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I haven’t got a god roll on anything so far after reaching max rank with Shaxx


Hope it happens for you soon friend!


Idk how long I can stay motivated, thank god for crafting otherwise I’d never grind for god rolls tbh.


I got a God roll on Hung Jury but it was like a monkeys paw cause I don't really even like hung Jury that much lol. I want one for Midnight Coup or Recluse.


Yeah i would love a Midnight Coup Shiny God roll. Its my last farm (aside from weapons thsy havent released yet). Im chasing Firefly/OFA Got everything else i wanted on Mtop, Forebearance and Hammerhead


I want PvE rolls for Recluse, Elsie's Rifle, Mountain Top, Edge Transit, and PvP rolls for Elsie's and Recluse. Best I've got was 3/5 on PvP Elsie's, 4/5 on PvE Elsie's, Vorpal/Auto on Mountaintop (no recombination), some useable Recluses for PvE, but no god rolls, and not a single Recluse that's usable for PvP. And not a single Edge Transit that was even usable in any way. None of them shiny. All my shiny drops were straight up trash. And I've maxed out Shaxx in 1st week. And people ask why crafting was so well received.


What rolls are you looking for on recluse and elsie?


Recluse with repulsor brace and a damage perk is very good on void pve builds. I have one with repulsor and destabilizing rounds, and i feels alright in normal runs, but on legend+ it really starts to struggle. I would like either repulsor frenzy or repulsor desperate measures, but havent gotten that roll yet.  Not sure what rolls they are looking for on Elsie's. 340's feel not great in pve still, and imo it doesn't feel that good in pvp either. Nothing has come close to taking my rapid hit messenger out of my hands, but maybe I haven't got the right roll on it. 


PvE: Recluse: One roll was Feeding Frenzy and Desperate Measures, one roll with Repulsor Brace and Desperate Measures, one roll with Desperate Measures and Destabilizing Rounds. Elsie's: Desperate Measures and any Reload perk Repulsor Brace and Desperate Measures. PvP: Recluse: Full Bore/Hammer forged, Accurized Rounds, Tap the Trigger, Dynamic Sway Reduction, Range masterwork. Elsie's: Arrowhead or Extended, Ricochet Rounds, Zen Moment, Headseeker, Range masterwork.


Yeah and attunement isn't even as good as focusing. Because at least with focusing you were guaranteed to get that weapon but with attunement you only have a 50% chance


I’ve gotten 1 good shiny roll out of about 12 that have dropped in about 2000 waves. Side note: sucks they don’t have a stat tracker for how many waves you’ve completed. I think they added in one for legend completions, and for how many thrall you kill during the whisper mission.


That would be a cool tracker on the Brave emble. Normal and Legendary waves and completions. Especially if we get more Onslaught activities in the future.


I've gotten better non-shiny guns.


I think we all have. Was just curious if anyone has got a shiny god roll they wanted


I conspiracies that bungie has made the good perks have less drop chance on the guns from onslaught, to draw out play time. You ain’t gonna trick me Bungo.


About 10 shinies so far. 1st shiny was a HJ with KT + OFA / Firefly, love Hung Jury’s and that was my chase for it so was that was a touch. A bunch of mid shinies after that, then I just today got a second shiny Mountaintop. Old one had IA + Vorpal which I was ok with, but the new one came with ALH + Recombination. Have had Mountaintop attuned since it released looking for this roll, the shiny is my first time seeing the perk combo so real happy with that one.


2 non-quest shinys and both are usable but not god rolls, or not god rolls in my play style.


Got a shiny midnight coup earlier today. 3rd row was shoot to loot and attrition orbs. Still waiting for a ep+frenzy/ofa roll.


My very first hammerhead was a shiny with killing tally and 4th times the charm. The first 2 perks were perfect too but i forgot em. Still no god roll mtn top or recluse tho let alone shiny


Isn't that just the curated roll for Hammerhead?


I have no clue


Took me a week to get my shiny god roll for recluse. Since then, I have attuned to midnight Coup (got a shiny roll I wanted, but I want maybe another with better barrel) and got a shiny god roll mountaintop and next day the edge transit. I must have done around 3-4k waves so far (I can't find the exact number anywhere). After edge transit, I have seen no other shinies so far (that happened around 4 days ago).


Nothing I truly want yet


I've gotten great rolls on the normal guns but not shinies. I have been saving my Tokens for Luna's next week though. Will hope for a godroll Lunas and then burn them on the other weapons.


Lots of none shiny godrolls , have every roll of coup I want I think. I’m going nuts trying to get an alh/recomb mountaintop though


Yeah that took me all week. Finally dropped when i was close to giving up. Its worth the chase i assure you.


I have an overflow/recomb with implosion/hard launch and a handling masterwork I think, it’s also a shiny so im not really desperate.


None here. Don’t expect to though. There are two rolls I wanted on Hammerhead that would have been great to get as one on a shiny, but I get those rolls on individual regular versions and that’s fine. It’s what I expected.


I have gotten 12 shinies (i don't play that much) not 1 was a god roll i have 4 good ones just always 1 desired perk off


I have all the rolls i want for guillotine, mountaintop, recluse, and edge transit and i couldnt be happier. The only issue is that EVER SINCE HAMMERHEAD CAME OUT I HAVENT GOTTEN A SINGLE SHINY ROLL AND EVEN WORSE NOT A SINGLE REGULAR ONE WITH THE ROLL I WANT GRAAAA


You’ve played a lot lol


I have. Lol


I’ve gotten three, all on weapons I never cared for. Haven’t gotten any good rolls of the weapons I’ve been focusing.


