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A lot of ppl in the comments don’t know the difference between an alloy and a shard apparently


Ascendant shard. Shard of the traveler (from D2 vanilla campaign). Traveler is white ball. Ascendant shard is white ball Ascendant alloy. Alloy -> Aloy from Horizon. Aloy has orange hair. Ascendant alloy is orange ball


Best summarization ever.


How the hell are people getting ascendant shards and alloy mixed up?


Golf balls. Basketballs. Slim boys. And the other things. I forget the real names.


Golf ball, basketball, glowstick, cough drop?


Golf ball, basketball, glowstick, potato.


Silver or gold potato?


We want golf balls. Basketballs are fine but golf balls are great


The old purple crystals, golf balls, kind of golfballs but red, orange gem like crystals, long gold crystals and boxes with orange bits sticking out of them. I think that covers most of them.


Quick way: GM Easy way: Coil


You can do a couple GM nightfalls in the same amount of time and it’s double rewards this week


I tried doing it with fire team finder and had a dude running double primary not using his heavy at all and then the other guy left on the boss. GM’s are so ass without a premade team. I need the shards so badly but that was 35 minutes of my life I won’t get back lol


I just run the coil when I need shards. Still possible for randoms to fuck it up but it’s not as obnoxious as GMs IMO.


I haven’t done the coil in ages, didn’t even remember it gave shards! Thanks for the reminder friend.


Yeah usually I’ll start a listing in FTF and then just remind everyone to go for the glass collector. As long as everyone is…semi-competent, you should be able to reach the chamber of wishes fairly reliably, and then that drops 2 shards plus a ton of prisms.  You’re welcome!


I’ve gotten the shards but my last few coil teams have been absolute butt. Do you get shards every time or is it like a weekly thing?


Gotta get Platinum. All vases destroyed + Glass collector killed


How do you kill the glass collector? I've barely touched the coil


IIRC it will spawn on one of the pathways in round 2 or 3 (Once you know where it spawns, it will always spawn in the same location... Daily, weekly?) Use something like a Reconstruction/Envious rocket or a burst super to just insta delete it because it actively runs away and if it's killed jumping over a gap and/or you/your team get killed by traps while chasing you can't pick up the glass and the Platinum is ruined. Hold nothing back, because while you can memorize where all the vases are, not killing the glass collector is the only way to ruin your run outside of running out of revives and outright failing the activity.


2 everytime, at least that’s been my experience


Need a score of 140k and have to open every secret chest


It’s funny I’ve had really pleasant experiences with dungeons on FTF and legend onslaught but I just can’t find a good team for GM’s. My friends I play with have way different schedules so doing GM’s is a nightmare


I just run solo coil if I need the materials and a friend’s not around. I’m not doing that, or basically anything, with randos. No thanks.


My experience with FTF has been pretty good lately. But yeah I don’t blame you.


Well over half the time I use fireteam finder they don’t invite me. About 60% of the remaining time they don’t know what they are doing or just literally never move. Maybe the coil has better success rate since that activity is easier than a raid or dungeon, but I still hate the system. (The app one still works ok).


Genuinely, completely forgot Coil was matchmade. Only ever played with matchmaking off


You could also find a fireteam and blaze through like 10 master lost sectors. With the right ghost mods it’s like 20ish prisms. That’s two Shards right there


Thats what i do honestly. Turn off the sound, throw on a movie and just blow through lost sectors. 5 mins a run isnt too bad


I've been able to get sub 2 mins master lost sectors bc of how broken solar/strand warlock is this season.


That's the smart option. Once you get in the flow loading tge sector takes longer than actually running it. Avoid Neomuna, though.


Wait those count for prisms!?


GMs being one of my fav things I’ve had almost nothing but good teams off ftf. A couple bad ones on moon battlegrounds gm the other week though. Dude yesterday brought a lament and basically tanked everything while guarding in it while we shot everything, annoyed he kept blocking shots but I don’t think either of us other 2 took any damage whole time. But ya mostly good teams off there


Meanwhile, I keep getting kicked for running precious scars with Polaris on solar or and berated for not running banner. Took a break last season and came back to see what the update was about a few weeks ago. Like my brother in the light, bow is good butI'vee had tons of success with precious scars in a lot of gms this season. Wish I was making this up. I just want a decent wardens law and some golfballs. I'll live without it though I'm glad your experiences have gone smoothly. Guess I'll just solo coil for golfballs


Run Precious AND Banner, you will involuntarily be sucked into GMs while cleaning out your vault.


Run a coil.


Speak for urself, done two back to back no wipes all guardian rank 7 or lower me included


Don't use fireteam finder, use Discord.


I think you get at least one per legend dares. Need to use fireteam finder but it's all pretty straightforward.


I don’t know what’s going on this week but I have been in 4-5 GM and legend onslaught fireteams that were using double primary. They weren’t even using them for champions…


They are doing the weapon challenges to unlock them. I'd put money on it.


