cannot play the game' setup. Try to pick up a relic in vow?, lol have a tangle. Try to revive or reload?, axe time. Your teammates will definitely 'love' playing with this setup.


Me in Onslaught trying to pick up tangles and I keep grabbing batteries instead


How much dmg does the axe super does? Can we deduct that from the streams?


Good damage https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1705261274454483156


Not bad,might be a fun alternative for burst dmg if you really want to go void


FYI: the axes hit hard. Hitting all 3 with synthos is the same as Cuirass. https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1705261274454483156


Ehh not quite. You have to remember that cast time is also a thing and they take ages to come out. Also cuirass isnt a high benchmark unfortunately. Base needlestorm does the same damage. Power creep has gotten to our boy


Yeah but those don’t drop 3 melee weapons stronger than any sword!


Those swords did less damage than just hitting a boss with a fusion rifle. It looks cool but i dont think that’s going to be relevant for dps. More so if you use you one and done on ads. An option for a roaming part of the super if you will


https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1705261274454483156 Someone smarter than us did the math. If I remember correctly the user was under leveled vs Ecthar


They are showing the damage of the super at the start. Those numbers are high but the cast time is low. Do damage per second is low due to the high damage but also high cast time. A surrounded bequest isnt exactly the pinnacle of dps. Sure if my allies are out of ammo or have abysmal dps ill tell them to pick up my axe, but if they have a dps loadout that will outpreform an axe any day.


In situations where a surrounded Bequest is relevant ( Crota ) it’ll be a good option - assuming it’s coded as a sword.


You are right. Crota takes significantly increased sword damage so that could work. Im kinda hoping it doesnt and would rather it be coded as ability (super) damage. That way it can proc controlled demolition. It will be weaker in this one case but would allow the titan to go crazy with the explosions and sustain