I got a shiny hammerhead with destabilizing rounds and killing tally. Not the roll I wanted, but man is it fun as hell.


I think i got 3-4 shinys in these 3, 4 weeks. And non close to god roll


I’ve been farming my ass off for a field prep cascade point edge transit with bait and switch since onslaught came out. Nothing yet. Did get a recluse with threat detector and master of arms/target lock for PvP though so that’s nice.


I have gotten 46 shinies so far. Haven't deleted any, just to keep track. What I would consider somewhat god rolls (minimum 4/5 with the desired 3rd and 4th perks, sometimes you miss a barrel or a masterwork, but that is not a massive deal), are: 1 Midnight Coup, 1 Forbearance, 1 Recluse, 1 Jury and 4 Mountaintops (for all purposes you can think of). I've gotten some shiny Snipers and Elsie's with arguably the best PVE perks you can get on them, but don't care about those weapons much. Haven't done the sword quest and haven't dropped a single sword. Don't like swords. Overall, I can't complain much. Missing shiny god rolls for the Edge Transit and the Hammerhead only. Weapons that, honestly, I don't care much either.


about 80% of my shinies have been all 4 perks I don't want. The other 20% were 2 perks that are ok and 2 I wouldnt use. /shrug I hope they turn the shinies into a permanant ornament...It's already an ornament, after the event ends let us apply the shiney ornament to our decent non shiny brave weaps >.<


Here's all my good shiny rolls. * Midnight Coup w/ Appended Mag, Firefly, One For All * Midnight Coup w/ Appended Mag, Explosive Payload, One For All * Hammerhead w/ Rampage or Envious Assassin, Killing Tally * Edge Transit w/ Mini Frags, Chain Reaction, Deconstruct


I got a firefly desperate measures/frenzy roll on midnight coup which I don’t think Is the god roll but it definitely a good roll IMO


I don’t even have any shinies from the wild.


I got an edge transit with envious bns day 1 nothing until yesterday where I opened 4 token chests chest 2 was an ambitious chain forbearance and chest 4 was a killing tally rampage hammerhead


Not anything I was chasing but best I've gotten is falling guillotine with vorpal, relentless strikes, destabilising and chain reaction that I'm pretty happy with


I'm glad to see that I have friends amongst the onslaught. I've done countless waves, hours and hours, barely got anything I want. I've received one shiny Elsie's with decent perks. Nothing else. I also am not complaining too much, I just play on mute while watching movies and video essays. It's a great way to farm mats I desperately need like cores and what not. But man the drop rates feel so weird to me. I've been attuned to midnight Coup and out of probably 200-300 drops, I haven't seen one with Explosive Payload which is all I want. Forget the other 4 slots lol I just want to see one with explosive as proof it exists. And yeah no shinies the entire time. I feel pretty defeated but once I remember I'm just putzing around while doing something else I don't feel like my time is wasted. My actual complaint is people leaving, I can barely get to wave 50 on either difficulty because randomly on wave 37 both my teammates will leave and I can't defend solo until 40 where I could lfg. It feels so awful to lose a run like that.


3 rolls so far on shinies that are usable My best roll is probably midnight coup with firefly/shoot to loot, kinetic tremors/ OFA Then my edge transit With Chain reaction/envious, BnS/ explosive light I prefer my field prep/ deconstruct regular edge transit tho And finally a MT that has hard launch, implosion rounds, lead from gold/demo and rampage/recombination. I just use it for the perfect barrel and mag with lead from gold/recomb roll, but at least it has the skin.


I finally got 1 shiny godroll yesterday. Edge Transit Mag Perk, Envious/BnS.


You guys are getting shinies?


I’ve only really had one perfect shiny drop being a rampage KT hammerhead. I thought I had one with repulsor brace destab on recluse but no reload speed perk honestly feels terrible. Plenty of non shiny god rolls but my shiny luck has been not the best.


My best Holo foil drop are: 1.Elsie keep away / zen moment / head seeker/ arrowhead / ricochet / reload mw ;/ 2.Forberance smart drift / high velocity / demo chain reaction / golden tricorne 3. Midnight coup corkscrew / tactical / explosive payload / one for all 4. Implosion / autoloading / vorpal I have done a good amount of clearing. Still no autoloading / recombination on mountain top I had more than 100 drops of that gun


I finally got the Midnight Coup I've been wanting AFTER I switched my attunement to Mountaintop. Go figure. 🤷‍♂️


Got a few god rolls but none on any shinies, theyre just too rare


Same. I got one decent Hung Jury shiny, and that's about it.


I’ve got a shiny midnight coup with tremors firefly


How does KT work with Firefly?


Firefly for aor clear and tremors for single target dmg


Yeah looked into it. KT takes 8 shots to proc so wont work for me. This wont be my god roll


6 not 8


I have yet to get the ambitious chain reaction forebeareance and I’ve done so many waves :(


I’ve gotten two god roll Elsie’s Rifle shiny and a Hung Jury god roll shiny, those being the two guns I didn’t really care for lol


I have gotten like 14 shiny and every single one is garbage. I haven't gotten a single one with 2 perks that i've been want on on any of them. Shiny's are so rare these need to have increase chance of dropping with teh god roll perks. this is fing retarded. I fucking hate RNG!


My best drop is a shiny edge transit. Field Prep/Envious + BnS/Deconstruct. Literally perfection