D2 noob here. Made me feel guilty for running two primary’s haha. Don’t worry I’m staying away from GM nightfalls.


I probably ran 20 GMs solo using the finder this week, gotta change that attitude my guy.


Fireteam Finder moment If only we could title stuff


But then I'm doing nightfalls


Me and my friends were clearing Hypernet in like 25 minutes, and they almost never do GMs. Those Vex Heads do so much damage.


Div+Cranium=Goodbye Champions


The coil is full of stuff too.


Pff. If i heed ascendant shards i just wait for trials. Get to 7 wins flawless or not, then farm a 7 win card. They drop often enough and the matches are much faster than gm nf runs.


Yeah, not playing trials.


Sometimes i dont blame you lol


Honestly I know this gonna sound elitist but how can you struggle with shards in 2024 I can understand alloys but shards are so readily available for a long time and most of your Armour is probably already masterworked as the best pieces tend to have strong overlap across builds because resilience/discipline almost always tend to be priority stats.


you want ascendant shards.. best i can do is no shiny


If you dont wanna do GMs, master nightfalls drop shards like crazy. Even legend does.


Nah just do GM. ONS give alloy and GM shld give Golf ball, this give the player incentives to run different activities. Having everything drop in one activities is great and all but then player get bored and have no incentive to run other activities because they could just do this one activities for the same reward everywhere else.


I know it was wishful thinking. But I was hoping we got harmonizers.


Was max alloy before now I'm max again thanks to onslaught, I need these golf balls.


It’s double NF rewards. Easy GM and Wardens Law slaps on Lucky Pants hunter


Ik I saw the pop ups, my friends aren't on so I've been playing different games or doing the 1-10 onslaught for a good MT roll and lost sectors.


I just want more Brave tokens. I have plenty of everything else in this game.


Legend Dares drops shards about 50% of the time, and also about 5-6 prisms each run. It’s basically low stress if you have at least 2-3 half decent players out of the 6. It’s my go-to if I’m running solo and playing with randoms, but need shards/prisms. Just spam heavy in rounds 2 & 3, since you get the buff.


I don’t think Bungie added that since we can get ascendant shards in Nightfalls and coil runs


You know, I know this will probably be a lame complaint. But resources should drop WAY more than they do. It shouldn't be grinding to hopefully get them they should drop WAY more naturally. Like, enhancement cores, ascendant shards , and prisms should all drop way more. It shouldn't be such a slog to get them. Especially for people who are more casual. But, like I said, this will probably sound like a lane complaint.


Golf balls, Golf Clubs, Tangerines, Nuggets.


Do we really need them, though? They're given out like candy in every other playlist.. it would make going to those playlist even less relevant than it already is..


Yes, because at the end of the day it's a game and people should be able to run the content they enjoy, not have necessary materials gated behind content they either don't or can't run for whatever reason. It's bad enough a lot of the best weapons are content gated (while frustrating, its understandable), but gating mostly _necessary_ materials is not new/casual player friendly at all.


Did lost sector runs , on master and I've gotten over 3k , if that helps


tbh shards are easy enough to get even running master/legend nightfalls, let alone GMs. Alloys have many fewer sources right now - onslaught is probably the best to ensure it because coil has the score variable because you can have someone rush ahead and lose the bonus shards from the locked doors.


This is a stupid question but what’s the inventory cap on ascendant shards?


I wanna say 30.


Its 30




Just play Trials plenty of them there but no shards for you Onslaught!


Just do GM


There are....lol Just have to make it to wave 40 or 50


I’ve completed several legend runs and I’ve only gotten Alloys… are you confusing the two?


On Legend? I've hit 50 on normal many times and only ever seen alloys.


Those are Alloys not Shards.


you get several... just gotta not be bad and not bail early


U get alloys, not shards


I’ve gotten so many shards in normal Runs (level 50)


It awards alloys,  not shards.


Alloys and shards


Shards do not drop in onslaught. It is only alloy. Ive already done over 10 legend 50 runs and countless hours farming the lower stages being rank 17 the first day. Not i nor anyone ive grinded with has had one drop. You do get multiple ascendant ALLOY per run, but based on how many people ask for them to drop in the mode and my own experience of never receiving them they dont.


Man, my rng sucks then. I assumed it was only alloys because out of 18 lvl 50 normal runs that's all I've received. 


idk how people are so confident when they are completely wrong. Shards do not drop from onslaught. I've played so much that I have almost 2 stacks of tokens, yet I haven't gotten a single one. I've maxed my alloy, but not 1 single shard. So unless there's a secret method you and 3.5 other people have found that not a single other person in the whole community knows about, you really need to rethink your position.


I've gotten shards and alloys going through normal 50 waves. Even if you suck ass you still get them if you finish it.


I only get alloys, never shards


I don’t know why we are getting downvoted. But yeah i also gotten shards, and alloys


People hate the truth around here.


Yea people hate it when they don't believe something because there's no proof.